Thursday, September 8, 2016


Main Street, Homer, N. Y., view from the Green. Photo credit Grip's Historical Souvenir of Cortland.

Cortland Evening Standard, Saturday, January 28, 1893.

Gleanings of News From our Twin Village.
   (Subscribers to the STANDARD should never pay money to carrier boys. The boys are not authorized to receive it, and no payments to them will be recognized at this office.)
   Among the out of-town people in our city yesterday were E. J. Beir of Rochester, J. B. Brown, E. W. Childe, William King and George B. Ford of Scott, F. M. Tenny of Cortland and F. D. Harvey of Syracuse.
   The [New York] wire works are now running thirteen hours a day. The men work from 7 A. M. till 9 P. M.
   The hand organ man with the monkey came a little early this season. His music box was soon frozen up and the machine was taken into "Tommy's" barber shop, where it was thawed out after the careful treatment of the "Knoble" and clever manipulation of the chin scalper. "Tommy" has become so attached to the machine which grinds out such touching, heart-rending and blood-curdling melodies that he offered to fix the machine for the owner. At last reports his repair bill was so great that he was obliged to stop work and get a mortgage on the innocent exasperator before the job could be finished. He has offered the owner untold of prices for the balance of the machine, but the proprietor of the machine contemplates going into the show business again and will not part with his pet which has made merry many a dark hour, while counting railroad ties with the broad-brimmed hat acting as an umbrella and keeping the sun from beating on his massive frame. Would he part with it? No, not if the "scraper" and "dauber" has it already half covered with a mortgage.
   Several were baptized in the Baptist church last evening.
   "Bish" is recovering from a severe attack of the grip. He was on the streets yesterday for the first time in a week.
   Mrs. Fannie Sessions and her sister, Miss Nancy Hull, visited at the home of their uncle, Mr. E. A. Williams, on Thursday and Friday.
   Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Carley entertained at dinner to-day Misses Minnie M. Alger and Carrie D. Halbert of Cortland and Miss Kittie Ray Colvin of Marathon.

A Pleasant Surprise.
   Miss Nellie Mulligan and Nellie Maher gave a pleasant surprise party last evening at the home of Miss Nora J. McMahon, on Clinton-ave., in honor of her seventeenth birthday. The guests heartily enjoyed themselves in many different games until about 10:30 o'clock, when dainty and choice refreshments were served. After supper the party continued their games until about 2 o'clock, when they departed for their homes.
   Among those present were the Misses Nellie Mulligan, Nellie Maher, Mayme Kelly, Anna Burns, Teresa and Ida Davern, Kittie Garvey, Jennie Clark, Mame Mulligan, Agnes Murphy, and Messrs. Lawrence Dillon, John Byrnes, Charles Seamons, Charles Saunders, Clarence Maltby, Thomas Fitzgerald, Oliver Riley, Walker Millard, James Dwyer, Willie Reynolds, Ray and Frank Hollenbeck, Will Campbell, Lola Bates and Prof. T. J. McEvoy.

Y. M. C. A. Notes.
   Rev. Ira N. Pardee is expected to address the men's meeting to-morrow afternoon at 4 o'clock at the association rooms in the Standard building. Those that heard Rev. Mr. Pardee a few weeks ago can testify to his ability for speaking to young men. Come again, and bring your friends.
   The Ladies' auxiliary have secured Mr. Edward Morgan Sheldon of Cornell university to lecture in the Y. M. C. A. rooms next Friday evening, Feb. 3. His subject will be "Through the British Isles on Foot." Admission twenty-five cents. Tickets are now on sale at the rooms.
   Some of our members are a little in arrears for dues, and we hope that all will remit as soon as possible, so that we may issue new tickets for the year.
   Our membership is increasing. Now is the time you can help us by taking out a ticket. If you cannot attend, you might help sustain our association and through your help we might be able to make our rooms more attractive for the young men, and in this way keep them from the vices of our town. This is worth thinking about.

Small Death Record.
   Mr. B. B, Morehouse, who has charge of the Cortland Rural cemetery, reports that this has been an unusually healthy winter so far. Only three people, who have died within the corporation limits, have been brought to the cemetery for burial during the portion of the month of January already past, though several others have been brought there from outside. Last year between Dec. 1 and March 1, Mr. Morehouse received eighty-seven bodies for burial, and during December and January so far of this year he has only received seventeen bodies. If the same proportion of deaths occur during February as during the months past, March 1 will see only about one-third of the burials of the same period of last year. Mr. Morehouse attributes this same death record to the steady cold weather.

County Teachers Meet.
   The Cortland County Teachers' association met at the court house this morning at 10:30 o'clock and again at 2 o'clock this afternoon. About 150 teachers are present. Prof. Coon of Marathon was made chairman of the meeting. The program as published in The STANDARD of last Wednesday is being carried out in full. Many of the Normal teachers are present and are taking part in the discussions. The session is proving very interesting and profitable.

   —Kellogg & Curtis sent down a note to the STANDARD office yesterday morning asking that their local in regard to plush cloaks be taken out. They had sold all the cloaks they had in stock and could have sold a half dozen that forenoon had they had them, so great was the rush for cloaks after the notice of the special sale appeared in the STANDARD. It pays to advertise in the STANDARD. If you have anything to sell, say so and see it go.
   —The Rev. Huntington Lyman gave an address before the Woman's Foreign Missionary society of the Presbyterian church on Friday. He gave a comprehensive review of missions, full of interest and profit to those gathered to hear him. When it is remembered that Father Lyman has passed his ninetieth birthday, the fire and force of his eloquence is quite remarkable. For three quarters of an hour he held the attention of his delighted listeners, while he journeyed from Mexico to China, taking in nearly all the foreign mission stations connected with the Presbyterian church. He closed with an earnest appeal for more consecrated effort and prayer.
   —The primary and intermediate departments at the Normal closed last night until Thursday morning, Feb. 9.
   —Mr. George Peters has begun the work of painting and repapering the engine and hose room in Fireman's hall.
   —Lent begins with Ash Wednesday, Feb. 15. Good Friday occurs on March 31, and Easter will this year be upon April 2.
   —A number of boys are wanted at The STANDARD office each afternoon at 4 o'clock to sell the evening STANDARD upon the streets.
   —A sleighing party from Genoa came over to Cortland last night and spent the evening calling upon friends. They returned by moonlight.
   —We are indebted to Mr. Stephen Brewer of Ithaca, formerly of Cortland, for copies of the Ocean Springs, Miss. papers. Mr. Brewer is spending the winter in that place.
   — Rev. L. M. Clement of Canton will preach at the Universalist church tomorrow. The morning topic will be "Living at Peace." The evening subject will be "Borrowing Trouble."
   —A covering of domestic has been placed over the fire engine to keep the dust out and off of it. This will not prevent it from being loaned to our sister village, however, if occasion demands it.
   —Miss Elizabeth Haben last night entertained a party of about ten of her young lady friends at her pleasant home on Charles-st. Very nice refreshments were served and the evening was passed most enjoyably.
   —The twelfth annual public exercises of the Y. M. D. C. occur at 8 o'clock tonight in Normal hall. The question to be discussed is "Resolved, That the present tendency to restrict the right of suffrage is un-American."
   —Miss Bessie Greenman was at home to twenty-four of her little friends on Thursday afternoon from 3 to 7 o'clock, it being her tenth birthday. Miss Bessie received many beautiful presents from her guests in honor of the occasion.
   —At the Homer-ave. church to-morrow morning Rev. Chas. E. Hamilton will preach on "The Necessity of Further Conquest," and in the evening Rev. M. P. Blakeslee, the presiding elder of Cazenovia district, will preach. There will, however, be no communion service.
   —Prof. A. O. Palmer and Mr. Leroy Aldridge pleasantly entertained a few friends at their rooms in the First National bank building last night. Prof. H. C. Dunn had been expected to be present and furnish some guitar music, but was unavoidably prevented from being there.
   —Mr. F. E. Wright, the collector of the STANDARD will visit Marathon on Monday, Jan. 30, to collect unpaid subscriptions for the STANDARD. It will be a favor to us if our subscribers will be prepared to pay him at once when he calls, so that he can cover the entire collections in one day.
   —The Misses Winnifred Phelps and Lucy V. Wade entertained a few of their many friends at their home Thursday evening. The time was mostly occupied with card playing. The prizes were taken by Miss Eva Bliss and Mr. F. A. Parker, the latter wining every game. It was a very enjoyable occasion.

Revolution at Honolulu.
   SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 28.—The Hawaiian steamer Claudine arrived at this port at 2 o'clock this morning with the news of a revolution at Honolulu. The revolutionists have succeeded in overthrowing the government of Hawaii and the U. S. troops have been landed. A provisional government has been established and a commission headed by Mr. Thurston, come in on the Claudine en route to Washington with a petition to the American government to annex the Hawaiian Islands to the United States.
   BOSTON, Jan. 28.—A dispatch [sic] received by Chas. Brewer & Co. of this city gives the additional information that the revolution in Hawaii occurred on Jan. 14, and was caused by an attempt of the queen to abrogate the constitution and promulgate a new one. The people then dethroned the queen and placed S. B. Dole at the head of the provisional government. President Dole, the despatch [sic] states, has been recognized by all the powers except England.


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