Tuesday, May 17, 2016


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, April 8, 1892.

Suicide in Hartford.
   Mr. Will Theleman. a young man living on Michigan Hill, some four miles from Harford, committed suicide by hanging last Thursday night, and his body was found yesterday afternoon in a barn at some distance from home. He was a man weighing perhaps two hundred pounds and the body showed plainly the effects of time as well as the marks from the chain with which he was suspended.
   No cause can be assigned, unless it be despondency over the death of his mother some time since, augmented by illness this winter. He had done the usual work about the house and barn Thursday, and must have disappeared soon after, but nothing serious was thought of the matter until the accidental discovery of the body by a man going to look at some hay for pressing. An inquest was considered unnecessary.—Dryden Herald, Mar. 6.

Normal School Notes.
   It has been stated that another subject, "measles," has been added to all of the courses. Many of the students are taking time by the forelock and are ridding themselves of this subject at once. Standings obtained in other schools for the same subject will be accepted by the faculty.
   There are more pretty girls in school this term than usual. The Normal cannot justly be called a school of old maids.
   Deep and painful were the lamentations that went forth when the assignments for the last half were posted. But the inexorable edict was passed, and the pour over-worked A. must get along as best he can.
   Efforts are being put forth to organize a Lawn Tennis Association among the students and members of the faculty. It is to be hoped that the local board will grant us the use of a plot of ground upon the campus large enough for a tennis court. The Normal is never behind the times in providing means for mental culture. Why should it be for physical?
   Who fooled the janitor on April 1st?
   Mr. I. E. Van Etten having finished his work, has left school, but will return to graduate with the June class.
   Pending the coming of the glee club next week, many of our boys are considering the effect of an excess of AmCy [sic] upon AgCI.

Benjamin Harrison.
   The advent of spring would bring joy to the hearts of all, were it not for the fact that the warm rays of the sun will thaw the baseball crank into renewed activity.

   President Harrison once said "I can not find myself in full sympathy with this demand for cheaper coats, which seems to me necessarily to involve a cheaper man and woman under the coat."  The man who uttered this peculiar sentiment may be regarded as quite incapable of signing the Springer bill calling for free wool and cheaper woolens. Nevertheless, no citizen would regard himself a cheaper man if he could save $5 on a suit of clothes of equal quality to that he has been in the habit of wearing.—Kingston Leader.

   The question whether a person born in Boston could be anything besides a Yankee was ably argued at the hotel a short time ago. No decision as yet.
   One of the leasees of the Union Milk Depot arrived from New York Monday evening and instructed the workmen to run at least forty cans per day into cheese until further orders.
   The Stanton Mill dam gave away Monday morning which caused the Crofoot dam also to break. The Little York dam still holds its grip. The slack water is higher than we have seen it in twenty years.
   A desire for some of "the odoriferous vegetable" (onions) led us to visit that prince of gardners [sic] and berry-raisers, Russel Oaks, last Thursday. He invited us to look over his stock of almost fifty Shropshire—Southdown sheep. As we had used the same progenitor among our flock of the same number two years ago we gladly done so. His is a premium flock and he thinks they will average over 7 lbs of wool. "Last year ours was six pounds. They are a beautiful flock of sheep." "What do you expect to get for your wool?" ''Last year I only got thirty cents and it looks as though this year it would be twenty-eight or even lower. I used to get from thirty-three to thirty-five, but the protective tariff seems to protect the other side." Then we explained to Mr. Oaks our views on this wool question and now give them to the readers of the DEMOCRAT.
   Our grade of wool is never used alone to make good cloth, but mixed equally with the imported short merrino or Saxon which costs usually about twenty-five cents per pound. Now to make one dollar's worth of cloth the outlay for material must not exceed sixty cents. Then we have a pound of imported wool at twenty-five and a pound of our wool at thirty-five making the dollar's worth of cloth. But the Republican tariff men say tax this foreign wool five cents and that will compel them to sell it at twenty cents while the five will be added to ours giving us forty cents; and keeping the cost at sixty cents. This is a beautiful theory, but it won't wash in every day use. The manufacturer has to pay the five cents tariff tax and he just deducts so much from the price of our wools. We cannot grow wool of our quality at less than thirty-five cents, and live. The good sale of lambs has helped the sheep raising along. There is to-day within the little circle of observation about five hundred less sheep than the day Harrison was elected. This tells the story of profits and protection.
   Give us good old democratic rule, make no pets in the family of industries—and we shall have prosperous times.

   Charles Freer commenced work at the Union milk depot Tuesday.
   Mr. Will Brown and family occupy a portion of Mr. Bigger’s house.
   Rev. J. D. Barnes has concluded his services as pastor of the Baptist society.
   Miss Betty Bigger who has been keeping house the past year for her brother, W. R. Bigger, has gone to Nebraska.
   Rev. Mr. Grandison, a noted colored divine from the South, will preach in the M. E. church, next Sunday afternoon.
   The high water on Sunday came near causing a serious accident. All day the water ran over the roadway completely surrounding Mr. A. Skeele’s residence, and came up some distance round the milk depots. People were obliged to cross in boats which they did all day at intervals safely. Late in the afternoon, Will Champlin, living on the east side of the river wished to cross over to go to his work, having hired to Mr. C. W. Youker for the coming season The one boat in this vicinity was loaned him in which he placed his valise and overcoat. Not being familiar with the river, the boat was caught in the swift current and swept under the bridge and down the stream about ten rods when he caught in the low hanging boughs of a tree and drew himself safely up among the branches; the only boat being swept away, his chances of rescue were frail. Two men started north after a boat and fortunately met two young men in a boat from Cortland, who with great difficulty rescued Mr. Champlin from his perilous position. The boat, valise and overcoat were found further down the river lodged among some bushes. Champlin was badly frightened and in a pitiable condition when rescued, but is much better now.

   Orris Hose Company's fair opens April 19th, and continues to April 23d, in Garrison hall.
   Mr. C. A. McAlpin, of Marathon, has secured letters patent on a road scraper.
   The senate has confirmed the appointment of Pembroke Pierce to be postmaster at Homer.
   The Cortland Trap Co. have sold their business to the Oneida Community at Kenwood.—DeRuyter Gleaner.
   Tully Lake Park hotel will be open June 15th, with Mr. Frank R. Slayton in charge. It will be well managed.
   The half term of Miss Ormsby's school will begin Wednesday, April 13th. Parents wishing to enter children should apply at once.
   The King's Daughters circle will meet at the residence of Mrs. A. H. Watkins, No. 38 Homer avenue, Saturday, April 9, at 2:30 P. M.
   The 45th Separate Company and Water Witch Steamer and Hose Company will hold a fair in the armory, commencing April 18th, and lasting five days.
   The Syracuse Sunday Times appeared last Sunday in an entire new dress, and looks as neat and tasty as any one could wish. The Times is a newsy sheet, and deserves the excellent support it is receiving from the citizens of Onondaga and surrounding counties.
   Correspondents of the DEMOCRAT are again notified that their favors should be mailed each week so as to reach us by Tuesday, at the latest. Anything of importance can be sent later in the week. Letters from some of our correspondents do not reach us until Thursday, and some of them too late to be inserted the same week.
   David C. Beers, who recently returned from Hondurus, C. A., presented C. T. Peck, president of the Silk Stocking club [Republican club], with a handsome gavel made from Ronron wood. Although small, the gavel is very heavy, and should a refractory Silk Stocking receive a rap on the head with it, he would think he had tumbled into the Irish-American club room and been introduced to a half dozen shellallahs.
   Messrs. W. A. Robbins and H. T. McKay have purchased the wholesale fruit business of Stanford, Brown & Co., at 18 Railroad street. The latter has been with the firm for the past year, and the former has been in the same line of business in Syracuse. Mr. Stanford, the resident manager, has been a great sufferer from rheumatism for some months, and hopes to regain his health by a change of climate.
   Mrs. R. H. Stark, of this place, has a bed quilt made by her when 15 years old, that contains over 14,000 pieces. It is a very handsome quilt, and must have required much patience as well as endurance to construct the same.
   While George Gleason was engaged in tapping a gas pipe on Tompkins street, Tuesday afternoon, he was overcome by the fumes of the escaping gas and fainted. His assistant pulled him out of the ditch and he was taken to his home in a wagon. He is all right again.

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