Wednesday, February 1, 2017


Queen Liliuokalani of Hawaii.

Cortland Evening Standard, Wednesday, November 15, 1893.

Speculation Rife at the Capital as to the Ultimate Outcome—Perplexing Questions Presented—Probable Attitude of Foreign Powers—England Would Favor Restoration of the Monarchy—Secretary Gresham and Minister Thurston Confer.
   WASHINGTON, NOV. 15.—There is entire dearth of any real news from Hawaii or about Hawaii. The speculation as to what has been occurring there in the week past is, however, by no means abated. Nearly everyone has taken one side or the other, and is either an earnest wisher for the prompt success of the effort to restore Queen Liliuokalani or is vainly hopeful that something may intervene to balk the purpose announced by this government. The fear of friends of the present government is that Minister Willis will push President Dole to an immediate decision and demand prompt surrender of all his authority on the ground that the provisional government itself put a limit upon the duration of its own authority, and that limit expires when Minister Willis announces to him that there is no possible chance of annexation to the United States.
   It is a fact that for several months past the provisional government has recognized that there was no hope of securing annexation to the United States and they have felt fully the obligation upon them under those circumstances of providing a permanent form of government for the islands. The form of the proposed government has been discussed and it has been proposed to call it a commonwealth. It is expected that President Dole will advance these facts as arguments against the contention of Minister Willis that his government, the government to which Willis is accredited, has expired by its own limit alone.
   Should Minister Willis decline to recognize the validity of this argument and President Dole determine to follow out his contentions, so far as laying his power, his next step is expected to be to formally notify the United States minister that he would not yield without the employment of force and that he would regard the landing of troops from the men-of-war to enforce his deposition an act of war.
   The diplomatic representatives of foreign countries in Honolulu are always looked to with eagerness in a civil emergency, and opponents of restoration assert their belief that these would formally protest against the act of the United States minister with the exception of the representatives of Great Britain and Japan and possibly Russia.
   There have been rumors from the State department that the United States has not entered upon the attempt to restore the queen without a thorough understanding with all the powers, and it is said the government has received assurances that no objection would be raised to its plan. With regard to Germany, France, and Portugal opponents of restoration, said that citizens of all these powers recognized the necessity to good order and preservation of property and constitutional rights of the overthrow of the queen.
   These governments, they believe, would decline to approve her restoration.
   Great Britain would unquestionably welcome the restoration of Queen Liliuokalani and the prospect of the early accession of the Princess Kaiulani as the best hope of a government distinctively in the British interest.

Warships to Go to Hawaii.
   VALLEJO, Cal., Nov. 15.—It is said on good authority that as soon as the United States ships Ranger and Mohican, now at Mare island navy yard, can be made ready for sea, the secretary of the navy will order their commanders to proceed direct to Honolulu and report to Admiral Irwin.
   On arrival at Hawaii the Mohican will be made flagship of the Pacific squadron, relieving the Philadelphia, which will immediately proceed to Mare island navy yard.
   The ordering of the Ranger and Mohican to Hawaii to relieve the Philadelphia, is said to be due to the fact that President Cleveland decides to concentrate all available ships of the Pacific squadron in Hawaiian waters, and that combined crews of the Ranger and Mohican would facilitate the landing of a larger force than that of the Philadelphia.

She Attempts to Strangle the Wife of Sheriff Beecher.
   NEW YORK, Nov. 15.—A dispatch from Monticello, N. Y., says that the murderess, Lizzie Halliday, now in jail there awaiting trial for killing her husband and two women, attempted to strangle to death the wife of Sheriff Beecher.
   Mrs. Beecher entered Mrs. Halliday's cell and engaged in conversation. Mrs. Halliday seemed to be in a quiet frame of mind. Mrs. Beecher happened to turn her back to the prisoner, when the latter sprang upon her and caught her by the throat.
   The murderess is possessed of great strength and she quickly bore Mrs. Beecher backward toward the floor. Mrs. Beecher steadied herself against the wall and although a small woman fought desperately.
   She threw her hands behind her, seized Mrs. Halliday's dress and turned to one side as she was forced to her knees. This loosened Mrs. Halliday's hold and Mrs. Beecher kept her away until a jailor came to the rescue.
   Mrs. Halliday is now more closely watched. Her object, it is believed, was to create the impression that she is subject to sudden impulses of homicidal mania. Mrs. Beecher is prostrated.

Coroner's Jury Report on the Battle Creek Accident.
   BATTLE CREEK, Mich., Nov. 15.—After hours of liberation the coroner's jury rendered the following verdict in the Grand Trunk inquest here this morning:
   "We find that the said collision was caused by gross disobedience of the orders given by the train dispatcher, and we also find that Conductor Bertram N. Scott and Engineer Harry Wooley of train No. 6 are guilty of criminal negligence in running past their meeting point, at which they had positive orders to stop."
   The Grand Trunk company was exonerated from all blame in the matter, the jury finding that it had furnished first class cars and all the latest improvements for safety. Conductor Scott will have his hearing before Justice Henry to-day on the charge of murder in the second degree.

One of the Effects.
   The following circular recently received by Capt. J. W. Strowbridge, commander of Post Grover, G. A. R., indicates one of the effects of the action of the Democratic commissioner of pensions in cutting off the pensions of dependent veterans. When the soldiers' homes are full, the poor houses are the only resorts left for the aged and infirm defenders of their country whom Democratic officials deprive of the bounty of the government.

BATH, Steuben Co., N. Y., Oct 28, 1893.
To J. W. Strowbridge, the Commander Post No. 98, Dep't. of New York, G. A. R.
   SIR:—I have to inform you that the Home is full and we find it impossible to accommodate all who apply for admission. Every mail brings one or more applications from various parts of the state, while daily some report in person and seek admission. May I ask that you make it known to the Comrades of your Post, that the Home is full, and that it will be useless for men to come here before making application in the usual way, expecting to be received, as it will be impossible to do so.
   Will you please give this as wide circulation as possible through your local press.

Baltimore felicitates herself that her elevated trolley road is a success, except when once in a great while the current goes wrong and leaves the cars stranded high and dry for a brief time. During such moments the passenger is apt to wonder a little uneasily what would happen if the current should give out upon one of the steep grades over which the road passes. But this never has happened; let us hope never will happen. The cars are heavier than those upon the steam elevated roads and hold each 100 passengers. Even with this load the train finds no difficulty in ascending the grades. The claim is made that these elevated trolley trains are run more cheaply than those of the steam roads. The absence of smoke, steam and cinders is a vast relief, not only to the passengers, but also to persons living along the line of the road. The stations are only two blocks apart.

In nine years the record of the time in which a steamer can cross the Atlantic from Europe to America has been lowered over 24 hours—to put it exactly, 25 hours and 16 minutes. That is to say, the traveler who is in a hurry to reach the United States can have a whole day on land here that nine years ago he would have been obliged to spend on shipboard. The pennon for speed has been variously carried by vessels belonging to the Cunard, White Star, Inman and Guion lines in the past few years. The Paris of the new American line held it for one year—from last October to this—till on her westward trip the Cunarder Lucania cut down the Paris' time 59 minutes. The Lucania's trip, made in 5 days 18 hours 35 minutes, will stand as the swiftest westward one till it is broken by the next one. The big Lucania is 620 feet long.

Billie McAuliff and Sam Youngs Posing as Contortionists.
   Messrs. William McAuliff of the Cortland House and Samuel Youngs of the Messenger House are in the habit of going down on the 3:07 P. M. train on the D., L. & W., taking the 3:15 P. M. train at the junction and riding to the E., C. & N. station, for the purpose of transferring baggage. They rode to the junction as usual yesterday afternoon, but as the D., L. & W. train was a few minutes late the E., C. & N. train had run to the station, unloaded passengers and baggage, changed engines and then backed up to the junction. The two young men with the other passengers boarded the E., C. & N. train which was soon going at the rate of about twenty-five miles an hour. They learned that it would not stop at the station and when in front of Wickwire's shop jumped.
   An eye witness said that each man turned five somersaults and it took some time for them to pull themselves together. Both were bruised and banged up considerably and a gang of men are reported to have been at work repairing the rails and ties, which they tore up when they struck. Mr. McAuliff lost his gold watch and chain and it was not found till early in the evening. When Mr. Youngs got ready to retire he could not find his keys. About midnight he started out and after a half-hour's search he succeeded in finding them, near the place where he struck. He then limped back to the hotel and was able to get into his room.
   Both young men were limping around town this morning with a sickly smile and anyone who mentions their experience is promptly closed up with a cigar, but they will in all probability prefer the walk from McLean to Cortland rather than again to indulge in such acrobatic feats as they attempted yesterday afternoon.

The Courier Printing Company Dissolved—George M. Barnes Receiver.
   At a special term held this morning by Justice P. B. McLennan, says the Syracuse Journal of Tuesday, W. S. Andrews presented a petition of the trustees of the Syracuse Courier Printing company for dissolution and the appointment of a receiver. A majority of the trustees of the company, John Lighton, Henry J. Mowry, Milton H. Northrup and George M. Barnes, signed the petition and Attorney General Rosendale admitted service of the usual notice. Marshal R. Dyer and Frank B. Garrett did not join in the petition. The usual orders were entered by the court and George M. Barnes was made temporary receiver, with bonds placed at $20,000.
   "That the business of the corporation has not been profitable for some time past and cannot be carried on at a profit," is the excuse given for the application. The assets are placed at $35,000, and the liabilities at $27,518.21.
   The assets of the Courier company are placed as follows: Machinery, presses, type, etc., $18,000; bills receivable, $7,000; paper and stock on hand, $500, and franchise of the Associated Press, par value, $10,000. The Robert Gere bank is the principal creditor, holding paper of the company for $15,370; the Goss Printing Press Co. has a claim of $2,800 and other creditors holding notes are: August Koehler, $401.35; Single Paper Co., $97.02; E. I. Rice, $120.53; Electric Light & Power Co., $806.17; J. & F. B. Garrett, $1,170.02; W. D. Dunning, $110.72; Burhans, Black & Co., $55 63; F. G. Weeks, Skaneateles, $806.17. Open accounts are due J. & F. B. Garrett, $688.55; Taggart Paper Co., Watertown, $177 40; Herkimer Paper Co., $288.56; Electric Light & Power Co., $142; E. I. Rice, $50; F. C. Howlett, $77.77; A. C. Powell & Co., $190.46, and Empire Metal Co., $37.94. Other creditors are T. H. Harvey for $350, and the Mergenthaler Linotype Co., New York, $2,060.
   The capital stock of the Courier company is $35,000, divided into 350 shares of $100 each. It is fully paid in, and held as follows: Frances M. Hamilton, 109 shares; Wilbur M. Brown, 13; J. & F. B. Garrett, 10; George M. Barnes, 2; Ira Betts, Phoenix, 2; S. G, Lapham, 2; estate of John R. Whitlock, 2; H. J. Mowry, 1; Alfred Wilkinson, 2; A. A. Howlett, 1; W. Kirkpatrick, 1; John Lighton, 1; D. H. Bruce, 1; John Moore, 1; T. Ryan, 1; estate of N. Cobb, 1; estate of Ira Williams, 1; N. Peters, 1; M. R. Dyer, 1; estate of Julius Earll, 1; estate of Joel Thayer, 1; Gavin Morton, 1; Elizur Clark, 1, and M. H. Northrup, 193.
   The order of the court provides that the receiver may employ an editor for the paper at a monthly salary not exceeding the sum of $15 and such other employees as may be necessary to continue its publication.
   Negotiations have been in progress for some time looking toward the consolidation of the Courier into the Evening News company.

   At a meeting of the trustees of the Home for Aged Women, held at the home of the president, Mrs. E. S. Newtown, on North Main-st., it was decided to hold a pound party at the Home on Nov. 23. The following committee was appointed to have charge of the reception: Miss Caroline Hitchcock, chairman; Misses Matie Wood, Maude H. Crane, Louise Henry, Mrs. Earl Fowler, Miss Mary Pomeroy, Mrs. W. H. Foster, Mrs. Adeline Bennett Smith, Misses Kate Coggeshall, Josie and Fanny Brock way, Hattie Ranney, Cora Salisbury, Mrs. Alice Borden, Mrs. Fred Briggs, Miss Blanche Van Hoesen, Messrs, E. W. Hyatt, Lester P. Bennett, Fred R. Thompson, E. I. Stone, Frank M. Newton and Al Smith.
   The following report was delivered by the president, Mrs. E. S. Newton, at the annual meeting of the Home for Aged Women.
   To the members of the Cortland County Home for Aged Women: 
   Of the financial condition of the association it seems unnecessary for me to speak. You who are present have listened to the reports of secretary and treasurer and know our exact standing. In looking back to the day of our organization we see much reason to express gratification at the result of the two years' work. The cheerful house with its clean, fresh surroundings pleases the eye, and within we find the inmates cheerful and content, quietly enjoying the evening of life with all the needed comforts of a home. A year ago as we discussed our plans we judged that expenses would be lighter for the coming year. The necessity of painting, such repairs as must be made of roof and gutters, the cost of cleaning up after the removal of the small house, and the connecting that with the main building have made heavy drafts upon our funds. With pleasure we are able to say our expenses have not exceeded our income.
   With so much that is pleasant connected with the Home there is a note of sorrow in the retrospect. Of the board of managers elected at the organization of the association one has passed "over the river" to the Home not made with hands.
   "But while dust to dust is returning.
   He will live in the hearts of his friends."
   During the two years of our existence we have found many friends whose cordial, generous co-operation have greatly helped the work. To the many kindly hearts who are interested in the cause, to all who by generous kindness have borne their share in the good work, the association wishes to express its thanks. Without such interest and assistance we could not exist, and the comfortable home would of necessity close its doors and the six or eight lives which we can cheer and comfort would be, like Noah's dove, shot from a haven of rest.

   TRUXTON, NOV. 14.—The entertainment given at F. I. Woodward's hall Friday evening by A. Lincoln Kirk, the impersonator, was largely attended. The entertainment was given under the auspices of the village school and nearly $7 realized, the proceeds of which are to be used in purchasing a library for the school. The entertainment commenced promptly at 8 o'clock and the following program was given: Singing, "Don't you Hear the Bells Ring," by a sextette consisting of Mrs. Irving Sears, Misses Grace M. Wicks, Martha Van Hoesen and Julia A. Baldwin, Messrs. Charles W. Beattie and Coolidge F. Beattie; Mr. Kirk then gave several recitations, which were very fine. Violin solo, Vera Seibert. Mr. Kirk then gave three impersonations entitled, "Old Farmer Grey," "The Widow Bedott," and the "School Boy's Essay on the Mule." Cornet solo, Flossie Seibert. The audience was delighted with Mr. Kirk and the entertainment was a perfect success. The school will hold another in the near future.
   The fall term of school closes Wednesday, Nov. 29, for a short vacation.
   The regular meeting of Truxton lodge, No. 601, I. O. of G. T., was held at Woodward's hall Thursday evening. About thirty members were present. The following officers were installed for the ensuing quarter by Lodge Deputy John H. B. Gordan:
   C. T.—Henry Bell.
   V. T.—Blanche Freeman.
   Sec'y.—Hattie Meldrim.
   Treas.—J. J. Meldrim.
   D. M.—Grace M. Wicks.
   Chap.—Martha Van Hoesen.
   A. S.—Bertha Bosworth.
   F. S.—Abbie J. Freeman.
   Sent.—Gus McDiarmid.
   P. C. T.—George H. Wicks.
   M.—Chas. Maxson.
   G.—Corwin Kenney.
   Mr. Angus McDiarmid and Miss Alice McAllister were admitted as members of the order. A large delegation from here will attend the county lodge at Cortland Wednesday and Thursday.
   Rev. W. H. Robertson preached an excellent sermon last Sunday to a large congregation.
   The Y. P. S. C. E. meeting last Sunday evening was the largest attended of any since its organization. Over one hundred persons were present. The meeting was led by Mr. Irving Sears. The semi-annual election of officers was held and the following officers were chosen for the ensuing six months:
   President—Irving Sears.
   Vice-president—Blanche Freeman.
   Secretary and treasurer—Martha Van Hoesen.
   Recording Secretary—Chas. Beattie.
   Several new members were added to the roll. The newly elected officers will meet this week and appoint the committees.
   Quite a serious accident happened to Mr. "Eve" McChesney, while working in the woods last Saturday. In felling a tree, it fell striking Mr. McChesney and knocking him down. The man who was with him could not get him out from under the tree, so he cried for help. Mr. William Crandall heard him and went at once to his rescue. With the help of Mr. Frank Petrie, they succeeded in getting him out from under the tree. He was taken at once to his home when Dr. J. C. Nelson was called and found him suffering great pain. No bones were broken, but his spine was injured and he was otherwise bruised.
   Dr. J. C. Nelson is in Cortland attending the meeting of the board of supervisors.

Oh, butcher, when I deal with thee
                                       All sentiment is dead;
Take back the heart thou gavest me
                                      And give me ham instead.
   —Remember the chicken-pie supper at the Baptist church this evening.
   —Elmira had three fires last night The entire damage was very slight.
   —Ithaca has twenty-three barber shops with an average of two employees to each.
   —The D., L. & W. pay car was in town this morning long enough to distribute the blue envelopes to the boys.
   —A social party, under the auspices of the Empire club, will be held in Empire hall, Nov. 24, for the benefit of the reading room.
   —Mass meeting for men in the Y. M. C. A. rooms this evening at 8 o'clock. Meeting will be conducted by the Christian work committee.
   —The committee have spared no pain to make the dance at the armory Friday evening a grand success. Daniels' full orchestra will be in attendance.
   —The Cazenovia hotels, which by concerted action closed a few weeks ago because they were not granted licenses by the excise board, are re-opening.
   —Ladies of the auxiliary will please bear in mind the regular meeting to be held in the Y. M. C. A. parlor to-morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. Let there be a full attendance.
   —The two finest coaches that have ever been finished by the Cortland Omnibus & Cab Co. were yesterday shipped by that company to the Columbus Transfer Co. of Columbus, O.
   —The St. Agnes Guild of Grace church will give a sociable at the residence of Mr. A. Mahan, on Friday evening, to which all friends of the society are cordially invited to attend.
   —Several of the officers and employees of the Cortland Omnibus & Cab Co. attended the funeral of Andrew P. Henderson, a former employee of the Omnibus company at Homer yesterday.
   —Do not swear. There is no occasion to swear outside of a printing office. It is said to be useful in proof reading, indispensable in getting forms to press, and has been known to assist in looking over the paper when it is printed, but otherwise is a very disgusting habit.Exchange.
   —All who are pleased to see Cortland manufacturers gaining foothold and reputation will be interested in the article on medals and premiums taken by the Cortland Howe Ventilating Stove Co. on our fourth page. The company has recently received from the Institute of Technology at St. Petersburg, Russia, a request for information in reference to the stove and a sample stove will probably be shipped to that institution.

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