Tuesday, March 21, 2017


Congressman Jerry Simpson.

Cortland Evening Standard, Saturday, January 13, 1894.

Shows the Representatives the Kind of Clothes Worn by Farmers—Hawaiian Correspondence Not Yet Received by the Senate—Preston and Wooten Nominations Finally Confirmed—Senate Adjourns Until Monday.
   WASHINGTON, Jan. 18.—In the tariff debate, Jerry Simpson of Kansas, the leader of the Populists, took the floor and fired a broadside against protection and trusts. He began by saying that while he intended to vote for the Wilson bill, there were many provisions in it which he did not approve of,  but inasmuch as it is a robber tariff, at least 20 per cent lower than the McKinley bill, he would support it. He was not one of those who ever believed that the Democratic party, brought to the test, would carry out its pledges, for he knew while there were honest Democrats, the action of the Democratic party, like the Republican, was controlled by the money power. This was illustrated by the repeal of the Sherman law at the extra session.
   "The People's party," said he, "stands on a platform pledged, as he interpreted it, to the principle of free trade. When we say we believe in equal rights to all, special privileges to none, and that one industry should not be taxed to support another, I interpret it to mean that men shall be left at liberty to trade wherever they can better their condition; and no industry shall have any advantage."
   While Mr. Simpson was discussing the condition, he created great amusement and applause by treating the house to an object lesson in replying to the statements of Mr. Burrows the other day.
   Mr. Burrows had answered Mr. Wilson's criticism of the heavy 300 per cent duty placed on low priced cloth, by declaring that the cloth was shoddy and cowhair, such as no manly American would wear.
   Mr. Simpson proposed to show the house exactly what the poor people of the country did wear. A few days ago he found a poor farmer in the Washington market place. He bargained for his clothes, took the farmer to a neighboring clothinghouse, rigged him out in a brand new suit and carried his old rags to the capitol where [he] flaunted them.
   "There it is," he shouted, reaching down under his desk and lifting on high a tattered old overcoat fringed at the edge and bespangled with great patches. The house and galleries cheered.
   "I bought that of a farmer," said he, "who told me he had left home at 12 at night and driven 26 miles to sell his produce in your boasted home market. There, as Mr. Cleveland said, is an object lesson." (Laughter.)
   "There is a sample of what men wear under the beneficent system of protection," he continued, holding the coat toward Mr. Burrows. "It is made of shoddy and rags, see?"
   Here he ripped it up the back. "Yet," he added, "I can find its duplicate on the backs of a million men in this country."
   "Where did he buy it?" asked Mr. Cannon (Rep., Ills.)
   "He bought it a year ago in this city for $8 and I bought him another shoddy coat to take its place for $10.40." (Laughter.)
   "Is it American or imported?" asked Mr. Cannon.
   "I don't know," replied Mr. Simpson.
   "I don't care; but it is the product of American protection. No one can deny it." (Laughter and applause.)
   Mr. Simpson concluded with an appeal to the people to ring out the old and ring in the new order of things.
   Many members tendered him their personal congratulations when he sat down.
   Mr. Daniels (Rep., N. Y.) argued against the bill, Mr. McDowall (Rep., Pa.) followed and Mr. Mieklejohn (Rep., Neb.) spoke in opposition to the bill,
   Mr. Waugh (Rep., Ind.) and Mr. Hermann (Rep., Or.) antagonized the bill, while Mr. McKaig (Dem., Md.) and Mr. English (Dem., N. J.) supported it. The latter, who was accounted one of the kicking Democrats, commended the general scheme of the measure, and while he said he thought it bore down unjustly on some of the industries of New Jersey it would receive his vote and support.

In the Senate.
   The chief event of the open session of the senate was the adoption of the resolution of Mr. Allen, the Populist senator of Nebraska, calling upon the secretary of the treasury to explain certain figures in his recent report in regard to the gold importations for 1893.
   Senator Dolph of Oregon joined with the Populist senator in expressing an inability to comprehend the secretary's report, and the resolution of inquiry was adopted.
   The Hawaiian correspondence, expected to be communicated by the president was not received; and, as the senate adjourned till Monday, it cannot now be transmitted until next week.

Tailors Denounce the Wilson Bill.
   NEW YORK, Jan. 13.—About 3,000 tailors met in Cooper Union hall to denounce the Wilson bill. John Bell of the Elm Flax mills of this city presided. He announced that the meeting was the result of protestations from wage earners in the East. Among the speakers were Samuel Webster of Gloversville, N. Y.; D. I. Price, clothing trade, New York city; H. Green, ribbon trade, Paterson, N. J.; Walter Thomas, carpet trade, Yonkers, N. Y.,  Joseph Clark, jute trade, Brooklyn and M. Power, cordage trade, New York. Resolutions against the Wilson bill were adopted.

Whitelaw Reid.
A Splendid Luncheon Tendered Them by Whitelaw Reid.
   NEW YORK, Jan. 13.—The Republican editors who have been visiting this city during the past three days, combining business with pleasure, had a very pleasant ending to the rounds of festivities tendered them. They were invited to a splendid luncheon given in their honor by Whitelaw Reid at his Madison avenue home.
   The spacious dininghall was tastefully decorated and about 50 accepted the invitation. On the host's right sat Editor McKinstrey of Fredonia, on his left E. H. Butler of the Buffalo Evening News.
   Mr. Reid welcomed them in a speech brimfull of good fellowship.
   Speeches were also made by Colonel John A. Sleicher, E. H. Butler of the Buffalo Evening News, Editor Clark of Cortland, John I. Platt of Poughkeepsie, A. O. Bunnell of Dansville, Editor Kline of Amsterdam, H. A. Dudley of Warsaw and Editor McKinstrey of Fredonia.
Some Errors Rectified.
In the ordinary course of events, says the New York Sun, it will be about three years before the Hawaiian Islands become a part of the United States. Such a concession from the leading Democratic newspaper of the Empire state is indeed encouraging. It tends to justify the statement made a few days ago by a Democratic leader in Cortland that' "if this—state of affairs keeps on for a year there won't be three Democrats left in the state." Meanwhile, The Sun continues, it is appropriate to correct an error, that seems to be entertained in some quarters, as to the relative location of those islands to the rest of the Union.
   The chief objection to the annexation of Hawaii, as set forth by the opponents, is that Hawaii is so far away. It is true that when the islands shall have become a part of the United States, they will be our southernmost possession. They are a little more than two hundred miles south of Key West, or the distance that a railway train runs between breakfast and luncheon time.
   Honolulu is pretty well to the westward of the Penobscot river, but you can go several hundred miles west of that city and still be to the eastward of part of the mainland of the United States. Travel 1,500 miles due west from the Hawaiian Islands, then go north along a great circle, and you will come to United States territory.
   Mr. Cleveland in Washington is some 3,000 miles from the centre of territory of the United States. Mrs. Dominis in Honolulu is less than 2,000 miles from our centre of territory. In other words the Kanaka lady has an advantage of somewhat more than 1,000 miles over her great and good friend in the matter of centrality of location.
   If, after the admission of Hawaii, a convention of delegates from every part of the Union should be called to meet in the most central place available, that place would be San Francisco; and if Mr. Cleveland should be selected as the delegate from Buzzard's Bay, and Mrs. Dominis from the Island of Oahu, he would have to travel considerably more than 1,000 miles further than she would.
   To the fat-witted the Hawaiian Islands appear to be a great way off, and they say that it is undesirable to annex territory so remote. A man whom a party of fishermen from the Hub met on the Mattawamkeag river, down in Maine, raised practically the same objection to Boston. "I shouldn't think you'd like to live in Bawston," he said, "because it's so fur away," Within a few years there will be cable communication with Hawaii, and word can be sent from the president in Washington to the governor in Honolulu as quickly as to the governor in Richmond; and when they put a line of ocean greyhounds on the Pacific, the capital of Hawaii will be only four days' run from San Francisco.
   The objection on the ground of distance to the annexation of Hawaii is not valid in the light of geography and civilization. Within a few years it will be easier to send word or to go in person from Washington to Honolulu than it now is to have like communication with some parts of Pike county, in the state of Pennsylvania.
The manifest destiny of the Indian Territory is to be absorbed into Oklahoma and be part of one of the sovereign states of this Union. The sooner the better for all concerned. A bill substantially to this effect has already been introduced into the lower house of congress.

Charles A. Dana.
The World's Future.
   The editor of McClure's Magazine has performed good service in collecting from distinguished men sentiments and forecasts for the immediate future. Charles A. Dana sends this word, "Obey God and never fear the devil." W. T. Stead's message is, "Work for the union of all who love, in the service of those who suffer." JohnTyndall wrote shortly before his lamented death as follows, quoting from
Emerson the first three words: " 'I covet truth.' The gladness of true heroism visits the heart of him who is really competent to say this." Washington Gladden writes, "I hope men are slowly learning that no man liveth to himself alone." In bitter contradistinction to this ex-Senator John J. Ingalls observes, "The disappearance of evil from the earth is not probable."
   Huxley quotes one of his own utterances of 17 years ago to the effect that America has a great future before her—great in glory or great in shame. Then he says, "The one condition of success—the sole safeguard—is the moral worth and the intellectual clearness of the individual citizen." Talcott Williams declares that a spiritual renaissance is about to mark the next great development of thought. Professor Max Muller's sentiment is significant: "We are told that the world will be Slavonic or Teutonic. True. The Anglo-Saxon race in America will have to decide which it is to be."
   As to the future of society in material things, only one forecast is gloomy—that of Elisee Reclus, who says the small farmers will become extinct unless they unite and defend themselves. It is interesting to note that two of the prophets, Professor Thomson of the Thomson-Houston Electric company, an electrician, and Professor Remsen, chemist, both predict that at no distant day food will be made artificially, directly from the original elements, by combining together in due proportion its proper components. Professor Houston says this will be done by electricity; Professor Remsen, by chemistry. Perhaps both are right. Professor Houston is also sure that soon mankind will be able to produce electrical energy directly from the burning of coal; then the steam engine will be relegated to the scrap heap.
    Edward Atkinson predicts that science will gain control over the nitrogen of the atmosphere; then goodby to the slow, sour and cruel ways of earning a living—welcome ease and abundance. Professor Thurston also forecasts discoveries and inventions that will reduce the hours of struggle for life and needs and give every citizen time for rest, thought and enjoyment.

   —Rev. W. H. Pound will preach at the East Side readingroom Sunday afternoon at 4:15 o'clock.  
   —Dr. L. H. Pearce of the First Methodist and Rev. Chas. E. Hamilton of the Homer-ave. Methodist church will exchange pulpits Sunday morning.
   —While Mrs. Timothy McAuliff of 90 East Court-st. was going down Railroad-st. about 4:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon she slipped and fell in front of T. O'Connell's tobacco store. Mrs. McAuliff was taken to her home and Dr. F. W. Higgins was called. He found that her left wrist was broken and he reduced the fracture.
   —The reception which the board of governors of the Cortland Athletic association give at the club house next Monday evening will be the first entertainment of the organization. Members of the club and their gentlemen friends are invited to attend. The formal house warming will not occur till April, when the organization will have the use of the entire house.
   —At a meeting this afternoon of the pastors and one representative from the laymen of each of the five churches which have been holding union services during the past week it was decided to hold union services in the Presbyterian church at 7:30 o'clock every evening next week except Thursday, upon which evening each church will hold its customary prayer-meeting as usual. There will be preaching each evening. This move has been decided upon because of the great interest manifested. At the meeting last evening at the Presbyterian church the house was nearly filled, and this church has been selected for the meetings next week because it is the largest. A chorus choir will lead the singing.
Insurance Rates Raised.
   At the meeting of the Underwriters' association of the state of New York held in Syracuse last Tuesday the rate of fire insurance was advanced. The rates for Cortland, Homer and Marathon in Cortland county as sent to the various insurance agents are on buildings, 15 per cent and on contents, 33 1/3 per cent, excepting buildings which have a ground floor area of more than 5,000 square feet or which are over five stories in height, for which the advance will be on buildings, 25 per cent and on contents 50 per cent. For the remainder of the county the rate on buildings and contents is advanced 25 per cent.
   From the operations of this advance are exempt risks rated by either factor; improvement, flour mill, paper mill, acetate of lime or electric light rate slips, dwellings, private barns, farm properly, schoolhouses and also when not occupied in whole or in part for any mercantile, manufacturing of other business purpose, public buildings, which term does not include churches.
   This action by the association is taken under the rule adopted at the instance of the advisory committee of officers of companies, which authorizes the association, under certain conditions, to put into effect rates which after having been duly submitted, boards decline or neglect to act upon favorably.
   It will be seen that the local agents had nothing whatever to do with the increase of rates. The insurance companies claim that owing to the large increase of destructive fires they have not made any money since 1889. They have been hoping for something better and have not raised the rates before; but now, owing to an even worse condition of affairs in 1893 than in preceding years the companies decided, as a measure of protection to themselves and their policy holders, to increase the rates.
   The increase in rate will take effect Monday, January 15.

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