Wednesday, December 31, 2014


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, December 7, 1888.

   Mr. Dell Huson met with quite an accident on Nov. 28. While going into the barn he ran into a scantling and cut his head quite badly.
   Barrett H. Elster was buried on Monday Nov. 26. Another old resident of Virgil has passed away. One by one the land marks leave us.
   Mr. Abram Chubb of Cortland was buried in our cemetery on Tuesday of last week.
   Harry Ingraham has been doing quite a business in painting and varnishing cutters in this place. Just in time for the first sleighing.
   The Virgil factory has sold their fall butter for 26 1/2 cts. a pound, and their cheese for seven cents a pound.
   Hay is selling at ten dollars per ton at the barn.
   The Chrisman school district have a new school house built this fall and are at present waiting to be accepted by the district.
   Price Rounds has bought the building that was used at the factory in 1887 for a refrigerator and is moving it home for a barn. Barnes & Foster do the work.
   Thanksgiving passed off very nicely in our place, with services at the M. E. Church. Elder Gates delivered a very interesting sermon.
   There was at the Thanksgiving gathering at James Oakes', forty people who partook of oysters and turkey with vivacity, all enjoying themselves wonderfully, and hoping that they may all meet again under like circumstances.
   At the Thanksgiving party given by our landlord F. D. Freer, all went off quiet and very nice, there being one hundred and eighteen couples reported as being present. All speak in the highest of terms for the music furnished by the Cincinnatus orchestra.
   School Commissioner Stillman stopped with the Virgil people on Monday night.
   At the Grange election of officers the following officers were elected: W. M., Monroe Miller; Overseer, S. D. Deyo; Lecturer, F. E. Price; Steward, E. V. Price; A. Steward, Warren E. Foster; Chaplain, E. A. Crain; Treasurer, Wm. Tyler; Secretary, J. H. May; G. K., S. Hutchings; Pomona, Sally Crain; Flora, Ann Eliza Price; Ceres, May L. Price; L. A. Steward, Eunice Colligan.
   In looking over the proceedings of the Board of Supervisors [November 1888] as we get them from week to week, we cannot help but notice the contrast between the various representatives on the present board, as well as of some that have passed into history. While some of our former representatives have appeared to represent the interests of individuals instead of the interests of the town they are chosen to represent, we now have a man that looks and works for the interests of the over-burdened tax payers of his town; and when the proceedings of the board come to be examined by the hosts of tax payers who are to pay all of these expenses, it will be at least some satisfaction to such members as have shown a disposition for economy to know that the tax payers appreciate that some of their representatives have fought a good fight, have kept the faith, and that there is henceforth laid up for them favors to be conferred. When disbanded from the present session, they shall return to their respective homes to receive the congratulations of their constituents.  
   CUMMIN. [reporter's pen name]

   The tenement block of John Dunphy is well under way. The roof is being tinned and it is expected the building will be finished in about six weeks.
   The Ida May Burlesque troupe are to be here on Wednesday of this present week. They give an entertainment in Hulbert's Opera House.
   Henry Boice of Lapeer, while sitting up with a corpse some few weeks ago, became accidentally poisoned from the liquid used in covering the face of the deceased. His nose was in a bad condition for several days, but it is now getting better.

The Talk of Wanamaker and Alger Controlling the Government With Money.
(Washington correspondent N. Y. Times)
   The two most prominent names used so far as likely to be included in the Cabinet list are those of Mr. Wanamaker and Gen. R. A. Alger. The only comment that is made upon the mention of these names is that they indicate a determination to reward in proportion to the amount of material aid given to elect Harrison. Mr. Wanamaker in commonly credited with having raised $400,000 for the campaign. He stands first in the order of eminent Republicans considered worthy to be advisers to the President. Gen. Alger is spoken of as having given "liberally." He comes next in the approval of the managers. If this is the plan upon which the Cabinet is to be constructed it will only be necessary to find the subscription list in order to learn who the men are to be who will direct the affairs of the country for four years.
(From the New York Evening Post.)
   Wanamaker is a man of his time. As a purchaser of political influence and honor, he is the product of a system which has been in existence and growing for twenty years. He is distinguished simply by having bid higher than any of his predecessors. He found the practice of purchasing a claim to high office by heavy contributions in money to the party funds firmly established before he decided to add a political branch to his huge store. For fully twenty years the doctrine that a man who subscribed heavily was entitled to a great place, and justified in feeling swindled if he did not get it, has been striking deeper roots in the political soil. Wanamaker has paid so much that he naturally feels entitled to several places, or "a controlling interest" in the governmental business. In other words, he has brought us one step nearer to the possibility, which now stares us in the face, of the purchasing of the entire Administration from the National Committee of the winning party for a sum which many of our rich men could now afford to pay for such a luxury, and which, as well as we can judge, need not be higher than say $4,000,000. No such chance has been offered to wealth in the modern world or in the ancient world since the Praetorian Guard sold the Roman Empire at public auction.

A Meeting in Chicago Resembling the Gatherings of Former Days.
   CHICAGO, Nov. 30.—A meeting of 350 people at Thalia Hall, yesterday afternoon, was as close an imitation as possible of the Anarchist gatherings on the Thanksgiving day prior to the Hay market outbreak. The speakers were guarded in their utterances, but the spirit of the assemblage was shown by the distribution among those present of a number of copies of a hand bill of Herr Moat's, which caused the disruption in the International Order of 1869, driving out those who did not believe in dynamite.
   The principal speaker was Albert Curtin. He said the present system of society was not worth giving thanks for, but was worth cursing to the lowest depths of hell. Whom should they thank? God? If there was a God, what a monster He must be to permit so much misery. Let the fools be thankful for their wickedness. The workmen should stand together until their ideals of Socialism and Anarchism were fully realized.

   Barnum denies the story recently telegraphed from Bridgeport that he had retired from business. He says that the co-partnership between him and Mr. Baily is for fifty years.
   It is very thoughtful of the Cleveland Plain Dealer to suggest to the next administration to ascertain the current price of votes in Canada before annexing it, and whether they can he delivered in blocks of five. It might be well to appoint Dudley as a committee of one to investigate this important matter. — Albany Argus.
   The republicans are determined to admit several of the territories into the Union for the avowed purpose of securing a few more electoral votes and additional republican Members of Congress and U. S. Senators. With them, it is not a question as to whether the territories of the country at large will be benefitted by admitting the former. The only object in view is to gain some political advantage. As a rule when territories are admitted, they vote with the administration that was in power at the time they were admitted to statehood, and as all of the territories are republican now, the republican party would carry them at the next Presidential election. While the enemies of the Democratic party will stoop to almost anything to obtain political advantage, they certainly ought to have some regard for the fitness of limits. They should not admit territories unless it can be shown beyond question that they have the requisite population. Some years since, they admitted Nevada, simply because they desired three more electoral votes and more representatives in Congress to prevent the Democrats from having a majority in both houses. The census of 1880 shows that the entire state of Nevada had only 62,266 population and it has been steadily decreasing since, and yet that barren desert, with a population about the same as the city of Syracuse, has as much to say in making the laws of the United States as the great State of New York with a population of at least 5,000,000. But this is a consideration that will not weigh with the managers of the Republican party. They are badly frightened, and they purpose to do everything possible within the next few years, to prevent the democratic party from again coming into power. Those democrats who were frightened into voting for Harrison at the last election on account of the "free trade" bugaboo, must be delighted with the prospect.

   New York has the largest Jewish population of any city in the world.
   Nine tenths of the crimes in the District of Columbia are committed by negroes.
   A gang of sophomores at Ithaca, Saturday night, broke into a building occupied by freshmen and stole a flag from the roof. They did a good deal of damage to the building.
   When the news of Harrison's election reached Avoca, [N. Y.] the Democratic postmaster hung out a placard bearing this legend: "No Snivel Service here; come and get your post office."
   Private Secretary Halford was yesterday in receipt of a very courteous letter of congratulation from private Secretary Lamont, kindly offering information respecting the routine business of the executive office.
   April 30th, 1889, will be the centennial anniversary of the inauguration of the "father of his country." The day is a legal holiday, and it is probable that its celebration in many cities will be a memorable event. In New York, where the inauguration took place, there will be a very big time.
   Emerson O. Salisbury, aged 30, a lodger at 108 West Forty-fifth street, New York, committed suicide Saturday morning by taking morphine. He has a sister, Mrs. A. W. Truman, of DeRuyter, N. Y., for whom he left a letter stating his purpose to end his life, and saying that loss of money, health and position drove him to suicide. His mother lives in Detroit.
   On Sunday night two thousand Chicago Anarchists uproariously cheered a tableau in which an Anarchist waved aloft a crimson banner and trod under foot the Stars and Stripes. The occurrence took place just outside the city limits at a meeting of the Socialistic Turn Verein. The tableau was intended to represent the triumph of Anarchy. The central figure was a snow white bust of August Spies.

Margaret Mather

   Counterfeit silver dollars are in circulation.
   Margaret Mather in the Opera House, this evening.
   The fall term of Marathon Union school commenced last Monday.
   The winter term of Cincinnatus Academy opens Tuesday, Dec. 11th.
   The Homer Band will have a fair in Keator Opera House. Dec. 18th to 23d.
   William Santus and family, of Homer, came near being suffocated by coal gas on the 25th ult.
   Our hand engine has been loaned to Marathon Fire Department while their engine is being repaired.
   David Harrington has sold the stage route from this place to Pitcher, to Root Thorington of Taylor Centre.
   S. A King, formerly proprietor of a hotel in Binghamton, has purchased the lease and fixtures of the Hotel Windsor, in Homer, and has taken possession.
   The report of Health officer Moore, shows that for the month of November there were 8 deaths, 17 births, and 5 marriages in this village. Of the deaths, 6 were males, and 2 females.
   Thomas Donnelly, for two years past conductor on the local freight between Canastota and Cortland, has been promoted to a passenger conductor and has charge of trains 5 and 6.—DeRuyter Gleaner.
   An exchange states that Mr. Atkins, of McGrawville, has purchased the Mrs. Ferguson property at Pitcher Springs, and will erect a summer hotel there at once, having about fifty boarders engaged for next summer.
   The Binghamton Daily Leader has taken the pains to look up the building question in that city and finds, as a result, that over 500 buildings have been erected in that enterprising place since December 1st, 1887. It publishes the names of the owners and the locations of the buildings.
   Frank H. Lewis, who has been on trial in the County Court of Sessions in the Court House, the past week, was found guilty of forgery in the second degree. He has not yet been sentenced. Lewis will be remembered as the man who defrauded the Cortland Wagon Company and others out of considerable quantities of goods.
   The license money, heretofore deducted from the town tax, is now by law and by vote of the Board of Supervisors added to the county funds. In this way the no license towns of the county get the benefit of the license money and fines collected in their less moral sister towns. While they are above licensing in their towns, they are not above receiving the license money of the other towns. Consistency is a jewel.—Marathon Independent.

The Farmers' Institute and the New Way.
   The day has passed away when farming in the old way is profitable, yet it is strange that farmers of all classes are the most reluctant to avail themselves of new methods. What their fathers and grandfathers did they are inclined to adhere to regardless of consequences, while the bright go-ahead men excel in thrift, prosperity and profit. The average farmer is most adverse to making any changes; he seems, rather, to go on battling for the mere necessaries of life than to get out of the old ruts. This is all wrong. If there is any man who needs to study his business, and to avail himself of every advantage to be gained by new and better methods, it certainly is the farmer.
   We are glad to see that a Farmers' Institute has been appointed for Cortland to be held on Dec. 17 and 18, beginning at 10:30 A. M. the first day. The State Society is doing a most commendable thing in going about in this way to meet the farmers, and we hope the farmers, and particularly the farmers of this county, will show their appreciation of this action by turning out in force. The hall should he crowded at the opening session.

   TOMPKINS.—The bills in the Barber murder case, it is said, already amount to nearly $12,000.
   The great prosperity of Cornell University is attracting wide spread attention.
   A bell weighing 2,400 pounds has been presented to the Episcopal church of Trumansburg, by Mrs. Dr. Lyman Congdon.
   A new apparatus for separating and measuring the fat in milk has been received at Cornell University Experiment Station.
   The Cornell Register for 1888-89 has been issued and shows that 1,174 students are registered. Of these 798 are residents of New York state and 38 other states and territories are represented. Sixteen students are from Canada, and there are students from England, France, Nicaragua, Brazil, Japan, Sandwich Islands, Turkey, United States of Columbia, Cuba, Porto Rico and Honduras.

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