Wednesday, February 24, 2016


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, September 11, 1891.

Peck Nominated.

   The long agony is over and Rufus T. Peck of this place has secured the Republican nomination for Senator for this district. The Convention was held in Syracuse last Saturday and a large number of Mr. Peck's friends boarded the early morning train to be on the ground in season to hurrah when the nomination was made. A large number of his opponents also took the same train. The Convention met at 12 M., and just one hour previous, Mr. H. G. White finding that he had the Hiscock-Hendricks combination to fight, withdrew from the contest. Soon after Mr. White's withdrawal, Mr. C. E. Lewis, the other Onondaga county candidate followed his example, leaving Mr. Peck the only candidate in the field.
   Mr. H. L. Bronson of this place presented Peck's name to the Convention and made a speech in support of it. The nomination was not seconded but the chairman called for a rising vote and about two-thirds of the delegates stood up and the nomination was declared to be unanimous. A committee was appointed to wait on the nominee and bring him before the Convention. While the committee were absent Mr. B. A. Benedict addressed the Convention in response to several calls. Loud calls were made for Judge J. E. Eggleston, but the Judge exhibited excellent discretion by leaving the hall as soon as he discovered that calls for an endorsement of Peck were about to be made. It isn't very often that the Judge runs away from a call for a speech, but he has his own ideas about a good many things and probably about Peck in particular.
   Pretty soon after the Cortland County delegates arrived in Syracuse they were corralled in a room in one of the hotels and properly tagged with a label bearing the legend "I am for Peck" after which they were instructed as to their duties and what was expected of them by B A. Benedict, Esq., and then turned loose into the wicked city.
   After his nomination Mr. Peck made a speech which was replete with his usual stereotyped promises. W. H. Crane of Homer and C. A. Brooks of Marathon were selected as the members of the Senatorial committee from this county. 
   The Hitchcock band met Mr. Peck and his friends at the station in this village at 6:32 P. M. and escorted that gentleman to his home on Greenbush-st., where he indulged in a few remarks. It is claimed by his opponents who went from here to Syracuse that a collection was taken up in that city to pay the band and that some of his opponents were solicited to contribute, a proposition which they declined with thanks.

   Vedder, Erwin, Peck—these are the three Republican nominees for the senate thus far in the field. Mr. Platt evidently intends to do business in the same old way at the old stand in the capitol next winter.—Albany Argus.

   Hon. Celora E. Martin of Binghamton was re-nominated for Justice of the Supreme Court at the Republican Judicial Convention held last Tuesday. Judge Martin is an able lawyer and has made an excellent record on the bench. The Convention did well to re-nominate him.

   Hon. Douglass Boardman, late one of the Judges of the Supreme Court in this district, died at his cottage on Cayuga lake last Saturday. He was one of the trustees of Cornell University and leaves a large estate. He was believed to be an upright jurist and a lawyer of fair abilities.

   The Albany Argus in reviewing the political situation in Onondaga, says: "The nomination of Rufus T. Peck for Senator by the Republicans of the Twenty-fifth district gives the Democrats a chance to elect a Senator in that hitherto reliably Republican district. Peck's record in the Assembly should prevent his election to any office, and he is nominated for Senator merely as a Hiscock pawn in the Senatorial game of 1893. It is well understood that Mr. Platt proposes to bestow Mr. Hiscock's seat in the Senate on the Hon. J. S. Fassett, if the Republicans shall control the Legislature in 1893. Mr. Fassett took the collectorship, not because he cared for the honor in itself, but because the position and its patronage will be of service in promoting his ambition to be Senator. Even Hiscock's own friends can gain nothing by voting for Peck. Send an Onondaga Democrat to the Senate."

The Men to Beat Peck.
(From the Syracuse Evening Herald.)
   In the selection of Mr. Peck, the matter has resolved itself down to the prospect that for two years or possible four a Cortland county man will represent this great and growing city in the State Senate; but a possible escape is in the hands of the Democratic party. If the Democrats will give us the right kind of a man from Syracuse, there remains a possibility, perhaps, probability of his election.
    In looking the field over for a candidate, the name of Henry J. Mowry may properly come first. He has long been a resident of this city; he is a man of mature judgment; he is exceedingly loyal to Syracuse; and, although never an office-seeker, he has many times given evidence of his love for his city by the labors which he has performed in its behalf. With Mr. Mowry the Democratic candidate, with the defection from Peck in Cortland County and with the disgust in Syracuse over the neglect of its interests, there can be more than a reasonable hope that the effects of the treason of the timeservers will be overcome. But should Mr. Mowry not desire the nomination, the party can find other citizens who would worthily represent this city and county in the State Senate, notably ex-Mayor William B. Kirk, William A. Beach or ex-Member of Assembly John Lighton.
   We are convinced that there is a strong feeling in Syracuse that our interests demand the selection of a citizen of Syracuse for State Senator at this critical period in the development of our city.

The Real Issue.
(From the Syracuse Herald, Sept 6.)
   The Courier calls attention to the fact that Henry J. Mowry is ineligible to a legislative election this year because of the constitutional provision that no officer under a city government shall be capable of serving in the Legislature unless he shall have resigned at least one hundred days before the election. Mr. Mowry is a City Hall Commissioner, and so cannot run for State Senator against Mr. Peck of Cortland county. This is to be regretted, although it was not improbable that he might have declined in any event. But there are not a few good Democrats in Syracuse who would make a good showing against the Cortland county man forced upon the Republican party at the behest of the Hiscock-Hendricks faction.
   The Democratic party has placed upon itself a grave responsibility at this juncture. It must elect a candidate who will unite the party and also prove acceptable to the thousands of Republican and independent electors who are dissatisfied and disgusted with the nomination of Mr. Peck of Cortland. With such a candidate in the field, the people at the polls will hasten to express their sentiments in a business-like way.
   The State Senator from this district is an officer of the very greatest importance to Syracuse, and it matters little what his politics may be as far as his action on measures that concern the welfare of this city is concerned. Assuming that the usual political results will be recorded this fall, the next Governor will be a Democrat and the next Legislature will contain a Republican majority in each branch. Hence a Democratic Senator would be even more influential than a Republican in shaping legislation to meet the views of the executive. Thus the great point is to have a Senator devoted to the interests of this city. It is not enough that he should when urged condescend to say a good word for a Syracuse bill, but we want a citizen of our own number who will gladly, willingly and zealously labor for all measures that are designed to advance the city's prosperity. The question is thus taken out of partisan politics, and becomes one of business, self-protection and municipal reform.

Polls of Election.
   The Supervisor, Assessors and Town Clerk of the town of Cortlandville held a meeting at the office of the Town Clerk in this village last Monday and designated the following polling places in the several districts in this town.
DISTRICT No. 1.—Corey's Hall, McGrawville.
DISTRICT No. 2.—Col. Frank Place's barn, Pomeroy-st., Cortland.
DISTRICT No. 3.—Cortland Steam Laundry building, corner Washington-st. and Clinton-ave., Cortland.
DISTRICT No. 4.—Watrous' Livery barn, Clinton-ave., Cortland.
DISTRICT No. 5.—Warner Rood's barn, Madison-st., Cortland.
DISTRICT No. 6.—Ellsworth's carpenter shop, Lincoln-ave., Cortland.
DISTRICT No. 7.—Firemen's Hall, Main St., Cortland.
DISTRICT No. 8.—George Allport's shop, Tompkins-st., Cortland.
DISTRICT No. 9.—Nottingham's shop, Main-st., Cortland.
   Polls will open at 7:30 o'clock A. M. There are only two registration days, viz:  First day, Saturday, October 17, and second day, Saturday, October 24, from 9 o'clock A. M. to 9 o'clock P. M. In order to register on the last day, voters must appear in person. Only those whose names are registered can vote.

Prohibition Ticket.
   The Prohibitionists held their County Convention in the W. C. T. U. rooms in this village last Monday afternoon. Rev. J. H. Zartman of McGrawville was called to the chair, and C. F. Cobb of Scott acted as Secretary. The following ticket was nominated:
   Member of Assembly—Eugene M. Van Hoesen of Preble.
   Sheriff—Richard J. Lucas of Cortland.
   County Clerk—Dell June of Blodgett's Mills.
   Superintendent of the Poor—Joseph S. Cass of Taylor.
   Coroner— Dr. Eugene B. Nash of Cortland.
   The County Committee was authorized to fill vacancies in the ticket.

The Normal School. 
   Nearly every department in the Normal School is full and everything seems to be moving along harmoniously. The members of the faculty have been assigned the following work: Dr. Cheney, class in psychology and history of education; Prof. Blodgett, Latin and Greek; Prof. Bardwell, chemistry, familiar science, physics, astronomy, mineralogy and geology; Prof. Freeman, general history, U. S History, civil government, school economy and school law; Prof. Hendricks, Mathematics, Miss Roe, Methods; Miss Hendrick, English literature, rhetoric and elocution; Miss Booth, French, German and physical geography; Miss Halbert, registry and music; Miss Hooker, drawing; Miss Webster, Latin, botany, physiology, zoology and English grammar.


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