Tuesday, May 23, 2017


Sen. James K. Jones.

Sen. Roger Q. Mills.
Cortland Evening Standard, Thursday, March 22, 1894.

A Democratic Tax on Labor.
   A special Washington dispatch to the New York Sun reveals the fact that the infamous income tax annex to the Wilson bill is even more infamous than was at first supposed. The announcement at first was that it was to reach only the rich men—men whose income was more than $4,000 a year. Southern influence, however, according to the Sun's dispatch, has secretly and maliciously sought to saddle the burdens of the income tax on laboring men also. This was brought about by Senators Mills of Texas and Jones of Arkansas who changed the inquisitorial income tax clause of the Wilson bill so as to bring building associations, and thereby the innumerable class of wage workers, under the tax. Building and loan associations in cities especially are the people's savings banks. They are the builders of the laboring man's house. As a rule they have worked well, and everywhere are a positive blessing to tens of thousands of laborers in their efforts to secure shelter for themselves and their families. They teach earners of money how to save it; how to spend it so as to get homes.
   "While this is true," said a wage worker who had come to Washington from Senator Voorhees's state, "the inventors of the income tax iniquity, as if bent on the greatest amount of deviltry possible, have changed it so as to tax the last dollar the wage worker has put into a building association, instead of merely putting a 2 per cent tax on the dividends of what he put in, which was bad enough. The change was made secretly by Senator Mills of Texas and Senator Jones of Arkansas. It amounts to a crusade upon the wage workers. The change taxes the wages of mechanics and laborers without any exemption. I consider it downright wickedness and premeditated cruelty."
   Senators and representatives from states where building and loan associations abound are likely to hear from home in disagreeable ways. Seemingly the Texas and Arkansas senators, after reading the recent special report by the census commissioner, showing how much was paid for labor, and where the blow would fall hardest, improved their opportunity without the knowledge of other members of the committee having the Wilson bill in charge to change it so as to levy a direct tax on wages. It would be easy to see what the great manufacturing districts and states would pay in contrast with Texas, Arkansas, and a dozen other states where the income tax is supported most earnestly.
   The quiet change made by the Texas and Arkansas senators, a change that became known by accident only, has led to a systematic scrutiny with the view to ascertaining whether or not other outrageous changes have not been made in the bill that was before sufficiently repugnant to the country.
   For a party which posed as the only friend of workingmen during the last Presidential campaign this blow at hard-earned wages is specialty despicable and treacherous. Not content with closing factories and cutting down pay, it now seeks to the laborer of his savings in order to make up the deficiency caused by Democratic assaults on our protected industries. In other words American labor is to be made to pay for the benefits conferred by the Wilson bill on the labor of foreign countries. And this is the much vaunted tariff reform, which was to make the rich poorer and the poor richer.

Lewis Swift.
A Fine Lecture.
   Dr. Lewis Swift of Rochester last night delivered at Normal hall one of the most instructive lectures of the very admirable course which has this year been conducted by the students of the Cortland Normal school. He explained many things as to the composition of the sun, the stars and the means by which this knowledge was obtained, He set forth many interesting and curious facts concerning the relations of the earth to the other planets in the solar system and clearly proved how nothing in the universe is at all stable, but that there is a constant change even in the direction in which the poles of the earth point. He spoke of the result of these changes. He dealt with figures so large as to be beyond the comprehension of the mind, but endeavored to make them intelligible by familiar illustrations.
   No one who listened attentively to his lecture could go away feeling that it was not a great theme and without agreeing with the sentiment of the doctor when he stated that in the presence of such stupendous facts he felt his own insignificance in the midst of it all. A very reverential and humble spirit characterized the entire lecture, although it was perfectly evident that the doctor was at home in the discussion of his theme.
   We cannot forbear congratulating the Normal students upon the excellence of the course of entertainments just closed. It was this year an experiment. It was not the design to make money, but to provide a fine class of lectures and concerts at so slight an expense that all the students would be able to take advantage of them. The experiment has been a grand success. There have been three lectures, a reading and a concert. The treasurer's report is not yet complete, but we are informed that it is safe to say that the entertainments have financially paid for themselves, and much pleasure and instruction has been afforded not only to the students but to the townspeople as well. We can only add the exhortation, "Do so some more."

Beautiful Easter Window.
   One of the prettiest Easter windows in town is that of the jewelry firm of Clark & Nourse. A large potted Easter lily occupies a prominent place in the foreground. In the background smilax is twisted about in a tasty way. Arranged in pleasing style are the new goods of every kind and description that pertain to a well-ordered jewelry store which is fully abreast of the times and which tries to satisfy and please a discriminating trade.

Summer Hotels and Boardinghouses.
   The Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburg railroad is now preparing its illustrated book of "Routes and Rates for Summer Tours" for the season of 1894. This book contains a complete list of summer hotels and boardinghouses along the line of the R., W. & O., and also in the Adirondacks, North Woods, the St. Lawrence river, Thousand Islands, Canada, White Mountains, Green Mountains, Maine sea coast and the New England Atlantic coast. Proprietors of hotels and boardinghouses soliciting summer visitors are invited to give the following information, which will be inserted in the book without cost:
Name of hotel or boardinghouse.
Proprietor and postoffice address.
Room capacity,
Rate per day,
Rate per week.
Nearest railroad station.
How far from railroad station.
How reached from railroad station.
   Communications should be addressed to Theo. Butterfield. General Passenger Agent, Syracuse, N. Y. The book will go to press in April and will be ready for distribution in the latter part of May.

Cornell Sophomore Twice Brought Before Judge Forbes.
   ITHACA, N. Y., March 22.—The grand jury is still investigating the Cornell chlorine poisoning case but are expected to wind up to-day. From several incidents which have transpired it is evident that the affair is being brought to a focus.
   Yesterday afternoon F. L. Taylor of Plainfield, N. J., a sophomore and who was a roommate of C. L. Dingen, toward whom the finger of suspicion points most strongly, was brought before the judge by the district attorney for refusing to answer questions and was instructed by the judge as to his privilege and duty. This seemed to have no effect upon him as he was again brought before Judge Forbes this morning for refusal to answer questions put by grand jurymen. The judge then told him that if he was one of the parties who had any hand in mixing this chlorine, then he could refuse to answer, but if he was not an accessory, but knew who did mix it or had any information of any of the parties concerned in it, then he must answer any and all questions. The judge gave him until 2 o'clock this afternoon to consider the matter and he left the court room with his attorney.
   He is a very gentlemanly fellow, of fine appearance but very determined looking and those who know him best say that if he has any knowledge of the case he would go to jail before giving evidence which might convict his friend.

The Subject Taken Up by Senate Assembly Committees.
   ALBANY, March 22.—How the Cataract Electric company got its big grant from the state was the subject taken up by the senate finance and assembly ways and means committees.
   Superintendent of Public Works Hannan was put on the stand and asked to detail how he gave the grant to the company. He said that the permit was drawn in his office by a clerk who was not a lawyer. The first application was made in November last year and a written application was made in December of that year, both by this company. No other company had applied. He did not know of the bill allowing the making of such a contract until the secretary of state sent in a slip of the laws.
   All his dealings had been with [Cataract Electric] Vice-President F. W. Hawley. He had not in any way investigated the financial standing of the company.
   He had consulted the present attorney general in drawing the contract, and admitted that he might have talked with Governor Flower or Charles De Freest on the matter. He never talked to Senator Murphy or Thomas C. Platt.
   The contract called for about 60 electric lights along the canal and power to raise and close the locks.
   He was aware that the repeal bill was pending when he prepared the contract. He thought that the state was well protected.
   In answer to a question as to whether he did not think it right that he should have waited to see whether the repeal bill passed, he said no. He believed it was a good thing for the state. The Cataract company had presented its contract and from it the present one was made.

Bipartisan Election Inspectors' Bill Passed by a Big Majority.
   ALBANY, March 22.—The house took up the special order which was the bipartisan inspectors of election bill.
   Mr. Sulzer offered an amendment providing that the act shall take effect immediately.
   Mr. Sulzer withdrew his amendment, but immediately afterward sent it to the desk on a motion to recommit the bill to the committee on judiciary with instructions to amend the bill and report forthwith.
   The motion was adopted.
   The bill was then put upon its final passage.
   The bill was passed—ayes, 75; nays, 1—J. F. Terry.
   The following bills were also passed:
   Mr. Tobin's, authorizing the park commissioners in the city of New York to increase the pay of park laborers from $1.75 to $2 per day.
   Mr. Robertson's, requiring that all mechanics and laborers employed on state or municipal buildings shall be American citizens, shall not work longer than 8 hours per day and shall be paid according to the scale of wages established by the labor organizations of a similar trade or occupation as theirs.

The Largest Gun Ever Built In America Successfully Tried.
   WASHINGTON, March 22. — A distinguished party of public men and departmental officials and a number of ordinance experts accepted the invitation of the secretary of the navy to visit the naval ordnance proving grounds at Indian Head to see the official test of the first of the big 13-inch guns which have been completed at the government works.
   This is the biggest gun ever built in this country, and a vast amount of interest was manifested in seeing it operated.
   The gun weighs 67 tons. The steel projectile weighs 1,100 pounds. Two shots were fired, the first with a 403 pound charge of powder showed an initial velocity of 1,720 feet per second. The second, with 482 pounds of powder, showed a velocity of 1,915 feet per second. The powder used is very coarse, the grains being about an inch in diameter.
   Interested observers of the test were the naval attaches of the embassies of Great Britain, France, Germany and Italy and the Russian and Japanese legations.

Things Seen and Heard in Villages and Hamlets About Us, and Items From All Over the County.
   A quantity of trout have been placed in the creeks between this place and Solon. They were sent from the state fishery at Albany.
   The cards are out announcing the wedding of Miss Minnie Shepard to Eugene L. Williams of Berkshire, Thursday, at the home of Miss Shepard's aunt. We extend to them congratulations and best wishes.
   At the village election held March 20, 1894, the following named candidates were voted for, with the number of votes respectively received for each:
   President—W. J. Buchanan, 132; Lewis Warren, 22.
   Trustee—Samuel Doud, 122; Wm. Lord, 30.
   Trustee Frank C. Topping, 125; A. B. Rumsey, 29.
   Treasurer—B. H. Randall, 152.
   Assessor—W. P. Henry, 146.
   Collector—P. W. Chaffee, 125; C. S. Hoag, 24.
   Police Constable John Evens, 121; Porter Hoben, 29.
   Mr. Buchanan received 110 majority for the office of president of the village.
   VIRGIL, March 21.—The many friends of Mrs. Clarissa Atwood of Killawog were pained to hear of her death at the residence of her sister, Mrs. P. West in Virgil, March 19, after an illness of only 48 hours. Mrs. Atwood was the daughter of the late John Tyler, and was born in the town of Dryden, April 17, 1820. She married Mr. Stephen Atwood, Dec. 22, 1870, and was left a widow Jan, 7, 1892. Mrs. Atwood had been a consistent Christian since early life and was a member of the Free Will Baptist church near here for many years. A short funeral sermon was held here Wednesday afternoon and the remains were taken to Killawog, Thursday, in charge of Undertaker M. B. Williams for burial.
   Miss Frances Tyler is sick with rheumatism caused by taking cold after having the scarlet fever.
   Mrs. Betsy Ryan died at the home of her son-in-law, Mr. Amasa Lane, on Monday, aged 90 years, 4 months and two days. The funeral will be held today, Rev. Mr. Dayton and Undertaker Crain in charge. Mrs. Ryan with the exception of a short time spent in Texas, has always lived in this town and was a woman well-known and liked by all who knew her.
   The maple sugar festival held by the grange on Tuesday evening was well attended.
Elm Stump.
   ELM STUMP, March 21.—Mr. C. L. Judd made a business trip to East Homer yesterday.
   The first man to start a plow to begin the spring work in this section was Mr. Irving Price, who began yesterday.
   Those who have been sick with the measles are all reported convalescing.
   Mr. Robert Adams of Virgil was calling on old friends in this section to-day.
   Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith were at home to their friends last Saturday evening. An oyster supper was the occasion and a good time is reported.
   Mr. Ryan Oaks of Cortland called at Mr. Jay Worden's Monday.
   Mr. and Mrs. Irving Price and Anna and Charlie were guests at Mr. Harvey Yager's at Virgil last Thursday.
Little York.
   LITTLE YORK, March 21—We are informed that Miss Frisbie of Scott is to be our teacher for the spring term.
   Wood sawing by steam power has been the order of the day among the farmers of late.
   Mr. H. W. Blashfield has had the misfortune to lose a valuable Jersey cow, which he recently purchased of Mr. John Roe.
   Rev. Mr. Hamilton of Preble will preach here next Sunday. He expects to come weekly during the summer if he receives sufficient encouragement from the people.
   Some hoodlums were out last Friday night and committed some wild forms of mischief.
   Mr. John Roe and family moved to Homer last Monday. During the time they have resided here they have won the esteem of all their neighbors all of whom expressed sorrow at their departure.
   Mr. D. W. Wilbur is moving his goods from the Wheeler house, which he has occupied for the past two years, to his farm near Preble.

   —Mr. E. P. Halbert is negotiating for the sale of the Grant-st. grocery to Mr. David C. Beers.
   —The Franklin Hatch library now contains 3,006 volumes, having added 1,000 volumes since the library was opened in its present quarters.
   —A cock fight occurred Tuesday night between celebrated Cortland and Homer birds for a purse of $50 and a side bet of $10. Three battles were fought and the Cortland bird won.
   —The funeral of John Dobbins, who died Tuesday afternoon of injuries received from falling down stairs at the Cortland Wagon Co., occurred at St. Mary's church at 11 o'clock this morning.
   — Mr. A. P. Potter of grange 670, Syracuse, will address the Cortlandville grange on Saturday evening, March 24, on the subject of "Home Rule in Taxation." He will speak to the South Cortland grange upon the same subject tonight.

Tea Table Talk.
   A youth who lives at High Schoals says that his father's cows frequently came up at night with the appearance of having been milked. His father got tired of it and sent him to the pasture with the cows to catch the thief. He spent the day near enough to the cows to watch them, he thought, but at night it was still evident that the cows had been milked again. He was scolded, and sent back with them the next day. About 11 o'clock, he says, a cow went into the canes near a small lake and lowed. He crept through the brush and caught the thief in the act, and he proved to be a bullfrog as large as a hat. The frog was hanging on to the cow's udder, and seemed to be enjoying his dinner immensely.—Savannah Morning News.

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