Monday, January 30, 2017


Memorial Baptist Church.
Cortland Evening Standard, Saturday, November 11, 1893.


Excellent Addresses were made—The Society Nearly out of Debt—Fine Outlook.
   It would be hard to find a more cosy, homelike church or one having more promise of doing Christian work than the new Baptist chapel recently erected on the corner of Tompkins and Duane-sts. It is just what has been needed for a long time in this section of the town and the people in its vicinity, as well as others through whose agency it has been built, may well feel proud of it.
   The idea of a mission chapel, originated with the late James Duane Squires and Rev. John B. Calvert of New York. It was taken up by the First Baptist church and for the past eighteen months the meetings have been held in a private house. Last spring, so successful had been the work that it was decided to purchase a lot and erect a new chapel. Money was raised and the site was bought. Messrs. E. A. Fish, chairman; J. D. Keeler, George C. Hubbard and J. S. Squires and Dr. F. D. Reese were elected a building committee, the plans were matured and in May the building was begun. Carpenters, masons and other workmen and dealers donated the whole or part of their services and material, and on the site to-day stands a church which is dear to nearly every resident in that section of the village.
   The edifice is devoid of all unnecessary show and is a plain substantial building. The interior is separated into two rooms. The large auditorium is thirty by forty feet and the other room, which is to be used for the primary department of the Sunday-school, is twelve by twenty-four feet. The two rooms are separated by sliding doors hung with weights so they can be easily raised or lowered. There are three entrances, front, side and rear, and there is a basement under all. It is heated by a Kelsey furnace and lighted throughout with large Rochester lamps.
   The memorial windows are a special feature. The large one in front has been dedicated by the church to James Duane Squires and bears the inscription "In memory of James Duane Squires. Born, February 8, 1855; baptized November 14, 1868; died, September 12, 1893." The window in the hall bears the inscription "In the memory of my mother, F. D. Reese, M. D." The window opposite the front entrance reads, "Martin Sanders. Baptized February 20, 1820.  Died March 29, 1890, aged 89 years. Steadfast in the Faith." The west window in the smaller room was donated by the Y. P. S. C. E. of the First Baptist church. Other windows were donated by Rev. G. A. and Clarinda Smith, Rev. and Mrs. G. H. Brigham, and Mrs. J. D. Keeler and the other two are memorial windows in the memory of Mrs. Fannie E. Frost and Rev. J. F. Stark. All the windows in the church except those in the tower and upper part of the church are memorial windows.
   Fifteen young people have raised sixty dollars for the 300 chairs, which is the sealing capacity of the house. The property cost $3,500, but with contributions of labor, material and money the church was in debt $1,900.
   The dedicatory exercises yesterday afternoon attracted a congregation of over two hundred. The pulpit was surrounded with banks of beautiful potted plants in bloom kindly loaned by Mr. Adolph Frost. On the plain white wall at the rear of the pulpit was the inscription in green, "Welcome" and cut flowers were tastily arranged on the tables.
   The services opened at 2 o'clock with the ringing of the Doxology. This was followed by a fervent prayer by Rev. N. S. Burd of McGrawville and the reading of the 122 Psalm by Rev. C. E. Hamilton. Rev. G. H. Brigham then offered another prayer, which was followed by a selection by the choir.
   After a hymn by the congregation Rev. H. A. Cordo, D. D., preached the dedicatory sermon. He chose as his text Psalm cxxii: "I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into the house of the Lord." Dr. Cordo opened with an eulogy on David's moral heroism. How he was glad to attend the house of the Lord for worship's sake. He then explained the narrow and petty reasons for not attending worship and showed how all the excuses amounted to the same thing—that the people making them did not want to go. He urged the congregation to help themselves and others by going to the house of the Lord to worship. The chief characteristic of the house of worship is its aim to bring souls into the fellowship of Christ. The distinguishing renown Greece, Rome, England and America is the galaxy of men which have been born there. The doctor then entreated that this be the glory of this church, that in these newly erected walls, and underneath this roof we may hear the cry of the penitent and ask for God's pardon.
   When he had closed Rev. D. D. Forward of Homer offered prayer, after which the congregation arose and sang an appropriate hymn. They remained standing while Dr. Cordo went through the dedication service and Rev. John B. Calvert of New York offered prayer. Chairman E. A. Fish of the building committee then gave a detailed report of the cost of the building, which was $3,500 and with the labor and materials which had been already generously donated there was a deficiency of $1,898.61.
   Rev. John B. Calvert of New York was then called upon and he said. "It is a great pleasure for me to be here on account of my own interest in assisting to organize and build up the work in this part of my native town. I am thankful that it was decided to have the chapel on this lot. There are many associations gathered about it." He then gave a touching tribute to the late J. Duane Squires and spoke of his exalted character and true friendship. He said that it was a beautiful chapel and it was according in many respects, to Mr. Squires' idea and he was glad that they were holding the dedication so near the twenty-fifth anniversary of Mr. Squires' reception into the Baptist church of Cortland, which occurred Nov. 14, 1868.
   Mr. Calvert then read a letter to himself from the deceased which was written Nov. 19, 1868, when he was thirteen years of age and five days after his reception into the church. He eulogized his deserving friend and said that had it not been for his hard work he would have been with them to-day. Mr. Calvert then said that Mr. Squires had left him a legacy of $1,000.
   They had often talked together in the late years of the prospect of this chapel and Mr. Squires had said that he intended to aid when it should be time to build. Mr. Calvert felt sure that this $1,000 was intended to be devoted to that purpose, though Mr. Squires did not say so in his will, but had left it to himself absolutely. He felt that he should be carrying out his friend's wishes in devoting the whole of it to help clear away the chapel debt. He could not conceive why Mr. Squires had left it to him, unless he wanted their two names to be linked together in the gift, as it had been so often connected in other things during their lives. But at the same time be desired that all should feel that this $1,000 was wholly Mr. Squires' gift to the chapel and not his at all. Mr. Calvert closed by thanking them heartily and asking God's blessing on the church and its people. He was deeply touched during his whole talk and there was hardly a dry eye in the house when he finished.
   Dr. Cordo then said that they had a first thought of having some noted speaker from abroad to dedicate the church, but had afterwards decided to make it a "family" affair, and it would not be complete without hearing from Brother Brigham, who stated that in all his experience he had never seen such interest manifested and such enterprising work as was done in erecting the chapel. It was a spontaneous movement, seemed to go on easily and pleasantly, the people appeared to want to do it and those who had not had an opportunity to contribute would now be given an opportunity to donate. The subscriptions came in faster than they could be recorded and over $500 was subscribed.
   Rev. J. E. Dodsley then pronounced the benediction and the afternoon session closed.

He started as a quarter back
In football struggle mad,
       And at the season's end, that was
'Bout all the back he had.
   —Broome county wants a new jail.
   —The half-term examinations are now in progress at the Normal.
   —A long distance telephone with metallic circuit was this afternoon put into The STANDARD office.
   —The trustees of the Cortland Rural cemetery will meet to-night at the parlors of the Savings bank at 7 o'clock for organization.
   —There will be preaching at Wells hall to-morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock by Rev. Edward Irwin of Ithaca. All are cordially invited to attend.
   —Two boys were playing in a sand-bank in Ithaca on Thursday. The bank caved in and one of the boys was buried four feet deep. He was dead when dug out.
   —The Alpha Chautauqua circle will hold their next meeting Monday evening, Nov. 13, with Mrs. Augusta Graves, 35 Madison-st. Visitors are always welcome.
   —Judge McLennan this forenoon at Syracuse sentenced Lucius R. Wilson, convicted of the murder of Detective Harvey, to be electrocuted in the week beginning Dec. 17.
   —Part of the furniture for the new Gamma Sigma club rooms at the Normal building arrived yesterday and was put in place. It is very handsome and the boys are justly proud of their purchase.
   —By reason of the prevalence of diphtheria in Auburn there is talk of closing the public schools. Action has been deferred for a few days though to see whether the disease develops or is checked.
   —Dr. H. A. Cordo will preach in the new Baptist chapel on Tompkins-st. Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. A cordial invitation is extended to all and especially to residents in the vicinity of the chapel.
   —A large number of ladies from the Mission society of the Congregational church went to Homer by invitation to attend the annual meeting and tea of the ladies of the Congregational church in that place yesterday.
   —Last evening several friends of Miss Nina Weld gave her a very pleasant surprise at her home, 115 Homer-ave. Music and games were indulged in, until the hour of 11, when elaborate refreshments were served. The company, after enjoying a very pleasant evening, broke up shortly after midnight.
   —A good many people in Broome county are suffering from the work of butter thieves. They have gained entrance to cellars and taken away several large tubs in a number of cases. Once or twice the butter has been recovered, but so far the thieves have not been apprehended. The officers, however, are on their track.
   —The cab of a locomotive took fire in the Lehigh Valley yards at Auburn yesterday. The cause of the fire was unknown. An engineer jumped onboard, ran the engine to the water tank and put out the fire by the stream of water from the great spout used in filling engine tanks. The cab was badly damaged, and the engineer was quite seriously burned about the face, neck and hands while extinguishing the flames.

Walter Q. Gresham.

A New Light on the State of Affairs on the Islands—Provisional Government
Was Not Established by a Revolution of the Natives—The Royalists Feared United States Forces—Fraud and Force Hinted.
   WASHINGTON, Nov. 11.—A letter of Secretary Gresham to the president, dated the 18th, concerning Hawaiian affairs, has been given out for publication. In it he takes the ground that the marines landed from the United States steamer Boston at the time of the revolution, were not landed to protect American life and property but to aid in overthrowing the existing government. Their very presence, he said, implies coercive measures against it. The provisional government was established by the action of the American minister and the presence of the troops landed from the Boston and its continued existence is due to the belief of the Hawaiians that if they made an effort to overthrow it, they would encounter the armed forces of the United States. The letter concludes as follows:
   The earnest appeals to the American minister for military protection by the officers of the provisional government, for it has been recognized, show the utter absurdity of the claim that it was established by a successful revolution of the people of the islands. These appeals were a confession by the men who made them of their weakness and timidity. Courageous men, conscious of their strength and the justice of their cause, do not thus act.
   It is now claimed that a majority of the people have not the right to vote under the constitution of 1887, or ever favored the existing authority, or annexation to this or any other country. They earnestly desire that the government of their choice shall be restored and its independence respected.
   Mr. Blount states that while at Honolulu he did not meet a single annexationist who expressed willingness to submit the question to a vote of the people, nor did he talk with one on that subject who did not insist that if the islands were annexed, suffrage should be so restricted as to give complete control to foreigners or whites, and representative annexationists have repeatedly made similar statements to the undersigned.
   The government of Hawaii surrendered its authority under a threat of war, until such time only as the government of the United States, upon the fact being presented to it, should reinstate the constitutional sovereign and the  provisional government was allowed to exist until the terms of union with the United States of America had been negotiated and agreed upon.
   A careful consideration of the facts will, I think, convince you that the treaty which was withdrawn from the senate for further consideration should not be resubmitted for action thereon.
   Should not the great wrong done to a feeble but independent state by an abuse of the authority of the United States be undone by restoring the legitimate government? Anything short of that will not, I respectfully submit, satisfy the demands of justice.
   Can the United States consistently insist that other nations shall respect the independence of Hawaii while not respecting it themselves? Our government was the first to recognize the independence of the islands and should be the last to acquire sovereignty over them by force and fraud.
   Respectfully submitted,
   Secretary of State.

One Inmate Tells a Story of Terrible Treatment—Paddled into a State of
Insensibility—In the Bathroom Four Times in One Day—Claims to Be Innocent, but Admitted the Charge to Escape Punishment.
   AUBURN, N. Y., Nov. 11.—The Elmira reformatory investigating committee met at the state prison and held two sessions, Judge Gilbert acted as counsel for the state.
   About 12 witnesses were examined, all of whom testified to being paddled at various times in a terrible manner.
   The testimony of one witness, William Tacey, was of a damaging character. He was sent to Elmira at the age of 30 from New York, charged with burglary. He was transferred here in January last.
   In his testimony he said that for an alleged offense, which he had not committed, he was paddled by Brockway the whole of one afternoon.
   He was brought to the bathroom twice and asked to admit the offense with which he was charged. While in the bathroom he was hit on the head with the paddle by Superintendent Brockway.
   Whenever he fell to the ground during such punishment Colonel Halpen would catch him by the throat and compel him to remain on his feet.
   When he could stand no longer he fell to the floor, when both Superintendent Brockway and Colonel Halpen kicked him several times.
   The superintendent said he would make him sorry he ever was born if he did not tell the truth about the charges brought against him.
   He was taken to the bathroom a short time after the first punishment and another course of punishment was administered.
   He was taken to the bathroom a third time that day and punished, and then fell to the floor unconscious, while Brockway was paddling him.
   Handcuffs were placed on his wrists and a rope was attached and he was hoisted from the floor to a standing position.
   His nose was bleeding and his back was a mass of bruises. He was given an officers' supper that night. The prison physician did not examine him after the punishment.
   He admitted the charges were true to save himself from any further visits to the bathroom, after he had been punished the third time.
   Witness further testified that Clerk Hope had kicked an inmate, name Carle, from one end of the prison to the other for screaming.
   Witness had also seen two or three other inmates with bruised faces and backs after treatment in the bathroom.
   There was an underground cell under the domestic building at the reformatory.

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