Thursday, November 24, 2016


William H. Clark, editor and publisher of the Cortland Standard.
The Cortland Democrat, Friday, June 21, 1889.

Coming to Their Senses.
   An article headed like the above appeared in the Cortland Standard of last week, and followed by an extract from the Wayne Democratic Press, in the celebrated peppermint district of this State, and better known as the former abiding place of W. H. Clark, from whence it was heralded over the country and into the sanctum of the editor of the Standard.
   It fell in fertile soil. The inspiration was caught and the application was made to the management of affairs of like nature in the village of Cortland. It is very doubtful whether Mr. Clark's mind would ever have grasped the idea that there is such a distressed situation of affairs in Cortland, had he not drawn the milk from the cocoanut [sic] of the Wayne Democratic Press relative to the village of Lyons.
   This extract was followed by the opinion of Mr. Clark as to what the Board of Trustees of the village of Cortland should do, based upon the same theory and coupled with an insinuation or statement which is an insult to the intelligence of the members of the present Board of Trustees and to all their predecessors in office, in characterizing their acts as idiotic and extravagant.
   The first proposition reads as follows:
   "Cortland hasn't yet got out of the time dishonored way of dumping gravel in the road one year and hauling it away the next."
   It is true that gravel has been used to quite an extent in this village, for the building and maintaining of streets for a number of years, and, as strange as it may seem, most people prefer to have it on the street rather than travel in the mud. Knowing, as they have known, that as a matter of economy in the youth and in fancy of our business prosperity, it would be far better to have a good gravel road than to carry the burden of taxation incident to paving our principal streets and macadamizing the others. It is true also that streets made of gravel have to be cleaned and the much worn portion or mud has to be removed.
   The same is true of the pavement we have already on Main street. It has to be cleaned and the mud drawn away, notwithstanding it is pavement. But it is not true as has been inferred from the article in the Standard, that a street like Railroad street, which has been "graveled for the thousand and first time" will only last one year and then have to be scraped out and filled up again." This can be substantiated by good citizens of our village who draw their conclusions from observations and facts and not from the effusions of the organ of Wayne county,
   "Thousands of dollars are wasted every year," &c., &c.
   If I am correctly informed there are 60 miles or upwards of streets in this corporation, and with the limited appropriation for highway purposes, I submit to the tax payers [sic] and to all others who live in and are interested in this beautiful village during the past 10 years, comparing our streets with the streets of other towns of its size, do you think that "thousands of dollars have been wasted every year" by the idiotic extravagance of the many worthy citizens who have constituted our village Board of Trustees in the past?
   "The appropriation for street purposes should first be expended on Main and Railroad Streets, till those thoroughfares are substantially paved," &c.
   What do the people of this corporation say to this proposition? Are you willing that the appropriation for maintaining the streets in this village this year, shall all be applied to two streets in this village? Are you ready to sacrifice everything that may be done and that should be done upon our streets throughout the village to enable the editor of the Standard to say, that the people are indebted to him for having a few hundred feet of pavement on one of our principal streets, as the full appropriation if used for that purpose solely would make but a feeble show in paving these streets?
   The answers to these questions have been made daily and hourly to the Board of Trustees, by parties making reasonable claims to repairs on their respective streets, and the best efforts that the board have ever been able to make, necessarily comes far short of the demand for street improvement.
   The Board of Trustees last year put in the budget a resolution to raise money to buy a stone crusher. It was promptly voted down at our last charter election by the voters present. This would not indicate that the people were clamoring for a crushed stone road, and the board had no other material at their command better than gravel; neither did they have the needed amount of funds to do any considerable amount of paving and do justice to other streets. And it will take something more potent than the opinion of the Standard to enable the board to show that "nerve and good sense" to pave and macadamize all the streets of the village of Cortland without money and a stone crusher.

   Through an oversight the Standard neglected last week to note the signing of the Cortland charter bill by Governor Hill.— Cortland Standard, June 13.
   The bill amending the charter of this village was signed June 1st, 1889, on which day it became a law. Two weeks later the Standard gravely announced the fact. We submit that "this is another shining example of how editor Clark waits till the procession is several blocks past before he "catches on." The DEMOCRAT begs leave to suggest, in the interest of the readers of the Standard, that the editor of that sheet "awake from his Rip Van Winkle sleep" and publish the news not less than one week after it transpires.
   It is with sorrow we are compelled to announce that the great state of Pennsylvania, with a republican majority of from 40,000 to 80,000 voted last Tuesday against prohibition. The amendment was beaten by nearly 200,000. All the morality, &c. If they had only had Clark's Anti-Saloon party there, the vote might have resulted differently.
   Gov. Bulkeley of Connecticut has vetoed the electoral reform bill, so called, recently passed by the legislature of that state. The bill was almost precisely the same as the one passed by the legislature of this state and vetoed by Gov. Hill. Bulkeley gives substantially the same reasons for his veto as those given by the executive of this state. The Governor of Connecticut is a republican which will account for the silence of all the prominent republican journals, which soundly berated Governor Hill for his veto. It makes considerable difference whether the culprit is a Democrat or a Republican.
   Republican journals of this as well as of other states particularly dislike Governor Hill. They have such a strong hatred for him that they are at great pains to go out of their way to abuse him, and what has he done to merit their ill will? He has done nothing, except to refuse to be pocketed by the Republican legislature. Ever since Governor Hill took his seat, the Republican legislature has been contriving and planning to put him in a hole but have signally failed. He has been altogether too astute for all the wire pullers and jobbers in the Senate and Assembly and now the entire gang of penny-a-liners on the republican papers are getting some satisfaction over the discomfiture of the monitors of the legislature by making up mouths at him.

Johnstown Dead.
Latest Estimate of the Number of Those Who Lost Their Lives in the Flood.
   JOHNSTOWN, June 17.—Col. Rogers, who is in charge of the registration, reports to Gen. Hastings that the aggregate registration is 15,569 names; 2,500 survivors have left the locality without registering.
   Col. Rogers estimates the survivors at 25,000 and says: "Those figures are presumably approximately correct. Deducting these 25,000 survivors from the sum total population leaves 4,125 lives lost. This estimate is as positive as it will ever be possible to estimate it."
   About 5,500 men were at work here today and good progress made. Seventeen more bodies were recovered.

Notes on the Flood.
   The flood at Corning was the greatest ever known.
   The damage in Elmira from the flood will exceed $400,000.
   Forty lives were lost at Bellefonte, Pa., and $1,500,000 of property.
   Kernsville has only a house or two as a monument to its former respectable proportions.
   It is estimated that the loss to property in the Genesee valley by the flood will amount to $100,000.
   Cambria City is not even a ghost of its former self, while all along the line of the torrent the isolated houses of hundreds are without occupants.
   The tidal wave struck Bolivar just after dark, and in five minutes the Conemaugh [River] rose from six to forty feet and the waters spread out all over the whole country.
   It is believed that $1,000,000 will not cover the loss of the Fall Brook Company, and the worst is not known regarding the loss of life on the Pine Creek division.
   Besides the human beings whose bodies lie in the waters of the Conemaugh, it is estimated that the carcases of at least 10,000 horses and other animals are festering in the streams.
   The Legislature of the State of New Hampshire appropriated $10,000 for Pennsylvania relief; Philadelphia raises $600,000; Pittsburg, $300,000; Providence, R. I., $20,000; Boston, $68,000.
   Almost all the country from Hornellsville to Corning was under water. The loss in Steuben county will probably exceed $1,000,000. The Fall Brook Coal Company is one of the heaviest losers.
   The Pennsylvania railroad's loss will be about $10,000,000, making the total loss, as near as can now be figured, over 9,000 lives and more than $34,000,000 of property. The loss of life at Johnstown proper is but little more than a guess.

   Ross M. Lovell, of this place, secured the free scholarship at Cornell University at the late examination of candidates. This is the fourth time that Marathon has got there during consecutive years.
   We learn that Willie Shaver and Miss Cora Talbot were married at Sylvan Lake one day last week.
   Duane Burgess went to Brooklyn, N. Y., last week, on business.
   T. L. Corwin had a large company picnic on his extensive grounds last Thursday afternoon, mostly composed of the same parties [White Caps—CC editor] that "interviewed" Moses Rogers a short time ago.
   Mrs. Ed. H. Barnes is visiting friends in Rochester.
*   *
  *     [pen name symbol] 

   France has three new Cardinals.
   France has thirty-six armor-clads.
   We export 25,000,000 bushels of wheat.
   Barnum's show will go to Germany next winter.
  The treasury surplus is now about $54,000,000.
   June 1st, there were 1,253 prisoners in Auburn prison.
   David Van Dusen of Fabius has received information that his daughter and her family were carried away by the flood at Johnstown.
   The great Inter-State Fair opens at Elmira, N. Y., September 17th and continues ten days. The managers promise the greatest exposition ever inaugurated in New York State.
   The trial of the Rev. Charles O. Hammer, pastor of the Presbytery of Cayuga, upon the charges of falsehood and slander, took place at Genoa on Tuesday and Wednesday. While Mr. Hummer was not found guilty of the charges of falsehood and slander preferred against him, the Presbytery found "evidence of such a degree of infirmity and inconsiderateness of utterance as need correction," and, therefore, seriously enjoined Brother Hammer to the use of the greatest caution in both public and private speech and conduct.
   A party of four of the Homer excursionists, two ladies with their male escorts, entered M. Gill's First street restaurant last evening and ordered a supper. When they had completed the repast, the two gentlemen hurriedly departed, retaining the napkins and leaving the ladies still seated at the table. The authorities at Homer were wired to apprehend them. Chief Doyle received a telegram from Homer this afternoon stating that the young men, whose names are McDonald and Crouch, had been arrested there.—Oswego Palladium.
   In the section of the country south of Fulton the storm Sunday afternoon was very severe. It is said that seventy-five trees were prostrated in the immediate vicinity of Hinmanville. Between Fulton and Ingalls' Crossing trees were blown down across the Midland Railroad track and it became necessary to send a force to clear the road. All the apple trees but two in an orchard at Ingalls' Crossing were blown down. Some of the hall stones were as large as small hen's eggs. George Ingamel's large barn was blown to pieces. R. Hotchkiss's corn barn was blown down. N. Salisbury's cow barn was demolished. Great damage was done to straw berries and all other crops.

Dedication at Cornell.
   ITHACA, June 1 6— Barnes hall, the new Christian association building at Cornell university, the gift of the late A. S. Barnes of Brooklyn, was dedicated this evening. The building cost over $60,000.

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