Thursday, December 17, 2015


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, May 22, 1891.


      Dry weather continues. People are planting with their mittens on this year quite extensively.
   The great sensation of the day here is the sale of property upon execution by Constable Barber to satisfy judgments held by S. R. McConnell, Byron Bierce and F. Tinkham against the property of one Clarence Miller.
   The sale took place on Monday P. M., at said Miller's place of residence; Constable I. J. Barber acting as auctioneer. Attorney Smith, dressed in full uniform, was present from Homer as counsel for Miller. The Constable was forbidden by Miller to sell the property, or the most of it upon the ground that it belonged to his wife. McConnell stated that Bierce was worth $100,000 and he himself could add something to that amount and Tinkham was fortified by having a big Hill of Spafford at his back, so the Constable was ordered to proceed with the sale.
   The little feeling of timidity which seemed at first to prevail, vanished when the Constable announced that purchasers would be identified, so no one need fear. The Constable then went on with the sale which consisted of one horse, 7 calves and some 10 cows and a bull. The cows were turned into the yard for sale one by one and Mr. Miller kindly consented to let the Constable put them into the stanchions again as they were bid off. Mr. Miller also kindly consented for them to go to the house to pay over the money while he proceeded to nail up the stable doors that none might get loose and escape; but in his hurry he also nailed in a mare which brought us to the sale and which we had not the least fear of escaping.
   Well the next question seemed to be what next. The purchasers of the cattle were very easily identified by their anxious looks, their money was gone and the property bought with it was caged. The Constable did not open the doors, and the men who ordered the sale hardly knew what to do to help these poor victims out of their dilemma. After considerable counsel they started for Cortland to see what could be done.
   Meanwhile the victimized purchasers hung around almost wishing they had never been identified. We concluded not to go home on foot but to stay and see the fun, inasmuch as Mr. Miller seemed willing and anxious to board us for the horse keeping, and we had one good square meal. As darkness covered the face of the earth and the dews of heaven began to fall, Mr. Miller opened the door to remove the horse and the cattle escaped.
   On our way home we met the returning pilgrims from Cortland, accompanied by a big Deputy by the name of Miller. We have since learned that the purchasers finally got their property and went on their way rejoicing because that which was lost was at last found. Thus endeth the first chapter.
   Mrs. George Jaquin went to Cortland to visit her son, Wednesday.
   Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith are visiting her parents in Maine, Broome Co.
   A. H. Jordan and wife, visited their daughter in Cincinnatus last week.
   Miss May Jordan of McGrawville is spending a few days with relatives here.
   About $60 was received at the donation for the benefit of Rev. H. J. Barnes, Thursday evening.
   After a painful illness lasting several months, death came to the relief of Mrs. DeForest Crane, Friday, May 15, 1891, at the age of 48 years. Mrs. Crane was a woman beloved and respected by all who knew her. She was a good neighbor and kind friend. A large concourse of people assembled at the house Sunday to pay their last sad respects to the deceased. The sympathy of all is with the afflicted husband in his bereavement.
   CALUMET. [pen name of local correspondent.]

   No rain as yet and it is very dry.
   Mrs. A. Lampher called on friends in Cortland, Monday.
   Arbor day passed off pleasantly with appropriate exercises.
   Mrs. Josie Cass, of Solon, was a guest at S. Tripp's last week.
   Mrs. Darby, of Cortland, is staying at O. Lampher's a short time.
   Dr. D. K. Allen was a guest at his sons in Dryden, the first of the week.
   Mrs. D. K. Oakley and son, of Scranton, called on friends here recently.
   Rev. Fred Knight is attending the County Lodge at South Cortland this week.
   Mr. Tom J. Peck, of Cortland, was calling at Polydore Corwin's the other day.
   The party at N. Metzgars' was largely attended and all report a splendid time.
   The Dime social was well attended. The gentlemen acquitted themselves with honor.
   Mrs. Sornberger and Mrs. Mariah Borthwick, of Albany county, are visiting at Wm. Bates.
   Rev. Mr. Weatherwax and wife, of Cortland, were in town visiting at C. Tuttle's, Wednesday.
   Miss Nellie Smith and Miss Zelma Shepherd visited at E. Smiths' in Texas [Valley], the first of the week.
   Lawyer H. E. Wilson and Hon. Arthur Brainerd, of Marathon, were in town on business Monday.
   Mr. Briggs, of Cincinnatus, is supplying the inhabitants hereto with plenty of nice meat at reasonable prices.
   Rev. Fred Knight preached on Sunday to a large congregation from these words, "But covet earnestly the last gifts."
   Mrs. Stone and her mother are on the sick list. Dr. Stone, of Homer, attends them. The other sick ones are better.
   Mr. John Davis, our enterprising merchant, is still making improvements in his store and is always ready to wait on all that call.

   Commenced making cheese at the union milk depot, Monday.
   Mr. and Mrs. A. Rowley, of South Cortland, were at Linus Smith's, Sunday.
   A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Reynolds, Saturday, May 16th.
   Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Freer and son, and Mrs. Frank Burt were in Freetown, last Thursday.
   Miss Carrie Hewitt, who has been assisting at J. C. Jacobs', has returned to her home in Solon.
   The Epworth League hold their anniversary exercises next Sunday evening, at the M. E. church.
   Messrs. Tanner and June have their tenant house completed, and Mr. Will Brown occupies the same.
   Miss Delia Hodges, who has been confined to her home for several weeks, with rheumatism, was able to return to her work in McGrawville, last Sunday.
   The monthly social of the Epworth League will be held in the basement of the M. E. church, next Wednesday evening. A literary program. [sic] Refreshments will be served.
   Mr. Clifford Tanner, of the Cortland Normal, read a very interesting sermon at the Baptist church, last Sabbath, the pastor being absent attending the funeral of Mr. Enos Miller, which was held at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. Silas Low, of Virgil. The remains were brought here for interment.

American Road Machinery Co. "Champion"  road grader.
   Those on the sick list are improving.
   R. H. Rose of Cortland, was in town Monday.
   The East Homer cheese factory opened Monday of this week.
   Commissioner W. A. Coon visited the schools here Tuesday of this week.
   We noticed the genial face of Howard Buell of Truxton, in the place Tuesday.
   Mrs. Zena Howland of Ithaca, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Davenport.
   Mr. Arthur Bradt of Auburn was the guest of Miss Georgia Stanley Thursday of last week.
   Mr. and Mrs. Dix Hobart visited their daughter, Mrs. George Harmon at Cortland, Sunday.
   Rev. W. H. Robertson and family are visiting his grandparents at Bainbridge, Chenango Co.
   C. C. Cady, agent for the American Road Machine Co., of Kennett Square, Pa., was here Tuesday with one of his light Champion machines and it was put to the severest test possible and it did its work splendidly, neither sliding or lifting in the hardest ground, and proving so satisfactory that it was purchased by this and three other road districts adjoining.

   Mrs. J. C. Nelson has returned home.
   McAdam's cheese factory started last Monday.
   Mrs. H. I. Van Hoesen rejoices in the possession of a splendid new piano.
   Mrs. Rhoda Peters has been granted a widow's pension of $12 per month.
   Sometime last week Mrs. J. J. Bosworth slipped and fell as she was going down stairs, injuring one side of her body quite seriously.
   Romanzo Bosworth, of East River, G. R. Fox and wife, of Union Valley, Nelson Burgess and Dever Ellis, from the same place, and Benton Miner, of Taylor, were in town last Tuesday.
   Jack Gordon has returned and moved into the upper part of Haggerdy Waldo's blacksmith shop. The place may be able to support four blacksmiths, but none of them will get "violently rich."
   The saloon business here is somewhat unsettled just now. A strange man of a decidedly pugilistic aspect put in an appearance last Monday, and a generous public, or possibly some of "Jacob's boys,'' suggested certain repairs of the saloon property and proceeded, under cover of darkness, to make said repairs more imperative.

   Mr. Charles Bliss was home last Sunday.
   Mr. Frank Bliss has gone to South Cortland to work for Mr. Cyrus Hatfield.
   Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller attended the funeral of Mr. Miller's father last Sunday.
   Mr. Francis Webster was chosen superintendent of the Sunday school at the M. E. Church last Sunday.
   Mr. Simeon Lucas of Meridian, spent last sabbath with his sister Mrs. Emma Bliss. He expects to be in Cortland during the present week.
   At the trial at Ithaca last week Wednesday, for chicken thieving, Bert Corl was released on account of his age, and Chauncey Corl was sent to the Elmira Reform school.

   Mrs. L. E. Hay is visiting friends in Lapeer, this week.
   Mr. James Terry, of Hamilton, and lady, were visiting friends the past few days.
   On Sunday last Mr. Sylvester Brown and Miss Hamilton were joined in wedlock.
   Wm. Stacy and Ben Myres went to New York with another load of stock on Tuesday.
   Mr. Wallace Vincent, of Tully, spent the Sabbath with his mother, who is dangerously sick.
   Mr. Hinman, from Groton, was paper hanging for Mr. Ellis last week, and, with the aid of Will Moore, accomplished the difficult task of putting on the last.
   Our doctor was rather unfortunate, last Saturday. While fishing on Dryden lake he lost his tiny temper, and, worse than all, his chip J. Henry little straw hat.
   Mr. David Wilcox purchased a two-horse potato coverer from an agent in Brookton, last week, which is pronounced to be superior to all others by competent judges.
   Our newsboy, for Telegram, now is George Lowe. It is hard to write news with no news in particular to write, nor with no spirit to write them, but when the spirit does move, it many times is easier to find news than at other times.

The Farmers' Institute.
   The committee of Marathon Grange, having the matter in charge, are making all the necessary preparations for the Farmers' Institute, to be held here on Wednesday, June 3, 1891. The session will begin promptly at 10 o'clock A. M., and in the afternoon at 1:30 and evening at 7 o'clock. The programme will include the following:
   Address of Welcome and Response.
   "Dairy Husbandry and Animal Industry," by Prof. H. H. Wing of Cornell University.
   "Fruit Culture," by Hon. Geo. T. Powell, Ghent, N. Y.
   Paper by Prof. I. P. Roberts of Cornell University, subject to be announced.
   "General Dairy Management," by Hon. A. R. Eastman of Waterville, N. Y.
   "Assessment and Taxation," by Hon. R. T. Peck, of Cortland.
   "Ensilage" by Julius E. Rogers, Esq., of Binghamton.
   Paper, subject to be announced, Mrs. John L. Smith, Marathon.
   Paper, subject to be announced, Mrs. Anna E. Burnham, of East Homer.
   Question box at the close of each session, morning, afternoon and evening. Let everybody come prepared with the questions they want to ask, and ask them.
   The Institute will be under the immediate direction of Hon. George T. Powell, of the State Agricultural Society. It is hoped that all the farmers of this section will find time to attend, and make the session profitable.

A Peculiarity of the Grip.
   A Philadelphia physician thinks that many of the so-called cases of pneumonia following the grip are nothing of the kind. He says he was called to a person supposed to be dying of pneumonia. The lungs were hard, as in that disease, but the pulse and temperature differed. The patient was taken by the heels, which were held high up while the head hung down over the side of the bed. Mucus soon began to flow from the mouth, and in half an hour a quart had escaped. The person is now convalescent.
   The hardness of the lungs was caused by mucus, and death would soon have ensued from drowning. Many physicians do not understand this peculiarity of the grip. Mucus collects rapidly, settles to the bottom of the lungs, and fills them up till the patient drowns.

About Making Wills.
   The new law taxing all bequests of personal property over $10,000 is bound to work considerable changes in the making of wills. In these days of two or two and one half per cent interest on government bonds, it may be assumed that capable business men will not subject their estates after death to a tax even of one per cent, and it will be singular if the new law does not greatly encourage the division of estates before the owners' death instead of afterward through a will. This is bound to be done, not merely to escape the tax, but also to escape the publicity which must follow an official valuation of an estate for purpose of taxation. Of course, this result will not appear during the first year. Probably not one out of a dozen testators, whose estate will fall from their lifeless hands during the next twelve months, is aware of the new law or has given thought to its evasion.


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