Thursday, March 30, 2017


Albert S. Willis.

Sanford B. Dole.
Cortland Evening Standard, Monday, January 22, 1894.

Letter From Minister Willis to Secretary Gresham Contains Important Enclosures—President Dole's Communication Which the Minister Says Reflects Upon President Cleveland—Mr. Willis Demands Specific Charges or Retraction.
   WASHINGTON, Jan. 22.—The president, in a brief note of transmittal, submitted to congress the latest correspondence relating to Hawaii. It comprises some brief notes of Minister Willis to Secretary Gresham, which are unimportant, but the chief features of it are letters passing between Minister Willis and [provisional] President Dole, in one of which the minister complains of an utterance of President Dole as reflecting on the president of the United States, and a letter from President Dole, in which he specifically inquires if Mr. Willis' instructions authorized force. This is the Hawaiian message of transmission which precedes the correspondence:
   To the Congress:
   I transmit herewith dispatches received yesterday from our minister at Hawaii with certain correspondence which accompanied the same, including a most extraordinary letter dated Dec. 27, 1893, signed by Sanford B. Dole, minister of foreign affairs for the provisional government, addressed to our minister, Mr. Willis, after the arrival of my message at Honolulu, with copies of the instructions given to our minister. 
   The correspondence contains a number of communications of minor importance and a long letter from Mr. Willis to Secretary Gresham in which he describes the receipt of a letter from Dole which seemed to cast reflections upon the president. The letter to Secretary Gresham contains enclosures of the correspondence between himself and Dole in reference to the objectionable letter referred to.
   The first enclosure is Mr. Dole's letter to Willis, which is as follows:
   Sir—Pending the further action of the government of the United States upon the matter contained in your communication of Dec. 18 and my reply to the same, dated Dec. 23, I desire to call your excellency's most serious consideration to the dangerous and critical condition of this community, arising, I must respectfully submit, out of the attitude which you have assumed and the language which you have used in public and in communications to this government, and also out of the published letter of the secretary of state of the United States, and the president's message on the subject of the restoration of monarchies.
   I do not, however, claim or intimate that this unfortunate situation has been intentionally created by you or by the government which you represent, but arises from a natural construction of your attitude and the ambiguous terms of the statement referred to.
   At the time of your arrival in this country the forces of the government were organized and were amply sufficient to suppress any internal disorder.
   After your arrival you made communications regarding your policy, which were ambiguous, and for several weeks you failed to disclose your intentions and have only partially done so up to the present moment, leaving this government to infer what they may ultimately expect from the letter from Gresham and the president's message, in which it has been declared in very distinct language that the deposed queen ought to be restored to the throne by the government of the United States and they leave the United States to infer that this assumed obligation would be discharged. Your language expressed in public declared that you intended to perform some act when the proper time arrived without disclosing what that act would be.
   Under these circumstances there arose at once a general feeling of disquiet. The natural inference from your attitude, language and refusal to disclose your purpose, and from Mr. Gresham's letter and the president's message, was and is that you intended to use force in maintaining your policy. The fact is well known that you, as admitted by yourself, in your communication of Dec. 19, without the consent or knowledge of this government, have held negotiations with the deposed queen for the purpose of overthrowing this government. The apprehensions of both political parties, as well as that of persons who remain neutral in these matters, is that you hold instructions to use physical force for the restoration of the monarchy. I am not prepared to state that the government entertains this opinion, although its want of information to the contrary has compelled it to act as if it were correct.
   In consequence of your attitude in this behalf, the enemies of the government, believing in your intentions to restore the monarchy by force, have become emboldened. Threats of assassination of the officers of this government have been made. The police force is frequently informed of the conspiracies to create disorder. Rumors of the intended landing of your forces for offensive purposes have agitated the community for many days. The situation for weeks has been one of warfare without the incident of actual combat. Even the ex-queen has called upon this government for protection, which was awarded to her.
   The government has most earnestly sought from you and through our representative at Washington from your government some assurance that force would not be used, and has failed to obtain it. Your action has unfortunately aroused the passions of all parties and made it probable that disturbances may be created at any moment.
   l am informed by military authorities that while the force at your command is sufficient to destroy this city, it is insufficient to suppress any general rising and conflict of armed forces and insurrections or to prevent the loss of life and property.
   This government is reluctant to believe that this condition of affairs was contemplated or expected by yourself or by the president of the United States.
   I have, therefore, to ask you to inform me with the least delay whether you hold instructions to enforce your policy with the use of arms in any event.
   I trust that you will be able to reply to give assurances that will tend to allay the apprehensions existing in the community.
   I have the honor to be with the highest consideration, your excellency's obedient servant,
   SANFORD B. DOLE, Minister of Foreign Affairs.
   Mr. Willis to Mr. Dole:
   SIR—Your communication of this date was delivered this afternoon and would have received an immediate answer except for the statement reflecting upon the president of the United States and on his diplomatic agent in this country, which, in view of their gravity, should, I respectfully submit, be set forth with more particularity and certainty. In order, therefore, to answer your communication as it should be answered, I beg leave to call your attention to the following clauses and sentences, which cannot be properly commented on or replied to until understood:
   First—You refer in several places to "the attitude which you, the diplomatic agent of the United States, assumed"- "the natural construction of my attitude"; "in consequence of your attitude in this behalf"; "owing to your attitude the government has been compelled," etc. "Attitude:" as well understood, "is essentially and designedly expressive," its object being "to set forth and exhibit some internal feeling."
   If this is the accepted meaning of the word, will you point out when and where and how the representative of the United States "assumed" any "attitude" towards the supporters of the provisional government or that government itself other than one "essentially and designedly expressive" of peace?
   Second—You assert that "at the time of your (my) arrival in this country the forces of this (your) government were organized and were amply sufficient to suppress any internal disorder."
   Will you inform me what connection this statement had or is desired to have with the government of the United States or with its representative?
   Third—You refer to the language which "you (I) have used in public and in communications to this government," but you give neither time, place nor subject matter to the "language" or ''communication."
   Fourth—You call attention to the published letter of the secretary of state and the president's message on the subject of the restoration of the queen, but you quote the words of neither, so that if I were at liberty to discuss with you matters not properly subject to diplomatic cognition, I have not sufficient data to do so, as the secretary's letter is not before me and the president has transmitted to congress two messages on the subject referred to, both of which I assume you were familiar with at the time you wrote your letter. May I ask, therefore, to which message do you refer, or do you include both?
   Fifth—You further state that after "your (my) arrival you (I) made communications regarding your policy which were ambiguous." May I ask to whom and when these "communications" were made and what were their contents?
   Sixth—You also say "your (my) language in public declared that you (I) intended to perform some act when the proper time arrived without declaring what that act would be." May I inquire again, when and where and to what "public" was such language used?
   You further say, "This government has most earnestly sought from you some assurance that force would not be used and has failed to obtain it." Will you inform me at what time and in what manner your government "earnestly sought" the "assurance" referred to?
   In conclusion, I would ask your careful consideration of the following statement: "Your (my) action has unfortunately aroused the passions of all parties and made it probable that disturbances may be created at any moment." Before replying to the above, I think your further attention should be drawn to it, as I refuse to believe that upon re-examination you will feel at liberty to affix your official signature to such an extraordinary declaration.
   Hoping that you will reply "with the least delay" as requested, by giving me the desired information, I am, sir, with renewed assurance of friendly consideration, very respectfully,
   ALBERT S. WILLIS, E. E. and M. P., U. S. A.
   On Dec. 29 President Dole replied that it was not necessary to further go into the matter, as the president's message to congress satisfactorily answered the question as to the further action of the administration.
   Then follows a letter of Mr. Willis suggesting the withdrawal from the government records of all this correspondence, to which Mr. Dole politely declined assent.
   Then follows the last inclosure [sic,] which is a letter dated Jan. 1, from Minister Willis to Mr. Dole, renewing the request for specifications as to the allegations made by President Dole, in order that he (Mr. Willis) may answer them, as he is fully prepared to show that they are not warranted by the facts. This letter expresses regret at Mr. Dole's communication, as it "brings for the first time official information that the warlike preparations described by you (Dole) were caused by and intended for the diplomatic and military representatives of the United States."
   The next correspondence to be sent to congress, it is presumed, will be the reply of President Dole, giving the specifications desired.

New Game at the Y. M C A.
   Basketball is the new game that has lately been introduced into the gymnasium of the [Cortland] Y. M. C. A. It is a little upon the football order, and a football is used, but it is contrary to the rules of the game to permit the ball to be kicked or moved in any way with the feet. There are five players on each side and the object is to get the ball safely landed in a bushel basket, one of which is placed at either end of the field and ten feet above the floor, while the opposing team do all in their power to hinder this from being accomplished. It is good exercise and the boys young and old have great sport with the ball.

Closed by the Sheriff.
   The grocery store of Mr. Frank W. Clark in the Churchill building on North Main-st. failed to open this morning on account of the fact that Sheriff Miller had levied on the stock, upon three judgments, amounting to nearly $2,700. The principal judgment was one filed about 9 o'clock this morning by Lucinda M. Clark, who on April 3, 1882, loaned Mr. Clark $500, on December 19, 1892, $300 and on March 10, 1893, $525.
   Two other smaller judgments were entered against him. One by Mary Tiff for money loaned and interest from April 1, 1892 for $105.30 and costs of $18.19, and one by Nettie A. Clark for money and interest amounting to $1,048.50 and costs of $18.19. The latter was money loaned April 1, 1881.
   A STANDARD reporter was unsuccessful in his attempts to find Mr. Clark this morning, but one of his clerks, Mr. W. S. Wright, stated that owing to the difficulty in making collections Mr. Clark could not raise the money to pay the loans.

A Family Affair.
   Train Dispatcher W. H. Clark of the E., C. & N. R. R. and Mrs. Clark were married fifteen years ago to-day. They supposed no one would remember the occurrence but themselves, but in this they were in error, for the 8:52 train on the D., L. & W. R. R. this morning brought into town Col. and Mrs. Alex. Lansing of Apulia, Mrs. Clark's parents Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Lansing and Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Turtelot of Syracuse, Mr. Lansing and Mrs. Turtelot being Mrs. Clark's brother and sister. They came loaded with good things for dinner and proceeded at once to the home of their son and daughter, 20 Union-st., and took possession. Mrs. Clark was there alone and she gave them a cordial welcome.
   Mr. Clark was at his office in the E., C. & N. station and knew nothing about their presence until he entered the house at noon, where everything was in readiness for a genuine anniversary dinner. It was a joyful as well as memorable occasion. The whole family was assembled. Mr. and Mrs. Clark of course were delighted.
   The afternoon has passed all too quickly. The visitors return home on the 6:04 train to night.

The Table Talk.
   With the object of ascertaining what the effect would have been had Vaillant's bomb exploded on the floor of the chamber of deputies instead of in the air, the French police tied twenty unfortunate dogs to trees to represent the cabinet and the deputies. A bomb identical with the one thrown by Vaillant was then exploded on the ground and every dog was killed and terribly mangled. This shows how providential and marvelous was the escape of the French legislators.
   What is a local newspaper? It is a board of trade, a trumpeter of the town's advantages, a history. It is a policeman, a chaperon, a defender of your rights, and a board of health. It is an honest advisor. It warns you against frauds, and tells you the best places to buy goods.  It rejoices with you when you are glad and mourns with you when you need a comforter. It is a guardian angel of your moral, intellectual and physical health. It sticketh closer than a brother. Therefore remember it and go not in pursuit of strange gods.—Exchange.
   Died, in Truxton, N. Y., Jan. 16, 1894, Nelson I. Petrie, aged 64 years.
   Mr. Petrie was born in Little Falls, Herkimer Co., N. Y., in 1830. In the year 1853 he was married to Miss Harriet Brackett of Manheim, Herkimer Co., N. Y., by whom he had three children, James Petrie, Jennie Petrie and Anna Petrie, two of whom, James and Jennie, survive him.
   In 1856 he bought a farm in Freetown, Cortland Co., N. Y., and moved upon it with his family, where he lived about fourteen years after which time he sold this farm and moved with his family to Cortland to educate his children at the Normal school. He lived in Cortland about six years and then bought a farm of Alvah T. Patrick in the town of Cuyler and moved there with his family about the year 1876. He lived upon this farm for several years and was prosperous and happy. At about that time that dreadful disease, the typhoid fever, entered his happy home and carried off the wife and mother and the youngest daughter Anna. The two children that now survive him, James and Jennie Petrie, live in Plainfield, N. J., and were present at the funeral. Mr. Petrie lived on this farm for several years after the death of his wife and then sold it and moved to Truxton village, where he lived at the time of his death.
   Mr. Petrie was a practical farmer and a good one and made that his business through life. He was kind and obliging, a good neighbor, and generous and benevolent and good and liberal to the poor, and none were turned away empty. He gave of his substance freely for the support of the gospel and to the cause of Christ at home and abroad. H. M.

South Cortland.
   SOUTH CORTLAND, Jan. 20.—Mr. W. H. Roe has gone to Virginia on business.
   The following have been duly installed as officers of Chicago grange for the ensuing year:
   Master—A. A. Sheerar.
   Overseer—Carrol Day.
   Lecturer—Fred Frost.
   Steward—Elmer Chaffee.
   Chaplain—Wilson Calvert.
   Assistant Steward—Willie Hyde.
   Treasurer—Mrs. O. H. Hyde.
   Secretary—N. F. Webb.
   Gate Keeper—Avery Niles.
   Pomona—Miss Kittie Day.
   Flora—Mrs. John Gallagher.
   Ceres—Mrs. John Calvert.
   Lady Assistant Steward—Emma Sheerar.
   Miss Edith Hammond is working at G. H. Hyde's.
   Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Burr Thompson, Jan. 20, a daughter.
   Mr. Lyon of Cortland has rented Mr. John Jones' farm.
   Miss Davern closed a successful term of school yesterday. A variety of old books were exchanged for the uniform textbooks to be used in the public schools of the county and each grade has completed the work prescribed in the course of study. Examinations were held Wednesday and Thursday, and appropriate exercises Friday with the following program:
Song—America, School.
Quotations, School.
Recitation—Lady Claire,  Maggie McNiff.
Recitation—Independence Bell, Mary Dickinson.
Recitation—A Pound of Tea, Winnie Miller.
Song—Help it on, First Grade.
Composition—Mammoth Cave, Cora Roe.
Recitation—Curfew Bell, Pearl Miller.
Recitation—Witches, Hannah Roe.
Dialogue—What we do, First Grade.
Concert Reading—Not One to Spare, Sixth Grade.
Recitation—Kittie Knew About Figures, Minnie Miller.
Recitation—Our Baby, Grace Perkins.
Recitation—My Grandma, Hannah Roe.
Song—Little Ones Rest, Gracie Perkins.
Recitation—We Long, Isabel Cotrell.
Recitation—Where do you Live, Archie Roe.
Recitation—Somebody s Mother, Anna McNiff.
Song—There is music in the air, Seventh Grade.
Recitation—Dorkin's Night, Ora Green.
Recitation—Whistling in Heaven, Cora Roe.
Composition—Niagara Falls, Anna Niles.
Recitation—Dolly and I, Edith Griswold.
Recitation—Kind Little Girl, Katie McNiff.
Hesitation—The Blacksmith's Song, Anna Niles.
Song—Kiss and let's Make Up, Ora Green.
   Miss Davern has been engaged to teach the summer school.

   —Don't fail to see "Myrtle Ferns," Monday, Jan. 29.
   —Don't forget that tickets to the performance for the benefit of the needy upon Jan. 29 are now on sale.
   —Rehearsals for "Myrtle Ferns" were held in the Opera House several evenings last week. The play is well along toward a successful presentation.
   —Teachers' examination for second and third grade certificates will be held in the first district at Marathon on Feb. 9 and 10, and in the second district at Homer on the same date.
   —The family, which has of late been occupying part of the [Randall] house rented by the Cortland Athletic association, is to-day moving out, so that hereafter the association will have the entire house.
   —Mr. F. I. Graham has lately adorned the walls of the Cortland House and the Messenger House with large handsomely framed pictures of the works of the Pope Mfg. Co., makers of the Columbia wheel.
   —One of the large French plate glass windows of Harrison Wells' butter store on Clinton-ave. was broken late yesterday or early this morning. An almost clean hole, about an inch in diameter, was broken out and the glass was slightly shattered around it. It looks very much like a pistol shot, the weapon being held close to the glass, but the only clew is a smooth stone about three inches in diameter, which was found on the walk outside.
   —Many of our subscribers wondered why the STANDARDS were so late Saturday night. We had only printed about five hundred papers when the largest pulley on the shafting that is connected with the big newspaper press began to slip and the press stopped. Two men from the Cortland Foundry and Machine shops were summoned by telephone, but it took them two hours to get the pulley in order so that the rest of the edition could be printed. To-day they have been putting in a new shaft and a new pulley, so that no more trouble can come in the future. They expect to be done before press time at 4 o'clock this afternoon, but there may be some delay and the papers may be a little late again to-night, in which case we shall have to beg the indulgence of our readers, but we expect they will be on time to-morrow and hereafter.

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