Friday, June 23, 2017


Photo copied from Grip's Historical Souvenir of Cortland.
Cortland Evening Standard, Monday, April 23, 1894.

Resolution Requesting the Close of Saloons Adopted.
   The First Baptist church was only partially filled yesterday afternoon. The rain was falling in such torrents that it was almost a wonder that any one was there. The saloon men were conspicuous by their absence, but a few were represented by their wives. The fact that there was considerable aqua pura both inside and outside the church might have had some influence. At any rate they did not attend the meeting which was called for their special benefit.
   Commissioner of Excise J. W. Keese presided. A male quartet furnished most excellent music.
   Few if any addresses on the liquor question have ever been given in Cortland, more clear, concise, logical or conclusive than the one delivered by Rev. Liston H. Pearce, D. D., pastor of the First Methodist church, to the liquor dealers of Cortland and we greatly regret that lack of space prevents us from giving more than a brief outline. He opened by stating that every man has something to do with every other man, that every man is responsible for the welfare of society and that any one who only thinks of himself and his gains ought to be drummed out of a civilized community. Every citizen only living for a good time, or to pile up money is a burden to other people.
   He then discussed the great influence of liquor men under the topics that they were influential on account of their large numbers, their money power, their influence toward evil, their circulation of money, a constant demand for beers and liquor and because they were a large factor of the political arena. Each topic was taken up separately and with forcible illustrations the speaker showed just the exact standing of the liquor dealers. He then spoke of the results of the traffic, using statistics which could not be questioned. He said that the sentiment against the business is constantly growing. Popular education is against it, the clergy and the great Christian church are against ii. the women are against it, the newspapers are compelled to discuss the matter, influential men are opposing the business and there is a growing, wide-spread conviction that it must go.
   The liquor men's situation in this community is particularly, peculiarly embarrassing. The violators of the law are closely watched now and the names of the most respectable people who go into these places are taken. The liquor dealers opponents are deeply convinced that it is the duty of the officers of the law to enforce the [excise] law against them as well as other law breakers, and if the officers do not enforce the law it is their determination to put into office men who will enforce it. The law is weak now, but the technicalities will be changed so that it can be enforced. He closed by stating that "No man lives unto himself. No man dies unto himself."
   Dr. Pearce then offered a brief, fervent prayer, after which the quartet rendered "Nearer my God to Thee."
   Dr. H. A. Cordo then arose and offered a resolution requesting the president of the village to request the police force to demand the immediate closing of the saloons. He showed by the village charter that it was the duty of the village president to enforce the law and secure the punishment of law breakers, that the law can be enforced if one stands up to it. It needs a stiff backbone and the officials need to have their backbone stiffened. It was a rousing speech from beginning to end. The resolution was adopted.
   President Keese will appoint a committee to present the resolution to the village president. After singing "My Country 'Tis of Thee," Dr. Pearce pronounced the benediction and the meeting was adjourned.

President McBride Estimates the Number of Strikers at 125,000.
   COLUMBIA, O., April 23.— President John McBride of the United Mine Workers was busy comparing press dispatches and newspaper reports of the big strike with information at hand. His revised estimates show that more men have struck in the competitive district and fewer in the outlying districts than anticipated, but the total number of men out remains the same as given Saturday, 125,000.
   In Illinois he states there are 24,000 out of 35,000 miners idle; in Indiana 6,000 out of about 8,000, and in West Virginia about 2,000 out of 9,000. Conventions are to be held in Illinois and West Virginia on Tuesday next, when efforts will be made to bring all the men into line.
   President McBride expects definite information by letter from nearly every district today. There seems to be no doubt but the suspension in Ohio and Western Pennsylvania is about complete. The organizers are more active in West Virginia and Illinois, National Secretary McBride having gone to the latter place to address meetings. No reports have been received of any disturbances and none are expected as a friendly feeling seems to prevail.

Street Cleaners on Strike.
   PHILADELPHIA, PA., April 23.—Three thousand Italian street cleaners have gone out on a stride. The men have been working ten hours a day at the rate of 10 cents an hour, and they demand the same hours for work, and 15 cents an hour pay.

They Denounce Brockway.
   NEW YORK, April 23.—Judge Clearwater at Kingston declared he would send no more prisoners to the Elmira reformatory while Brockway remained in charge. Rev. Dr. Talmadge denounced the paddler's inhumanities. Both based their statements on Brockway's own evidence.

Coxey's Army Continues to March.
   HAGERSTOWN, MD., April 23.—After a three day's stop in this place, the Coxey cohorts are preparing to march on Frederick. There were rumors that Browne would remain encamped here till the return of Coxey from New York, but at a late hour Browne announced positively that the start would be made today. The commonweal will march direct down the National pike after leaving Frederick, thereby saving 17 miles. The road by the National pike will throw the burden of entertaining the army on Urbane, Clarksburg, Middleton and Gaithersburg and relieve the other towns that have been uneasily awaiting the coming of the commonweal.
   Mayor Fleming of Frederick is preparing a frosty reception for the army. He has announced that no public meeting will be allowed unless in a hall, and that there shall be no parade on the street. Browne says that he would like to get the mayor to stop a procession of American citizens with the American flag at its head. The Sunday services in Camp Nazareth were attended by a crowd of 150 persons. Fifty dollars in all was taken in at the gate. Browne doffed his boots and sombrero in honor or his appearance as a minister and put on a suit of store clothes of a clerical black. His sermon was on his own ideas of theosophy.

Coxey in New York.
   NEW YORK, April 23.—General Jacob Sechler Coxey spent the day in the city quietly and unobtrusively. Whenever Coxey appeared about the hotel, he was the sole object of interest. The stares of the curious, however, did not seem to disturb him a whit. He preserved a stolid and indifferent mien which he seems to have acquired when he became the reincarnation of Andrew Jackson.
   Coxey wandered about the hotel at intervals. Then he went out and took a stroll on Broadway. Few persons who met him on the crowded thoroughfare knew him to be the Coxey who is about to invade Washington with his army to demand the issue of non-interest bearing bonds for the building of roads and the giving of work to the idle.

Farmers Furnish Transportation—Citizens Enthusiastic Over the Army—Governor Lewelling Champions the Coxey Movement—Boston Sends a Delegation. March of Coxey's Band—Branch of Frye's Army Stranded.
   NEOLA, Ia., April 23.—Kelly and his industrial army made their first day's march from Council Bluffs here and went into camp in a grove just east of town. The entry into Neola was a triumphant march. The stores and vacant buildings of this place were thrown wide open and the weary men were offered all available shelter. In the march from Camp Weston rapid time was made along the smooth, well-beaten roads. From every farm flags were flying and at every crossroads lines of decorated wagons awaited the army.
   The little town of Underwood was reached about noon, and a sumptuous repast was provided by the villagers. When the meal was over and the impromptu speeches done, the march was resumed amid the energetic applause of the crowd that was gathered. On every hand the deepest sympathy for Kelly and his men was expressed and farmers and townsmen were eager to supply the wants of the commonwealers. They are with Kelly to a man and condemn the railroads for refusing transportation for the army.
   Throughout the day there was no scene of disturbance or disorder and the plan of seizing a train has been abandoned.
   The railroad entering Council Bluffs will not, however, run trains in this vicinity until the army is well off their routes. Today the commonwealers will move to Avoca, 18 miles away, and if promises made yesterday are fulfilled 150 wagons will be provided for transportation. General Kelly said that whether the men ride or walk they will move steadily forward for Des Moines. There the army expects to secure a train for Chicago, where the men expect to be well provided with transportation to the East.

Kansas' Executive Champions the Cause of the Industrials.
   WICHITA, Kansas, April 23.—Governor Lewelling of Kansas has written the following statement of his views on the Coxey movement, designed for his official public expression on the subject:
   "The Coxey movement is a spontaneous uprising of the people. It is more than a petition; it is an earnest and vigorous protest against the injustice and tyranny of the age. The demonitization of silver has been the last straw upon the backs of an overburdened and long suffering people, and they have taken this method to protest and to assert their manhood and independence. The depth of this movement is not comprehended by the politicians of the old dispensations. It is awe-inspiring and believing as I do in divine interposition in the affairs of men, I cannot fail to see an inspiration beyond enthusiasm.
   "This body of men is not a mere aggregation of tramps. Some of the best blood and bone is enlisted and the wonderful discipline, the patient suffering and the steadiness of purpose all go to show that the ghost of the "hunger demon" will not down at the bidding of plutocracy. The followers of Peter the Hermit were able men, women and children. Here we see a vast array of untrained men under conscious and willing discipline. It is the marvel of the times and foreshadows a change in the politics of the government of this nation, and what is more significant, the spirit of the times will demand fair play and just treatment of these men. The person or party that does them violence in this, their right of petition, will go down before a wave of public indignation, which has never been paralleled.
   "Here in Kansas the people should hold public meetings and petition congress to afford the industrials food and shelter and give a patient ear to their demands. If this is really a government of the people, shall congress not at least give ear to such a mighty voice?
   "If these men are an army of tramps and vagabonds, they are none the less representative in character; and if the government crucible has forced the people into pauperism and vagabondage, still the people shall rule and thus the voice of vagabondage representing the majority must and shall he heard."


   —The new board of excise will sit for the first time May 7.
   —An adjourned regular meeting of the C. A. A. will be held at the club house to-night.
   —It is estimated that the Normal students spend about $100,000 in Oneonta every year.—Norwich Sun.
   —Two tramps, who applied for lodging at the jail last night, were discharged in police court this morning.
   —The interior of the clothing store of A. S. Burgess is being freshened up by a coat of white paint. It looks very neat.
   —T. S. Mourin has bought Charles Hatfield's entire dairy at $35 per head. The purchase was made for the Fitzgerald dairy farm.
   —Messrs. C. W. Stoker and O. C. Smith have disposed of their partnership pacer, which they bought at the Wickwire sale. Consideration about $80.
   —A reception for the benefit of the Cortland hospital will be held at the Vesta lodge rooms in the Second National bank building, Thursday evening at 8 o'clock, followed by dancing for those who desire.
   —Dr. Rufus S. Green, president of Elmira college, who preached at the Presbyterian church yesterday, was present at chapel at the Normal this morning and made a very nice little address to the students.
   —A social party will be given in the North Cortland House hall to-morrow evening. Daniels' orchestra will be in attendance. A street car will leave the Messenger House at 8:30 P. M., returning after the party.
   —Mr. Alex. Mahan has added to his list of great artists for the next festival, Mrs. Pauline Gliddon Chapman, who has the distinction of being the greatest lady cornetist in the world. Mr. Mahan is to be congratulated for making this very important engagement.
   —All the liquor dealers of Cortland, with two exceptions have agreed not to sell any intoxicating beverages on Sunday. A violation of this agreement will cost the offender fifty dollars. It went into effect yesterday, when every bar with two exceptions was closed.
   —On Wednesday evening, April 25, at 7:30 a social will be held at the Congregational church for the benefit of Miss Sarah Cogswell who is in the School for Christian Workers at Springfield, Mass. The entertainment will consist of readings, recitations and music. All come and help a worthy cause. Price 10 cents.
    —The next regular assembly of encampment, No. 129, of the Union Veteran legion occurs on Thursday evening of this week, April 26. It is hoped there will be a full attendance, as this assembly will be the last which Colonel William J. Mantanye will be able to attend for some months, as he takes his place in the constitutional convention at Albany on May 8.
   —The work of vaccinating the 1,365 convicts in Auburn prison, together with every person within the institution, or having business inside the walls, was completed Saturday. Hereafter no one will be allowed in the yard or in the shops without having first taken a jab of the vaccine virus, or who can display a healthy mark on his arm. Those who first took the [smallpox] virus are beginning to feel an itching sensation and there are any numbers of scratchers now in Warden Stout's fold.—Auburn Advertiser.
   —Those interested in enforcing the excise laws in this village will hold another ratification meeting Sunday, May 19.
   —The passengers on the 6:32 train south were somewhat frightened Saturday evening by the sudden appliance of sand to the tracks, the appliance of the air brakes and considerable tooting of the engine. The train was brought almost to a full stop on account of a man who was walking on the down track, apparently unmindful of the signals. Had it not been for the engineer's prompt action the man would undoubtedly have been killed.

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