Tuesday, July 5, 2016


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, August 26, 1892.


   A very large proportion of the dispatches nowadays, as well as the reports of local news gatherers, bring news of strikers. Do the workingmen of this country realize that there is such a thing as killing the goose that lays the golden egg? Would they, as a whole or individually, be benefited by a financial crisis, such as a labor crisis could bring on?
   It is much easier to pull down than build up business prosperity. This country was as prosperous apparently, before the last great panic as it is now. We are near the completion of one of our cycles of business growth and downfall. In 1837 we had a panic, in 1857 another, in 1873 another. Shall we have one in 1892? The intervals range from 16 to 20 years. We have had 19 years of business this time.
   If we have a crash this fall it will be the first precipitated by labor itself. Speculation and wild cat banking produced the others. Capital, misused by reckless speculators, brought each of them about. Shall labor as recklessly handled by leaders who profit or expect to profit by industrial convulsion, bring about ruin this time and throw hundreds of thousands out of employment, in trades that are fairly recompensed and content as well as in those full of agitation?—Buffalo News,16th.

   The advocates of a protective tariff claim that the prime object of a high protective tariff is to foster and protect our infant industries. The very next day we find them insisting that a protective tariff reduces the price of the articles sought to be protected. Such logic would have astonished Aristotle himself. If a protective tariff fails to advance the price of the article protected, of what earthly use is the protection? Protection that fails to protect is just no protection at all.

   James J. Belden walked off with the Congressional nomination at Syracuse Wednesday. The caucuses in the city were held the same day and there was a bitter fight between the Hiscock-Hendrick's faction on one side, and Belden's faction on the other. Belden carried all but three of the wards and the fight was a desperate one. Fist fights were plenty but no arrests were made. Belden gave the delegates a grand dinner at the Globe after the convention was over. It is said that Mr. Belden neglected to send an invitation to the feast to Hon. Carroll E. Smith, of the Syracuse Journal.

Tariff Lessons.
   The Standard jumps on the DEMOCRAT for referring in a general way to the "high tariff on tin" and then hops lightly to the conclusion that the DEMOCRAT knows nothing about the McKinley bill or the tariff question. We are content to allow our neighbor to monopolize all the satisfaction that can be derived from such a mistaken notion, but we are not entirely willing that the public shall be misled to please our self-constituted instructor on tariff reform. When speaking of tin we did not mean to be understood as referring to black oxide, bar, block or pig tin in its natural state, but used the word in its plain, every day meaning, which refers to tin plate, or manufactured tin, in sheets ready for use. The Standard gravely informs us that there "is no tariff on tin at the present time," but that there will be after July 1, 1893. The duty on tin after that date by virtue of the McKinley bill will be four cents per pound.
   We hope we shall not be considered as presumptuous if we choose to change places with the Standard for a brief period and turn instructor. Under the tariff of 1883, tin plate (we are particular to add the word plate) paid a duty of 1 cent per pound. The McKinley bill raised the duty to 2 2-10 cents per pound and this duty is now in force and is being collected. The consumer pays this extra tax, which is put on solely for the benefit of the manufacturer, and tin plate is the material from which every article of tin ware used by the people is manufactured. The duty was raised simply to benefit the manufacturer of iron or steel sheets. Senator Aldrich, of Rhode Island, in his report upon the Senate substitute for the Mills bill, which put tinned plate upon the free list showed clearly why and in whose interest the job was being worked. He said, "The free admission of iron or steel sheets of all thicknesses coated with tin or lead would cause a substitution of imported tin plates or sheets in most cases for roofing and other building purposes, and for domestic uses where galvanized or other sheet iron or steel is now used." The object of the McKinley bill was to protect the makers of galvanized or sheet iron and steel from being obliged to sell their products in competition with tinned plate, which, under, the tariff of 1883, had become cheaper, and was at the same time better adapted for such purposes.
   The Standard thinks that an enormous duty ought not to be placed on sealskin cloaks because "the skins are grown on the backs of seals which are the property of the United States, and for whose protection against free trade thieves and pirates the government has exerted its power, and has now under arbitration a dispute with
England." The people of England may be free trade; thieves and pirates" for all we know, but our government has made but a very poor showing so far, to establish its right to all the seals in the waters in dispute. Not that it did not have a good case, but the vantage ground possessed by this government was almost if not quite given up, in order to make the contract which it had given to Messrs. Stephen B. Elkins and James G. Blaine, to kill fur-bearing seals in these waters, more profitable. The skins are usually shipped direct to London, where they are cured, dyed and manufactured into garments at an immense profit and sold to the jobbers in New York, who add still another large profit. These cloaks are sold to the very wealthy people only, who can well afford to pay a high tariff on them. They are luxuries which cannot be afforded by any but wealthy people and they ought to be taxed roundly. The reason why they were not, was because the law was made by wealthy men for the benefit of the wealthy.
   The goods which poor people are able to wear, bear the highest tax. The wives of farmers and mechanics might have been able to wear plush cloaks under the Mills bill which put the duty at 40 per cent ad valorum on "Plushes and other fine fabrics, composed wholly or in part of wool, worsted, the hair of the camel, goat, alpaca, or other animals valued at not above 80 cts. per lb." while the McKinley bill raised the duty of 1883 to a specific duty of 49 c. to 60 per cent with an ad valorum duty of 122 per cent. Was there any sense or decency in raising the duty on those goods so needful to the poor people and not making a corresponding raise in the price of the rich man’s goods? The duty on "Dress goods of cotton and worsted, costing 15 cts. the square yard paid a duty under the tariff of 1883 of 68 per cent; the McKinley bill raised it to 88 per cent. Same goods costing 20 cts. per square yard were raised from 60 to 90 per cent. Same, all wool or mixed materials, costing 24 cents, raised from 77 to 100 per cent, and so on.
   The McKinley bill was passed to benefit the rich and to oppress the poor and the tendency of Republican legislation has been in this direction for many years past.

Permanently Located.
(From the Tully Times, August 20, 1892.)
   Profs. Armstrong & Cook, Managers of the Central N. Y. Assembly, have purchased from A. H. Van Bergen fifteen acres of land, taking in the entire lake front on Mr. Van Bergen's farm, with a right of way directly from their station to the grounds. The survey is now being made. The managers will soon commence to make improvements and will convert the place into a summer home. It is contemplated to erect a mammoth hotel, cottages, boat and bathing houses, etc. This is, indeed, a boom for Tully, the extent of which can hardly yet be fully appreciated by our citizens. Every one should feel interested and do all in their power to assist and encourage the enterprising, plucky managers who are doing so much for Tully. The Assembly at Tully is destined to be the Chautauqua of Central N. Y.
   The Times congratulates Messrs. Armstrong & Cook. The success they have already achieved is but the forerunner of what is to follow.


   The repairs on the Court House are being pushed ahead rapidly.
   The King's Daughters will meet with Mrs. H. H. Robbins, 20 Park street, Saturday, Aug. 27th, at 3 P. M.
   The fall term of Marathon Union school and Academy opens next Monday, with Prof. C. V. Coon as principal.
   The Sunday school of the First M. E. church held a basket picnic in Gillett's grove, two miles west of Cortland, on Wednesday.
   The Knight Templars excursion to Oswego takes place Sept. 18th. The 79th Grand Conclave of the Grand Commandery will be held in that city on that date.
   Manager G. W. Ripley, of the Marathon Opera House, announces another social party for Friday evening, September 2d. Good music will be in attendance.
   Under the law an exclusive ballot, containing only candidates for school commissioner, must be provided for women who desire to exercise the franchise in the choice of this official.
   Jacob Knapp, employed on the Normal building, cut his wrist badly with a chisel last Friday. The arteries and cords were severed and it will be some time before he will be able to work.
   The regular semi-monthly mothers' meeting (west) will be held at the residence of Mrs. J. H. Johnson, 10 Duane street, on Thursday, Sept. 1st, 1892, at 1 P. M. Subject, "Heredities". All ladies are invited.
   Messrs. Morse & Green have sold their stock of groceries, corner of Main and Port Watson streets, to Mr. S. Green of Binghamton. The business will be conducted by Mr. J. D. Green, late of the firm of Morse & Green.
   Pathmasters who conform to the law in removing loose stones from the track and cutting the foul weeds along the highway twice during the summer will have an opportunity next fall to make affidavit that such work has been done. Five dollars is the price for not doing it.
   The picnic given by the Cortland City Band and the Young Men's City Club, at the Trout Park last Saturday, was well attended and each organization cleared $80. William Riley won the 300 yard foot race, Datus Smith, the sack race, and Fred Ketchum and Smith the three-legged race, and Eddie Fitzgerald the tub race.
   At about 1 o'clock Sunday afternoon, some loose hay in a shed adjoining Mr. Abner Doubleday's barn at 18 Maple avenue, was discovered to be on fire, and an alarm was sent in from station 232. The fire was extinguished by the neighbors before the fire department arrived. The hay had been set on fire by an urchin, who evidently did not realize that his bonfire would have been a very large one if it had not been discovered in time to prevent further progress.
   On Tuesday evening next, August 30th, will be given at Hulbert's Grand Opera House, a concert for the benefit of St. Stephen's church, of Marathon, under the auspices of the Misses Dunphy. One of the chief attractions of the concert will be the harp playing of Miss Agnes Dunphy. Assistance will be rendered by the Misses Allen, of Whitney's Point, Miss Costello, of Binghamton, Tom Allen, of Cortland and others, and an attractive program is assured. Tickets 25c; reserved seats 35c.
   Mrs. W. B. Smith. No. 7 Lincoln-ave., is about moving to Kalamazoo, Mich., and is selling her household goods at private sale.
   The 45th Separate Company is expected home from Buffalo this morning. President Price called a public meeting at Firemen's hall last evening to make arrangements for giving the boys a welcome on their return.
   Mr. F. E. Williams, of Homer, has sold his furniture and undertaking business to Mr. George H. Paddock, of the same place, and Mr. Paddock has sold his hardware and plumbing business to Mr. Williams. They simply change places and lines of business.



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