Wednesday, January 8, 2014


CIVIC DUTY        

Happy New Year. Yes, citizens, it's 2014, another election year; time to perform your civic duty--voting. As usual, you will listen to the debates, study the issues, and tune into your favorite pundits. Having formed firm opinions, you will then vote (usually for the same party as last time) and consider your civic duty complete. What else can one do? Afterwards, you can sit back and observe the results, satisfied that this time is different.

Many of you are aware, some of you keenly aware, of the corruption issue in Washington but consider it to be minor in comparison to the earth-shaking issues at stake between the parties. Fine, go ahead, form, or affirm, your opinions and vote. But don't stop there, recognize that your vote, and all our votes, count for less and less each year. If you can write a check for $5.00, you can add your voice to those struggling to restore our democracy, to reclaim it from special interests. Stop bitching and do something, however small, to change the system.

Not that important? How much waste and inefficiency can our economy, our society, bear and still take care of our basic needs? If one looks at all our unmet, legitimate needs, combined with our growing debt, one has to conclude that we are already overburdened with waste and inefficiency. Perhaps, you believe that the shortfall can be taken care of by raising taxes -- but only on the rich. Sadly, even this option is unavailable thanks to corruption.

Consider the following:
Our nation's infrastructure is deteriorating when it should be improving for our international competitiveness (jobs) and our standard of living. Can you imagine the circus that would result from special interest infighting--even if we had the money?

Our K-12 educational system is too expensive and its output adds to our welfare rolls and is a burden, not an advantage to business. How do the teachers' unions manage to get away with this year after year?

And our tax code, on which we spend $80B a year just to be in compliance--our pols are thinking of reforming it again. The objective, of course, is to make it more fair. Oh, and by the way, to collect even more in bribes from special interests.

Here are a few places where you might help to make a difference:

STRIKE, is now available in paperback. You can obtain it on Amazon, and Barnes & Noble (use title and my full name). Or, from me $12.00 post paid.

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