Wednesday, November 2, 2016


Cortland Evening Standard, Wednesday, April 26, 1893.

The Citizens' Association Organized Last Night.
   The adjourned meeting of those interested in the formation of an association for the enforcement of existing laws was held last night at the Congregational church. When the time for calling the meeting to order arrived there were about fifty present, but others kept dropping in until by half past 8 o'clock the auditorium of the church was filled with an earnest body of men.
   At about 7:45 Dr. H. A. Cordo called the meeting to order and Rev. E. J. Brooker of McGrawville nominated for chairman Dr. F. J. Cheney who was elected. Mr. F. L. Bosworth was made secretary. In taking the chair Dr. Cheney made a very stirring speech, which aroused much enthusiasm in the house.
   The committee on constitution appointed at the previous meeting reported through its chairman, Dr. Cordo. The doctor first read the constitution clear through, and it was taken up article by article. The first six articles were adopted without discussion, but in reference to the seventh article the question was raised whether memberships of this association would disqualify one from jury duty through making him a party to the prosecution. It seemed to be the prevailing opinion that it would not. The remainder of the constitution was then adopted.
   On motion of Prof. E. C. Cleaves, a nominating committee of five was appointed to report proper nominations for officers. This committee retired and soon brought in their report which, somewhat amended by the house as a whole, was as follows:
   President—Col. Frank Place.
   Vice Presidents—W. J. Buchanan of McGrawville, F. W. Collins.
   Secretary—H. L. Gleason.
   Treasurer—H. M. Kellogg.
   The constitution calls for the appointment by the president of an executive committee of fifteen men who shall be citizens of the town of the most undoubted loyalty to the cause, and whose names shall only be known by the president and secretary. This shall be the working committee. This committee will be appointed at the pleasure of the president.
   Dr. Cordo gave notice of two meetings next Sunday evening at 7:00—one for men only at the Presbyterian church and one for women only at the First Methodist church.
   Rev. J. J. Cowles of McGrawville made a motion that this meeting request the ladies at their meeting Sunday night to form an auxiliary to the one just effected [sic] by the men for the enforcement of laws. This motion was most unanimously carried.
   Col. Place called another meeting of the Citizens' Law Enforcement association of Cortlandville at the Congregational church next Monday evening, May 1, at 7:30 o'clock. The meeting then adjourned.

Teachers' Institute.
   MARATHON, April 20.—The Cortland County Teachers' institute opened in the academy chapel on Monday. The forenoon was occupied in registering and assigning the teachers to places of entertainment. At 2 o'clock in the afternoon the institute was called to order by Commissioner Stillman and after singing, Conductor McLachlan conducted the devotional exercises.
   The first exercise of the afternoon was given by Conductor McLachlan on "District School Equipment." The conductor instructed the teachers how to make a preparation to improve their blackboards, also by illustration showed methods of teaching measures by actual tests, explaining how the necessary apparatus might be obtained at a minimum expense. He also illustrated the metric system by means of actual measures.
   The second period Monday afternoon was occupied by Principal C. V. Coon in speaking upon the subject of "Organization." In the evening the teachers assembled at Hulbert's opera house and listened to a literary program prepared by the faculty of Marathon academy from their students, after which a social and reception was held.
   Tuesday morning it was found that 178 teachers had already registered and after the devotional exercises the commissioners divided the institute for the forenoon into three divisions, viz: academic, intermediate and primary. Conductor Hendrick took charge of the academic and treated in a very masterly manner the subjects of United States history and algebra. Conductor McLachlan took charge of the intermediate, while Mrs. Eastman instructed the primary. The departure to a graded institute has already met with much favor and we presume will prove so satisfactory as to become a fixture for the future. The last hour in the morning was devoted in all departments to the spelling contest, the result of which has not yet been announced. The first period in the afternoon was by Conductor McLachlan on the subject of "Schoolroom Ethics." This was a most pleasing and instructive address and was received by the teachers with much appreciation. The second general period (and only two occur each afternoon, both of which are general) was by Conductor Hendrick on "Pedagogic Fallacies." Many very common errors or mistakes were here pointed out, illustrated and explained fully.
   At 7:30 Hulbert's opera house was well filled and a dumbbell drill by a class from the Marathon school opened the exercises after which Prof. Bardwell of Cortland delivered his lecture on "The Wonders in a Piece of Coal." The lecture was well rendered and listened to by an appreciative audience.
   The usual number of agents are here. The American Book Co. is represented by Mr. Fenton; Silver, Burdette & Co. by Mr. Piddell; C. W. Bardeen by Mr. Perkins; Educational Gazette Co. by Mr. Dann.

Bishop McQuaid Declines to Meet Rev. Father Flaherty and Committee.
   ROCHESTER, April 26.—Rev. Charles Flaherty of Mount Morris, who was convicted at Geneseo on Friday of a criminal assault upon 16 year-old Mary Sweeney, the ward of Maurice J. Noonan of Mount Morris, a member of the priest's congregation, arrived in this city, accompanied by about 100 members of his congregation.
   The party included a committee of the congregation of St. Patrick's church, which came here to petition Bishop McQuaid to permit Father Flaherty to continue as rector of St. Patrick's while the appeal which he has taken from the verdict of the jury is pending before the general term and the court of appeals.
   The bishop has not yet formally removed or suspended Father Flaherty, though last Sunday he sent Rev. John G. Van Ness of the cathedral of this city to Mount Morris to officiate in the celebration of mass. Father Van Ness is yet at Mount Morris and it is supposed that he will be appointed rector temporarily.
   The committee went to the bishop's house and were received by Rev. James P. Kiernan, the rector of the cathedral. The audience with the bishop was denied, and though another visit was made to the bishop's residence by the two trustees last evening they did not see the bishop.
   The bishop said in the afternoon that he would take what action was proper in the case at the proper time. It is understood that the bishop's decision will be communicated to the congregation next Sunday. It is taken for granted that under the circumstances of the case the petition of the visiting committee will be denied.

Fatal Results of the Battle.
   DENVER, April 26.—A special from Green River, Utah, says: Kid Johnson, the cowboy leader, wounded in the battle with the Navajos, is dead. Bill Sawtell, the other man injured, cannot live. Chief Crows Eye of the Navajos was killed.

Ceremonies to Be Observed In Opening the Columbian Exposition.
   CHICAGO, April 26.—Except for a few details everything is settled for the opening exercises of the Columbian exposition next Monday. The people will be massed in front of the administration building and lodged on the bridges of the lagoons when the president presses the button which will put in motion the vast machinery. Then also thousands of flags of every nation will be thrown to this breeze all over the grounds and the fountains in the basin will begin to play. French's figure of the "Republic" at the end of the basin will be undraped by President Cleveland's action.
   A salute of guns will be fired when the president reaches the grounds and another when the machinery starts.
   The following is the program of the ceremonies:
   Music, Chorus and Orchestra.
   Prayer, Rev. W. H. Milburn, D. D.
   Poem—"The Prophecy," W. C. Croffut, Miss Jessie Couthoui.
   Address, Director General Davis.
   Address, President Cleveland.
   The Starting of the Machinery.
   After the exercises Mr. Cleveland will go the Manufacturers' building and take stand in the American section. Here he will receive the commissioners of the foreign nations.
   The president will then be entertained at luncheon by the directors and then make his "official visit" to the principal buildings.

Miss Winnie Davis.
Mr. Chas H. Davis Photographing New York's Four Hundred.
   Not a few of our readers will remember Mr. Chas. H. Davis—son of the late P. Bacon Davis, for many years a resident of this village —whose interesting letters and articles contributed to the STANDARD over the signature of "Tom Quad" were once a most popular feature of its columns. Only about a year ago The STANDARD published an illustrated article descriptive of a venture in artistic photography which the firm of Davis & Sanfordof which Mr. Chas. H. Davis is the senior partner—were making in New York City, and of their opening in which they had the encouragement of many of the leading New York artists.
   During a recent trip to New York we called at the rooms of the firm, 246 Fifth-ave., to inquire how our old friend Davis was prospering, and were more than surprised, as well as pleased, at what we saw and heard. In the first place we had the pleasure of examining the most artistic collection of photographs which we had ever seen, and which, large as it was, represented only a small fraction of the work in this line which the firm has done during the past year.
   The collection embraces some of the people best known in New York society, whose patronage, rather than that of actresses, singers, and public characters, has been specially sought. Prominent among these were Mrs. Jefferson Davis, widow of the Confederate ex-president, and her daughter, Miss Winnie Davis, "the daughter of the Confederacy," whose face is certainly a most striking and beautiful one. Mr. Davis smiled at having the days recalled when Cortland boys used to call him "Jeff Davis," either on account of some fancied resemblance or in joke, and said that at that time he could hardly have imagined that he should ever be photographing the near relatives of the noted southerner.
   Mr. Davis' success has really been phenomenal, and the work of himself and his partner has come to be more sought after than that of any other photographers in the city. Framed and hanging on the wall of their studio are enthusiastic letters from prominent individuals complimenting the artistic character of their work, and the list of their patrons is even more complimentary still. It embraces such persons as J. Pierpont Morgan, Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt, Mrs. Geo. Bliss (wife of Vice- President Morton's partner), Mrs. Dr. Seward Webb (wife of the vice-president of the New York Central railroad), Mrs. General Alexander Webb and daughters, Mrs. Sidney Dillon Ripley, Mrs. Pierre Lorillard, Jr., Mrs. and Miss Rockefeller, Palmer Cox of "Brownie" fame and many others equally well known. In fact the firm seems to have monopolized pretty largely the photographing of the "Four Hundred," and several hundred besides, and has fairly earned the distinction which it enjoys.
   Photographs are taken only by appointments—which sometimes have to be made days in advance—while the prices which they command are the best in the city.
   Mr. Davis [is] always noted for his taste and versatility, and took up photography at first as an amusement. His amateur efforts showed him the artistic possibilities which the field offered and he made photography his study and his life work. His rise in it has been remarkable. His photographs are in demand for the art magazines and a number of them have been engraved, widely circulated and much admired. The show cases of the firm on Fifth-ave. attract a large amount of attention from passersby, and Davis & Sanford seem to be on the high road to fortune as well as fame.
   Not only all of Mr. Davis' old friends hereabout, but all Cortland people who enjoy artistic work should not fail, when in New York, to call at 246 Fifth-ave. and spend a little time in the studio. They will be cordially welcomed, will receive some new revelations of what photography can do, and not unlikely may be seized with a desire to be made to look artistic themselves.


   —A photograph gallery "on wheels passed through Cortland this afternoon on the way from McGrawville to Virgil. It was 9 by 20 feet in size and weighed about a ton. It was mounted on trucks especially built for it and was drawn by four horses. It was the property of William Bell of Virgil, who had bought it from C. H. Kenyon of McGrawville, who is going out of the business. It attracted much attention along the road. Those in charge had found the road from McGrawville pretty rough, but over the hills to Virgil they expected to find a decided improvement in the journey.
   —The barbers, who belong to the "trust," hold another meeting in Chadwick's barber shop to-morrow evening.
   —Mr. W. J. Stillman is improving every bit of sunshine in exercising that latest pattern of the relay Columbia wheel which he purchased of Mr. Fred I. Graham a few days ago.
   —"Does foot ball pay?'' asked a Baltimore clergyman last fall in a sermon in which he denounced the game as an invention of the devil. The answer to the conundrum is just out in the financial report of the Yale foot ball association. Its profits last year were $17,000.
   —Mr. O. W. Walter left for New York on the 11:20 train last evening to replenish his stock of pianos and organs. He has sold seven pianos and organs in the past eight days including a fine piano to Mr. Tanner of Blodgett Mills and an order for an Estey organ from Denver, Col.
   —Butter is away up. It was quoted in New York on Saturday from 33 to 35 cents. One year ago yesterday it was quoted at 18 cents. Some attribute this unusual price to the good Democratic times we are now enjoying, but others insist it is the World's Fair.—Oneonta Star.
   —The remains of Mrs. Nelson Minturn will be brought here on the 10 o'clock train to-morrow morning from Syracuse for burial. There will be prayer at the grave. Mrs. Minturn died suddenly in Syracuse at noon Tuesday. She lived in Cortland about twenty years ago. Mr. Wilbur Maltby of Cortland is a nephew of the deceased and Mrs. Dwight Hatfield of Groton a niece.
   —Clayton, the fourteen year-old son of Mr. Charles Odell, who was so severely kicked by a colt Sunday night, died at 7 o'clock last night. Dr. Reese says that from the time he first saw him until he died the boy appeared to be in a shock. He believes the blow from the heels of the colt ruptured the spleen, at any rate symptoms of traumatic peritonitis were immediately developed and this caused his death.
   —Game Protector Harrison Hawn returned from a thirteen days' raid at Oneida lake last night, where assisted by E. D. Crosley of Skaneateles he succeeded in capturing 110 fish pirates and 20 nets. This is the most successful raid ever made upon this class of law breakers. Local fishermen who speak from information and belief say that there are more pike in Oneida lake this season than have shown themselves in 20 years.—Syracuse Standard.
   —Another close shave was had at the S., B. & N. Y. station this morning, just after the 10 o'clock trains had pulled out Eugene Smith of Groton attempted to cross the track in front of a freight train which was backing down the track. One of the brakemen yelled to him just in time. He pulled his team up on their hind feet and backed them off the track just as the train sped by.
   —Just before the whistle blew for noon to-day, Frank Danforth, an employee of the Cortland Wagon Co., caught the tips of the fingers of his right hand in a shaper and unjointed the right index finger at the first joint and lacerated the thumb severely. He hastened to the office of Dr. F. D. Reese, who dressed the wounds. The joint of the index finger hung by a little portion of the flesh, but the doctor hopes to save it, though the finger will undoubtedly be stiff.

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