Thursday, June 15, 2017


Cortland Evening Standard, Saturday, April 14, 1894.

Will Agree to Purchase All the Stock.
   The following letter has been received by H. L. Bronson, Esq., attorney for the Scranton parties interested in the proposed electric railroad:
SCRANTON, Pa., April 11, 1894.
Horace L. Bronson, Esq., Att'y at Law, Cortland, N. Y.
   MY DEAR SIR—In accordance with my conversation over the telephone this morning, I beg further to add to my letter instructing you to secure options on the stock held in small amounts by the stockholders of the Cortland and Homer Horse Railroad company, the following:
   If you will have prepared agreements with each of these stockholders giving us the right to buy their stock at par, Mr. Simpson, Mr. Page, Mr. Bergholtz and myself will sign these agreements when we come to Cortland on the 18th of this month, agreeing on our part that we will purchase all this stock at par and pay for the same at the same time we make the payments for the stock held by us under the Garrison option. This I think should be a further guarantee to the stockholders owning small amounts that we intend to purchase every share of this stock.
   As a lawyer you will readily understand the disadvantage we might labor under by having even one share of stock outstanding. I could refer you to our action in Ithaca where we purchased every share of stock both of the Street Railway and the Electric Light company. I shall be in Ithaca on Friday of this week and if possible will come to Cortland Friday evening or Saturday morning.
   Yours truly,

The Gross Sums Figured by the Engineer.
   The sewer commissioners met in Clerk Fred Hatch's office last night to consider the bids on sewerage. They went into private executive session, but did not award the contract.
   The following is a complete list of the bids presented:
Clinton Beckwith & Co., Herkimer, $63,730.29 [approx.]
T. M. Lesher & Son, Easton. Pa., $61,192.91
Lavalley & Jenkins, Elmira, N. Y., $52,869.54
Acock & Son, Trenton, N. J., $47,872.54
McGuire, McKnight & Co., Buffalo, $47,530.31
Daniel T. Brady, Syracuse, N. Y., $72,456.85
Troy Public Works Co., Troy, N. Y., $63,017.82
P. H. Harrison & Sons, Newark, N. J., $47,043.93
Thomas Craig, Trenton, N. J., $49,534.62
Dodge & McGregor, Buffalo, N. Y., $61,027.47
John Moore, Syracuse, N.Y., $69,324.68
Muir Brothers  & O'Sullivan, Port Huron, Mich., $49,651.54
T. H. Ryan, Buffalo, N. Y., rejected, not complete.
J. W. Kelley, New Brighton, Pa., $59,366.09
L. J. Richardson, Cortland, N. Y., $71,145.81
Francis Curran, Rhinebeck, N. Y., $48,476.23
Adam Miller, Saratoga Springs, N. Y., $62,017.40
W. G. Smith. Buffalo, N. Y., $58,867.70
E A. Matthews, Binghamton, N. Y., $68,313.52
John Marsden, Utica, N. Y., $62,637.82
Fales & O'Donnell, North Tonawanda, $61,629.52
Ferguson & Rooney, Wilkes Barre, Pa., $48,255.78
Sawders & Houston, Pittsburg, Pa., $55,581.29
Fred Hendler, Wilkes Barre, Pa., $47,151.26
Pilcher Brothers, North Baltimore, O., $48,892.40
John Ryan, Watertown, N. Y., $62,661.20
Dunn Brothers, Scranton, Pa., $48,954.90
Martin Sullivan & Co., Syracuse, $62,679.04
Grimes & Mofan, Elkhart, Ind., $52,535.69
Doe, Nicholson & Daloya, Port Huron, Mich., $39,528.90
L. D. Hulbert, Syracuse, N. Y., $72,348.62

Local Personals.
   MESSRS, HORACE F. HAND of Scranton, H. Bergholtz and C. D. Bouton of Ithaca are in town to-day looking after the affairs of the proposed electric railroad.
   Miss HELEN M. GOODHUE left for New York last night to spend a few days inspecting work in drawing in Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, and in some of the celebrated New York art schools.
   MR. JOHN O'CONNELL took an enforced ride to McLean yesterday. He started to go from the D. L. & W. station to the E. C. & N. station by way of the junction. The E. C. & N. train had already run down to the station and had backed up to the junction to meet the D. L. & W. train which was a little late. The next time it did not stop at the station at all, but went right through to McLean. John didn't like the prospect of jumping off and so he took the excursion to McLean. He doesn't say much about his way of returning.

To be Fitted With Especial Conveniences for Ladies.
   This morning stakes were set for a new building to be erected by Mr. C. E. Rowley upon his property on Clayton-ave., to be used for a hitching stable. The structure will be 130 by 60 feet in size and will be set six feet back from the street. It will be covered with matched material and will be neatly painted. The stable will be lighted chiefly from the roof and there will be no windows upon either side low enough for anyone to look out of or to look in. At the extreme east end of the building will be four box stalls and seven single stalls. There will also be an office upon the east side of the entrance driveway. At the right or west side of the entrance will be built a ladies' parlor with cloak and toilet rooms and it is possible that a woman will be placed in charge of it. The idea is to make this a convenient and acceptable place for people, particularly ladies, who come into town to leave their teams and prepare for shopping. The remainder of the building will be left for a place in which to hitch horses without unharnessing them.
   Arrangements will be made to keep this neat and clean so that it will be a nuisance to no one.
   The building will be eleven feet away from the [Randall house, Cortland Athletic] club house.  
   Mr. Rowley has engaged Mr. B. B. Terry, the well known horseman, to take charge of this. The contract for the building has been let to D. G. Corwin.

Gleanings of News From Our Twin Village.
   The C. D. Henry comedy company played to a large audience last evening in Keator opera house. There were but very few unoccupied seats in the house and the play "Our Irish American Cousin" was well produced. To-night is their last, and the farewell performance will be a Western play entitled "Nugget Nell, or the pride of Poker Flats."
   At the committee meeting held in Fireman's hall last evening it was decided that those present should constitute a committee to solicit the aid of the business men in town and if possible to arrange for a fair.
   For the accommodation of a large number of Homer people who will doubtless wish to attend the performance at the Cortland Opera House this evening the street car will return to Homer after the entertainment. The play is one of the best of its class now on the road and the company that appears this evening is a talented one.  "Jane" is full of fun.
   Rev. Parker Fenno is expected to return in time to officiate at the services which will be held in Calvary Episcopal church at 10:30 A. M. and 6:30 P. M. to-morrow. Sunday-school will be held at noon.
   Last evening Officer Jones arrested Russell Oaks for public intoxication and took him before Justice Kingsbury who ordered him placed in the lockup over night. After relieving him of a bottle of whisky the officer escorted him to the engine house and opening the cage door ordered him to go in. The prisoner objected and resisted the physical force which was brought to bear upon his person. But it was without effect for he was soon within the iron inclosure [sic] and the door was locked behind him. At that juncture he drew a bulldog revolver on the officer who was about to leave. It took but a moment for Officer Jones to unlock the door, to catch the man by the throat and secure the revolver. After making further investigations to insure himself against any other unpleasant circumstances he left the prisoner for the night. This morning when brought before Justice Kingsbury Oaks pleaded guilty to the charge of public intoxication and after a few brief remarks the justice sentenced him to four months in the Onondaga penitentiary. Officer Jones and the prisoner left town for Syracuse this morning on the 10:06 train.

   —Church notices for to-morrow will be found on the sixth page.
   —Services will be held in the East Side readingroom as usual at 4:15 P. M., April 15.
   —There will be a meeting of the Republican league at the league rooms next Monday evening, April 16.
   —Dr. H. A. Cordo will preach in Memorial Baptist chapel Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. All are cordially invited.
   —About forty couples attended the dance given by the Empire club in their rooms last evening. A most enjoyable evening was spent. McDermott's orchestra furnished the music.
   —Mr. John F. Moore, assistant state secretary of the Y . M. C. A. will speak at the First Baptist church Sunday morning. Subject, "A Better Manhood." Young men are especially invited.
   — Rev. C. E. Hamilton of the Homer-ave. church will preach in the Presbyterian church Sunday morning in the absence of the pastor. Rev. F. A. Ingraham will preach at the Homer-ave. church.
   —A special street car will leave the switch on Main-st. at 1:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon to accommodate those who wish to attend the funeral of J. A. Tisdale. The car will return after the funeral service.
   —Miss C. A. Covil has received membership tickets for those who wish to join the Music Teachers' association. They may be had by calling at her studio, Wickwire building, between the hours of 2 and 6 or by writing her and enclosing membership fee, which is two dollars for new members or one dollar for renewals.
   —Some of the practical jokers of the town put up a job this morning on Mr. C. H. Swanton of the Hickory Wheel Co., who has been in town for the past few days. He was told that the 10 o'clock train on which he wished to leave was due at 9:30 o'clock and the boys enjoyed a hearty laugh as at about 9:28 they told him that he would have to stay over another day as he only had three minutes in which to catch the train. He said that he could not stay and the speed he got up in running down Railroad-st, would rival that of the famous Hickory wheel. While he was waiting at the station for the train a number of the boys leisurely rode down the station and saw him off. With good reason he was much disgusted.

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