Saturday, January 9, 2016


The Cortland Democrat, July 3, 1891.

The Georgia-Alabama Investment & Development Co. Called Down.
   The Georgia-Alabama Investment & Development Company, which is at present booming a small town called Tallipoosa in Georgia, is a Boston Institution and Gen. Benj. F. Butler is the president. The company have recently placed mammoth advertisements in nearly all the northern daily papers, announcing that the C. B. Hitchcock Manufacturing Co., of Cortland, was located in Tallipoosa, and last week it was announced that the Hayes Chair company and the Wm. Howe Ventilating stove company, both from Cortland, had located in that thriving centre.
   The facts are about as follows: The Hitchcock Manufacturing company are making arrangements to open up an extensive wood shop at that place for the purpose of manufacturing their cutter and wagon woods, which will be shipped here to be put together and finished. This work will be done there because of the fact that fine timber is plenty in that neighborhood and is becoming scarce here.
   There is no such institution here as "The Hayes Chair Company." Some time since Mr. Lewis S. Hayes, who is interested in the Cortland Chair & Cabinet Company, purchased an extensive plant and machinery in Canasteo, N. Y., and is moving the same to Tallipoosa, where "The Hayes Chair Company" has been formed for the manufacture of a line of work that is not made at the Cortland Chair & Cabinet Company's works. No part of the last named institution is to leave Cortland and the company will continue in business here.
   The Wm. Howe Ventilating Stove Company advertised as from Cortland is not the Howe Ventilating Stove Company from this place. Mr. Wm. Howe has not been connected with the industry here for some years past, and the works in this place are to be continued here and will not be moved to Tallipoosa. If Mr. Wm. Howe is a whole stove company in himself, then only one of the Howe Ventilating Stove Company of this place, (the one not manufacturing) has moved to Tallipoosa.
   The advertisements carry the impression that three of the largest manufacturing industries of this place have moved to Tallipoosa, when in fact neither of them intend to do so. The advertisements should be modified to conform with the facts instead of carrying an entirely erroneous impression calculated to injure Cortland and her business interests.

Italian Immigrants.
   The heavy increase in immigration from Italy, and the alarming revelations made in New Orleans regarding the general character of certain elements of such immigration, renders particularly interesting the investigation made on the subject by the New York Sun, the results of which appeared in its columns yesterday.
   Italian immigration at the port of New York has already reached the high figure of 13,000 a month. The fact that the proportion of females is less than twenty per cent of the entire Italian immigration at New York is regarded as an argument to show that the greater number of Italians come here without any intention to settle permanently in this country, but with the purpose of returning to their native land after accumulating enough money to enable them to live there. Superintendent Weber, at New York, expresses a very unfavorable opinion of the general class of Italian immigrants landed at that port. There is no doubt, however, of their willingness to work at the most undesirable employment, and of their ability to subsist on what no other workmen could stand. Hence, like the Chinese, they are able to save a great deal of their wages, however small they may be.
   Enquiries made in some of the large cities in this country, where regular colonies of Italians are established, show that in Philadelphia and St. Louis, the lower classes bear an unsavory record, while in New Orleans, despite the Mafia terror, they are generally considered industrious, thrifty citizens. There is no question as to the industry of those people, and it may be that with some well defined and practical system of education which should be attempted and encouraged by their wealthy and more fortunate countrymen on this side of the Atlantic, much may be done to convert them into useful American citizens. The first lesson to be taught them is that the too ready use of murderous weapons is incompatible with the duties of American citizenship, and that practices which may be regarded with a lenient eye in Sicily and the Abruzzi will not be tolerated here.—Albany Argus, June 27.

   Gov. Hill has come in for a good deal of censure from republican organs for refusing to countenance the extravagant bills of legislative investigating committees. The Pennsylvania legislature has received a similar lesson from Gov. Pattison, who vetoed appropriations to the amount of $24,550 for the expenses of legislative committees. It takes a democratic governor to save the taxpayers from legislative robbery.—Bath Advocate.

   Long ago this paper expressed a choice for Mr. Flower. With such a candidate, the democracy will surely win. He is a man upon whom all factions can and will unite, and we do not believe that even our good friend Jones of Binghamton will care to oppose him in the convention. Mr. Flower's popularity in the strong republican counties of Northern New York, and his ability to solidify the great democratic strength of New York and Brooklyn will leave decidedly poor picking for the republican candidate, whoever he may be.—Oswego Palladium.

Governor Hill Denies Pardon to Mary Druse.
   ALBANY June 29.—Gov. Hill has denied the petition for a pardon for Mary Druse, who was sent to the Onondaga County Penitentiary for life, at the time her mother, Mrs. Roxalana Druse, was sentenced to death for the murder of William Druse, the husband and father.

Temperance at the Trout Park.
   Those who fail to hear Mrs. Mary Lathrop at the Trout Park, July 4th, will miss a great treat. Miss Lily Runals, who will also be present, believes that the spirit of song moves the souls of men to higher and better things, and that the voice which has been given her may be of service in the great moral cause of the century. The Hartford, Conn., correspondent of the N. Y. Journal furnishes the following:
   "Lily Runals' rendition of "The Mother's Prayer,'' introducing "Nearer My God to Thee," is a marvelous piece of work. It is doubtful whether anything so touching and pathetic has ever been heard on any public platform. Her voice has a magnetic quality. It is a voice with tears in it. When she sings her soul becomes one with the soul of her listener."

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