Wednesday, August 10, 2016


Grover Cleveland, president-elect 1892.

The Cortland Democrat, Friday, November 18, 1892.


(From Our Regular Correspondent.)
   WASHINGTON, NOV. 14.1892.—Now that the smoke of the great conflict [1892 election] has cleared away the full significance of the most decisive revolution of popular sentiment known for generations can be seen by all, and it is hardly to be wondered at that even such hide-bound Republicans as Secretaries Foster and Rusk are joining the great majority in condemning the robber tariff, as the principle cause of their party's overwhelming defeat, and that Mr. Harrison pleads in extenuation of his having endorsed the Force bill, the second issue in importance of the campaign, that he was forced to do it by the republicans of the Fifty-first Congress—perhaps he intends this as a dig at ex-Czar Reed, who forced the Force bill through the House supposedly heretofore as a special favor to Mr. Harrison; but these gentlemen arrived at a realizing sense of these facts, so plain to the men who spoke in trumpet tones by the election of Cleveland and Stevenson and a democratic Senate and House, too late to do them or their well thrashed party any good. The people have had enough of the jug-handled legislation of the republican party, and have turned the job of making the laws over to the democratic party, and so long as that party remains true to the promises upon which it won this, the most brilliant victory in its history, the majority of the voters will be true to the democratic party. If it falls to keep those promises, which it is not likely to do, it will deserve defeat, and what is more it will get it.
   The principle trouble ahead of the party which will run this government after the fourth of next March is to decide upon the best method of keeping those promises, and although many democrats are just now going off half-cocked, so to speak, there is no doubt that the wisest men of the party, those who think well before they speak, will map out the program upon which the Fitty-third [sic] Congress will work.
   Theoretically the idea of an extra session of Congress immediately after the inauguration of President Cleveland—President Cleveland has a familiar sort of sound, eh?—for the purpose of reforming the tariff laws and repealing every law on the statute books authorizing federal interference or supervision of election, which is being so strongly urged by many democrats, is all right; but look at the practical side of the matter and it will be seen that little if anything is to be gained by an extra session of Congress.
   The transfer of the government in all of its numerous branches from the republicans to the democrats is of itself a work of great magnitude, and the important questions that will necessarily arise in connection therewith will fully occupy the time of Mr. Cleveland and his advisers for months, while the Senate, which will necessarily have to hold an extra session to confirm the nomination of members of the Cabinet and other important officials, will have its hands full arranging the reorganization of all of its committees and of its official staff, so that even if the House were to meet in extra session, its members, many of them entirely new men, would lack the advice of Mr. Cleveland, the members of his Cabinet and of the old democratic Senators, in framing a tariff bill, which must not be the work of a few weeks, but the result of the careful and deliberate study of many months by the best minds in the democratic party, if it is to be what every patriotic democrat wishes it to be. It will not do to hurriedly frame and pass a bill, which, while correcting the inequalities of the McKinley law, will contain inequalities of its own. That would be a fatal break at the beginning of what now promises to be a long lease of power for the democratic party.
   It will be far better to go slow and go right, and the time between now and the first Monday in December 1893 can be more profitably, for the country and for the democratic party, spent in studying the tariff and its connection with the needs of all classes of our people, by the new Senators and Representatives, than in the hurly-burly of an extra session.
   As for the repeal of the federal election laws, the regular session will be time enough for that, as there will be no more federal elections held until the Congressional election of 1894.
   Please understand that while endorsing the foregoing in every particular it is not put forward as the individual view of your correspondent, but as the substance of the views of all the long-headed and prominent democrats with whom he has been able to discuss the subject since the full extent of the democratic victory was known here, and he has reason also to believe those of President-elect Cleveland, and as such it is commended to the consideration of all democrats, and particularly to those who have apparently taken up the mistaken idea that the tariff can be changed as easily as a man's coat.

   It will pay everybody to read the astonishing offers made by I. Whiteson, in his advertisement on this page. He has an immense stock of goods, as any one can see who will take the pains to call at his store, and if the prices are not low enough Mr. Whiteson is not to blame, as he has put them down to the very bottom. Anything in the line of men's, boys' or children's wear can be found at this establishment, in fact one can be clothed from the crown of his head to the sole of his feet by stepping into this store, and for a very small outlay of money.
   J. A. Jayne, dealer in boots and shoes, has a new advertisement in another column.
   If any of our readers desire to attend the World's Fair in Chicago next year, they should read the splendid offer made by Messrs. Brown & Maybury, in their advertisement in another column.
   The Democrats of Homer had a grand parade and jubilation Tuesday evening.
   Thanksgiving sermon in the Homer-ave. M. E. church, by the pastor, Rev. C. E. Hamilton.
   The King's Daughters will meet at their rooms on Clinton-ave., Saturday, Nov. 19 at 2:30 P. M.
   F. M. Johnston has sold a half interest in his grocery store to M. K. Harris, late of Beebe & Harris.
   The Cortland Wheel Club holds its annual banquet at the Messenger House, this evening. Doors open at 9 o'clock sharp.
   We give this week the opening chapters of an interesting serial entitled, "The Fair Blockade Breaker." Don't fall to read it.
   The Cortland DEMOCRAT will be furnished to subscribers from this date to Jan. 1st, 1894, for $2.00, payable in advance.
   The Cortland Steam Laundry will be rebuilt at once, and it is expected that it will be in running order in about three weeks.
   A turkey raffle will take place at Warden's saloon in Truxton, Wednesday evening Nov. 23d, 1892. One hundred turkeys will be put up.
   A select party will be given at the Baldwin House in Truxton, N. Y., Tuesday evening Nov. 22d, '92. Music by Prof. Daniels' orchestra. Bill, $1.25.
   The regular meeting of the Willard Y. C. T. U. will be held on Saturday evening, at 7:30 o'clock, at the home of Miss M. Della Johnson, 16 Prospect street.
   Mr. E. F. Squires has sold his interest in the firm of Squires & Co., grocers, to his father, Mr. Jas. S. Squires, who will have charge of the business hereafter.
   The Teachers' Institute for the 2d Commissioner District will convene at the Academy building, Homer, on the week beginning Dec. 6th, and continue for 6 days.
   M. H. Ray, at the Arlington Hotel, has a fine lot of turkeys, geese, ducks and chickens for Thanksgiving dinners to be disposed of Saturday and Monday evenings, Nov 19th and 21st.
   Mr. W. H. Hall will give a Thanksgiving party at his hotel in Virgil, on Thursday evening Nov. 24th, 1892. Music by Daniels' orchestra. Full bill, $1.50. A general invitation is extended.
   Mr. E. S. Mellon has purchased the interest of Mr. A. J. Seaman in the firm of Seaman & Cramer, dealers in hardware on Railroad-st., and the business will be hereafter conducted under the firm name of Cramer & Mellon.
   Last Monday morning Mr. Charles E. Hannon of 6 Delaware-ave., Cortland, fell from a scaffold in Ithaca, where he was at work, breaking his left ankle. He was taken to the Exchange hotel in that city and the fracture, which is said to be a very bad one, was reduced by Dr. Besemer.
   The ladles' waiting room on the first floor of the Messenger House has been converted into a private dining room that will accommodate twenty people. An arch has been cut, which connects it with the regular dining room. The room is being finished in cherry, and handsome Brussels carpeting will be laid.
   The Democrats of this place held a jollification meeting last Friday evening to crowded streets, a detailed account of which is unavoidably crowded out by a press of advertising and other matter of more recent occurrence. Suffice it to say, the boys enjoyed themselves hugely, and conducted themselves creditably while painting the town red. Banners with telling hits were carried in the parade, Main-st. was ablaze with fireworks, and many residences and stores were handsomely illuminated. The rejoicing was both proper and genuine.


   Miss Gale was elected School Commissioner for the second district of Tompkins county last week. Many women voted for her. She was the candidate of the Prohibitionists and Democrats.

   TOMPKINS.—Dryden expects to have a bank about Dec. 1st.
   C. E. Courtney, the celebrated oarsman and coach, is now a resident of Ithaca.
   There was a game of football at the Athletic grounds in Ithaca, the other day, without unusual excitement. One of the players merely had his leg broken.
   The brick pavement on South Aurora street, East State street and South Cayuga street in Ithaca was completed a week or two since, and North Cayuga street last week.
   The Ithacan reports vandalism as follows: Depredations in the city cemetery, such as the overturning of small monuments, and daubing others with paint, are complained of.
   Miss Mary High, the unfortunate young lady whoso hand was caught in the hot rollers of the ironing machine in an Ithaca laundry, has recently submitted to an amputation of the injured member.
   The treasurer of the Cornell Athletic Association has published his report for the season. In it appears the following item: "To amount paid for whiskey for 'rubbing down."' This is suggestive, to say the least.
   Last week, Lewis Hatt, of Hector, met with an accident which will probably make him more or less a cripple for life. While engaged in pressing hay, his right foot was caught in the press. The stout boot which he was wearing was torn in pieces, and his foot terribly lacerated, the tendons about the heel being torn loose. He is a married man with a family of children.
   MADISON.—The Poolville M. E. church is to be extensively repaired.
   Dogs killed eight sheep for Jerome Hoffman of Lenox.
   Elizabeth A. Darrow, of Oneida, has been granted an absolute divorce from her husband, Edwin Darrow.
   Mrs. Kit Marsh, of Canastota, was sentenced to 100 days in the Onondaga penitentiary last week, for intoxication.
   CHENANGO—Henry Crandall, the prosperous young farmer of South Plymouth, who, a few weeks ago, yielded to the wiles of a girl employed in his hop yard and eloped with her to Ohio, has seen the error of his way and returned to his loving, lawful spouse, who will forgive, even if she is not quite able to forget Henry's escapade. We understand that the hop yard siren who lured him away remains in Ohio.
   Friday evening about 9:30 conductor Lynch, of an Ontario and Western freight train, discovered a man lying on the track, with his head on one rail, a short distance north of the Lyon Brook bridge. The engineer blew for the brakes, and the man attempted to draw himself from his perilous position, but his right leg remained across the rail, and was severed above the knee by the wheels of the engine, and shockingly mangled. The unfortunate victim proved to be one James Morrissey of Norwich, an employe [sic] of the D. & W. He was taken on board the train and brought to his home, where Dr. Brooks, assisted by Drs. Hand, Thompson and Harris, amputated the limb. The shock was so great that Morrissey died Sunday. His age was about thirty-five years, and it is said he was addicted to the use of liquor.

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