Friday, April 21, 2017


Cortland Hospital on Clayton Avenue.
Cortland Evening Standard, Friday, February 16, 1894.


Encouraging Words From the President and Secretary.
   The following are the reports of the secretary and president of the Cortland Hospital association for the past year:
To the Cortland Hospital Association:
To the President and Members of the Cortland Hospital Association:
   The Cortland Hospital association has now completed the third year of its work, and the necessity for such an institution in our populous and growing town has been proven again and again. The benefits of care and treatment received at our hospital during the year now closed have been extended further beyond our own immediate town than any previous year. Its privileges and its most watchful care are extended to all, "without regard to age, sex, color, creed or nationality."
   The board of managers have held meetings the first Monday of each month during the year, at which the regular routine business of the hospital has been carefully looked after. Two changes have occurred in the membership of the board: Mrs. A. E. Heath was elected to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mrs. Forrest; and Mrs. S. E. Curtis has taken the place of Mrs. H. J. Harrington, resigned.
   The number of cases treated in the house since the opening, two years and ten months ago, is 65. The number of patients cared for during the past year has been 25, 11 males, 14 females. Of this number 19 were medical and 6 surgical cases. Eleven were discharged cured, 4 improved, 3 unimproved, 3 have died and 4 still remain in the hospital under treatment.
   The whole number of days' occupancy has been 697. Of these 25 patients, 18 have made some remuneration for their care, the prices paid ranging from $1 to $7 per week. The physicians in attendance have been Drs. Moore, Higgins, Strowbridge, Angel, Didama, Reese, Dana, Henry and White of Cortland; Robinson of Homer and Forshee of McGrawville. The patients treated have been from Cortland, Homer, McGrawville, Truxton, Preble, Scott, Cape Vincent and Owego.
   We were specially fortunate in securing, last July, Miss Mary Roberts of Syracuse as nurse. She is a graduate of a training school for nurses of Birmingham, England, and has had wide and valuable experience in her profession. She is proving herself very competent in every department of her work. Difficult surgical cases have come under her care, and our physicians express themselves highly gratified at the efficiency which she is showing. The interest she manifests in all pertaining to our hospital could not be greater, it would seem, if it were her own household and the patients were members of her own family.
   At the completion of the Central school building last April the board of  education kindly offered us the use of that building for an evening reception. This offer was gladly accepted and the occasion proved a success socially and financially—$85 being added to our treasury from voluntary offerings received that evening.
   In August Miss Anna Baum, assisted by local musicians, gave a vocal recital for our benefit, and our funds were increased $30 by this entertainment. From the offering of the children at the public schools we received $32.
   Several churches of our own town and Homer have recently observed "Hospital Sunday," and the aggregate amount of these collections has been $124.30. This is divided equally between the Old Ladies' Home and the hospital, and so gives us as our share, $62.15. From the other churches which are soon to take collections for us we hope to realize quite an additional amount.
   The King's Daughters have shown their continued interest in, and their fostering care of our association by the gift of $25. From the hospital mite boxes which that society placed some time ago in the D. L. & W. and E. C. & N. stations we have received $8.19.
   During the year the sum of $340.50 has been received from patients for board. Our only source of income, besides these mentioned, has been from money received from individual contributions.
   Through the courtesy of the press we have been supplied with the local weekly and daily papers, and all calls upon them for space in their columns for the publication of reports for notices have been cheerfully and promptly met.
   A Thanksgiving dinner was provided for nurse and patients by the kindness of two ladies of our town, and supplies for a bountiful Christmas dinner came from another. Many thoughtful and generous friends have given substantial aid in sending supplies of all kinds, delicacies for the sick, clothing, food, furnishings for the house of various kinds. One urgent need, which had been felt ever since our organization, has been supplied by another friend—an operating table for the surgical department. In November the annual contributions from the children of the public schools were received. Besides the cash given, there were enough supplies for the table received from this source to last nearly or quite all winter.
   This practical appreciation of our many needs has been a source of encouragement to all immediately connected with the work, and its continuance will help to keep the work moving on towards greater usefulness.
   The managers are sometimes surprised own town know about our ways and means, our accommodations and our limitations. We feel convinced that if the people of our own and neighboring towns would visit the hospital more frequently and acquaint themselves with our methods of usefulness, their support would be given more freely, and our work might thereby be greatly enlarged.
   Many pleasant associations and much perplexing work have entered into the experience of the past three years. The kindest of feelings and most harmonious co-operation have always existed in the management. We confidently trust the coming year will be one of greater success than any in the past.
   Respectfully submitted,
   Cortland, Feb. 5, 1894.
   In the report of the secretary you have had a review of the work of the year, the results of which have been very satisfactory to the managers and we trust they will be to the public. The financial report is necessarily delayed owing to illness in the family of the treasurer, but will soon be ready for your consideration. We will, however, forestall it so far as to announce that we close the year practically free from debt. Some of the January bills are not yet paid, but we have enough to meet them when presented,
   In view of the drain made upon the public purse by the World's Fair and of the general stagnation in business that has since followed we feel it to be a matter for congratulation that we have been able to maintain the hospital through this trying period without incurring debt. But the work has been greatly hampered and restricted for want of funds and if many things have been left undone which ought to have been done it was because of the constant and pressing necessity of raising the money to meet the monthly bills. We have felt compelled to deny ourselves many things usually considered essential in hospital work.
   We commence the year empty-handed, but relying as heretofore on the generosity of the public. The increase in receipts from paying patients is a hopeful sign pointing to the time when our hospital shall be largely if not wholly self-supporting, but until that happy hour arrives we must continue to ask the aid of charitably disposed persons. The cheerful readiness with which they have responded to our appeals for help assure us that we shall not ask in vain.
   A particularly pleasant feature of our work has been the many unsolicited gifts that have come to us, some of them from former residents of our village who have shown their sympathy with our effort and their love for their old home by their generous offerings.
   A few words with regard to our hopes and plans for the future seem appropriate at this time. The movement that was begun early in the year to secure a permanent borne was, owing to the stringency of the times, suspended until a return of business prosperity should warrant its resumption. The house which we have occupied the past three years has been leased for another year, but we are constantly being reminded of its limitations and we look forward impatiently to the time when we shall be established in more convenient and commodious quarters.
   An arrangement has recently been perfected which it is hoped will add materially to the usefulness arid prosperity of the hospital. The physicians of our village have kindly consented to give their professional services to all patients unable to pay more than $5 per week to the hospital, patients to be allowed their choice in physicians as heretofore. While physicians have in the past rendered gratuitous service to charity patients, the hospital has realized no financial benefit from their services, as those who were able to pay even a little were expected to remunerate their physicians and the little they had to spare was divided between physicians and hospital.
   A nurses' registry is also to be established for the benefit of the public. This registry will include all the nurses in the vicinity who choose to enter their names and will be a convenience to all classes.
   The endowment of free beds is provided for in our bylaws in the following clause, "Any person or association may endow a free bed by the annual payment of one hundred and fifty dollars and have the right of nominating to the executive committee the patient who may occupy said free bed and select the attending physician, provided the regulations of the association and of its proper officers are complied with and provided that said patient shall not occupy said bed for a longer period than three months without permission of the executive committee." What church, school, order, club, town or individual will lead in the establishment of a free bed?
   In the report of the House of Mercy, Pittsfield, Mass., we find this with regard to the endowment of free beds as memorials to deceased friends; "To us it seems so much better to evolve a living monument from the daily blessings of sufferers relieved than to pile lofty monuments of stone, where proud monuments do shine."
   In comparing our three years' work with that of the early years of older hospitals we find much to encourage us. We see that their managers encountered the same obstacles we have met and those institutions passed through the same process of evolution that ours is now doing. Hospitals that now number endowment by thousands accomplished no more in the first years than ours has done, but as their worth came to be better understood and appreciated, patients and endowments came in a rapidly increasing ratio. That their later experience may also be ours is the earnest wish of your board of managers.
   JULIA E. HYATT, Pres.

Print copied from Historical Souvenir of Oneonta.
All Books, Apparatus and Records Lost—Cost $160,000, Insured for $75,000—Will Be Rebuilt.
   The following dispatch was received at The STANDARD office this morning.
   ONEONTA, N. Y., Feb. 16, 1894.
   E. D. Blodgett:
   Normal burned to ground. Nothing saved.
   A further dispatch from Oneonta gives additional particulars, as follows:
   ONEONTA, Feb. 16.
   The State Normal school building at this place was totally destroyed by fire last evening. The building was 340 x 130 feet, three stories high with a basement and cost $160,000. It is insured for $75,000. The fire started at 5 o'clock in the waste paper room in the basement near the boiler under the primary department and spread with such rapidity that all efforts to save the building proved futile. The books, apparatus and all other contents of the building except the janitors furniture were burned. Dr James M. Milne, the principal, and Prof. W. H. Lynch, principal of the intermediate department, and the janitors family were the only ones in the building. They escaped. Over 400 students were attending the school. The building will be rebuilt. With a part of the walls standing, and ruins smoking, arrangements have been made to continue Normal school work in Oneonta on Monday morning.
   The recipient of the first dispatch took it at once to the Cortland Normal school. Chapel exercises were just completed when the dispatch was handed to Dr. Cheney who read it to the assembled school. After a moments pause Dr. Cheney spoke with much feeling of the loss which Oneonta, New York state, and the cause of education in general has sustained. He referred to the unprecedented growth of that new school, which though only four and one-half years old, has come to the rank among the foremost in the state in point of numbers, as well as of scholarship. Dr. Cheney then appointed the following committee of students to draft an expression of sympathy on the part of the Cortland Normal to be forwarded to the Oneonta Normal: Messrs. A. D. Weeks, R. E. Corlew, Misses Cora E. Peck, Julia A Titus, Catherine Buchanan and Mrs. E. H. Caswell. The committee reported as follows:
   WHEREAS, the Oneonta Normal school has suffered an irreparable loss in the burning of its school building on the evening of Feb. 15, 1894, therefore, be it
   Resolved, first, that we, the students of Cortland Normal school, tender our deepest sympathy to both faculty and students of the Oneonta Normal.
   Resolved, secondly, that a copy of these resolutions be sent to Dr. James M. Milne, principal of the Oneonta Normal school, and that a copy be handed to the Cortland STANDARD and to the Cortland Democrat for publication.
   MRS. E. H. CASWELL, committee.
   Cortland, N. Y. Feb. 16, 1894.
   A dispatch sent immediately from Dr. Cheney to Dr. James M. Milne, principal of the Oneonta school, expressed the sympathy of the Cortland faculty with their associate teachers in Oneonta.

A Timely Law.
   The burning of the Oneonta Normal school building will serve to emphasize the importance and necessity of the passage of a bill now before the legislature, drawn by Secretary John W. Suggett of the local board of the Cortland Normal school, and recently introduced in the state senate by Senator O'Connor. The bill reads as follows:
   An disposition and use of insurance moneys received for loss or damage of property in the State Normal and Training Schools.
   The People of the state of New York represented in senate and assembly do meet as follows:
   SEC. 1. Where any loss or damage, against which insurance exists, occurs to the real or personal property of any of the State Normal and Training schools, the moneys paid to the state by reason of such insurance shall be kept as a separate fund; shall be immediately available, and are hereby appropriated, to be expended under the direction of the local board of managers of any such school, subject to the approval of the state superintendent of public instruction, to repair or replace, wholly or partially, the real or personal property so damaged or destroyed.
   SEC. 2. This act shall take effect immediately.
   While the local boards of nearly all the Normal schools have carried insurance on the school buildings, there has been no provision on the statute books for the prompt application of moneys derived from insurance to repairing or erecting anew a building injured or destroyed by fire or replacing its contents. In case a building burns, the insurance being in the name of the state, all moneys derived therefrom go into the treasury of the state, and there remain till the legislature appropriates them to the purposes for which the insurance was intended or otherwise disposes of them. Should a Normal building be injured or destroyed by fire just after the adjournment of the legislature, nothing whatever could be done to fit it for school uses again till after another legislature had met and passed the necessary bill and the governor signed it. This would consume nearly a year, and another year might be required before repairs or rebuilding could be completed. The salaries of teachers meanwhile would go on just the same, should the teachers not succeed in getting employment elsewhere, and all the money thus expended would be a total loss to the state. The closing of the school for two years would send all or nearly all its students to other schools, and when it finally did reopen it would be practically as a new school, its only advantage over such a school being in the interest and loyalty of its alumni and in the reputation enjoyed by former teachers who might again take places in its faculty.
   Oneonta is fortunate in its misfortune in having the legislature in session, to which it can appeal at once for an appropriation of its insurance moneys and for whatever additional money is needed to rebuild and newly equip its burned building. The circumstances of this case ought to convince every candid legislator of the justice and wisdom of Senator O'Connor's bill and secure its prompt passage.

A Slow Trip to Scott.

   About twenty-five couples of Cortland… people started at 7 o'clock Thursday night in carryalls and single sleighs for the Scott hotel for a party. The affair was originated and the details were arranged by Messrs. Stephen D. Alexander and Frank Doughty. The roads were very bad and it was nearly 10 o'clock before they reached Scott. Mine Host William Roach had a sumptuous and elaborate supper prepared for them to which all did full justice.
   Dancing followed, the music being furnished by a Scott orchestra. It was late before they started for home, and it was much later before they reached home, as the roads were drifted nearly full, one by one the teams reached Cortland from 5 to 6 o'clock in the morning.

Town Meeting.
   The Town Meeting for the town of Cortlandville will be held at the old Democrat office on West Court-st. in the village of Cortland, N. Y., on Tuesday, Feb. 20, 1894. The polls will be opened at sunrise. The Myers ballot machines will be used in voting for candidates; also a resolution as to whether the town shall purchase four of the Myers ballot machines at a cost of $480 each.
   And a resolution to raise the sum of $100 for Decoration day will be voted upon at that time.

1899 mechanical lever voting machine.
   —Groton voted against purchasing the Myers ballot machine last Tuesday.
   —The person who appropriated a geological specimen from the collection in Fireman's hall had better return it, as he is known.
   —The Myers ballot machines to be used at town meeting on Tuesday are expected to be in working order and on exhibition in the old Democrat office in the Hulbert building to-morrow.
   —On Friday evening, March 2, Denman Thompson's Old Homestead quartet assisted by Alice Girardeau, dramatic and humorous reciter, appear in the Opera House in the Y. M. C. A. course.
   —Thomas Donnelly, a blacksmith living on Homer-ave., was arraigned in police court this morning on the charge of public intoxication. He was in doubt at first as to whether he had been drunk or was sober, but he concluded that he had been drunk. Justice Bull sentenced him to three days or three dollars.

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