Sunday, March 10, 2013

American Potato Bugs, Science, and Bogus Certificates


 August 2, 1879



—Thollon's new map of the solar spectrum is ten metres long, and contains 4,000 lines, Angstrom's contained 1,000 in a length of three metres.
—The patent committee of the German Chemical Association say that neither a novel substance nor a novel application of a substance obtained chemically can be patented in Germany.
—Fifteen years ago there were only 2,000 miles of submarine telegraphic cable in existence, and the cables were of a very imperfect description. Now there are 66,000 miles of cable in operation, representing about $100,000,000, or about two-thirds of all land lines.
—Dr. T. L Phipson says that the purer a water is the better it will dissolve lead, and that many a good spring-water has been spoiled by storing in lead cisterns, being supplied by lead pipes, or ‘pumped thro' a leaden pump. Slate cisterns are preferable, but they should not be tightened at the joints with red lead, as is usually done.
—At the last meeting of the American Library association, Mr. Poole, in regard to the question of the spreading of contagious disease by means of books from circulating libraries, drew the conclusion from extensive investigations, that the dangers of infection from-this source are little or nothing, for out of nineteen letters from the librarians of the largest libraries in the country, not one gave any fact tending to show that such disease was ever imported by books under their care. It was thought, however, that a possible danger, even if it be small, should be guarded against by such provisions as are prudent and practicable.
—Professor Baird, in his Annual Record of Science and Industry for 1879, recently published, alludes in complimentary terms to work done by women. At the Harvard astronomical observatory, Miss R. G. Saunders regularly makes the mathematical calculations of observations made with the meridian circle. Professor Maria Mitchell is still director of the Yassar College observatory. and she and her girls photograph sun spots every flare day. Besides that, observations of Saturn were taken during fifty evenings in the past year. Professor Mitchell herself contributed a paper on "Jupiter" to Sillimun's Journal some months ago. The Annual Record further commends a Ceramic Hand Book. written by Jennie J. Young. In the American Naturalist for last 0ctober, Sarah P. Monks reports a case of mimetic coloring in tadpoles discovered and prescribed by herself.



It is no vile drugged stuff, pretending to be made of wonderful foreign roots, barks etc, and puffed up by Iong bogus certificates of pretended miraculous cures, but a simple, pure, effective medicine, made of well known valuable remedies, that furnishes its own certificate by its cures. We refer to Hop Bitters, the purest and best of medicines. See "TRUTHS" and “PROVERBS” in another column. 
THE only combination of the true Jamaica Ginger with choice aromatics and French brandy, for colds, chills and fevers, Malarial fevers, pains in the bones and joints, symptoms of rheumatism, neuralgia, and gout, cold extremities, suspended circulation, and depressed condition of the vital forces, is SANFORD’S JAMAICA GINGER.
Ask for SANFORD’s.



July 30, 1879

Several American potato bugs, disgusted with the frequent doses of Paris green [insecticide] they received in this country, have emigrated to Ireland and are now doing a flourishing business in County Cork, much to the terror of the numerous potato raisers there. The latter should insist at once upon their wearing of the (Paris) green.

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