Thursday, May 21, 2015


Thomas Nast cartoon.
The Cortland Democrat, Friday, March 14, 1890.

   The Cortland Standard was rather merry last week over the result of the Democratic caucus held the Saturday evening previous. It charged that there were 20 or 30 more ballots cast than there were persons in the room at the time, but the Standard should remember, that there were a half dozen republican politicians in the room at the time the vote was taken and the only wonder is, that there was not an excess of four or five hundred ballots. A party that can boast of having held a caucus for two districts in Cortland village in 1882, that was able to cast more than twice as many ballots as there were voters in both districts all told, should be silent on the question of an excessive ballot. Democratic caucuses are never troubled with an excess of ballots, except when they are favored with the presence of republican politicians. Spring-bottomed hats and tissue ballots, or "jokers," have always ruled the roost in republican caucuses and conventions, and we have never heard of their being used in Democratic assemblies by Democrats. They are a republican invention and the inventors would undoubtedly prosecute all infringers.

   The Cortland Standard attempts to bridge over the defeat of its candidate for Police Justice, by publishing the following wholesale falsehoods, knowing them to be such:
   "The entire Republican ticket was elected except police justice, where a large corruption fund, wholesale begging for complimentary votes, and the united efforts of the Democratic workers in this one direction, and in circulating the most false and shameless slanders concerning the Republican candidate, combined with a free trading off of anything for Mr. Bull's benefit to drag him through by a scant 15 majority. The readiness of Republicans to be gulled by these ever-ready election lies is one of the mysteries of modern politics, and the discovery of the lies of one campaign—after it is over—seems to have no effect in arousing suspicion of the same kind of fiction set in circulation the year following."
   The Democrats did not spend one dollar for votes, and no one knows this better than the editor of the Standard. Some of Mr. Bull's most zealous friends suggested to him that the expenditure of a small sum of money would insure his election, but Mr. Bull absolutely refused to put a dollar of money in the campaign to be used for such purposes. Can the Standard say as much for its candidate? When will the additional $200, promised a certain republican heeler in this village be paid? Can our neighbor tell?

   Few people look for "flashes of political wisdom" in the columns of the Cortland Standard in these days and none find anything of the kind if they do look. The nearest approach to that sort of goods that has been discovered in that sheet for some time is the following:
   "The Democratic party cannot stand success in local politics any better than in National or State politics. A victory makes the unterrified giddy, and they immediately begin to blunder or "cut up rusty.'' A rare flash of political wisdom and a combination of circumstances gave them the supervisor of this town, but the glory was too much for them."
   The rare flashes of political wisdom seem to have come to the Democrats of Cortland and it looks as though they had come to stay. Notwithstanding they elected a Democratic supervisor less than a month since, on Tuesday last they "cut up rusty" and elected a Police Justice for a term of three years. Of course they were handicapped somewhat, from the fact that three of their candidates declined to run after they were nominated, but the Democrats of Cortland at once produced another "flash of political wisdom," repaired the rent in their ramparts and went after the enemy tooth and nail and routed him horse, foot and dragoons. If the candidates first nominated could have been prevailed upon to accept the nominations tendered them, we should undoubtedly have elected the entire ticket. "Flashes of political wisdom" are kept in stock at the rooms of the Cortland Democratic Club, 67 Main street, Cortland, up one flight, where all communications should be addressed.

Of Interest to Farmers.
   In 1860, after four years of revenue tariff, corn sold in the New York market from 64 to 95 cents. In 1887, after twenty years of high Protection, corn in the same market ranged from 35 to 65 cents. Oats brought 37 to 47 cents in 1860 and in 1887 only 30 to 39 cents. Wheat fetched $1.35 to $1.70 in 1860; in 1887 the lowest quotation was 78 cents and the highest 97 cents.
   These figures are from the American Almanac for 1889, and are absolutely accurate. They give a correct idea of the value to the farmer of the "home market" which he is heavily taxed to obtain. What would the poor farmers do without the high protective tariff? What is reducing the prices of his products from year to year but the tariff? Pile on the tariff. Give the farmer the full benefit of starvation prices in the "home market" and let him pay the freight.
   But what has become of the "home market?" Have Cortland county farmers been able to find it the past year? With hundreds of pounds of good butter in their cellars, tons of hay in the barn, bushels and bushels of oats and corn in their bins, why don't they dispose of some of their products in the home market that are being preserved for their special benefit by the grand old republican party?

   The stove works expect to start up next Monday.
   The [editor of the] Cincinnatus Register has moved to Fair Haven, N. Y.
   There were 517 present in the M. E. Sunday school, last Sabbath.
   Ask your Republican neighbor to subscribe for the DEMOCRAT.
   William Nash is putting a meat market in the Stevenson block on Elm street.
   Be sure and see the Sawtelle Comedy company next week at the Opera House.
   Rev. J. J. Brennan, of Binghamton, will deliver his lecture on Ireland's Patron Saint in St. Mary’s church, on Monday evening, March 17th.
   The Presbyterian society will have a sociable at the residence of Mr. T. H. Wickwire, on Church street, this Friday evening. Supper will be served.
   J. R. Birdlebough was elected 1st Lieutenant of the 45th Separate company last week, Wednesday evening, to fill the vacancy caused by the promotion of Lieut. Dunsmoor to be Captain.
   Mr. Daniel Nye, who has been sexton in the M. E. church for the past twenty years, has resigned. Mr. Nye is 80 years of age, and feels that the care is too much for him. Mr. Eli Stafford will take his place.
   W. F. Chadbourne, the popular proprietor of the Messenger House, will vacate the house June 1st, the date of the expiration of his lease. He has kept a first-class house, and the citizens of Cortland, as well as the traveling public, will miss him.
   Miss Ormsby has secured for her Kindergarten teacher Miss Mary R. Pollock, a popular and successful Kindergartner of several years' experience, and daughter of Mrs. Louise Pollock, Principal of Kindergarten Normal Institute, Washington, D. C.
   The post-office in this place has been supplied with a stock of the new penny and two-cent stamps which will be sold to citizens at as low a figure as the same class of goods can be purchased in Syracuse or New York. Postmaster Ballard is bound to preserve the home market on postage stamps, let what will happen.
   Orris Hose company have had their rooms in the Moore block repainted and decorated, and now have about as slick quarters as can be found anywhere. A handsome billiard table and a new piano have been added to the rooms, and they present a very inviting appearance. The latch string can be reached from the outside.
   The lecture given last Friday evening, in the Cortland Opera House, by Miss Oloff Krarer, the Esquimau lady, was very interesting and instructive, and was richly enjoyed by the very large audience in attendance. She is a very bright young lady, and her narrative of the manners, customs and modes of life of her people was given in a very pleasant and agreeable style. The ladies who had the entertainment in charge netted about $100 for the church fund.

A Card.
To the People of Cortland and Vicinity:
   I would announce that I have opened Dental Parlors in the Churchill Block, North Main street. Having availed myself of the opportunity of taking a course in two of the best Dental Colleges, together with ten years practical experience in the dental profession, I feel more competent than ever to perform operations pertaining to dentistry in a satisfactory manner and shall endeavor to please any who may entrust their work in my hands. Special attention will be given to the preservation of the natural teeth. Artificial teeth will be inserted on CAST ALUMINUM and rubber bases. Specimens of the former work may be seen at my office. Having received special instruction in the work of the inventor, C. C. Carroll, M. D., of New York City, I am prepared to point out its distinguishing features. Thanking you for a liberal patronage in the past, I remain very respectfully,

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