Thursday, December 25, 2014


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, November 23, 1888.

What the Returns Show.
(From the Syracuse Courier.)
   The returns from this state show that Democratic losses were not in the great cities, with their varied manufacturing industries, but in agricultural New York. New York city, the greatest manufacturing city in the country, gives the greatest Democratic gains. There are Democratic gains in Buffalo, Albany, Rochester, Elmira, Hudson, Schenectady, and other cities. The heavy Republican gains are in the agricultural portions of the State, in St. Lawrence, Jefferson, Washington, Delaware, Madison, Otsego, Tompkins, and like counties. The farmers of the State went back upon the Democratic ticket and Democratic principles. Of all classes in the community the farmers are least benefited by [tariff] protection, and some day they will find this out. Their farms are heavily mortgaged and their products bring very small prices in the market, while everything they use pays a heavy tax.

   They had too much swag for us.
   Is Clark's Anti-Saloon party sleeping the sleep that knows no waking? [Reference to William Clark, editor of the Cortland Standard--CC editor.]
   It is announced in some circles that Chauncey M. Depew, of this State, will be Secretary of State in Harrison's cabinet.
   The editor of the Standard is going for the Monitor in great style. Our neighbor can't tolerate people who believe in temperance 365 days in the year. [The Monitor was a temperance supporting newspaper published in Cortland at the Hitchcock Mfg. Co.—CC editor.]
   Congress meets again a week from next Monday and will remain in session until March 4th 1889, when the terms of all the members of the present House of Representatives will expire. The new Congress, just elected, will not meet until December, 1889.
   The Standard published the portrait of Senator Matt S. Quay, last week. Matt is the originator of the doctrine of' ''addition, division and silence'' as applied to practical politics and official accountability. He is a slick rascal and is of course all right in our neighbor's estimation because they both belong to the same political church. [Republican Party—CC editor.]
   Republican Cabinet makers have assigned Mr. Wanamaker, of Philadelphia, as the head of the Treasury Department. He is the great importer who, some time since, sued the government to have it refund to him several hundred thousand dollars, paid in duties on ribbons. He won his case, and, unless the decision is reversed, his suit will cost the government $7,000,000. What's the matter with Wanamaker?— Oneida Union.
   It is stated that Hon. James J. Belden is to take the Syracuse Giants to
Washington to participate in the inauguration parade on the 4th of March next.—Cortland Standard.
   If it wasn't fastened down, Jim would be quite likely to take the Erie canal along too. He came mighty near getting away with it a few years ago. On the whole it would probably be well enough for Superintendent Shannahan to have the ditch securely spiked down sometime between now and the 4th of March next.
   Here's richness for you. Since election Republican newspapers are referring to Warner Miller as "that noble, christian, temperance man,'' regardless of the fact that he is extremely partial to that swell beverage called champagne, and can get away with as much of it at a republican dinner as the princely Chauncey M. Depew. If running on a high license platform makes wood-pulp Miller a "christian, temperance man," what sort of person is one Benjamin Harrison, who ran on a free whiskey platform? There always was a good bit of doubtful consistency in the two platforms.
   There are already over twenty candidates for the post office in this village. Each and every one of them claims that the result in this state depended mainly on his individual efforts and now he wants his reward. The letter carriers have all been elected and are ready to be sworn into office on the 4th of March next. Talk about hungry Democrats in 1884, these fellows are as nearly famished as though they had never fed at the public crib. There is no civil service reform nonsense about them and they will sit up all night on the third of March in order to be ready to commence business promptly at sunrise on the following morning. The DEMOCRAT will not find fault with them if they do, for it believes in "turning the rascals out."
   The result of the election shows beyond question that the people of the United States are opposed to temperance. The Prohibitionists nominated a temperance man for President and gave him a genuine temperance plank to stand upon, but he only received a few thousand votes. The candidate was eminently respectable and the platform was honest. What more can any honest temperance man ask for? The Republicans nominated a fair to middling sort of fellow for President and gave him a free whiskey plank to stand upon and he was elected. In fact he beat his honest temperance opponent clear out of sight. Whenever you hear a republican advocating temperance, it is pretty safe to bet that he has a bottle of whiskey in his coat tail pocket. They talk temperance but vote for low license. One can find thousands of Republicans who will talk temperance, but very few who will vote it.
   Since election Republican journals assert that Warner Miller [Republican candidate for governor of New York State--CC editor] was simply acting as a stool pigeon in the late campaign and many of them insist that he ought to be generously dealt with by Mr. Harrison. It is asserted that he adopted the high license plank, not that he cared anything about high or low license, but simply for the purpose of drawing votes enough from the Prohibitionists to elect Harrison. He, himself, we understand, says that he did not expect to be elected, but was simply running as a high license candidate for the good of the Republican party. It was quite a shrewd game and resulted as the managers hoped it would. Many simple minded prohibitionists voted for Miller and Harrison, thinking that they were doing something for the prohibition cause. In view of the fact that the Republicans now admit that their plan of campaign had no principle behind it, but was simply adopted as the most likely to deceive the Prohibitionists, those members of the party who were taken in must feel silly enough at being caught so easily and with such cheap twit. The Prohibition vote fell off very largely. If all the Prohibitionists in the State had voted for Fiske, Cleveland would have been elected. They should remember that the Republican party owes them no good will, and when they are foolish enough to vote any part of the ticket they are being deceived.

   On November 14, instead of three nights after election as was given out at the time of raising the basswood [pole], the people, we say people, for all the Republicans, Democrats and Prohibitionists joined in the parade and also in decorating to a certain extent. The parade consisted of a few horsemen and eleven footmen. It differed somewhat in the manner of conducting, to what the opening of the campaign did, for we heard then of a man with a lantern in his hand looking for a man. This time we saw a man with a lantern in his hand, looking for a man to walk in the parade with him, but on being disappointed in the effort he was so overcome that after walking a little way with them, he got lost in his reverie and alas, was seen looking with lantern in hand for the procession, he was entirely lost. At last, seeing a dry goods box in reach, he mounted that and with his stentorian voice announced that there would be speeches delivered at Winslow's Hall, and after that there would be a grand display of fireworks, and there was, for it took nearly fifteen minutes to display the vast amount they had on hand and the crowd of people from Cortland that witnessed them numbered exactly two, A. P Smith and J. E. Eggleston; but that well paid the people from our town for making the effort they made to go to Cortland, to help Cortland celebrate and have a free sandwich instead of roast ox. Taking everything into consideration it was a very mild affair with the exception of the wind solo held on Cortland street a few moments before the parade commenced. The cause was a saddle, the effect harsh words and hard feelings on the part of the weaker party. If it had not been for the solo, perhaps young America could have sat on his horse.[sic]
   Our band have sent for their uniforms and expect to have them this week, and when the boys get uniformed they will compare in appearance and music second to no band of their experience.
   Mrs. Mary Wilcox, the widow of George Wilcox, has purchased the Harry Williams place and moved in last week. On Wednesday her daughter Mattie was married at her new home to Mr. Earl Ladd.
   We should be very much surprised not to hear from the Standard correspondent of this place after being very dormant for a spell. Probably if he can get help from some source, he will come forth in glowing terms for the braggadocio should be heard after lugging and carrying such loads. It must be a rest to have the campaign off his shoulders, and now he can settle down to lugging the church and corresponding for his two papers. Lugging the M. E. church and carrying the great political party of Virgil is too great a load, but he thinks that town popularity is of greater use to him than corresponding. We would naturally think that when a man calls his fellow man a cussed liar, and other vulgar names, that his hold on church must have slipped just a trifle.
   The basswood pole was cut on Tuesday after the blowout. The party just coming to their senses, thought it a nuisance and so it was.
   CUMMIN. [pen name]

   Edwin Booth is the wealthiest actor in this country. He is worth $1,000,000. Lawrence Barrett ranks second with $750,000.
   Adam Forepaugh lost $18,000 in bets on Cleveland, but as his last season's profits on his show were $250,000 he will not feel impoverished.
   Mrs. George Hirsch, of Dallas, Texas, on Saturday, November 3d, gave birth to six children, four boys and two girls. All are doing well. Mrs. Hirsch is 27 years old, and has three other children.
   Mrs. Sarah J. Robinson, the Massachusetts poisoner, who was to have been hanged last Friday, has had her sentence commuted to solitary imprisonment for life in State prison.
   Stephen P. Waldron, the oldest conductor on the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western road, was killed at Chenango Forks on Saturday night. November 10. He was running a coal train from Syracuse to Binghamton and stopped at the station in Chenango Forks to register in the train book. Then he went out and was not seen again until found lying outside of the track dying.
   John Kelly, a farm hand living near Geneva, has been arrested, charged with the murder of Ellen O'Shea, a domestic employed by George Happen, for whom Kelly worked. It is said that Kelly attacked the woman with a club while he was intoxicated and beat her to death. No reason is assigned for the murder other than rum.
   Patrick Donahue of Binghamton who has been suffering from mental aberration for some time, though not considered dangerous, attempted suicide last week, Tuesday, by cutting his throat with a razor. He inflicted a slight wound, and, apparently recovering from his frenzy, was allowed to remain at large. Wednesday morning he attacked his son, Edward, aged 18 years, with a bed slat, breaking his jaw in several places and inflicting other serious injuries. The young man died Friday and the father has been taken to the insane asylum at Utica. He is about 50 years old and there is no apparent cause for his condition.

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