Monday, March 20, 2017


Sanford Ballard Dole.

The Cortland Democrat, Friday, January 12, 1894.

Discussed by Cabinet—An Understanding That This Government's Policy will be one of Non-Action for the Present.
   VICTORIA, B. C., Jan. 9.—Additional Honolulu advices received per steamer Warrimoo, in referring to the meeting of Minister Willis with the Provisional government, say that President Dole summoned the advisory council to meet the executive at 3 o'clock on December 19. The nature of Mr. Willis's communication remains unknown to the public although they had no doubt of its tenor.
   At 4 o'clock members of the council came stringing down Merchant street into Front street and made known the fact of the demand for the Queen's restoration and that the general tenor of the reply had been agreed upon, and that it was to be prepared with deliberation. It was learned that no intimation was given whether the military or naval force would be employed to enforce the demands. The general sense of relief was manifest that the new minister had been forced out of his concealment and that the meaning of his equivocal expressions for the past six weeks was now plain.
   Since his arrival from the United States, Minister Thurston has been busily conferring with his government. He stated that he had only one object in his visit home, and that was to put himself in complete touch with his government. Both Thurston and Armstrong, as well as Editor Castle, believe Willis has been authorized to employ force in restoring the Queen, deriving their impressions from the belief in Washington.
   On the contrary President Dole expresses a strong conviction that Minister Willis has authority to employ the naval forces for that purpose. The impression is derived from Willis's language and deportment and the confident assertions of the royalists support this belief. His emphatic assertions to the American league of possessing executive functions imply power to enforce his action. His declaration of an intention to suppress disorder by naval force implied the same. Whether he had such authority or not everyone understood him to imply that he would compel submission to his demands. But when the request was made, it was in courteous terms without any implied threats. The Bulletin (Royalist) of the 18th said: "The talkers are reminded that there can be only one cabinet at a time under the Hawaiian constitution and that the only ministers who can lawfully go in with the Queen are the four who were forced out with her. In the event of restoration there will be an election due in two months, which will probably decide the tenure of the cabinet."
   The Bulletin of the 19th said: "The supporters of the Provisional government had better not be deceived by the vaporing of the Star. Grover Cleveland is the head of the United States government and is going to stay there until March 4, 1897. He will have the support of the majority in Congress for his silver policy. This Hawaiian question is going to be settled by him to the mutual advantage of both the United States and Hawaii. A large proportion of true American-born resident's of these islands are on the President's side in this matter."
   On the 23d, after the news from Congress had arrived, the Bulletin published the following: "Their prodigious crowding over the latest news from Washington does little credit to the intelligence of the annexationists. It is only what was expected by everybody who knows anything of these affairs that enemies of the present administration should have brought the Hawaiian question up in Congress by resolution and try to work up a popular outcry against the President's policy for general political capital. We have not the least fear but that Congress when the facts are made fully clear to it, will support the executive in its determined measures of redress of the wrong committed against the Hawaiian nation."
   The Advertiser said on the 19th: "There is only one course before us and in that there is no dissenting voice in our ranks. We mean absolutely to refuse all concession and all compromise in the direction of the return of monarchy in any form or guise in this country. That is the ultimatum for which this government and its supporters firmly stand. Freedom and justice are now at bay in Honolulu. Stern and grim men of Honolulu now have their record to make and it will be the record of patriots, true, determined, self-sacrificing, the same faithful sons of liberty as our fathers before us."
   WASHINGTON, Jan. 9.—Interest in the Hawaiian news centered in the cabinet meeting held to-day and the importance attached to it gave rise to the hope that the anxiety of Congress and the people of the country would be relieved by the issue of an authoritative statement as to the conclusions reached. But this hope was not gratified, for members of the cabinet while admitting the gravity of the situation, were as reticent as usual, as to what took place within the cabinet room. An intimation of the nature of the discussion if not of the decision reached was given by a gentleman in authority, however, and this would indicate a policy of non-action in Hawaiian affairs on the part of the executive while Congress has the question before it.
    The meeting began as usual at 11 o'clock, one of the first to arrive being Secretary Gresham. For three hours and a quarter the cabinet sat. Every member was present and the discussion is understood to have been confined exclusively to the news brought by the Warrimoo. Secretary Gresham read to his colleagues the dispatches from Victoria part of which had already been seen by the other members in the morning papers, the news seemed to be that British marines had actually been landed, but a careful perusal of the dispatches themselves in the cabinet meeting removed this impression, greatly to the satisfaction of all, showing that the dispatches simply said that permission had been asked for and obtained to land British marines. A discussion made it apparent that any positive action on the news received would not properly or safely be taken until the receipt of the formal report of Mr. Willis.

Tom C. PLatt.
The Cortland Standard in its daily edition of last Tuesday, published an article headed "The Hawaiian Muddle," which is in itself a "muddle" in every sense of the word. The article starts off with a vain endeavor to enlighten its readers as to the history of the Hawaiian troubles, and just at the point where the writer wanted to open up a violent tirade of words in condemnation of President Cleveland's acts, and those of Minister Willis and Queen Lil, he suddenly starts in upon an article on the gold mining interests of Colorado. Whether the editor became conscience smitten, or one side of his body was suddenly paralyzed at his own evil thoughts is not known, but it is plain to be seen from the article that at that time he must have been in a worse muddle than affairs were at Hawaii. [There was a printing error in the Standard, and two separate discussions were joined in a paragraph—CC editor.]
In various localities in this State calls have been issued for mass meetings of citizens, "irrespective of party," to be held for the purpose of opposing the passage of the Wilson bill. The New York Herald says that it has positive information that large sums of money have been furnished by protected monopolists to defray the expenses of these meetings. The purpose of these gatherings is to create a sham feeling against the new tariff bill and should not be countenanced. The people have on three different occasions expressed themselves in regard to the tariff question, and a Democratic Congress will see to it that their wishes are carried out. Democrats should not encourage the movement, for it is nothing but the rehashing of an old story, from which they will receive no benefit, and must be injured thereby.
The manufacturing establishments all over the country are starting up with the new year, and according to latest reports, 1894 begins with much promise for better times. It has been too customary of late for the Republican press to stamp American industries and trade in general as being dead, at a complete standstill, and it is these calamity howlers that are by a large percentage, responsible for the condition of the country to-day. The times are dull but the country is not in the deplorable condition that it is represented to be. Some establishments are overstocked and trade is reported as being light, while others announce a better business than they have had before in years. Instances can be cited where factories have been reported as having shut down, and a large number of employes thrown out of work, when in fact they have been running on full time and have experienced no difficulty in disposing of their goods and collecting the pay for them. If the Republican party would demonstrate a portion of their professed "protection" ideas by endeavoring to protect the confidence of the people instead of trying to frighten them cut of their wits, the protective hobby might be of some avail in the present emergency. The people of these United States are beginning to learn the truth as to the correct condition of affairs, and while they cannot be fooled all the time, must eventually admit that they have been sadly misled during the past few months by the Republican press.
It must be very consoling to Republicans to learn that after electing the entire State ticket last fall, and gaining control of both branches of the legislature, they only did it to assist one T. C. Platt from his hiding place, and put him on the throne of "bossism."
The constitution of the State of New York does not provide for a private secretary to the State Treasurer, but Treasurer-elect Colvin has appointed s colored man named Anderson of New York to be his private secretary, and "Boss" Platt will see to it that the people are taxed to pay his salary.
Speaker Malbey has been ill with the grip at the Windsor hotel in New York, since the legislature adjourned last week, but has so far recovered as to be able to attend to his duties. Mr. T. C. Platt is afflicted with a kind of "grip" that does not get any better, and he shows no disposition to relieve himself of the malady. He seems to have a "grip" on both branches of the legislature, the Republican State committee, and by the way he is manipulating the affairs of his party in this State he has a pretty good "grip" on that.

Susan B. Anthony.
Woman's Claim to Semi-Intelligence.
   ALBANY, Jan. 5.—Mrs. Mary Seymour Howell, of the Executive Committee of the State Woman's Suffrage League, said to-day:
   "A gigantic enterprise has been under taken. It is to make a canvass of every city, town and village in the State, and to secure the signatures of all men and women over the age of twenty-one to a petition which will demand that the word "male' be stricken from part of the State Constitution. Miss Susan B. Anthony, who is most enthusiastic in the campaign just entered upon, has given up her home, No. 17 Madison street, Rochester, to be used as headquarters for the workers. They will try to pass a female-suffrage amendment to the Constitution."

The Elmira Investigation.
   NEW YORK, Jan. 9—At the investigation into the management of the Elmira reformatory before the State Charities commissioners to-day, a number of former inmates of the institution testified that they were well treated by Superintendent Brockway, and that they did not see any of the abuses described by the witnesses for the prosecution. The witnesses for the defense gave their testimony under fictitious names. During the two days' sessions twenty-nine witnesses who have been in the reformatory testified in favor of the management of Superintendent Brockway. At five o'clock all of the witnesses on hand having been examined, the hearing was adjourned until Tuesday, Jan. 30th, at Elmira.

   An oil well has been drilled at Fostoria, O., that flows 1,336 barrels per day.
   France will begin this year the construction of thirty-two war ships of all classes.
   W. W. Barnes of Triangle, aged 83 years, has read the Bible through 31 times.
   The 847 depositors in the defunct Rockafellow [sic] bank, at Wilksbarre, Pa., will each receive a little over six cents on the dollar.
   Ferdinand Ward is now earning an honest living by working in a job printing office in New York. He learned the trade in state prison.
   Fifty-two prisoners are now in the Cook county jail at Chicago, Ill., charged with murder, and over 500 other prisoners are in jail awaiting trial.
   While suffering from temporary insanity Frank Gassner threw himself into Onondaga creek at Syracuse last Sunday morning and was drowned.
   J. Pierpont Morgan has donated $50,000 to Nathan Strauss' new charity, the grocery store, where articles of food may be purchased cheaply by the poor.
   There were four hundred men put to work on the State ditch at Buffalo last Monday. General Graves says there is work for 5,000 men for three or four months.
   An exchange says there is a town in Ohio where a "kid bell' is rung every night at 8 o'clock, and boys and girls under fifteen years, have to get off the streets.

   Mr. D. E. Kinney, of this place, saw the first robin last Monday morning.
   The Brockway Wagon works of Homer, resumed work in all departments last week.
   The annual statement of the Cortland Savings bank will be found in another column.
   The week of prayer is being observed by a majority of the churches this week, and the meetings are largely attended.
   The trustees of the Peck Memorial Library Association, of Marathon, N. Y., have purchased a lot on East Main-st., in that village, on which the library building will be erected.
   Mr. Jacob Grassman, of this place, has received the appointment to be one of the messengers in the senate chamber at Albany. Mr. Grassman has been a life-long Republican, and if hard work and faithfulness to party have anything to do with it he is entitled to all he has received, and more too.
   Lottie Williams, who plays Genie in "Ole Olson"' is one of the prettiest and most vivacious soubrettes on the stage, and there are lots of susceptible young men all over the country who would like to be tormented by her as Ole is. She will be seen at Cortland opera house, Tuesday evening, Jan. 16.
   The Repository-Messenger, published at Canandaigua, N. Y., by Mr. Herbert Huntington, formerly of Cortland, entered upon its ninety-third volume Jan. 4, 1894, and appears in a new dress of type throughout. It looks neat, is nicely arranged and well printed. Mr. Huntington is a thorough democrat, knows how to conduct a newspaper, and we are pleased to know that he is meeting with success.
   Our neighbor George A. Hulbert, made this final entry in his Justice docket on the morning of January 1st;—"The New Year, 1894, ushers in a new era in my personal career, being the expiration of my official term, and twenty-one year's service in Marathon, N. Y., as a public magistrate and with the proud reflection of not even one reversal of my judicial decisions. Your obedient servant.—Marathon Independent.
   Hose company No. 2, of Homer, have leased and will manage Keator opera house this season.
   The town board held a meeting last Monday and accepted the resignation of Mr. William Corcoran as town clerk, and appointed Mr. Enos E. Mellon in his place.

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