Sunday, February 12, 2017


Cortland Top & Rail Co. (Number 5. Left click or touch image for better view.)

Cortland Evening Standard, Monday, November 27, 1893.

It Has Been Purchased by The Carriage Specialty Co., a Syndicate Whose Main Office is at Cleveland, Ohio.
   Mr. E. H. Brewer, acting as agent for The Carriage Specialty Co., has purchased the entire plant of the Cortland Top & Rail Co., which went into the hands of Receiver W. D. Tisdale a few months ago. The new company is a stock corporation and is made up of the following individual stock companies: The Cortland Harness & Carriage Goods Co. of this place, The I. N. Topliff Manufacturing Co. of Cleveland, O., The Topliff & Ely Co. of Elyria, O., Crandall, Stone & Co. of Binghamton, N. Y., The Coss Co. of Mansfield, O., and the Carriage & Supply Manufacturing Co. of Elmira, N. Y.
   It is the purpose of the company to start the plant about the first of December and it will be run as formerly as a rail factory for manufacturing and shipping carriage rails and carriage hardware. The factory will be operated full-handed and preference will be given to old operatives. The plant will be fully equipped with modern machinery and its products will be the same as those manufactured before it went into the hands of a receiver.
   It is not generally known, but it nevertheless is a fact that it was the intention about a year ago to move the plant from Cortland to Elmira, but the failure of a land scheme in that city to materialize caused the whole plan to fall through.
   That the present strong company has purchased the plant and that it is going to be run under such excellent management is a great advantage to Cortland during these hard Democratic times, as the factory has now been idle for a number of months. The new corporation is a very strong one and Cortland should be proud of having two of its largest plants located here. The business will be in charge of Walter E. Brooks, general manager of The Carriage Specialty Co., whose headquarters are at Cleveland.
   The accomplishment of this purchase is largely due to the enterprise of Mr. E. H. Brewer, the able president and manager of the Cortland Harness and Carriage Goods Co. Mr. Brewer has built up a very strong business here and the work of his company has won for itself a widespread reputation.

Trains Attacked and Nonunion Men Stoned. Crews Afraid to Take Trains Out. Sheriffs Unable to Preserve Order. Wreck Caused by Green Men—No
Further Trouble Reported In New York—Situation at Various Points.
   WILKES-BARRE, NOV. 27.—At midnight violence was reported all along the line of the Lehigh Valley road. At Sugar Notch, a mob attacked the station and drove the nonunion men off the premises. The men have abandoned for the time being.
   Burgess Shields of Sugar Notch has notified Sheriff Walters that he is not in a position to preserve the public peace. The sheriff will send deputies to that town today.
   A freight was uncoupled in three places. The railroad officials say the strikers were at the bottom of it.
   At Warrior Run two freight brakemen were stoned and thinking their lives were in danger they deserted their trains.
   The telegraphers between this city and White Haven left their offices last evening. They had received threatening letters.
   The train service is badly crippled. Two nonunion freight crews refused to take out freight trains from the Coxton yards.
   Two hundred men and boys were gathered in the yards, every one of whom was armed. Sheriff Walters will swear in 50 deputies and station them in the Coxton yards.
   Colonel Kreck of the Ninth regular National Guard says he has received no word from Harrisburg as yet to move his regiment. It is now clear that the sheriffs of the various counties cannot protect the company's property, and it is generally admitted that the governor will have to call on the state troops.
   At Pittston a nonunion brakeman was struck in the head with a stone and knocked from the train.
   Sixty nonunion men are quartered in the garret of the passenger depot of this city. Six armed men tried to affect an entrance into the place, but were repulsed by deputy sheriffs.

Wreck Caused by Green Hands.
   PERTH AMBOY, N. J., Nov. 27.—A fatal wreck occurred here, due directly to the strike on the Lehigh Valley road. The accident occurred at the crossing of the Lehigh Valley and the Central railroad and the engines involved were 414 of the Lehigh Valley and 1057 of the Pennsylvania railroad.
   The Lehigh engine was drawing a train of coal cars and the Pennsylvania engine was hauling a freight train. The Pennsylvania and Central railroads run over the same tracks to Long Branch. The Pennsylvania train was bound for that place. The freight train was bound for the yards. As the trains approached the crossing the towerman showed a red light, a signal to stop, to the Lehigh train, and a white light to proceed to the Pennsylvania engine.
   The Pennsylvania had the right of way, and when Engineer Joiner saw the light, he started ahead rapidly. When the red light was displayed, Engineer Warren H. Mallory, who was in charge the Lehigh train, was a sufficient distance away to stop under ordinary conditions, but he appeared to lose control of his train. He whistled for down brakes. The towerman realized the coal train could not be stopped, and while keeping the red light displayed to the Lehigh train displayed a second one to the Pennsylvania. Engineer Joiner reversed his engine, but it was too late.
   The engines approached the crossing at almost the same moment. The Lehigh engine reached it first, and was running across when the pilot of the Pennsylvania engine struck it between the last driving wheel and the tender. The blow threw the engine on its side, and Engineer Mallory was buried in the wreck of his cab.
   Fireman Bauer and Pilot Grubb of the Lehigh engine jumped before the crossing was reached and escaped injury. The Pennsylvania engine was brought to a standstill by the shock, and the coal cars piled upon the wreck. The shock threw Engineer Joiner from the cab of his engine to the tender. His leg was badly sprained.
   Mallory was filling a striker's place and belonged in New York City.

Trains Running at Buffalo.
   BUFFALO, Nov. 27.—There is no change in the Lehigh Valley strike, although there was some uneasiness over stories that the employes [sic] of some of the other roads would be called out.
   The road made unusual progress in the hauling of trains yesterday. During the day 14 trains were sent to Manchester and seven were received from that point. Later advices [sic] from Manchester stated that the yards at that point are blocked with cars so that further deliveries to that point were stopped.
   The yards presented a busy appearance and showed but little sign of the strike, except the presence of the police officers. The four hostlers employed at the round house quit work on Saturday, but their places were filled by some of the nonunion men who came here from the West. The engines were delayed but little by their going out.
   The ranks of the nonunion men were increased by the arrival of about 125 men yesterday afternoon. At 6 o'clock nine men were sent to Ithaca and 47 to Sayre. There are still about 50 men here who have not been examined.
   "We have already in our employ 37 out of the 42 engineers who were in the employ of the Ann Arbor road," said Freight Agent Nevins, "and here is a telegram from the other five offering their services. It seems as though nearly every railroad man in the West is anxious to come East to work."

Meeting at the Bridge.
   SUSPENSION BRIDGE, Nov. 27.—The Federation of Lehigh employes met here for the purpose of transacting business of a local nature and to hear the reports of committees working in this vicinity.
   The attendance was larger than it has been at any of the meetings held since the strike was declared, about 850 men being present and addresses were made by.… Senior Conductor A. B. Garretson of the O. R. C., Third Vice-Grand Master G. W. Newman of the B. R. T.; Chairman Olmstead of the B. of L. E. and other local Brotherhood men from Suspension Bridge and from Buffalo.

What Superintendent Wilbur Says.
   BETHLEHEM, NOV. 27.—Superintendent Wilbur says the prospects of a speedy end of the strike are brighter than ever. The Lehigh Valley officials have had no further conference. On this, the Lehigh Valley division, all passenger trains were run and considerable coal and freight were moved. More new men were sent up the road last night. No trouble has been reported to President Wilbur.

Krag-Jorgensen rifle.
If Canada or China wants to whip us, now is her best time to begin. We are just in the act of changing our Springfield army rifles to the new one of small caliber which has been ordered for the United States army. Work at the army arsenals has been stopped on the former pattern of rifle, which since the war has grown old fashioned at as rapid a rate as our fighting ships did. The United States will henceforth use the small caliber rifle at present the vogue among the armies of Europe. It will require perhaps two months for the factories to be ready to turn out the new rifle. Meantime, smokeless powder must go along with the new rifle, and the war department is at sea, so to speak, as to what kind of smokeless powder to use. Ten thousand pounds of powder will charge 2,000,000 muskets, and the department has advertised for proposals for that amount. If any American with a brain that runs to powder making wants to secure a fat contract, here is his chance, provided he can hit on the right kind of an article. The war department prefers a powder in which there is no dynamite.
Brooklyn appears to be in a bad way. In that "city of churches," as it used to be called, there is now only one church to every 2,900 inhabitants. In Gravesend, a suburb of Brooklyn, there is a voting population of not over 2,000 at the outside, yet at the last election more than 6,000 names were registered. Gravesend is the spot where a justice of the peace was one of the promoters and managers of the prize fight that did not come off between Corbett and Mitchell. The moral reformation wave has evidently not struck Brooklyn yet.
It is agreed that the destruction of the beautiful White City at Chicago is a great pity. But what to do with it is the question. One of the structures at least, the Manufactures building, will undoubtedly be preserved in permanent form. It will be taken to pieces, removed to the lake front in Jackson park and set up again. All the American people would be glad to see this done. The Manufactures building is the largest house that was ever under one roof. If we should not have another world's fair for a generation, the grand structure would remain to remind this generation's children of the glory of the fair that was. It can certainly be turned to some useful purpose as a permanent museum of art, industry and history. Chicago and the northwest are so big that they will need many museums before they are done growing.

   —Michael McSweeny has bought a half interest in A. J. McSweeny's restaurant at 18 Main-st.
   —Mr. E. P. Wright is in Spafford to-day setting a marble monument for the late William H. Craig.
   —Mr. H. F. Benton has bought of Mr. A. D. Kingsbury his farm three miles northeast of Cortland on the Truxton road.
   —Mr. J . R. Hathway has bought the Thomas Scott farm on the back road from Homer to Little York and will move up there on Thursday.
   —Mr. Glenn A. Tisdale will soon open a branch office of the Stock Exchange in the Wilgus block at Ithaca. The [telephone] wire was connected this morning,
   —There is an ordered parade to-night of the Forty-fifth Separate Co. as the delinquency court has somewhat awakened the boys to their duty. A good turnout is expected.
   —A trial of the fire department steamer was made between 2 and 3 o'clock this afternoon at the well on the corner of Main and Court-sts. The trial proved that the engine was in good working order.
   —Last week Mr. S. M. Benjamin set at Keeney Settlement a red Swede granite monument for the late Marcus A. Hulbert; also an empire shell marble monument in Vesper, Onondaga county, for Mr. Nathan Pierce.
   —A stove social will be given by the W. C. T. U. at their rooms on Monday evening, Dec. 4. A program of interest will be rendered, followed by light refreshments consisting of old time ginger bread, coffee and pop corn. All for one dime.
   —Messrs. R. N. Hillsinger and W. H. Welland have opened a general blacksmithing and wood repairing establishment at 132 North Main-st. They purchased an engine this morning and expect to soon put in saws and lathes and other apparatus for manufacturing of novelty goods. They are now prepared to do all kinds of repairing and expect to soon have their novelty works in full operation.
—The STANDARD's carriers are now provided with whistles which they will blow with all the ardor of a boy as they approach the houses where they are to deliver their papers. If the subscribers will take note of this, especially those who do not have boxes in which the boys can leave the papers, and will open their doors and receive the papers as they come, the wind will not have an opportunity of blowing them away. Watch out for the whistle.

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