Thursday, March 23, 2017


Cortland Evening Standard, Tuesday, January 16, 1894.

A Dear Old Spot Revisited.
(Special Correspondence.)
   RAVENSWOOD, N. Y., Jan. 16.—I could not help thinking, a week or two ago, as I meandered through this much changed place to renew my youth, what has become of the once popular game of shinney. I paused near the old long pond, which was frozen and dotted with skaters, but it was not the long pond of over 20 years ago. I missed the once familiar boy three or four sizes too small for his clothing who, with trousers and sleeves rolled up in a mad attempt to make them fit, used to wildly glide along the ice on one skate, while he kicked the unskated foot to add to his speed and blew on his knuckles to warm them up a bit.
   I also missed the boy with the red skates, which I think have glided into the past with the game of shinney. It made me think of the dear old days when we builded a fire of logs and rails beside the pond and roasted potatoes and apples that we might not have to trudge home to dinner. And then there was always a boy who had a good natured dog that loved all the boys, and this dog would run across the field and hit the ice with his feet, and turn swiftly over and go sliding along on his spinal column while he yelped for joy. And how he ran after the ball we used in playing shinney, and how we got tangled, dog and all, and went rolling on the ice in a mad heap!
   But I didn't see anything of this kind the other day, and I was surprised to notice how the boys have changed since I was a boy. All the fun and hilarity seem to have gone out of skating, and the game of shinney is lost, it seems, forever. It didn't seem like the long pond of the past—the landmarks were gone, probably to join the hair that used to flourish on the top of my head, and I felt lonesome and homesick as I pressed on my way, secretly longing to go back 20 several years and join my playmates for a good old game of shinney on the clear block ice.
[Be rewarded by clicking on this N. Y. Times obituary, and a link to one of Munkittrick's short stories, WishboneValley: ]

His Unusual Genius.
   Dr. O. W. Holmes began his songs while yet a youth. At 25 he entered Harvard and contributed not a little to the comic verse of the college. At 30 he had made himself famous by his lines beginning, "Aye, tear that tattered banner down," known to every schoolboy as "Old Ironsides," and they saved the old warship Constitution from being broken up.
   The universality of Holmes' genius is something wonderful, and among all our American writers it may be truly said of him that he has captivated the hearts of his English readers. In him are blended wit, sparkling intelligence, mature thought, the results of wide reading and a genuine kindliness of humor that never gave itself full scope at the expense of suffering to others. No one has ever winced under his pen.

Over 250 Gentlemen in Attendance—City Band Render Fine Selections—Other Amusements.
   Few entertainments of the kind that have been given in Cortland for a long time have been more successful from a social point of view than the reception given by the board of governors of the Cortland Athletic association to the members and their gentlemen friends last evening.
   The old [Randall] residence, which was brilliantly illuminated, has probably not seen a gathering of the kind for a great many years and it is doubtful if there was ever a time in its history when the old but yet firm walls have enclosed within them a larger crowd or one in which every one present passed so pleasant an evening.
   Soon after 7 o'clock the guests began to arrive and they were immediately taken in charge by a committee and ushered up the winding staircase to the dressingroom upon the second floor. The supper room was also upon this floor and a warm lunch was served by another committee. The parlor, upon one side of which a bright fire burned in the fireplace, was next visited and after the quests had each smoked a cigar while seated in a commodious rocker the committee on entertainment took them to the billiard and pool and card rooms, after which every one felt well enough acquainted with the club house to amuse himself with the various games. Messrs. Murphey and Kingsley entertained those assembled in the parlor with duos on the piano nearly the entire evening.
   Shortly after 9 o'clock the members of the Cortland City band, which had been holding their regular weekly rehearsal, on invitation of President E. M. Santee, marched in a body to the club house and after being served with refreshments rendered a number of choice selections, which were highly appreciated. Cortland was proud of her band last fall, but it is better now and improving every week. The band is certainly one of the best in the state and the soft beautiful music, finely shaded, which was rendered at the club house last evening was a revelation to many of the bands acquirements. Soon after the band had arrived the Republican League, which had also been invited as a body, and had been holding its annual meeting marched to the club house where the members were introduced and made to feel at home.
   Fully 250 invited guests visited the club house last evening and all expressed themselves as being highly entertained. It was midnight before the last of the guests had departed,
   The success of the reception is due in a great measure to each individual member of the organization and those who assisted in entertaining the guests by music, etc., but especial credit is due the board of governors, consisting of E. M. Santee, F. H. Monroe, E. B. Richardson, Fred Lampman and Irving Townsend, who gave the reception. The Monday evening receptions will probably be a fixture of the association.
   It is the purpose of the members to make the C. A. A. one of the best clubs in central New York, both from a social and athletic point of view. The reception given last evening was not the formal house warming of the club, which will be held in April, when the association have the use of the entire house. The board of governors held a meeting this afternoon.

Daughters of Rebekah Install Officers—A Fine Spread.
   Bright Light lodge No. 121, D. of R., I. O. O. F., held a regular session in the John L. Lewis lodge rooms last evening which was thoroughly enjoyed by the members fortunate enough to attend. The session opened by instructing Mrs. R. I. McAllister of Apulia in the mysteries of the degree, after which the following officers were installed by District Deputy Mrs. Chapin of McGrawville:
   N. G.—Mrs. Hattie A. Fenner.
   V. G.—Mrs. S. Edith Geer.
   Recording Secretary— Esther H. Rogers.
   Permanent Secretary—Mrs. Frankie Brown.
   Treasurer—Mrs. Bettie C. Hopkins.
   Warden—Miss Addie M. Wheaton.
   Conductor—Mrs. Mercy Hamilton.
   O. G.—Mr. George E. Loucks.
   I. G.—Mrs. Libbie Griffith.
   R. S. N. G.—Mrs. Amelia Shirley.
   L. S. N. G.--Mrs. H. E. Loucks.
   R. S. V. G.—Mrs. Lizzie Andrews.
   L. S. V. G.—Mrs. Anna Pudney.
   R. A. S.—Mrs. Eva Lewis.
   L. A. S.—Mrs. Frankie West.
   Chaplan [sic]—Mrs. Lena Seaman.
   Organist—Miss Nellie Pudney.
   After the officers had been duly installed all left the lodge room proper and went to the parlor, where a most appetizing spread was served in several courses. During the banquet the orchestra rendered a number of choice selections, which added much to the enjoyment of all.
   When the last course of the excellent menu had been discussed the crash [dance floor] looked so inviting that nearly all were tempted to trip the light fantastic. This was enjoyed so much that it was 2 o'clock before the weary but happy dancers thought of going home.
   About twenty members from McGrawville and other members from Marathon and Summit station were present, as was also Past D. D. G. M. Fenner of Syracuse.
   At the last meeting eight candidates from Marathon were initiated into the lodge and the Daughters of Rebekah enter into the new year with colors flying and brilliant prospects.

When a wise young man wins a bonny mate,
With due precipitation,
He establishes a protectorate,
Then follows annexation.
   —Mr. W. J. Chorley sold yesterday his interest in the Cortland Plating Co., to Mr. C. A. Miller of Scott.
   —The D., L. & W. pay car stopped in town this morning long enough to distribute the blue [pay] envelopes.
   Our thanks are due to Mr. George E. Green of Binghamton for a very handsome calendar for 1894 issued by the Berwind-White Coal Mining Co., for which he is the agent.
   —The members of the Wheel club will have a quiet little smoker at their rooms to-morrow evening. Besides the usual games of billiards, pool and whist, clam chowder will be served and impromptu toasts will be responded to by members of the club and their invited guests. These gatherings are becoming one of the fixtures of the club and all who are lucky enough to attend are always sure of a good time.

A Delicate Operation.
   For more than a year past Eddie H., the five-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Johnston, has been a great sufferer from ear ache. The matter finally became so serious that Mr. and Mrs. Johnston took him to Dr. T. H. Halsted of Syracuse, a specialist of the ear. The doctor said that the trouble resulted from an aethnoid growth directly back of the palate, and that it would have to be removed. Last Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Johnston took the child to Syracuse and at the House of the Good Shepherd Dr. Halsted performed an operation by which the growth was removed. A few days after the boy was able to be brought home and is now rapidly convalescing from the effects of the operation.


Gleanings of News From our Twin Village.
   Prof. H. D. Rumsey's stereopticon entertainment last evening was a grand success. The views are magnificent reproductions of the statuary, paintings and scenery of the Old World as well as the new. The World's Fair views are very realistic and a treat as well to those who have witnessed the original as to those who did not.
   List of advertised letters: Mrs. Elias T. Mills, Burdick O'Conners. Persons calling for same please say advertised. Pembroke Pierce, P. M. [postmaster]
   Lost—A diamond screw stud. Weight about two karats. Finder will be rewarded by leaving same at Bennett's shoe store.
   Mr. G. N. Valentine of Marathon spent Sunday with his son, L. F. Valentine.
   Don't forget the stereopticon entertainment to-night at the M. E. church for the benefit of Epworth league.
   Prof. Lisle gave an exhibition of billiard playing at the Brunswick billiard parlors yesterday. He made some remarkable runs and some very difficult shots.

Attention Comrades of Cortland County.
   You are each and all requested to attend the annual midwinter session of the Cortland County Soldiers' and Sailors' Veteran association to be held in G. A. R. hall, Cortland on Wednesday, Jan. 31, 1894. Officers will be elected for the ensuing year, Business of importance to every veteran will be transacted. Plans for a successful summer meeting will be discussed and perfected. The meeting will be called to order at 1 0 A. M, sharp. Come one! Come all!
   By order of executive committee,
   H. M. KELLOGG, President.
   L. P. NORTON, Secretary.
   Homer, Jan. 15, 1894.

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