Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Woodsters Euphemism Explained

     Our distant friends in New Paltz, Buffalo, Albany and Stony Point wanted to know the origin of the species "Woodsters," those robust and vibrant political rodents native to the City of Cortland. (See previous blog Woodchucks and Woodsters.)
     Years ago, the death of a very respected Democratic Party leader in Cortland brought about a seismic, sudden evolutionary change. A new leader emerged from the darkness. Dirty but successful election tricks brought fame to this person. Soon several Democrats began to call each other "Woodycrats," which quickly declined to "Woodyrats." This name was too accurate and too honest for them, so they orchestrated another semantic shift and changed the name to "Woodsters."
     Euphemisms are a political rodent's specialty.
     A dissident pack broke away and called for reform. They are called the "St. Charles Group." Unlike the "Woodsters," they live above ground and socialize in the light of day. Sadly, they are a minority.
     We hope this explanation helps our friends in New Paltz, Buffalo, Albany and Stony Brook to better understand the current state of the Democratic Party in the City of Cortland. We would like to assure our decent friends that Cortland's "Woodsters" are not a threat to their progressive communities and institutions.

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