Monday, March 13, 2017


Cortland Evening Standard, Thursday, January 4, 1894.

Important Capture Made by Special Inspector Carter of Rochester.
   ROCHESTER, Jan. 4.—A Niagara Falls dispatch says: Donald Kennedy, said to be the slickest opium smuggler on the Canadian frontier, was arrested in Detroit by Special Inspector George Carter of this city with 50 pounds of opium in his possession.
   Special Agent George Whitehead, who has charge of this district, has been cognizant of the fact for several months that Kennedy was smuggling, but that gentleman managed to evade Special Inspectors George Carter, Charles E. Lewis and Gordon Dunlap, whom Agent Whitehead has had working on the case. Kennedy's route has been between Toronto and New York.
   Last Saturday Inspector Carter went to Toronto and Inspector Dunlap followed him Monday. They got on Kennedy's track and Inspector Carter followed him to Detroit.
   The capture is regarded as one of the most important in years and has cost considerable effort and money.
   Kennedy has been in the business for a long time and was arrested in Chicago, Dec. 24, 1891, by Special Agent Crowley. He escaped with a fine then, but it is now regarded as certain that the penitentiary yawns for him and that he will get a long term of imprisonment. His case will be disposed of at Detroit.
   Alfred Kennedy, who is not related to him, but who operated with him at one time, is serving a term in the Erie county penitentiary.

John D. Rockefeller.
Another Gift From Rockefeller.
   CHICAGO, Jan. 4.—President Harper of Chicago university announced that John D. Rockefeller has given the college $50,000 for books and equipments. Mr. Rockefeller has already given the college about $3,500,000.

Congressman Jerry Simpson of Kansas.
What Legislators Think of the Bill. Terry Simpson Says It Will Be Popular With the Masses—Republicans Say It Is Un-American—Tariff Debate Blocked  In the House—Transactions In the Senate.
   WASHINGTON, Jan. 4.—Representative McMillan, chairman of the subcommittee in charge of the internal revenue feature of the tariff bill, outlines the salient features of the income tax measure which he expects to complete in a day or two. He said:
   "The corporation part of the measure will not require an inquisition on every individual to determine what amount of corporate stock he holds, but the assessment will be made against and paid by the corporations in the first instance, and hence a man owning corporate stock will not be worried by assessors unless he is subject to an individual income tax. The corporation will pay the tax of each of its incorporators, and will in turn charge it up against them. As to foreigners and foreign associations holding interest bearing securities in this country, they will be assessed as our own citizens.
   "The collection of the tax will be in the hands of the internal revenue bureau. It will not necessitate the appointment of new tax collectors in the various states, but a few additional assessors and deputies will be required to work under the present revenue collectors. It should be understood that the tax will be confined to about 85,000 people, according to estimates furnished me by the treasury department.
The individuals taxed will number not more than one-third as many as were taxed under the old [civil war and post-civil war era--CC editor] income tax laws."
   Mr. McMillin says the penalties for failing to report or false reports have not yet been fixed.
   Representative Bourke Cockran of New York says that he has not authorized the representations widely circulated that he will move in the house to recommit the tariff bill to the ways and means committee. He would not authorize the reporter to deny that he intended to adopt such a course, as he said he had not made up his mind on his plan of action.
   The income tax was the all-absorbing topic of interest among congressmen. Most of the Democratic members expressed satisfaction while the Republicans were against.
   General Cogswell of Massachusetts said: "It is another un-American step toward relieving customs burdens from the foreigners and placing these burdens on the shoulders of our own citizens in the form of a direct tax." The current of Republican opinion was in this line.
   Representative Jerry Simpson said that the Populist section of congress would solidly support the income tax law. He regarded it as opening a way to free trade. Mr. Simpson asserted that the plan would be immensely popular with the masses.
   Representative Tarsney, one of the members of the ways and means committee, who voted for income tax, met the objection that the tremendous opposition would come from the class receiving the incomes with the laconic remark: "There are more men driving drays than receiving incomes."
   Representative Coombs of Brooklyn said that he was unswervingly opposed to the individual income tax.
   "It is un-American," he said. "It is a device whereby the shrewd and unscrupulous go free, while the conscientious pay."
   "It is a plan of taxation which has been tried and abandoned. In England where the population is compact and where, if in any place, this form of taxation would be successful, the chancellor was forced to admit that not one-third of the tax was paid."

In the Senate.
   The most significant thing in the session of the senate was the resolution introduced by Senator Frye of Maine, declaring it to be the sense of the senate that the administration should commit no overt act of interference in Hawaii pending the investigation by the senate committee of foreign affairs. The evident object of the resolution is to declare the sense of the senate to be adverse to any American interference, either direct or indirect, should any coup d'etat be considered for the purpose of restoring the queen to the throne. The senator asked that the resolution lie on the table for the present.

John Bull Doesn't Want to Invest More Money Here.
   LONDON, Jan. 4.—The Financial News in a leader under the caption of "American Railway Robbers," denounces the deceitful tactics and fraudulent methods of American railroad management. The American railway "boss," it says, is no more to be trusted than the card sharper at the race course. After commenting on Atchison and Erie affairs, the writer continues, the Yankee bosses, however, have this time rather overdone the dirty business. The British goose is unlikely to lay any more golden eggs. If the English people have any sense left, they will in years to come give wide berth to every thing American, especially to the manipulated treacherous securities of American railways.

The New York Press has been looking into the question of railroad losses for 1893 and finds it to be the most disastrous year American railways have ever encountered. Nearly one-fifth of the railroads of the country are now in the hands of receivers. The united capital of the roads, consisting of stocks, bonds, lands, rolling stock and other property, amounts to $1,611,284,000, a sum more than twice as large as the national debt.
Mr. W. E. Richards, agent of the Russian government for the trans-Siberian railway, is patriotic enough to buy in America the steamers Russia wants to connect with that road. There will be 19 of them to begin, and they will run from Siberian ports to ports on the Pacific coast. Vancouver, B. C., will be one of the ports. The others will be dotted along the coast of the United States all the way down to San Diego, Cal. Russia's ambition is boundless in peace and in war. As a peaceful enterprise, it is her ambition now to control the commerce of the Pacific ocean. A great means to this end she believes will be the trans-Siberian railway, which it is expected will be completed in six months. Five of the merchant steamers have been bought in New York. They will be obliged to steam around Cape Horn to get to the Pacific ocean, thence they must cross that to Russia in Asia. Why do we not complete that Nicaragua canal?
The fiscal year 1892 was wholly within the period of the McKinley law. The commerce of the United States was the largest in its history. The industries of the United States were never so many, so varied, so actively employed, nor were wages ever better. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. The efficacy of the McKinley law was established by its workings. The changed conditions that have come upon the country are the fruits of the folly which brought into power the party which prefers foreign to home prosperity, which denounces protection as "unconstitutional," and is pledged to tear it out of our governmental system. There is not an industrial ill now existing, not an idle mill, a silent factory, a cold furnace, but owes the hardship it represents to the election of Cleveland and a Democratic congress.—Utica Herald.
One thing is certain, 1894 will be a better year than 1893 was. The reason is that it cannot be worse.
Sickness suggests remedial medicine, and the more interesting the patient the longer the list of proffered cures. The deficit makers at Washington, says the Utica Herald, are very ill, and generosity and ingenuity are taxed —no joke intended, to relieve the sufferers. From widely separated points come two propositions, both worthy of Dr. Wilson's attention. One is that a tax be levied on bachelors; the other, a counter irritant, that equal rights in this respect be imposed on spinsters. Such a law would increase the revenue, or the number of marriages. Try it.
Those who clamor for the abolishment of the government agricultural stations do not know what these have done for the American farmer. It was an agricultural station that devised the spraying of fruit and potatoes with substances that destroyed the insect pests which would have ruined the crops. A government station professor developed the microbe that has routed the chinch bug out of the corn and wheat crops. Again, it is an agricultural professor who devised the Babcock milk test, saving at least $100,000 annually to progressive dairy and creamery men. These stations are now experimenting on the most economical way of fattening beeves and swine. They are trying what fruits and vegetables are best adapted to the new states. They are studying stables, cow stalls, plows, fastenings for animals, farm architecture, road building and tree planting, as well as irrigation in the arid states. Their conclusions are distributed in bulletins to the farmers of the country without money and without price.
Our new navy comes in very handy now, in view of the family quarrel in Brazil. It will take the cruiser New York 17 days to reach Rio. Next after her goes the big double turret monitor fighting ship Miantonomoh, which has never yet been away from the Atlantic coast.
Mello insists that he is a republican, but his second in command, Admiral da Gama, makes no secret of his desire for the restoration of the [Brazil] empire. How they will fight it out between them in case they are victorious will be an interesting operation to witness.

Burgess' New Sign.
   Mr. John J. Murphy has just completed one of the neatest and most tasty signs in town for Mr. A. S. Burgess, the clothier. It consists of the name A. S. Burgess in raised, gold letters on a black small ground, which makes the sign not only attractive but one that can be read at quite a distance, On each end, in raised letters in black are "Leading hatter " and "Leading clothier." A border in gold completes the whole, which makes one of the largest raised gold letter signs in town, being 30 inches in width and 21 1/2 feet in length. These signs are seldom seen outside of the large cities.

   A quiet home wedding occurred last evening at the home of Mrs. Sarah Darby, at 38 1/2 Groton-ave., at which time and place she was married to Mr. Mark J. Turner. Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, Mr. Theodore Darby and Misses Dora Miller and Nellie Brainard were all that witnessed the ceremony, which was performed at 9 o'clock by Rev. H. A. Gordo, D. D. The bride was dressed in a very becoming traveling dress and, after the ceremony, a wedding supper was served. Mr. and Mrs. Turner left on the 11:20 train for New York, where, after spending a week, they expect to return to Cortland and will reside at 38 1/2 Groton-ave.

   —Special meeting of wheel club to-night.
   —The Y. M. C. bathrooms are closed for repairs.
   —The installation of officers of Kellogg camp, S. O. V., will occur Friday evening, Jan. 5.
   —The recently elected officers of Grover Post, No. 98, G. A. R., were installed last evening by Past Commander Maj. A. Sager.
   —Owing to the illness of her mother, Miss Helen Carpenter will be unable to meet her dancing classes to-morrow afternoon and evening.
   —Miss Charlotte E. Nash has been engaged to sing contralto in the Presbyterian church for the coming year in place of Miss Minnie M. Alger, resigned. 
   —The discharges for members of the late Forty-fifth Separate Co., N. G. S. N. Y., have been received in Cortland and the members of the company may call for them to-night at the office of Dr. E. M. Santee between the hours of 6:30 and 7:30 o'clock.
   —James L. Spencer died at 8:30 o'clock this morning of complications resulting from erysipelas. The funeral will be held from his late home about two miles south of the village Monday. Time will be announced later. Interment at Cortland.
   —The heater that furnishes the hot water for the bath rooms in the Y. M. C. A. rooms gave out last night. A new one has been ordered and will be placed in position as speedily as possible. But it will be impossible to furnish any with baths this week. When all is in working order again the members will be notified through the columns of The STANDARD.

   The many Cortland friends of Mr. Charles E. Selover will be glad to learn that a telegram was received in Cortland last night from his attorney, Franklin Pierce, Esq., of New York, saying that the indictment against him in connection with the Madison Square bank matter had been set aside.
   MR. WALTER E. BROOKS general manager of the Carriage Specialty Co., which purchased the Cortland Top & Rail Co.'s plant, Messrs. R. B. Tewksbury of Cleveland, O., and Joseph N. Custer of Mansfield, O., of the same corporation, were in town to-day looking over their new plant. They were registered at the Messenger House.

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