Monday, June 13, 2016


Boys with street track obstruction in Cleveland, Ohio.

The Cortland Democrat, Friday, July 1, 1892.

Two Cars Loaded With Police Attacked by the Strikers.
   CLEVELAND, O., June 24.—Late this afternoon two cars loaded with police were run out Euclid avenue to Lake View. The first was in charge of Louis Bilstein, assistant secretary of the East Cleveland Company. When the strikers saw it they were furious. They hooted at Bilstein and attempted to drag him from the car. The police then charged the crowd. A saloonkeeper named John Moody and Edward Barber were struck on the head. Moody was taken home but Barber was locked up. Affairs were serious for awhile, but the men soon quieted down and no more trouble was experienced, for the reason, perhaps, that no more attempts were made to start cars.
   The East Cleveland people announce their determination to start cars in the morning if possible under police protection. It is said tonight on good authority that every line in the city will be tied up in the morning.
   At 8 o'clock tonight a squad of Pinkerton men, brought from Chicago by the East Cleveland Co., marched to the Lake View barns. The strikers assembled there in troops and serious rioting followed, in which the strikers claim Edward Eldred, one of the Pinkerton men, shot at Matt Bouford, one of the motormen, the ball passing through his coat near the groin. The crowd closed in on the Pinkertons, who fled and scattered toward a clump of woods. Eldred was picked up shortly afterward near the barns with two broken ribs and two long gashes in his head. He was sent to a hospital. The mayor has ordered the company to send the Pinkerton men out of the city, on penalty of withdrawing police protection.
   At a late hour to-night the strikers state they have decided not to call for a general tie up of the other street railroads to-morrow .

   Don't fail to be in Cortland on the 4th. It will be a great day.
   The Water Company's water tower, on cemetery hill, has been repainted by experts.
   The fireworks, to be seen next Monday evening, will be a great feature of the celebration. Don't miss it.
   The H. M. Whitney Co. are having the necessary arrangements made to heat their buildings with exhaust steam.
   The attention of our readers is called to the advertisement in reference to tax sale of lands in Cortland Co., on our seventh page.
   A new pest has appeared to destroy tomato vines. It resembles a very small worm, and girdles the stalk near the ground, destroying the plant.—Exchange.
   The poets represented in the July Cosmopolitan are James Russell Lowell, Graham R. Tomson, Duncan C. Scott, John Vance Cheney, Lorimer Stoddard, Frederick Peterson and Edith M. Thomas.
   St. George Mivart's second article, "Natural Selection," which appears in the July Cosmopolitan, carries the reader a step further with that celebrated thinker in his series on "Evolution and Christianity."
   The heavy rain, Monday afternoon, caused Main-st. to resemble a good sized river. The crosswalks at the Standard building corner, and in front of the Hubbard, Wallace and Beaudry blocks, were inundated.
   Mr. Ben. Cheeney, who had one of his little fingers scratched in a pile of scrap iron in the Cortland Harness & Carriage Goods Company's shops a month ago, has had the finger amputated owing to the fact that blood poisoning set in.
   A "Tippecanoe Club" has been organized in Cortland with Major A. Sager as President. The club has adopted "Gran'ther's Hat" as a trade mark. Nothing stronger than old man cider will be admitted "except on business.''
   Samuel Miller, of this place, has leased the Elm Tree house in McLean for a term of years, and will take possession to-morrow. Mr. Miller has had experience in the business, and is a popular landlord. The old Elm Tree will be well kept.
   Notwithstanding the fact that there is no R. in the month of June or July, Peter Johnson, 130 South Main-st., keeps constantly on hand the largest and freshest oysters we have sampled at any time during the season. They are simply delicious.
   Rev. A. F. Curry, a very able speaker, is appointed to preach at the Free Methodist church next Sunday, July 3d, both morning and evening, and also at the store (corner of Pomeroy and Elm streets), at 1 o'clock P. M. All are cordially invited to hear him.
   Mr. Chas. Vincent, formerly of Cuyler, will give an Independence party at Bush's Hall, in Fabius, Monday evening, July 4th. Bill, $1.25. The music will be furnished by the Delphi orchestra. An old-fashioned celebration will also be held in that place on the 4th.
   While John Jerome's horse was hitched under the church shed at Pompey, Friday night, some wretch fed it oats in which Paris green [arsenic] had been mixed, causing its death.
   The recent floods and fires at Titusville and Oil City, Pa., caused a loss of sixty lives at the former place and fifty four at the latter place. At Titusville the loss is estimated at $1,000,000.
   More dogs go mad in cold weather than in hot, as shown by statistics. Canada and all northern countries show a large amount of cases, while in India and Africa the disease is exceptional.

   Rain, rain, constant rain.
   Two gentlemen from Cuyler were in town last week.
   George Watrous, of Cortland, spent Sunday in town.
   Mr. Gosper, of Ithaca, visited relatives here the past week.
   Mrs. Light, of Cortland, visited at Byron Grant's the past week.
   Rev. W. H. Ball is still on the sick list. His sister is caring for him.
   Mr. Oscar Smith of Cortland is a guest at his father's, Mr. S. Smith.
   Mrs. Davison is doing dressmaking for Mrs. Allen, at present writing.
   Mrs. Flora Eades, and daughter, of Homer, is at her father's, Mr. S. Smith's.
   Mrs. Chauncey Tuttle is visiting her children in Cortland, at present writing.
   The Grange had a very pleasant gathering at the hall all by themselves, Saturday.
   Mrs. J. Holden and Miss Goodell, of Solon, called on Mr. Huron Lennon, Tuesday.
   Dr. Edward Allen and family, of Dryden, visited at his father's, Dr. D. K. Allen's, recently.
   Mrs. Talmadge and children, and Mrs. Wilber, of Cortland, visited at Arthur Borthwick's Friday.
   Mr. and Mrs. Mericle, of McGrawville, visited their daughter, Mrs. T. Wilcox, the first of the week.
   The schools of this town will have their picnic Saturday of this present week. A general invitation is extended.
   Mr. Munson Watrous, of Lapeer, who is now stopping at Mr. John Smith's, in Marathon, was in town Saturday.
   Mrs. C. Cass, who has been staying with her daughter, Mrs. Wilcox, some weeks, has returned to her home in Solon.

   We had a fine rain Monday.
   Farmers are starting mowing machines.
   Mrs. Dr. Fairbank and two of her daughters are visiting at Dr. Webster's.
   James Mullane was thrown from a load of hay and had a wrist broken last Friday.
   Rev. Father Joyce is about to leave for Europe. He will be absent about two months.
   In the case of Hulbert vs. Smith tried here Monday, the jury brought in a verdict of $15 damages in favor of the plaintiff. John O'Donnell was counsel for Hulbert and H. C. Miner for Smith.
   William Briggs, Oliver Schermerhorn, E. A. Phillips, John Beattie, John Henry, Eugene A. Burnham and Oliver H. Topping all of East Homer, were mustered into the G. A. R. here last Saturday evening.
   The Good Templars held a clam bake at Cheningo last Saturday and a corner stone of a new Protestant Methodist church, to be built at that place, was placed in position with the usual impressive ceremonies last Monday.

   Dr. Leonard is all smiles. It is a girl.
   We had a very heavy rain here on Monday evening.
   Mr. Alex. Mahan and son of Cortland were in town last Sunday.
   Mr. Smith and wife of Syracuse were visiting at Henry Gray's last week.
   Henry Dorenburgh and Bert Harrington come to the front with new buggies.
   Mr. Asa Green of Syracuse was in town on Sunday and Monday of this week.
   Mrs. Carpenter and niece of Galeton, Pa. visited friends in town last week.
   Mr. Oliver Griswold and his daughter and her family were in town on Saturday last.
   Mr. John Hunt and wife of DeRuyter visited her sister, Mrs. Hiram Wilcox, last week.
   Mr. Oscar Watkins of Ulster, Pa. was visiting his sister, Mrs. George Mattison, the fore part of the week.
   Quite a good many of the young people of this place attended a strawberry festival held at Harford one evening last week, and report a good time.
   Born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hollenbeck, on Tuesday of last week, a son, thus equally dividing the family of seven boys and seven girls, with thirteen now living.
   It seems strange that an engineer will send in a car on the switch, without a brakeman on, with such force as one was sent in on Monday evening unless it is to break and destroy things.
   CHIP. [pen name of local correspondent.]

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