Tuesday, June 13, 2017


Fireman's Hall, next to First National Bank, located on west side of Main Street.
Cortland Evening Standard, Friday, April 13, 1894.

They Come From all Over the Country—Wide Range in the Estimates—No Decision Reached Yet.
   There was an anxious company of contractors and builders at Fireman's hall last night, and an interested crowd of citizens assembled to hear the reading of the bids which had been put in for the construction of the proposed system of sewers in Cortland. The contractors were on hand early and drew up in long lines just outside the railing armed with notebooks and pencils to take down the figures in all the bids as read, to be used as a basis of reckoning upon the probable figuring of their competitors in future cases.
   It was nearly 8 o'clock when the sewer commissioners came in—Judge S. S. Knox, president of the board, and Messrs. C. F. Wickwire, Hugh Duffey, C. W. Collins and F. H. Cobb. They were accompanied by their attorney, John W. Suggett, the civil engineer who has conducted the matter for them, William B. Landreth of Schenectady and Clerk Fred Hatch, who carried an interesting looking package of papers tied with pink tape.
   The meeting was called to order by Judge Knox who stated that the bids would be opened by Clerk Hatch and would be read by Engineer Landreth. The bids as read were estimates upon all the details of the work of putting in sewers, such as cost of excavation, price of pipes of various sizes, cost of cement, lumber, etc. Only an engineer, a contractor or an expert in such matters could gather from these any adequate knowledge of the actual cost of putting in the sewers. To-day Engineer Landreth is figuring upon those to be able to report to the commissioners the gross cost of those bids as put in. The commissioners adjourned after the reading of the bids to meet again to-night at the rooms of the commissioners to hear Engineer Landreth's report, and it is likely that soon afterward they will take some decisive action and award the contract.
   Each bid was accompanied by a check of $500 made payable to the order of the sewer commissioners and put in as a guaranty of good faith. The checks are to be returned to all of the unsuccessful bidders, and the check of the successful bidder will be returned to him after he gives his bonds. In case he should not give a satisfactory bond, the check would be forfeited.
   The bids, twenty-one in number [sic—but we count 31—CC ], were all opened by Clerk Hatch and read by Engineer Landreth. In the order in which they were opened they were submitted by the following parties:
Clinton Beckwith & Co., Herkimer. N. Y.
T. M. Lesher & Son, Eastern, Pa.
Levalley & Jenkins, Elmira, N. Y.
Acock & Son, Trenton, N. J.
McGuire, McKnight & Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Vann T. Brady, Syracuse, N. Y.
Troy Public Works Co., Troy, N. Y.
P. H. Harrison & Sons, Newark, N. J.
Thomas Craig, Trenton, N. J.
Dodge & McGregor, Buffalo, N. Y.
John Moore, Syracuse, N. Y.
Muir Brothers & O'Sullivan, Port Huron, Mich.
T. H. Ryan, Buffalo, N. Y.
J. W. Kelley, New Brighton, Pa.
L. J. Richardson, Cortland, N. Y.
Francis Curran, Rhinebeck, N. Y.
Adam Miller, Saratoga Springs, N. Y.
W. G. Smith. Buffalo. N. Y.
E. A. Matthews, Binghamton, N. Y.
John Marsden, Utica, N. Y.
Fales & O'Donnell, North Tonawanda, N. Y.
Ferguson & Rooney, Wilkes Barre, Pa.
Sawders & Houston, Pittsburg, Pa.
Fred Hendler, Wilkes Barre, Pa.
Pilcher Brothers, North Baltimore, O.
John Ryan, Watertown, N. Y.
Dunn Brothers, Scranton, Pa.
Martin Sullivan & Co., Syracuse, N. Y.
Grimes & Moran, Elkhart, Ind.
Thomas Nicholson & Deloyia, Port Huron, Mich.
L. D. Halbert, Syracuse, N. Y.

Ten Years of Successful Service.
   A pleasant feature of the meeting of the board of directors of the National bank of Cortland held this morning was the report, of the committee appointed at a meeting held on the 9th day of January, 1894, to draft suitable resolutions expressing the appreciation by the board of the valuable services rendered the bank as its president by Mr. Wesley Hooker for the continuous period of ten years then ending. The report was as follows, and was, on motion adopted, ordered spread upon the records of the bank, published in the papers of the village and printed for distribution among the patrons of the bank:
   The ten years of Mr. Wesley Hooker's service as president of this bank have been a period of continuous and marked prosperity. The stock of the bank, which was selling at the beginning of that period at one hundred and forty, has increased in value so that the last sales have been at one hundred and seventy. Its surplus and undivided profits have increased from $38,000 to $94,000 and its capital stock has increased from $80,000 to $125,000, the $45,000 of new stock having been sold at one hundred and fifty. The enlargement of its business has been proportionate to its growth in other directions, and as a result of this, dividends have been increased from 3 1/2 per cent semi-annually to 5 per cent. The bare statement of these facts tells the story of diligent, faithful, wise and honest service on the part of the president and responsible head of the institution, and constitutes an endorsement more emphatic than could be contained in any words of praise.
   The conservative and successful manner in which the affairs of the bank were conducted during the year 1893, which witnessed the severest strain ever put upon the financial institutions of this country deserves a special expression of appreciation of the services of President Hooker on the part of this board. While many banks were forced to suspend and while few escaped without an impairment of capital or surplus or loss of public confidence, this institution passed through the ordeal, which circumstances combined to make specially severe in its case, without injury to capital, surplus or credit and without reduction of its dividends, and its directors believe its affairs to-day to be in a most satisfactory condition.
   We, therefore, extend our most cordial congratulations to President Hooker on the completion of his ten years of successful service as the head of the National bank of Cortland, and beg to assure him of our sincere appreciation of his services, as well as of our thorough confidence and hearty co-operation, and to express the hope that his health and usefulness may be long continued.

A Frisky Colt.
   Mr. Seeber of Homer-ave. drove a young colt attached to a two-wheeled cart down Main-st. about 9 o'clock this morning. When in front of the residence of J. R. Schermerhorn the colt began to feel pretty good and manifested it by jumping up and down and trying to increase his speed. Mr. Seeber let him go for a moment, but before he knew it the colt was going too fast and was beyond his control. Mr. Dewitt Rose's pair of horses with a lumber wagon stood in front of the store of Tanner Bros. The colt dashed in between the wagon and the curb. The wheel of the cart struck the rear of the box of the lumber wagon and crowded the box forward two feet on its supports. The concussion stepped the colt and he fell over flat upon his side upon the curbing. A dozen men seized him by the head and also got hold of Mr. Rose's horses which were crowded forward a rod or more, breaking the strap with which they were tied to a post. Mr. Seeber dismounted and found that no damage was done beyond a broken breast strap upon the collar of his harness.

Denizens of the Alleghanies Resent the Intrusion—Mountain Dew Freely Dispensed and Hostile Demonstrations Made—General Kelly's Detachment Captures a Train and Coming Eastward With Rapid Strides.
   ADDISON, Pa., April 13.—The tramp from Chalk Hill to this point was one of great suffering for the marchers of the commonweal. While the storm had abated in a measure the depth of snow on the ground made walking a burden, and the stops for rest demanded by men and beast were frequent. The horses in wagons were unhitched at intervals.
   There were many mountaineers down here to view the commonweal and there is an ugly look abroad.
   Mountain dew has been flowing like water and the men are in a proper state for conflict.
   The mountaineers are excited over the army and would crush it out. Several clashes have been averted, but trouble is expected hourly.
   The only licensed saloon in the place is near the camp, and the liquor is being dispensed with a lavish hand. Such is the feeling that Marshal Browne calls upon the army to carefully abstain from the use of liquor for any possible conflict.
   The next camp will be General Grant and will be at Grantsville.

Commonweal Captures a Train.
   EVANSTON, Wyo., April 13.—General Kelly's army of the commonweal,  which had encamped on the plains of Utah, eight miles out of Ogden, quickly broke camp and captured a Union Pacific freight train made up of boxcars en route to the mines.
   General Kelly at once assumed command of the trainful of footsore and weary crusaders and the engineer and fireman obeyed orders as issued by the commandant, as they had instructions to do from Superintendent Bancroft of the Mountain division should one of the trains in his division be captured by the industrial legion.
   The capture was totally unexpected, although Superintendent Bancroft had predicted that such a movement would likely take place on the part of General Kelley and his henchmen.
   The march from Ogden was full of incident and excitement to the hundreds of men who composed the army. There were plenty of stragglers, men weak from want of food, men with rheumatism, pneumonia and the countless ailments that follow in the wake of starvation and privation.
   Some of the most trusted of Kelly's lieutenants took places in the cabin of the engine, fearful of treachery on the part of the engineers.
   At last reports the train was still en route for the East and making good time.

Coxey's Army.

Commonwealers Driven Out.
   CHESTER, Pa., April 13.—The Pennsylvania detachment of Coxey's commonweal army, numbering 104 men, commanded by General Christopher Columbus Jones, reached this city and was about to encamp at Kurtz park in the northern part of the town, when Chief of Police Bagshaw ordered the crowd to leave within an hour. The police escorted the commonweal soldiers over Lamokin Run, the boundary line. The men were wet and cold and had no provisions, which caused a number of desertions.

Cortland Athletics.
   The following appeared in the last number of The Athlete published in Syracuse:
   Few people realize that in proportion to its size Cortland is one of the liveliest athletic towns in New York state. It is not particularly noted for turning out or even being the birthplace or home of any celebrity, but there are quite a large number of fully equipped gymnasiums. The gymnasium at the Normal school is the finest in town, and the only one over which a competent trainer presides. In this gymnasium the young ladies and gentlemen are required to take a course of athletic training.
   The Y. M. C. A. gymnasium is building up a lot of younger athletes and the C. A. A. began this week putting in the apparatus and fitting up their gymnasium on the third floor of their elegant home.
   Wheeling is the chief athletic amusement of Cortland, and there are now nearly a thousand wheels ridden here, notwithstanding the fact that the only pavement is in Main-st., between the Cortland and Messenger Houses. Every one rides a wheel in Cortland, from bell boys and clerks to business men, manufacturers and clergymen. Another feature is the fact that nearly all the wheels are high grade and up to date.
   The one thing that Cortland athletes feel the need of more than anything else is an opportunity for aquatic sports.
   The C. A. A. tug-of-war team now consider themselves the champions of the state, and it is doubtful if there can be found a team in the state which can outpull them. If there is they would like to hear from it.

Milton Bradley.
   —The last number of the School Bulletin contains a cut of the faculty of the Cortland Normal school.
   —At the auction sale of colts at the Wickwire stock farm yesterday afternoon seventeen colts were sold for $1,167.
   —The middle term examinations are now in progress at the Normal. The second half of the term begins next Wednesday.
   —Mrs. Parker, who shot and killed a man at a charivari party in Afton, a few weeks ago, has been indicted for manslaughter in the second degree.
   —The beautiful "Ben Hur" scenery was taken to Binghamton this morning in a special car attached to the 8:52 train.
   —Mr. Milton Bradley of Springfield, Mass , was present at the Normal yesterday and gave an illustrated talk upon "color" to the Normal department.
   —The members of the Cortland Whist club left on the 3:07 train this afternoon for Marathon, where they will be entertained this evening by Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Chapman.
   —On Monday last Ex-sheriff Tibbetts received from the Pope Manufacturing Co., a check for $50, being the reward for the capture of the bicycle thief Houston.—Ithaca Democrat.
   —The installation of Rev. W. H. Pound as pastor of the Congregational church will occur next Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. The council meets in the afternoon at 3 o'clock.
   —At about 11 o'clock this morning while Mr. Fay Parsons was packing a press in the Democrat office he had the misfortune to catch the fourth finger of his right hand in the cylinders. The whole finger was badly mashed before it could be extricated,
   —Joseph H. Talmadge appeared before Justice Bull yesterday afternoon on the charge of larceny, but as the case had been taken before the grand jury and Talmadge had been indicted by them, further proceedings in police court were stayed and the prisoner was accordingly discharged.
   —It is said that farm property has begun to increase in value. Speculators are buying farms as an investment, and this has not happened before in years. It looks as though bottom had been reached and the tide had turned. We hope this will prove true for the benefit of our farmers.—Whitney's Point Reporter.
   —Shortly after 10 o'clock last night fire was discovered in the japanning room of the Cortland Harness and Carriage Goods Co. Mr. D. H. Brown, a member of the firm who resides on the corner of Port Watson and Pendleton-sts., sent in an alarm from box 414. The fire department responded promptly, but before they arrived the automatic sprinklers had extinguished the flames. The interior of the small japanning room was scorched, but the damage was slight.

The Annual Sugar Feast.
   It has been the usual custom of Mrs. H. Griffith for the past few years at this season to furnish and participate with her many friends in one of those good old fashioned sugar eats. There was one thing very evident to all who last night partook of the extract of the maple, at her home, 14 W. Court-st., that no inexperienced hand had prepared the delicious sweet. After each person had eaten until he was in the condition of one of the party when he remarked that he would be obliged to send for a hack to convey him to his home, an adjournment was made to the parlor where all indulged in various games and listened to a few selections upon the piano, rendered by Mr. George D. Griffith, until the sounding of the fire alarm caused a dispersement.
   The following are some of the friends who extend their many thanks for the excellent manner in which they were entertained: Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Cordo, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Nourse, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M. Hulbert, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Eastman, Mrs. I. Hughes, Miss E. C. Ormsby, Messrs. E. Pierce, T. N. Hollister, F. J. Tooke, Ira H. Race, Ezra Murphee and H. D.Ingersoll, D. M. Staley.
   Mr. George Griffith, who catered for the affair, needs no words of praise from any present, for on many other occasions previous he has proved himself to be an artist in his profession.

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