Friday, June 21, 2013

Kishinev Pogrom

Maxim Gorky

Cortland Evening Standard, Saturday, May 23, 1903.
Scathing Denunciation of Massacre by Maxim Gorki.
Article Then Sent to the St. Petersburg Correspondent of a German
Paper—Blame For the Atrocities Placed on the Authorities and Cultivated Russian Society.
   Berlin, May 23.—Maxim Gorki, the Russian novelist, recently wrote an article on the Kishineff massacres for Nijni [Nizhny] Novgorod newspaper, but the censor refused to allow its publication. Gorki then sent the article to the St. Petersburg correspondent of the Frankfort Kliene Presse which prints it. The article is as follows:
   "Russia has been disgraced more and more frequently of recent years by dark deeds, but the most disgraceful of all is the horrible Jewish massacre at Kishineff, which has awakened our horror, shame and indignation.
   "People who regard themselves as Christians, who claim to believe in God's mercy and sympathy, these people, on the day consecrated to the resurrection of their God from the dead, occupy the time in murdering children and aged people, ravishing the women and martyring the men of the race which gave them Christ.
   "Who bears the blame of this base crime which will remain on us like a bloody blot for ages? We shall be unable to wash this blot from the sad history of our dark country. It would be unjust, and too simple to condemn the mob. The latter were merely the hand which was guided by a corrupt conscience, driving it to murder and robbery.
   "For it is well known that the mob at Kishineff was led by men of cultivated society. But cultivated society in Russia is really much worse than the people who are goaded by their sad life and blinded and enthralled by the artificial darkness created around them.
   It is now the duty of Russian society,  that is not yet wholly ruined by these bandits, to prove that it is not identified with these instigators of pillage and murder.
   “Come, therefore, all who do not want themselves to be regarded as the lackeys of the lackeys and who still retain their self-respect, come and help the Jews."


Cortland Evening Standard, Saturday, May 16, 1903.
Sixty-Five Killed In Russian Anti-Semitic Riots.
Over 300 Victims Maimed or Crippled For Life—Damage to Property $510,000—London Jewish Paper Charges Russian Government With the Responsibility—News Suppressed.
   London, May 16.—The victims in the Kishineff massacre number 1,000, according to the latest information received by the Jewish Chronicle of London.
   Of these at least 65 were killed, and more than 300 maimed or crippled for life. The damage to property is estimated at 1,000,000 rubles (about $510,000).
   The Jewish Chronicle says editorially:
   "We charge the Russian government with responsibility for the Kishineff massacre. If Europe does not on the present occasion disassociate itself from the leprous taint of this barbarian power it writes its humanity down a sham and its civilization as organized hypocrisy.
   "The cardinal fact of the whole tragedy is that the massacre was organized and abetted by Russian authorities. The killing and pillaging was done under cover of the troops and the police. During the two days the massacre lasted the governor did not leave his house. Telegraphic communication with St. Petersburg was stopped.
   "All the participants in the slaughter—who were chiefly imported hirelings— wore red shirts. An eyewitness is quoted as saying: 'The police and troops formed circles in the center of which the slaying and looting was going on, the police pointing out the houses of the Jews to the mob.'
   "The newspaper Weschod of St. Petersburg was suppressed for printing the facts.
   "Jew baiting is now spreading throughout southern Russia, stimulated by stories of so-called ritual murders. The judicial inquiry into the massacre is not intended to disclose the facts, but to smother them up."
Result of Agitation by Anti-Semitic Newspapers.
   St. Petersburg, May 16.—The outbreak at Kishineff was the direct result of the inciting of the anti-Semitic papers in Bessarabia.
   The mere plundering, although it has beggared thousands of wealthy people, pales before the fiendish crimes committed in those parts of the town that were inhabited by the poor Jews.
   The survivors are sorrowfully exploring the wreckage of their homes and property for the bodies of lost relatives. The walls of the houses are splashed with blood and brains.
   When the miscreants had stolen everything of value they then in cold blood, set about murdering and maiming women and children. The hospital mortuary presents an unusual spectacle. The bodies of the dead had been mutilated with indescribable barbarity.
   The Viedomosti [Vedomosti] reports: "Where the mobs were thickest were men and women of Russian society, persons in gloves and clean linen and with intelligent countenances. The riots were no surprise, but were well organized."
   The Novosti, a non-Jewish paper, says: "While the plundering of large warehouses was in progress, women belonging to the 'better' class appropriated the contents, which they made up into parcels. The suffering is unparalleled."
   Not one single Jewish shop or dwelling escaped. These Jews were the wealthiest, most cultured members of the community, numbering 60,000 souls. They would have been well able to defend themselves had not their fears of impending attacks been allayed by the assurances of the vice governor of Bessarabia, so they took no precautionary measures.
   The shops are still closed, these Jews having now but one occupation— hospital and cemetery. In the buildings where bread Is being distributed are hundreds of Jews without shelter and almost naked.
Russian Ambassador Count Arthur Cassini
Cortland Evening Standard, Tuesday, May 19, 1903.
Count Cassini Explains Feeling of Peasants Against Jews.
Will Not Work In the Fields—Attempt to Establish Jewish States—Ambassador Says Russian Government Gives Same Protection to Jews It Does to Other Citizens.
   Washington, May 19.—Count Cassini, the Russian ambassador, in a conversation with representatives of the press relative to the Jewish troubles in Russia, said:
   "There is in Russia, as in Germany and Austria, a feeling against certain of the Jews. The reason for this unfriendly attitude is found in the fact that the Jews will not work in the field or engage in agriculture. They prefer to be money-lenders. In this capacity he takes advantage of the Russian peasant whom he soon has in his power and ultimately destroys. It is when the patience of the peasant is exhausted that a conflict between peasants and Jews occurs.
   "Emperor Nicholas I sought to help the Jews by ordering the establishment of agricultural colonies in Southern Russia, hoping to induce the Jews to engage in agricultural pursuits instead of money lending, but the effort was not successful; nor have other projects establishing Jewish states been successful.
   "There are many good Jews in Russia and they are respected. Jewish genius is appreciated in Russia and the Jewish artist is honored. Jews also appear in the financial world in Russia.
   "The Russian Government affords the same protection to the Jews that it does to any other of its citizens, and when a riot occurs and Jews are attacked the officials immediately take steps to apprehend those who begin the riot and visit severe punishment upon them. In the past Russians have been punished severely for attacks upon Jews. But notwithstanding these conflicts the Jews continue to do the very things which have been responsible for the troubles which involve them."
   Continuing the conversation the ambassador said:
   "The Russian readily assimilates with the people of all other races, and if he cannot assimilate with the Jew it is apparent that the fault must lie with the Jew and not with the Russian.”
   The ambassador's attention was called to the statement contained in press dispatches from St. Petersburg to the effect that a ministerial decree had been issued forbidding the Jews arming themselves for their own protection.
   "I have received no information regarding the nature of the decree," he said, "but I know that when the facts are made known it will appear differently and will be shown that the decree does not discriminate against the Jews. The fact that Lieutenant General Raaben, the governor of Bessarabia, has been called to St. Petersburg shows conclusively that the Imperial authorities are seriously regarding the recent occurrences at Kishineff and are taking prompt measures to punish the guilty and prevent repetitions of these disturbances.”
Cortland Evening Standard, Friday, June 5, 1903.
Protests Against Kishineff Disorders Excite Russian Newspapers.
   St. Petersburg, June 5.—The relations between the United States and Russia are much discussed here. The Novoye Vremya prints a signed leading article, headed "Russia and America," which says:
   "The United States, from time to time, enters the arena of the anti- Russian propaganda, which finds favorable soil in its politically unripe population, without governmental traditions and carried away by the successes of its new imperialistic policy.
   "The Siberian prisons, the Manchurian open door, the Kishineff disorders, all of these serve as a pretext for the anti-Russian meetings, so advantageous to Russia's enemies. While Secretary Hay's stubborn Anglophilism lends governmental importance to the claims of the various groups of American traders and missionaries in the Far East, our diplomatic agents' activity in America must take a different course from the diplomacy of Europe.
   "We must create a party and explain our designs and position, not only to Mr. Hay, but to the people also, which is always the same. They must act through the American press which, notwithstanding its defects, seems to be not only the mirror but the lever of American public opinion."
   The editor of the Syromiatnikoff says:
   "Thrice In America have been found hearty Russian sympathies; but Russia remains dumb while the American papers are filled with all possible accusation against Russia from English, German and Jewish sources. Count Cassini excellently defends our political interests; but he cannot undertake a newspaper controversy, so the accusations remain unanswered."
   The article concludes by advising Russia to publish in English the relations between America and Russia since the time of Catharine.


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