Wednesday, September 21, 2016


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, March 3, 1893.

The Farmers' Institute.
   The Farmers' Institute was called to order at the Court House in this place, Monday morning, by Mr. A. K. Eastman of Waterville, who represents the State Agricultural Society. The address of welcome was delivered by Mr. N. F. Webb, and was listened to by the four score farmers present, with attention. The address was a good one, and was full of practical hints. Mr. A. K. Eastman responded in a few well chosen words, after which he delivered an address on "Some Observations on Farming." The address was a very practical one, and was well received.
   In the afternoon Mr. Frank L. Burnham of East Homer delivered an address on "Butter Making and What Foods Affect its Quality." The attendance in the afternoon and evening was large. The address in the evening was by Prof. S. A. Beach of Geneva.  Subject: "Diseases Common to Farm Crops." He gave some valuable information on the methods necessary to prevent smut on wheat, oats, corn, etc.
   On Tuesday, at 10:15, Mr. Eastman called the meeting to order, and explained the use of the Babcock tester. Several farmers had samples of milk and buttermilk tested. Mr. Henry Howes of Cuyler then read a paper on "The Relation of Immigration to American Farmers," which was interesting, and was listened to with the closest attention.
   Prof. H. H. Wing of Cornell University delivered an address on "The Dairy Cow." He gave some very interesting facts and figures. To be profitable, a cow should give not less than 6,000 pounds of milk each year, or be able to make 250 pounds of butter. For an analysis of the value of different foods to produce milk, he recommended farmers to apply to Congress for Bulletin No. 11.

Many Enquiries Being Made for One of Cortland's Well-Known Business Men.
   Last Monday morning Mr. E. A. Hopkins, the well-known grocer of this place, went to Syracuse accompanied by his wife and stopped at the Globe Hotel. They were seen at several places in the city during the day and at about 3:30. P. M. they returned to the hotel with several bundles. Mr. Hopkins paid his bill and they left for the depot. It is said that Hopkins put his wife on board the 4 o'clock train for Cortland saying he would come later. He has not been seen in this locality since.
   Before leaving town he had sold his stock of groceries to Philip Sugerman and Geo. McKean, who took possession Monday morning. It is said that he has left many creditors not only here but in other towns, and parties who think they know something of his affairs, say that he must have taken from $7,000 to $9,000 with him. Syracuse, Rome and Utica grocery houses are said to be anxiously wailing his return and it is possible their desire to greet him as a citizen and business man of Cortland once more, may be realized, but there are those who think he has shook the dust of Cortland from his feet for good.
   The DEMOCRAT does not know and does not care. It simply gives such facts as it has been able to obtain. Other dealers say that he has been selling foods for some weeks past for less than they cost and that his trade has consequently been a very heavy one.
   Rumors are about town to the effect that he joined a young lady, who formerly lived here and that the pair have sought some other clime. While this may be true, we believe that it would trouble those who have started the rumor to prove its truth at the present writing.

He Stole a Pair of Horses.
   Last Friday afternoon one Chas. B. Wilson, who works for Mr. M. L. Grinnell of Scott, rode to Homer with his employer, and the team was left in the Hotel Windsor stables. Mr. Grinnell had some purchases to make and he went about his business. Soon after, Wilson met Fred Graham of this place, and the two [at the stables] took the horse and drove to Cortland, where they sampled more or less of liquid dizziness and then drove to McGrawville and  exchanged Mr. Grinnell's team with George Currier for a colt of their own, a watch and $15 in cash. The colt was left in the barn and Currier drove Wilson and Graham back to Cortland. Wilson then hired a horse and cutter of M. H. Kingman to go to Whitneys' Pt., and started off.
   A few minutes afterwards Sheriff Miller was telephoned in regard to the matter, and soon learned that the thief had started south, and after notifying officers at Marathon and Whitneys' Pt. to look out for him, started in pursuit. On arriving at Marathon, he found his man enjoying the hospitality and close companionship of officer Adam Hillsinger. The Sheriff brought him home and locked him up. He was arraigned before Justice Dorr C. Smith, and his examination set down for Tuesday morning. A warrant was sworn out for Graham and he was arrested and the examination set for Tuesday afternoon.
   When Wilson was brought before the Justice on Tuesday morning, he waived an examination and was held for his appearance before the next grand jury in the sum of $200. Being unable to procure bail, he was committed to jail. No one appeared against Graham and he was discharged.

Ministers' Association.
   The pastors of some of the Cortland churches and several from the adjoining towns held a meeting in the study of the Presbyterian Church in this place last Monday morning for the purpose of organizing a Ministers' Association. Dr. H. A. Cordo of this place was called to the chair and Rev. W. H. Pound also of Cortland acted as secretary. Dr. H. A. Cordo, Rev. E. C. Olney and Rev. C. E. Hamilton were appointed a committee to prepare a constitution.
   The association will meet the second and fourth Mondays of each month, the next meeting to be held in the chapel of the Baptist Church in this village, March 13 at 10:30 A. M. The object of the association is to discuss important measures and methods for conducting their work and for mutual fellowship. The subject of "How to enforce the no-license law'' will come before them at an early day.
   The following pastors were present: Rev. Messrs. H. A. Cordo, W. H. Robertson, E. C. Olney, D. D. Forward, E. J. Brooker, D. D. Campbell, C. E. Hamilton, J. J. Cowles, N. S. Burd, J. T. Greene, S. F. Sanford and W. H. Pound.

Their Golden Anniversary.
   Last Monday was the fiftieth anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Mahion D. Murphy, and they were at home to a large number of their friends, who took occasion to visit them. Mrs. H. A. McKiernan, who acted as bridesmaid fifty years ago, and Mrs. I. R. M. Pomeroy assisted in receiving the guests, while Mr. M. D. Murphy, Jr., acted as usher. Mrs. Mabel M. Miller served the refreshments. Many valuables were left as reminders of the occasion.
   During the evening Mr. Westcott, the artist, took a picture of the family. Owing to illness in the family the occasion was an informal one and the invitations extended were general, otherwise the many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Murphy would have been as royally entertained as they have been on many previous occasions of note.

Lynching of a Black Fiend.
   KNOXVILLE, Tenn., Feb. 26.—The lynching at Jellico last night of the negro Joe Payne, for assaulting Miss Fannie Bell Cecil, was in itself a very tame affair. He confessed the crime and was swung up to the nearest tree without any noise. The mob pinned a placard on his back, vowing death to anyone who should disturb the body until 10 o'clock to-day. At that hour fully 5,000 people had gathered from neighboring towns. Miss Cecil sent word that she would take pleasure in cutting down the body. Her wishes were granted, and with a sharp knife she severed rope and the body fell to the ground. She smiled as she cut the rope and the act was greeted with cheers from the vast crowd.
   She is a very handsome young woman of 18, and of good family. Les Tye, a negro who assaulted Miss Bryant last December, has been located in West Virginia, and will be brought to Jellico in a day or two. He will be lynched as soon as he arrives. The negroes of that locality are greatly wrought up over the affair.

Anarchists Get Their Deserts.
   PITTSBURG, Feb. 26.—Henry C. Bauer and Carl Knold, the anarchists convicted as accessories of Berkman in the shooting of Chairman H. C. Frick of the Carnegie Steel company, were sentenced yesterday to five years' imprisonment in the Western penitentiary. The anarchists did not appear at all concerned, and left the courtroom smiling.

Carnegie a Radical Free Trader.
   NEW YORK, Feb. 27.—A Washington special says republicans and democrat alike are discussing with great interest a report which has gained wide circulation that Andrew Carnegie, the Pittsburg millionaire, has become a free trader. It stated that Mr. Carnegie is as radical an anti-protectionist as Henry Watterson, Henry George or other free traders could wish. Many republicans, claiming to be close to Mr. Carnegie, assert that the story is true.

Purge the Pension Lists.
   Mr. John DeWitt Warner has presented to the House of Representatives an earnest appeal of Union veterans in favor of purging the pension roll. It urges the adoption of the following reforms in the existing pension laws and the administration.
   First—The payment of pensions only to those who, by wounds or disability, have been actually disabled in the service of their country, and to the widows and orphan children of such pensioners when in need.
   Second—A cutting off from the pension roll of all men, disabled or otherwise, who are in the receipt of incomes ample for their support and the maintenance of the family.
   Third—A cutting off from the pension of all deserters and soldiers or sailors who proved false to their oaths and were dishonorably discharged from the service.
   Fourth—The appointment of the necessary medical and other examining boards to revise the pension lists for the purpose of carrying out these reforms.
   Fifth—The absolute discontinuance of all further legislation looking to the enlargement of the pension list.
   Sixth—To cut off from the pension roll all widows who shall appear, upon reasonable evidence, to have married veterans with the fraudulent intent of securing a pension upon the death of her husband.
   Seventh—The application of such portion of the saving made by these reforms as may be necessary to afford a reasonable competence to the increase of the pensions granted to deserving and disabled veterans who actually served and were honorably discharged, and of the widows and orphans of such veterans.
   Among the signers are Gens. Martin T. McMahon and W. F. Smith, officers of all grades, and enlisted men.
   In his speech presenting the petition Mr. Warner declared that he spoke in the name of the veterans who were misrepresented by the demagogic appeals of the advocates of the pension agents, and demanded that the "whole pension system shall be, as it ought to be, an honor to the country and a glory to its beneficiaries."
   This is the whole case in a nutshell.

The Cortland Standard and other republican journals are calling the attention of their readers to the fact that when President Harrison called his law partner, W. H. H. Miller, into his cabinet as Attorney General, democratic papers criticized him severely for so doing, and the Standard thinks that President Cleveland should be criticised for appointing his old law partner, Wilson S. Bissell to the office of Postmaster General. The Standard should tell its readers that when Harrison appointed Miller Attorney General, the latter was then his law partner, and that when Mr. Cleveland appointed Mr. Bissell to the office of Postmaster General, the law partnership between them had been dissolved for more than thirteen years. Here is a distinction and a difference.
Gen. Gustave P. T. Beauregard, who died in New Orleans last week, was one of the last of the really able generals in the Confederate service. He was born near New Orleans in 1817, and graduated from West Point in 1838. He served in the Mexican war and was breveted major for gallant services. At the time of the breaking out of the late civil war he was superintendent of the Military Academy at West Point but resigned after a month's service to accept a Brigadier General's commission in the confederate army. He commanded in many important battles during the war and attained the highest rank in the service, that of full General. After the war he became a resident of New Orleans, and was soon after elected President of the New Orleans, Jackson & Mississippi railroad.
The Panama Canal scandal has been stirring France to its foundations and Ferdinand De Lesseps and his son Charles have been tried and sentenced to terms in prison for the part they took in squandering the millions raised for the project. But France is not alone interested in the trouble, for the scandal has crossed the water and landed on our own shores. It is now claimed that $40,000,000 was deposited with the banking house of J. & W. Seligman of New York, and that Mr. Colne, the Canal company's agent at Panama, drew the money from the bank, and for all the Seligman's knew, it was used in the construction of the canal. Richard W. Thompson of Indiana, secretary of the navy under President Hayes, familiarly known as Uncle Dick Thompson, was president of the American end of the canal company for eight years and received a salary of $25,000 per year. Colne was also Thompson's secretary. The latter is now in his eighty-fourth year. His testimony was recently taken at Terre Haute. He stated that he had never before heard that the banking houses of J. & W. Seligman, Drexel, Morgan & Co., and Winslow, Lanier & Co., had received $50,000 each for their services or that the Seligmans disbursed $40,000,000 through Secretary Colne. He also testified that not a cent was paid American newspapers to boom the canal and overcome the opposition of the government to the French scheme on the ground that it was a violation of the Monroe doctrine. The matter is undergoing investigation at the hands of a committee of Congress and no one can predict what the result will be.
Henry F. King, a promising young lawyer of Syracuse, died of typhoid fever last Friday, aged 32 years. Mr. King formerly resided in Tully, and had many friends in this place, who will be sorry to learn of his early demise.

Burglars About.
   The billiard parlor of W. B. Rood, second floor of the Democrat building in this place, was entered sometime during the night of last Thursday and $28 taken from the cash register, $2 from the cigar case and about $3 worth of cigars. Entrance was affected by forcing the transom over one of the doors leading into the hall. A billiard ball was used to smash the cash register. Suspicion rests upon a well dressed young man of good appearance, who had been hanging about the place all the day and evening. He had been stopping with C. R. Shaw at 10 Squires-st., and traded overcoats with him receiving six dollars to boot. The morning after the robbery, he stole the overcoat he traded to Shaw and has not since been seen.

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