Friday, July 29, 2016


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, October 28, 1892.

Election Notice.
   The Inspectors of Election in each election district of the town of Cortlandville will meet (as a board of registry) at the polling place in their district Saturday, October 22, and 29, 1892, from 9 o'clock in the forenoon to 9 o'clock in the evening of those days, for the purpose of registering all persons legally qualified to vote in that district at the next general election, Nov. 8, 1892:
   District No. 1, Warren Block Hall, McGrawville, N. Y.
   District No. 2, Daniel O'Connell's barn, 115 Railroad–st., Cortland, N. Y.
   District No. 3, H. C. Beebe's barn, 75 Clinton-ave., Cortland, N. Y.
   District No. 4, Watrous Livery barn, 22 Clinton-ave., Cortland, N. Y.
   District No. 5, Warner Rood's barn, 16 Madison-st., Cortland, N. Y.
   District No. 6, Ellsworth's Carpenter shop, Lincoln-ave., Cortland, N. Y.
   District No. 7, Firemen's Hall, Main-st., Cortland, N. Y.
   District No. 8, Geo. Allport shop, 115 Tompkins-st., Cortland, N. Y.
  In order to vote you must be registered, and to be registered Saturday, October 29, the last day, you must be present in person before the board. (29w3)

Caroline Scott Harrison
The Highest Lady in the Land is Dead.
   WASHINGTON, Oct. 25.—Mrs. Harrison is dead. The end came at 1:40 this morning. For the grief-stricken watchers the night seemed to pass slowly. Mr. Harrison was restless and nervous.
   The president and family were at the bedside for twenty-four hours. About 12:30 o'clock, while Dr. Gardner sat by Mrs. Harrison's side with his fingers lightly pressed to her pulse, his practiced hand discerned a noticeable weakness of the hearts action, followed almost immediately by a slight decrease of respiration. He notified the grief-stricken family grouped around the couch that the end was very near.
   This intelligence had a most depressing effect upon the president, who had been in constant attendance on his afflicted wife for over nine hours, and he sustained himself with the greatest difficulty.
   An hour and ten minutes later she passed away. It was a moment of supreme grief to her husband.
   Over all the government offices and over the hotels and many of the business buildings the flags were at half mast. From the hour when the White House was closed, following the death of Mrs. Harrison, quiet had reigned until the usual time for opening the mansion. President Harrison retired and obtained some rest. When he reappeared this morning he bore himself with the calmness and fortitude that comes from dependence upon a higher power and a resignation to the mandates of His will.
   Telegrams of condolences from the Pope of Rome, Queen Victoria, ex-President and Mrs. Cleveland, and many other noted persons, were received soon after the sad event occurred.
   Two presidents and the wives of two presidents have died in the White House. The first death was that of the grand-father of President Harrison "Old Tippecanoe," "the hero of North Bend," oldest of the presidents, which occurred April 4th, 1841, one month to a day after his inauguration as president. The second death was that of the wife of President John Tyler, the headstrong successor of Gen. Harrison, in the fall of 1842. July 9, 1850, Gen. Zachary Taylor died in the executive mansion.
   Wedding ceremonies have been held and deaths of children of presidents have happened in the interim, but the venerable structure has not been shrouded in mourning for a woman for over fifty years.

Annual Meeting.
   The annual meeting of the stockholders of the San Rafael Mining and Milling company for the election of directors, will be held in the company's office in Cortland, N. Y., on Wednesday, Nov. 9, 1892. The polls of said election will be open from 1 to 2 o'clock P. M.
   (31w2)  B. B. JONES, Secretary.
   Cortland, N. Y. Oct. 17, 1892.

Annual Meeting.

   The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Cortland-Honduras Mining Association for the election of directors, will be held in the company's office in Cortland, N. Y., on Wednesday, Nov. 9, 1892. The polls of said election will be open from 10 to 11 o'clock A. M.
   (31w2)  B. B. JONES, Secretary.
   Cortland, N. Y., Oct. 17. 1892.

Cortland Rural Cemetery.
   The annual meeting of the lot owners of Cortland Rural cemetery will be held at Judge Eggleston's office, November 7th, 1892, at 7 o'clock P. M., at which time three trustees will be elected in place of A. L. Cole, A. D. Blodgett and C. P. Walrad, whose several terms of office will expire on that day; and any other business that may properly come before the meeting will receive attention.
   E. A. FISH, Secretary   (32w2)

To the Ladies.
   I wish to announce to the ladies of Cortland that I have a preparation that has long been wanted. Something that will keep curls and frizzes. I have a liquid of my own preparation which has had a thorough trial. It will not injure the hair and it is very easy to apply. Just dampen the hair with curlette and then curl or frize, and the hair will keep in curl for one week, and water or snow will not straighten it out.
   I also have a preparation which I will warrant to keep the hair from falling out. I have several customers who will testify to its merits. I also have a preparation for your face, Lilac Cream, to be used after shaving; stops all smarting, kills the soap, and is very fine for chapped hands, sore lips or roughness of the skin. These goods are of my own preparation, and I have given them a thorough trial. Any person using them can feel perfectly safe, as they are in no way injurious. The goods can be found at my barber shop, No. 9 R. R. street, or at my house, No. 70 Maple Ave. extension.
   W. H. CLAVELL, Prop'r,
   Grand Central Barber Shop,
   Cortland, N. Y.

Normal School News.
   During the absence of Dr. Cheney, Prof. Hendrick has been acting principal. The three departments of the Normal did themselves credit in the parade on Columbus day. One of the taking features of the parade was the novel appearance of the Gamma Sigma Fraternity in mortarboards, a custom which has never before been introduced into this school; the Y. M.'s had to admit that it was somewhat of a surprise and also that they were not "in it" for that afternoon.
   It is expected that a large bulletin board will be placed in the chapel, which will include the school bulletins and those of the four societies.
   Carpenters are at work in the third story of the old building, finishing the woodwork in the laboratories.
   It is reported the roof of the Opera House was raised three inches as a result of the Gamma Sig. yell on Columbus day.

   If you are not registered you cannot vote.
   Try a glass of hot soda water at Brogden's.
   A full list of the candidates of all the parties will be found on our sixth page.
   The Western Union telegraph office will be open until 9 P. M. until after the election.
   Mr. Lauren Stone will give a temperance lecture at the Universalist church, Sunday evening. All seats are free. Everybody invited.
   The regular meeting of the Women’s Foreign Missionary Society will be held at the chapel of the Presbyterian church on Friday at 3:30 o'clock P.M. Subject, "Persia."
   Mr. C. N. Tyler, the Elm-st. grocer, is dialing receiving new goods which he offers to his customers at very low prices. Goods delivered to any part of the village. Remember the place, 37 Elm Street.
   One hundred Cortland "baldheads" attended the show given by May Davenport's Burlesque company [at Keator Opera House--CC editor] in Homer, last Saturday evening. By special request we refrain from publishing a list of names of those who were present.
   The remains of Martin Kelly, who was killed by the cars at Sayre, Pennsylvania, were brought to this place Tuesday evening by special train, and taken to his home on Winter street. The funeral was held Thursday morning at St. Mary's church.
   Everybody invited to attend the Prohibition mass meeting to be held at the Opera House, Friday evening, Oct. 28th, to be addressed by Rev. T. J. Bissell, D. D., and Prof. A. H. Morrill. Singing by the Prohibition quartette. Everybody welcome.
   Mr. O. W. Walter has taken possession of the south store in the Carpenter block on North Main street, which gives him the entire front on first floor of the building. He has a fine stock of pianos and other musical goods which he will be pleased to show to all who may favor him with a call.
   Mrs. Charles N. Conine had her husband arrested and brought before Justice Bull last week, on the charge of refusing to support her. He was required to give a bond in the sum of $400 for the support of his wife and child, in default of which he was sent to jail. Conine's defence [sic] was that the complainant was not his wife.
   Messrs. Fitzgerald & Kellogg's stallion, Waterloo, reduced her race record at Hornellsville, last week, to 2:191/4, and Mr. Kellogg's three-year-old mare. Benedicta, by Waterloo, reduced her race record to 2:29 1/2. The Honorable L. J. Fitzgerald's mare, Wilkie Wonder, reduced her race record at the same place to 2:28 1/2, and his young mare, Halo, got a race mark of 2:24 1/4. Cortland flyers are surely coming to the front.

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