Tuesday, June 27, 2017


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, May 4, 1894.

The Erie & Central N. Y. Railroad.
    The Cortland Standard undertakes to correct the DEMOCRAT with regard to the amount of bonds to be issued to complete this road from here to Cincinnatus by saying that bonds will be issued "to an amount not exceeding $15,000 a mile—instead of $20,000 as erroneously stated in the Cortland DEMOCRAT—or $255,000 in all." The DEMOCRAT did not say that the road would be bonded for $20,000 per mile. What it did say was that "The road will be bonded not to exceed $20,000 per mile." Our information was derived from one of the officers of the road who said that the road would be bonded not to exceed $20,000. Since then it has been decided to fix the amount at $15,000, which it is believed will furnish sufficient funds to complete it.
   Mr. Bundy has met with considerable success thus far in securing subscriptions and he believes that he will have no difficulty in obtaining at least $5,000 per mile from citizens of this place and those who own property along the line. He has been in Steuben county all the week, but is expected here to-day when he will begin an active canvass for subscriptions and expects to remain on the ground until the work is finished. We sincerely hope he will be treated with as much liberality as possible from all who desire to see the road in operation. The sooner the subscriptions are secured the sooner the road will be built and all who can render assistance should bear in mind the fact that prompt action is needed. If the opportunity now offered to secure the benefits of this road is not taken advantage of promptly, it will undoubtedly be a long time before another presents itself. Let us make the most of the chance for securing this much needed road while it is within our grasp.

The Squires building is #36 on this 1894 map drawing, The Cortland Standard is #59.
Thieves In Town.
   About four weeks ago thieves effected [sic] an entrance into the store occupied by the Chinese laundrymen in the Squires building opposite the Standard office, and robbed the till of about thirty dollars. The same night they broke into the feed store of R. G. Lewis adjoining and walked off with the money drawer containing about one dollar in change. No particular effort was ever made to capture the thieves, as they left nothing behind to serve as a clue, and of course they became bolder. Sometime during last Saturday night, the laundry was again raided and this time the thieves carried away sixty-two dollars of the Chinamen's hard earned money. This would be a good opportunity for the police or any smart officer to gain some credit as a thief-catcher, and if any one but the Chinese had lost the money there would have been plenty of amateurs as well as professionals on the trail of the rascals before this time.
   We have been requested by some good citizens residing in the immediate vicinity to call the attention of the police to the many indignities that these uncomplaining people are subjected to very frequently. Some time during Tuesday night almost the entire front of the store was completely daubed with rotten oranges and other decayed and filthy stuff. The neighbors say that the attention of the police has been heretofore called to the subject, but that no attention has been paid to the complaints. They should be protected in their rights and privileges even though they suffer in silence, and the police force ought to grant them the same protection that other residents have a right to expect at their hands.
   The Cortland Daily Standard  is a wonderful newspaper.

Collision Between a Boy and Bicycle—The Boy Knocked Out.
   At about the hour of noon last Saturday, Mr. Floyd Rogers, a painter by trade, might have been seen riding a bicycle down the sidewalk on the north aide of Tompkins-st. at a rapid gait. At the same moment Ivan Mead, the nine year-old son of G. W. Mead residing at 18 Frank St., ran backwards out of the driveway in the rear of the Standard building across the sidewalk. The boy and the fast running bicycle collided and the boy was thrown several feet away striking his face on the sharp edge of the stub of a tree that had been cut down, making a bad gash in his left cheek some two inches long.
  Unfortunately neither Rogers or the bicycle were perceptibly injured. Rogers took the boy to Dr. Reese's and Dr. Edson's offices successively and finding neither of them in, he took him to Dr. Johnson s office corner of Church at Pt. Watson-sts. His father was sent for and Dr Johnson dressed the wound. The Standard building cut off the view and when the collision took place neither one could see the other, but Rogers had no business riding on the sidewalk and should be promptly punished, because he must have broken the village ordinances knowingly and wilfully, and his punishment would prevent other wheelmen from repeating the offence. Roger's action in caring for the boy after the accident was commendable.
   Wheelmen have placed themselves on the same footing with a load of hay and demand one half the highway from all other wheeled vehicles, which the law accords them, but when they demand the entire sidewalk or in fact any part of it, they are asking for too much and should be rounded up with a short turn.
   The Cortland Daily Standard is a great newspaper.

Another Bicycle Accident.
   Last Friday afternoon as some young school girls were walking down the south side of Tompkins-st., a young man came down the street behind them on a wheel at a rapid pace and a collision took place in front of the Chinese laundry directly opposite the Standard office. One of the young ladies was knocked down and severely bruised. The bicycle rider picked up his wheel, mounted it and went on down the street before any one could recognize him and without even taking the trouble to inquire if any damage had been done. The young lady was assisted to her feet and after supporting herself by leaning on the fence for a few moments was enabled to pursue her way home.
   The Standard is a great newspaper.

A Queer Case.
   On the 19th ult., a rather prepossessing young woman drove a horse and top buggy to D. E. Kinney's hitching stable, and after directing the hostler to feed the animal oats departed and has not since been seen The following morning Chief Sager was notified but the owner of the animal could not be found. Last week Thursday a man from Cincinnatus came to town with his wife and enquired after the rig and was told where to find it. He said the missing woman was his wife's sister and the wife of a well-to-do farmer of Cincinnatus. Her husband had suspected her of being a little too fond of his hired man who had quit work. The wife came to Cortland to sell a tub of butter and not returning he came to find out what had become of her. As the hired man had left town about the time the woman did, it was surmised that they had met somewhere and left the country. No names were given.

Double Tragedy at Adams.
   GOUVERNUER, N. Y. April 26.—A crime that startled the town of Adams, 48 miles from here, was perpetrated at six o'clock this morning. A double crime it was, a murder and suicide.
   For the past twelve years William C. Green has been living with a woman named Hattie Beebe. It was an illicit union and one child, a boy, has been the result of it.
   The Beebe woman is the daughter of respectable parents and was married at the age of fifteen to Gilbert Lavack, a respectable resident of the town. Lavack secured a divorce a short time after owing to his wife's intimacy with Green.
   Immediately after the divorce the woman went to live with Green.
   Up to within a few months no trouble has been apparent between the two but latterly Green has become jealous of his companion and upbraidings and bickering accompanied now and then by threats, have been frequent.
   This morning he sent his boy away on a fruitless errand and taking an axe crushed the woman's head in and then cut his own throat.
   Both were dead when the boy returned. The bodies lay side by aide presenting a ghastly spectacle.

Must Teach 160 Days.
   Every school district in the State, to be entitled to draw public money, must employ a duly licensed teacher at least 160 days including the legal holidays occurring during that time. There were several districts in Delaware county which failed to hold the required number of days last year, and so they are out $100 that their teacher would have drawn had he been employed 160 school days. The law says that no lost time can be made up on Saturdays, as this has been the practice for a long time. It will be well for the trustees and teachers to bear this point in mind as where just enough days are kept to enable the district to draw the public money, one lost day made up on Saturday would cost the district $100.—Walton Times.

                             NEIGHBORING COUNTIES.
   TOMPKINS—The Freeville Glass Works shut down last week.
   Registration in the public schools of Ithaca, shows 1,600 pupils.
   Grading began on the "Renwick street railway extension" last Thursday.
   Last week the Groton Bridge and Manufacturing Co. received nineteen contracts for bridges. Among the numerous contracts received by the Groton Bridge & Manufacturing Co., is one for a bridge for the Ithaca Electric Co. across Fall Creek on the extension to the lake and Percy Field. The bridge is to be 120 feet long and fourteen feet wide.
   A lyceum at Jacksonville has, after a sharply contested debate, declared that the Wilson Tariff bill is a just measure.
   The agricultural societies [administrators of county fairgrounds] of Newark Valley, Genoa, Trumansburg, Moravia, and Ithaca met in Ithaca Tuesday to arrange race programs for the fall meeting.
   J. Harry Root, class of '95, jumped from a train at Geneva Tuesday night, when it was going thirty miles an hour, and had both legs crushed, so that amputation was necessary. He died a short time afterwards. He was in the Agricultural course in Cornell.
The Standard says, "The way to be a Republican is to be one." That is undoubtedly what the Republicans thought three or four years ago, when the Standard was publishing pictures and printing fulsome praise of candidates on the Democratic State ticket. Yes, brother, you ought to be a Republican and you have all the qualifications for an exceedingly mean one, when there is nothing to be gained by another course.
The Standard says that in Germany railroad clerks are paid an average of 52 cents per day and book-keepers receive from $300 to $800 a year. Evidently the fear of what a democratic administration may do in the United States, is what is making the price of labor so low in Germany. But Germany has, if anything, a higher protective tariff than the one we are now struggling with. The McKinley bill seems to raise hob with everything it comes in contact with. It is a fact that wherever you find a high tariff low wages are there also.
The Standard can't understand why a person should not be allowed to change his or her name every day if desired. What a beautiful time the registers of deeds and mortgages would have under such a state of affairs? Plain Wm. H Clark might be Jonathan Jenkins to-morrow and Jehosaphat Smith the day following. It would be impossible to tell who held the title to a given piece of property from the records. In a social point of view it would be still worse for Mrs. Unbeknown might change her cognomen the day after she had issued invitations to a grand blow out, and her friends would not know where to find her except that she kept them posted from day to day. We don't wonder that our neighbor feels like changing his name, but it won't work. This is a reform that will not prove popular.
Secretary Lamont is a worker himself and he don't propose to keep more clerks and employes about the war office than are needed. He has just dismissed twenty-five of the employes on the ground that their services are not required. The clerks in other departments are disturbed for fear that Secretary Lamont's action will be followed by the heads of some of the other departments.
Citizen Geo. Francis Train went to Washington last week for the purpose of giving a lecture to Coxey's voyagers and otherwise assisting them. He could not "hire a hall" and after announcing that he had saved the country, be took a train for home. Citizen Train simply "marched up the hill and then marched down again." It was a great victory.
   Would it have been possible to have raised such an army of the unemployed, if we had not been hampered in every way for the past two years by that biggest of all humbugs, the McKinley bill? Day by day it is taking bread from the mouths of the laborer and his family. It is making the poor still poorer, and the rich still richer. It is the rich man's law, and the poor man's curse.
   Coxey and his army of Republican voyagers did not meet with the pleasantest reception in the capital city.
   The news comes from the west that farmers all through that section would be glad to furnish work for any member of Coxey's unemployed, but that is just what these vagabonds are fleeing from. They don't intend to work if they can avoid such a catastrophe.
The ladies of Albany have held a meeting and adopted resolutions to be presented to the Constitutional Convention, opposed to women suffrage. The ladies present at the meeting and taking part in the same represent the very best families in that city and are among the most intelligent and refined women of the land. The habitual scolds were conspicuous by their absence from the gathering and the resolutions adopted give excellent reasons for their action. Whether the convention will listen to the scolds or the refined and high toned ladies remains to be seen.

Take Them All.
    The Standard is about as mad as it can be. It says that the article headed "Not Very Welcome," published in last week's DEMOCRAT is "untruthful, sour and bad tempered." The sentiments expressed by us were entirely correct. The synopsis of the speech made by one of the "Silk Stocking's" was furnished us by a lifelong republican who, unlike the Standard, never supports Democrats for office and we think his word ought to be full as good as our neighbors. We must admit that taking the average Republican's word for anything, is a rather risky piece of business, but if our Republican friend lied to us he is to blame and not the DEMOCRAT.
   As for hating the "Silk Stocking" club the Standard must be talking through its hat. We have no objection to the club in any respect. We freely accord Republicans the same right to organize that we claim for Democrats. We expect that the club will secure all the converts it can, for that is one of the objects for which it was organized. If it can prevail on a few of the innocent and too confiding Democrats, who have no guardians to protect them from the wiles of those designing Republicans who go about seeking whom they may devour, to enter its fold we shall be content. They will have more suitable company among the "Silk Stockings" than they could ever hope to find in the Democratic party.
   The doors of entrance as well as the doors of exit always stand ajar in the Democratic party. Any male citizen can enter when he pleases, abide so long as it seemeth good to him, and when he chooses to leave there are any number of openings to facilitate his departure. No one is sought to be detained against his will. The motto of the Democratic party is "The largest amount of liberty to the citizen that is consistent with the rights of others and good government."
   No, there is no reason why we should harbor any unkind or ungenerous feelings toward the "Silk Stocking" club. It is an excellent receptacle for goods that the Democratic party has no use for, and if there are any more innocents in our ranks we wont be sorry to see them going where they belong. The Democratic party as a whole is made up of solid material, men who can stand a bit of adversity as well as whole carloads of prosperity. They know from experience that storms are likely to arise at any time and they have the courage and fortitude to stand by the old ship in foul as well as fair weather. The true Democrat like the good soldier never deserts, but may always be found at the forefront doing battle for the right. The man who deserts before a blow has been struck never was a Democrat, and never will be. His place is with the other party and be has no business to subsist on the commissary stores provided by the Democrats and then desert when a battle seems to be imminent. Take the innocent creatures, and make the most of them. They are too weak and confiding for the stern realities of war.

   The meeting of the stockholders of the Cortland Opera House Co., which was to have been held last Tuesday was postponed to next Tuesday in the parlors of the First National bank at 2 P. M.
   On Monday, May 7, Mr. W. A. Daniels will start a hack line that will run to and from all trains, and to any part of the corporation limits, for 25 cents. Telephone connection, 14 Orchard-st.
   Messrs, S. H. Strowbridge, L. T. White W. A. Wallace and S. K. Jones went to Skaneateles lake last Tuesday where they were the guests of Mr. E. D. Crosley. They returned to Cortland the next morning with seventeen trout that weighed a little over 50 pounds. Dr. White caught one that weighed 4 pounds and 2 ounces and County Clerk Jones took one that weighed an even 4 pounds.
   Mr. E. H. Brewer has moved the old school house building on Church-st., to the corner of Pt. Watson-st. and Owen-ave., where it will be made into a two-story dwelling. On the ground where the school house stood, he will erect a double house, which has already been rented. The small dwelling immediately south will be moved back by Mr. Stephen Brewer and a handsome front will be put on.
   Pathmasters should look well to the instructions in the highway manual. If the law as there stated were fully carried out, there would be much less complaint about poor roads. A pathmaster is subject to a fine of ten dollars and the tax, for each offense of not returning to the Supervisor all time not worked out after notification, and the person not so working, to a fine of five dollars for each day's omission.
   The board of Excise will meet in Firemen's hall on Monday next at 10 o'clock A. M.
   The DeRuyter Gleaner is now an eight page paper, with six columns to the page. It looks neat and it is newsy.
   The bill repealing the law passed last year making the terms of office of Supervisors two years became a law March 19.—Ex.
   Plans have been completed for the immediate construction of a new railroad from Deposit to Syracuse, crossing the D. & H. road at Nineveh, Broome county, N. Y.—Binghamton Republican May 1.

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