Thursday, January 7, 2016


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, June 26, 1891.

An Interesting Letter From McDonough—A Lady Writes Believing
It Will Interest Many Suffering From Rheumatism.
(From the Chenango Union, Norwich, N.Y.)
Dr. Kilmer,                                                                 Binghamton, N.Y.
   Kind Sir: I had been troubled for years with that terrible disease Rheumatism and last Spring, a year ago, I was confined to my bed and could scarcely move or stir. Could not bear to have any one walk across the room or make any noise of any kind. Was also troubled with Female Weakness and was completely used up. I had doctored with the best Physicians I could get, but grew worse all the time. Having read of your Remedies I at last made up my mind to try them. I had very little faith for I thought, perhaps, they were no better than lots of others that I had used before without any benefit. But thanks be to God and also to you, I tried them and found it to my benefit. I only took two bottles of your Swamp-Root and one of Female Remedy and used one bottle of your U & O Anointment and was completely cured.
   It is now over one year since I was troubled and yet I have not felt a single touch or return of the old complaints since I took your Remedies. I think I was better before I had used one-half a bottle. I now believe and have more faith in you than any other doctor on earth.
   If this will be of any benefit to you or others, you can publish it and if need be I can prove it by more than twenty good and reliable people in this vicinity.
   Please send me one of your Cabinet Photographs and Six beautiful cards advertised in your valuable book, The "Invalids' Guide to Health." I shall be more than pleased with them. God bless you and yours and with great respect,
   Mrs. Lucy G. Coville,
   Chenango Co., N. Y.
   May 1st, 1891.
   (The preceding testimonial was set up in this office from the original letter written by Mrs. Coville. 14w4. EDITORS OF UNION .)

Beaudry Still in Business.
   The supply wagon of the Cortland creamery has ceased to make its regular trips about the town; but as the ice cream was supplied from Beaudry's department store, citizens may still be served with the superior article as heretofore. Orders left at Beaudry's for bricks, fancy or bulk cream, will be delivered at any residence in the city on short notice. The new and novel freezers are run by [electric] motor power, and the flavors of the choicest variety, while the surroundings are unequaled for cleanliness. In selecting his freezers Mr. Beaudry was particular that the porcelain lining be thick and uniform, that there be no danger of contact with the metallic casements. When in want of choice fruits, creams or refreshing beverages see that G. F. B. is notified. He has a telephone and a courteous corps of clerks, and, above all, a desire to cater to the wants of the public.

   Mr. George Colwell is but just alive.
   The drouth seems to have been broken and everything is booming. Good prospect for fruit of all kinds. Weeds also seem to have taken on a fresh impetus.
   A lawsuit took place in Scott on Monday last between Charles Rawson plaintiff, and P. O. Brown & Son defendant. It was brought to recover upon a due bill given by defendant to plaintiff for $4.00. Plaintiff presented bill and claimed it had not been paid. Defendants swore they had paid it to one E. W. Childs which was, in turn, denied by Childs. Verdict for defendants. Mr. Hatch Esq., of Cortland, for defendants, and Ed Crosley for plaintiff. Considerable surprise was expressed at the result by many who heard the testimony. We think our brilliant Attorney [Crosley] had better give up law and attend strictly to fishing. We sympathize with Mr. Rawson in his unfortunate selection to conduct his case.
   Great times on the borders of Skaneateles lake, over the fishing question. It is reported that one man has been shot. A large number of nets have been captured and burned, several arrests have been made, names taken and let go again for future use. One circumstance is worth relating. Three men, as we understand, were captured in the very act of violating the law, were questioned as to their names and let go again, saying that was all they wanted of them at that time. The officer went to Syracuse and had writs made out for the names given and an officer was sent to look them up. They only found two of the three that went by the names found in the writs. One had been dead about 2 years, the other two were over 80 years old and one of the two was a confirmed cripple.

   Jas. Dougherty, Esq., was in town this week.
   Mrs. J. J. Hickey of Marathon is in town this week.
   Bernard Caffrey of Freetown called on friends in town this week.
   Elder Robinson of Cortland spent Tuesday of this week with Miss Hatheway.
   Mr. John Hickey, who has been sick for the past two weeks, is able to be out again.
   Hatheway Turner [sic] of Elmira is spending his vacation with his aunt, Miss Hatheway.
   Miss Lizzie Worden has gone to McGrawville to work in the family of F. J. Berggren.
   Mr. Will Burr and wife and Chas. T. Peck and wife were in town this week. Mr. Burr was formerly of this place.
   Mrs. Robert Irving and her mother of New York city are spending a few weeks with Mrs. Irving's sister, Mrs. D. E. Morris.
   Anyone wishing blanks for an application for a license to manufacture maple sugar can obtain them of W. J. Corcoran, at the store of Corcoran Bros. Every one should make their application before July 1, '91 in order to obtain the bounty.

   Willson Greene was in Ithaca Thursday on business.
   Born to Mr. and Mrs. Willis Smith Jr., June 14th, 1891, a daughter.
   Examinations were held at the village school Thursday and Friday of last week.
   E. A. Babcock made a business trip to Cortland last Thursday and purchased him a new carriage.
   Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Ingersoll of North Pitcher were visiting old friends and acquaintances in town last week.
   The rains during the past week or two have improved the grass crop and to all appearances the hay crop along the valley will be about the average after all.
   The ice-cream social Saturday evening was quite a success financially, and all who attended report a fine time. The receipts were about $9.00 we are informed.
   Mrs. John D. Coe had the misfortune to loose thirty-two small ducks, one night last week. The ducks were bitten through the head and then drawn into two small piles.
   During the storm last Thursday afternoon, lightning struck and killed a fine cow on the farm of Leroy Crittenden, north of the village. The electric fluid also did some damage to an outbuilding.

   The assessors are looking up the welfare of our citizens
   The school picnic has been postponed till Saturday of this week.
   Hon. Nelson Stevens of West Groton visited his sister Mrs. Charles Dickinson, last Saturday.
   Rev. Mr. Usher of McGrawville preached very acceptably at the Methodist church here last Sunday.
   Fishermen were out in full force last Thursday, and doubtless enjoyed their sport regardless of the pouring rain.
   Mr. G. A. Bliss took a trip through Central New York last week, and called on friends in Utica and other places.
   We are surprised that the patrons of the Sears cheese factory will submit to the nuisance of having the waste water from the factory run in the road, keeping it muddy all the time.
   AUNT CELESTIA. [pen name of local correspondent.]

   Miss Belle Foster is in very poor health.
   Mrs. Isaac Foster is slightly indisposed.
   Rev. Mr. H. Robertson left last Tuesday for Binghamton to attend a reunion of Sons of Veterans.
   Mrs. E. R. Briggs and grandson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. More, at Loring Station.
   Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bell visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. James Bell, at Loring Station, Sunday.
   Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Briggs of Cortland spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mynard.
   Mr. and Mrs. Jay Isaacs of McGrawville spent Saturday and Sunday last with Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Butterfield.
   The festival given by the Ladies Aid Society Tuesday evening was a decided success. Receipts about $20.
   Miss Libbie Briggs, who has been spending a few days with relatives in Syracuse, returned home Saturday last. She was accompanied by her cousin, Miss Altha Denick.
   Jessie, the ten-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Gutches, was found in an unconscious condition by E. R. Briggs, between his house and C. F. Bennett's, Tuesday last, at about 7:30 o'clock in the evening. She was taken to the house of her uncle Mr. McKeel Gutches nearby, where she partly regained consciousness, when she was taken home by Mrs. Gutches, accompanied by Mrs. E. R. Briggs. We understand the child had a similar attack Friday of last week.

                                          COLD BROOK.
   Mrs. John Gillett, who has been ill, is improving.
   Mr. Dell Lewis spent Monday and Tuesday with his parents in Homer.
   Mrs. Dora Constable of Cannonsville, N. Y., is visiting her friend, Mrs. Ella Hoag.
   Mrs. Ella Hoag and friend Mrs. Constable visited friends in Cortland and Blodgett Mills, the first of the week.
   Mrs. A. Bacon, who has been spending some time with her daughter Mrs. C. H. Gillette, returned to her home in Homer last week.
   Mrs. S. A. Warner and daughter Frances returned from Springfield, N. J., Saturday, to spend the summer months at their home in this place.
   The Y. P. S. C. E. will give an ice cream sociable at the home of Mrs. W. A. Lawrence Saturday evening, June 27th. A choice musical and literary programme has been prepared and a pleasant time is anticipated. A cordial invitation is extended to all to come and join in the festivities of the occasion and endeavor to aid the Endeavors in their good work.

   W. T. Perkins ships a car load of maple lumber to the Novelty Co., of Syracuse.
   Salisbury & Co. shipped a car of green tow to parties in Binghamton on Monday.
   Superintendent Schwartz spent a day at the Raymond House the latter part of the week.
   The Good Templar's held an ice-cream festival at their lodge room on Tuesday evening. It was a joyous occasion for those participating.
   Milton Salisbury had the grippe last winter and it has left him in bad shape. He has gone to New York to consult with and be treated by his brother, Dr. J. H. Salisbury, the specialist.
   Delayed advices reached Mrs. W. W. Salisbury that her niece, Miss Mary E. Waterman, of Albany, had died on the 18th inst. She had passed several summers with her aunt and made many friends that will be pained to hear of her death. She had quite an artistic taste, and with Miss Myra Gushing has done much sketching and painting of scenes hereabouts. She was a devoted christian worker and one of the founders of the Christian Temperance Society of Albany.

   Mrs. Frank Christman is quite sick with la grippe.
   Mr. and Mrs. Warren Seager of Cortland visited his father Sunday.
   Mr. I. Gardiner of Willett was a guest of his brother Nathan, Saturday and Sunday.
   Mr. and Mrs. Luke Holton of Cortland are guests of their brother William, this week.
   Mr. and Mrs. George Seamans and son of Cortland spent the sabbath at Mr. Oria Bays'.
   Mr. Nathan Gardiner was visiting at Marathon last week, and also took in the [trotting] races at Binghamton.
   Married, at the home of the bride's father D. E. Hotchkiss, June 17, 1891, Mr. Lynn Gee and Miss Matie Hotchkiss.
   Mr. Jerry Clow returned last week from his visit in Buffalo. His friend Mr. Glenney, who returned with him, was a resident of this town some thirty years ago.
   Mr. S. K. Jones, Rodolph Price, J. E. Winslow and Frank E. Price were in Cortland Monday evening to hear the great politician, Hon. William Kennedy of Syracuse.
   Dr. Richards of Binghamton, and Dr. Allen of Whitneys Point, were called to see Mrs. Harvey Bloomer, who was thrown from a sleigh last winter and her hip injured. Some other doctors thought the hip was out of joint, while these two prominent physicians decided with Drs. Bruce of Virgil, and Bradford of Homer, that the hip was fractured and growing together nicely, not exactly in the right place, but as good as could have been made, and would in time make a good limb. This is quite pleasing to Mrs. Bloomer, who was afraid that she would have to undergo an operation.
   Children's Day was observed at the Baptist church Sunday evening. The church was well filled and the concert reflected much credit upon the participants. The
following is a programme:
   Song—Carnation, Choir.
   Prayer, Rev. Mr. Pendleton.
   Opening Address, Anna Barnes.
   Rec.—The Little Speaker, Earl Bouton
   Rec.—A Small Girl, Maud Reas.
   Jesus Has Loved Me, Aaron Foster.
   I Told No, Earl Bouton.
   Song—There Will be Something in Heaven for Children to Do, Aaron and Oscar Foster.
   Rec.—Discontent, Anna Barnes.
   Stories of Grace, Floyd Reas.
   Little Helpers, Archie Stewart.
   Beware, Oscar Foster.
   Solo—Three Angel Visitants, Miss Bessie Foster.
   Rec., Maud Overton
   Rec.—Jesus and the Children, Ranney Muncey.
   Rec., Orris Winslow.
   I Am a Little Soldier, Charlie Pendleton.
   Dialogue—The Better Choice Representing Life, Youth, Pleasure, Fame and Religion by five Young ladies.
Rec.—The Legend Beautiful, Mrs. Pendleton.
Solo—Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep, Miss Minnie Pendleton.
Rec.—Papa's Letter, Miss Minnie Pendleton.

On the Naval Training Ship.
   When a boy is received on board he at once comes under the regulations. He is required to take a bath, have his hair neatly trimmed by the ship's barber, and be vaccinated. The master-at-arms points out to him his hammock-hook and number, showing him how to lash and carry his hammock, and where to take it when ordered up for stowage in the nettings.
   From the start the boy is taught to keep his clothes in good order, and in thorough repair; cleanliness of person and clothing is strictly enforced; and much stress is laid upon it at all inspections. Every article of clothing is distinctly marked with the owner's name immediately after its issue. Prompt and cheerful obedience to orders, and a respectful bearing toward those in authority are insisted upon. The boys are taught to regard the training ship as a home, and every effort is made to render it as comfortable and attractive as possible. Singing, dancing and other sports are allowed on all proper occasions, and every boy is required to attend service on Sunday morning, the service being conducted by the chaplain on the main deck.
   As soon as a boy is enlisted he is furnished with all necessary articles of clothing, and of small stores, such as needles, threads, buttons, scissors, jack knife, comb, shoe brush, blacking, soap, etc., the cost of the same to be charged to his account.
   For enlistment a boy must be more than 14 and under 18 years of age; he must be free from all physical defect and have a good moral character.

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