Tuesday, June 20, 2017


Cortland Evening Standard, Friday, April 20, 1894.

Kerosene and Live Coals Do Not Conduce to Happiness.
   Ever since the discovery and use of kerosene oil it has been generally understood that it was not a good thing to pour that explosive fluid upon live coals, or even upon dead ones either, for the oil seems to have a remarkable power of resuscitation, and when oil and fire come in contact the results are never happy. And yet once in about so often people will be found who will persist in trying the experiment. They rarely ever repeat it, either from inability to do so or because they have learned wisdom.
   In two rooms in the third floor of the Standard building live a colored family, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Reese. There are three children, the oldest being Lottie, an adopted daughter, aged 15 years. Mr. Reese is the janitor of the building,
   This morning at about 7:45 o'clock after the parents had gone out to work, Lottie, who was alone with the two little children, attempted to freshen up the coal fire in the kitchen stove. There was no light and no appearance of fire, and she thought a little kerosene oil would help the operation. She stood directly in front of the hearth. There was a stream of oil from the can, a flash, and the whole front of her dress was on fire. She rushed into the other room and seized a quilt from the bed and attempted to smother the flames, but the quilt was all cotton and it only served to feed the flames.
   Seeing that she could not extinguish the fire, she ran back to the kitchen, passing under a line of clothes hung up to dry. The clothes were thoroughly dry and caught fire from her blazing garments. Then she ran out into the hall screaming at the top of her voice.
   The cries attracted the attention of the eight young ladies in The STANDARD'S composing room which is upon the same floor at the other end of the hall. As they opened their door she was seen jumping up and down, waving her hands and wrapped in flames from foot to head, even her hair being on fire.  There was a faucet and city water in the composing room, and several pails, and it required but a moment for the young ladies to fill those and to rush down the hall to the rescue of the unfortunate girl. Before they reached her, however, every article of her clothing was burned from her body, and some of the ladies turned their attention to extinguishing the fire on the line of clothes in the inner room and in the bed where the frenzied girl had hurled the quilt when she found it would not smother the flames in her burning clothing. One of the young ladies had the bottom of her skirt and her foot burned in stamping out the fire upon the floor. The whole thing occupied less time than it has taken to tell it.
   Dr. F. D. Reese, whose office was next door, was summoned. He found the girl very seriously burned about the lower limbs, about the body up to the arm pits, particularly upon the left side. The left arm also was a blister from wrist to shoulder. The back of her neck was badly burned and part of her hair was gone. Her face, however, was not harmed and she inhaled no fire. The doctor dressed the wounds and made her as comfortable as possible. He thinks she will recover, but she will undoubtedly suffer extreme pain during the next few days.
   At about 10:30 o'clock Beard & Peck's ambulance was summoned, the young girl was placed upon a stretcher and put in the ambulance and carried to the hospital where she can have better care than would be possible at her home.

Burial of Mr. Hinman.
   The remains of Rev. Frank H. Hinman arrived at East Homer from Boston at 8:40 o'clock this morning. His brother, Mr. Charles Hinman of Boston, accompanied the remains. A large company of neighbors and friends were gathered at the station. The cover of the casket was removed so that a parting glimpse of the loved one might be taken through the glass.
   Brief services were conducted by Rev. W. H. Robertson and remarks were also made by Rev. Charles E. Hamilton, who for a long time had been an intimate friend of the deceased. The family of Mr. Hinman are reported to be better. [The Hinman family had diphtheria—CC editor.]

The Hospital a Valuable Institution.
   Few people in Cortland realize what a valuable and necessary institution the hospital has become. In addition to the attendance of those hurt now and then by accident, and of those who are ill in town and who cannot have proper care at their boarding places, it has become the place where all kinds of operations are performed by various physicians and surgeons upon patients who come from a large area of country surrounding Cortland. These last of course in the majority of cases yield a revenue to the management which helps to defray the expenses.
   Since Feb. 1 the following operations have been performed there by various surgeons: amputation of the thigh for necrosis of the tibia, two cataracts removed, two operations for appendicitis, abdominal section for tubercular salpingitis, removal of an ovarian tumor.
   These have all been successful except one case of appendicitis, in which the abscess had broken into the general peritoneal cavity.

A Freak of Nature.
   Mr. T. M. Marks of 8 1/2 Argyle Place has a black cat eight years old that is frequently blessed with additions to her family. She now rejoices in five, but in some mysterious way the five are one, for while they are all perfectly formed, they are all joined together at the hind legs. The kittens are spotted and are marked almost precisely alike. Two years ago the same cat produced a similar freak of nature, only then there were but four. Mr. Marks drowned them when a few days old. This time the old cat his gone one better and Mr. Marks is going to let them grow up to cathood and see what the result is.
   They are now between two and three weeks old and they form a very catty crowd. When put upon the ground they give utterance to their objections to their crowded condition in a very forcible manner. Every leg is in motion as they try in vain to get apart, and every mouth is open while from the five throats come a variety of unearthly sounds expressive of displeasure.

It May be President Draper.
   Judge Draper, who, since the expiration of his term as New York state superintendent of schools, has held the position of superintendent of schools of the city of Cleveland, has just been offered the presidency of the state university of Illinois, located at Champaign, with a salary of $7,000 per annum. The presidency was first offered him about a week ago and was refused, Mr. Draper then having other arrangements in view. A few days after his refusal, he received an invitation to a consultation with the trustees at Chicago, which was accepted. The results of the interview are not definitely known, but it is highly probable that he will occupy a presidential chair. The university of Illinois has a faculty of forty professors, a yearly attendance of 600 students, grounds and buildings worth $750,000, scientific apparatus valued at $75,000 and is supported by state grants and a half million of invested funds.—Albany Argus.

Fierce Battle Fought Near Ewen Mountain In Oklahoma—Eight Persons Reported Killed, Including the Notorious Bill Dalton and His Lieutenant, Bill Doolan—Woman and Child Among the Slain—Gang Reported Routed.
   KANSAS CITY, MO., April 20.—A special from Perry, O. T., says:
   News was received here by a messenger that a terrible fight occurred about 40 miles east of here, near Ewen Mountain.
   The noted outlaws, Bill Dalton and Bill Doolan, and another outlaw, said to be Bitter Creek, were killed on the spot, and a woman and her little girl and two deputy marshals were also killed.
   Marshal Nix of Oklahoma has been planning for some days to catch the Dalton gang, and Marshal Burrell Cox, with Heck Thomas and Bill Tighemann of Perry, with a crowd of 14 deputy marshals, left some days ago for the eastern part of the Cherokee strip in pursuit of the Daltons.
   The marshals met Bruce Miller, one of the gang, and the fight commenced. This was on McElroy's ranch, 15 miles this side of Ingalls.
   Bill Dalton and Bill Doolan were nearby when the fight occurred, and went to Bruce Miller's assistance, and a regular fight took place.
   The messenger says that eight persons in all have been killed, and the latest from the field of conflict is that a running fight is still in progress and that it looks very much like the noted outlaw gang will be swept out of existence. The price of Bill Dalton's capture dead or alive is $2,500 and the price of Bill Doolan's head is $1,500.
   The best officers of the territory are camping on the outlaws' trail and at this hour the latest news from the field of carnage is that the Dalton gang is a thing of the past.
   They have terrorized Oklahoma and Southern Kansas for the past four years.
   Several messengers have arrived from the vicinity of Ewen mountain.

The Story Discredited.
   KANSAS CITY, MO., April 20.—After diligent inquiry, the correspondent is unable to verify the story of a bloody fight between United States deputy marshals and the so-called Dalton gang of outlaws.
   The story is discredited by the sheriff at Perry, O. T., by trainmen and passengers on the Santa Fe road.

Rev. Madison C. Peters Says That All Church Property Should Be Taxed—The State Has No Right to Tax One Man to Propagate Another's Religion.
   The census of 1890 has reported the alleged value of church edifices, the lots on which they stand and their furnishings as $680,687,106. This does not include the value of parsonages, lots, monasteries, convents, schools, colleges, orphanages, lands, etc., of which the various churches hold probably $700,000,000 more. General Grant, in his famous message to congress in 1875, was probably not far from right when he said, "In 1900, without a check, it is safe to say this property will reach a sum exceeding $3,000,000,000."
   The census of 1890 shows that the Catholic estimate of the value of their church edifices alone is $118,342,365. This does not include schools, convents, real estate and mercantile property, so called church property. A very careful student of the Catholic church in this country says she has now $250,000,000 worth of property.
   There are other rich religious corporations in this city deriving large revenues from property that ought to be taxed. Instead of the nation paying tribute to the church, the church ought, like her founder, to pay tribute to the nation. Tax all church property, and we will find out whether all of the churches are loyal or not. In order that we may not be compelled to repeat here the history of other nations, let us tax church property and thus effectually check ecclesiasticism. Without taxation confiscation will be inevitable.
   Let Americans take warning by the fact that corporated religious wealth became at one time so great in England and in France, Italy, Spain, and South Germany that it crippled their resources, paralyzed industries and produced ambitions which were only alleviated by wholesale confiscation. Mexico and many of the South American republics had to seize the property of the church. Four-fifths of the Protestant clergy and the Protestant people are in favor of the taxation of all church property, and the other fifth will be as soon as it gets any information on the matter.
   Benjamin Franklin said: "When a religion is good, I will conceive that it will support itself, and when it cannot support itself and God does not take care to support it so its professors are obliged to call for help from the civil power, I apprehend of its being a bad one." President Garfield said: "The divorce between church and state ought to be absolute. If you exempt property of any church organization, you impose a tax on the whole community."
   Tax churches, and only those able to pay taxes would dare to be extravagant. With so much poverty and want in the community our magnificent church edifices and massive buildings for alleged charitable purposes on our most valuable sites are a burlesque on both religion and charity. Tax churches, and modest buildings will be erected where they are most needed, instead of building one great structure in a fashionable quarter. Exemption from taxation is virtually state support, and that is contrary to our constitution.
   Churches are said to be public property, but in many churches the pew rents are so high and the people so exclusive that the public feel they are not wanted. I know it is an unpopular thing to say, but it is the truth, that many of our churches are only social clubs with a religious bias. So because the churches are not the property of the public they should not be exempt from taxation.
   You are religious, but you do not give that as an excuse for not being taxed. I would tax all charitable institutions—hospitals, orphanages and the like. Their work is not wholly philanthropic. They receive revenue. My mother was left a widow, with three little orphans to care for. Her little country home was taxed. If any orphanage should be exempt from taxation, such a one as that was ought to be.
   Tax all church property, so we may get a total separation of church and state and no church may derive support by the taxation of the people at large. The state has no right to tax one man for the purpose of propagating another man's religion. There is no reason why any property which does not belong to the state should not pay the state for its protection.

   —Lynus S. Mackey has sold his Sears-st. property to Chas. Haworth of Cortland for $1,400—Ithaca Journal.
   —The station agents and operators on the E. C. & N. R. R. have been notified of the intention of the company to uniform them on or about the first of May.
   —The many friends of Mrs. A. V. Smith of Groton-ave. will be pleased to learn that she is slowly but surely improving under the treatment of Dr. Bolles.
   —Harmony lodge, I. O. G. T., will hold a sociable Monday evening, April 23, at the home of Mrs. F. Fenner, 45 Madison-at. All Good Templars and their friends are invited.
   —Messrs. Tim Noonan, Thomas Sweeney and John Shea left Cortland about 7 o'clock last evening, drove to Skaneateles lake and returned shortly after 8 o'clock this morning with 120 pounds of fish, averaging about two pounds each.
   —Mr. A. Mahan has begun the preparation of the Festival Herald, the publication which he sends out each year to his patrons and friends as an advance notice of the attractions of the great music festival which this year is to be held May 28 to June 1.
   —Some of the old soldiers remember that it was thirty-three years ago tonight that the first war meeting was held in Cortland. It was Saturday night. About fifteen men enlisted. Another meeting was held on the following Monday evening and a large number signed the roll.
   —Don't ask an editor to suppress an item of news. Some other paper will get it anyway. The next week something will happen to your neighbor and if he asks to have it suppressed, you will be the first man to jump on the editor for not daring to "say his soul is his own." Take your medicine when the item happens to fall your way for, really, you have no more claim on the paper than has your neighbor. See? —Exchange.
   —Two bullets were found in the brain of a physician who committed suicide at Ithaca, The discovery is regarded as of great importance to the medical world and to criminal authorities. The dead man is said to have accomplished what was supposed to be impossible, namely, for a suicide to fire two bullets into his brain. Hereafter only one bullet in the brain will not be accepted as sufficient proof of suicide.—Binghamton Republican.
   —At 1 o'clock this afternoon Officer Monroe arrested a man who was so intoxicated that he could hardly navigate. The man said that he had only been drinking "small beer" and did not know what had come over him. It looked very much as if "mud had come over him," as he was one mass from head to foot. As soon as a coat of it had been peeled off his face he was recognized as Timothy Gleason. Justice Bull committed him to the "cooler" and he is now sobering up.
   —Cortland bicycle riders will be interested in learning that there is talk of supplanting the popular rubber pneumatic cycle tire with one made of paper. The reason given is that the latter is much less expensive than the rubber. The Paper Trade Journal says: In fact, it is asserted that two paper tires will, on the machine, cost only two-thirds, or one-half, what a pair of rubber tires cost, and being less yielding the new material may last much longer. Its champions claim that it will be not so easily cut or punctured by glass or sharp stones, and will not break from constant squeezing and inflation as soon as rubber.

Tea Table Talk.
   It will be astonishing to the majority of people to learn that Tompkins county in ratio to population, is said to have more suicides than any other place in the world. This statement is made upon the following authority: As is well known each member of the graduating class of Cornell hands in a thesis which is supposed to be an exhaustive review of the subject assigned. Miss Jennie Angell of Bay City, Mich., a sister of H. H. Angell of this city, graduated from Cornell last year, the subject of her thesis being "Suicides." Miss Angell gave the subject careful examination. She procured statistics from all over this country and Europe. She went through the files of the Ithaca Journal far back as they exist. The result of this preparation and computation was one of the most thorough theses ever prepared by a student. When completed it showed the deplorable fact that Tompkins county took the lead in suicides.—Ithaca Journal.

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