Friday, June 2, 2017


Cortland Evening Standard, Tuesday, April 3, 1894.

The Scranton Electric Railroad People Arrange for Paying 10 Per Cent on the 7th.
   H. L. Bronson, Esq., attorney for Mr. P. H. Page of Scranton and his associates in the project for an electric railroad for Cortland, received a letter yesterday from Horace E. Hand, Esq., Mr. Page's Scranton attorney, directing him to secure options on all the stock of the Cortland & Homer Horse Railroad company not already under option, making the options expire May 1st. next, but with the condition that Mr. Page must pay 10 per cent of the price on Saturday April 7, when he is to be in Cortland. Mr. Bronson was also instructed to push preliminaries to beginning work as rapidly as possible.
  Mr. Hand writes: "I think this should satisfy the smaller stockholders of the horse railroad company that we do not mean to freeze them out."
   This is in accordance with Mr. Page's declared intentions at the outset, and if options are asked of all the stockholders and 10 per cent paid thereon, with an agreement in writing by responsible parties to take the stock within a specified time at par and pay the balance of the purchase price, we believe there will be no objections raised by stockholders of the horse railroad company to the sale of their franchise, increase of stock or any other necessary preliminary to the equipment of an electric road or use of electric power. There certainly ought to be no objections, especially when an electric road will be so clearly for the advantage of the village.
   Had The STANDARD not believed that Mr. Page was sincere in his expressed purpose to give every stock holder of the horse railroad company a chance to sell his stock at par, it would never for one moment have favored the project of converting the present street rail road into an electric road under his management. Nor will The STANDARD now be found endorsing any move which does not appear to be fair and square and in the interest of the people, It was only natural, however, that smaller stockholders in the horse railroad company should desire some tangible guaranty that they were not to be "frozen out," and the giving of such a guaranty will be an act of wisdom on the part of Mr. Page, and, something also which no one intending fair dealing could find any valid reason for refusing.
   With all the stockholders of the horse railroad satisfied and protected, there ought to be no further opposition to the granting of the franchises asked for by the Scranton people, under such reasonable conditions as the public interests may require. We believe that we speak within bounds when we say that nine-tenths of our people believe that if we are to have an electric road it must come through these Scranton gentlemen, and that they also have a deep seated distrust of the shadowy and mysterious interest which Mr. Gleason claims to be representing, and which has not yet materialized so far that any one not in the secret can have any grounds for faith. We think it would also be difficult to find, even with the aid of a search warrant and an electric light, any Cortland business man who believes that an electric road from this village to McGrawville, independent of one to Homer, could be made self-supporting. And unless we greatly misinterpret the sentiment of the citizens of Cortland they will not regard with favor the laying of any obstacles, for purposes of obstruction and with a view to private and personal gain, in the way of this much needed public improvement.

"Greater Buffalo."
   Everybody in this part of the country knows that the city of Buffalo is growing rapidly, and that, in hitching up the tremendous power of Niagara Falls, it is bound to go ahead at a greater rate from now on than ever before. Some interesting facts on the subject are contained in The Illustrated Buffalo Express of April 1, the issue being a magnificent double number—30 pages.
   The great Niagara tunnel, now complete, has cost $3,000,000. It provides for the utilization of 120,000 horse-power. A strong corporation has been formed to transmit power to Buffalo by electricity. Routes are now being obtained, and there will be a public opening of the central power station early in June. Some of the data of Buffalo's development are amassing, but nothing tells the story better than the increase in the circulation of The Illustrated Buffalo Express. In the last five years that popular paper has gained in circulation and business, 150 per cent.

Coxey Movement Spreading.
   LOS ANGELES, Cal., April 3.—One hundred and sixty-seven men, 27 of them being heads of families, started out on the march to Washington yesterday under command of Gen. Vinette. This command is known as the second regiment of the industrial army. The wives and daughters of many men followed them to the city limits and, though weeping, bade them God speed. The men declared they would march as far as San Bernardino, where they would take a Santa Fe train to the Missouri river. It is the plan to centralize at Kansas City and mobilize an army of 1,000 men at the Missouri river. The men were orderly.

A Cool Reception Accorded Them In Pittsburg's Fashionable Suburbs.
   SEWICKLEY, Pa., April 3.—The Commonweal army encamped 12 miles from Alleghany City, after a long march of 18 miles and pitched their tents on the Grimes farms in the heart of Sewickley, Pittsburg's fashionable suburb. The residents flocked out curious to see the notorious commonwealers who looked even rougher than usual after the sweat and dust of the long march. The burgess had sworn in four extra policemen but said he must have more, after seeing the army. The men were exceedingly well pleased with their treatment on the way, particularly at Economy. The Aliquippa Steel works drum corps and an escort of 60 workingmen headed the army into Economy.
   At Sewickley no donations were made and not even a hall could he secured for the lectures. So the meeting was held in the open air and the men spent another night under canvas. There was a good deal of grumbling at the meagre meal supplied by the commissary.
   Judge Stowe of Pittsburg and D. Cherbst [Herbst?] of the Standard Oil company ventured into camp. The unknown, after being told who they were, ordered them out, insulted them, and finally compelled them to leave the grounds.
   In the usual order Carl Browne said that the next camp at Allegheny would be named in honor of Grand Master Workman Sovereign.
   An old man with a buggy and a tall hat, who says he will go "plum through," joined the commonweal at New Brighton.

Something New in the History of the World.
   DENVER, Col., March 3.—Gen. McCook looks upon the Coxey movement as dangerous. "The weather has been, against the army so far," said he yesterday, "but by May 1, I fully believe there will be an army of 150,000 hungry, half clad men clamoring around the National capitol. The spectacle of such a vast army of alleged workingmen asking for employment that they may not starve is something new in the history of the world. Coxey's army has sympathizers in every state of the Union, and to me it seems that the country is approaching a crisis such as faced it only at the time of the great rebellion."

Meets With Honors While on His Travels.
   SAN ANTONIO, Tex., April 3.—Secretary of War Lamont and family arrived here yesterday. They were met by Gen. Wheaton, commander of military in department of Texas. A salute was fired at Fort Sam Houston honoring the secretary who was escorted to the parade grounds, where he reviewed the troops stationed at this post. He was tendered a reception last night at the residence of Gen. Wheaton. He will leave for the West to-day.

Gleanings of News From Our Twin Village.
   Mr. James Clark is in Syracuse today.
   Dr. Frank Reynolds of Syracuse called on Dr. J. H. Whitney to-day.
   Mr. B. E. Allen of Clinton is registered at the Hotel Windsor. He is calling on acquaintances in town.
   Trout fishermen are impatiently awaiting the 16th instant when they may enjoy their favorite sport. Let no one make a mistake and start out the day before this or his season of angling will be unpleasantly begun. The commissioner will be on the watch.
   The surviving members of the One Hundred and Eighty-fifth N. Y. Vols., who resided in this village and who attended the funeral of the late Gen. Gustavus Sniper held at Syracuse on Sunday, were Messrs. Pembroke Pierce, Frank Carpenter and Myron Wooster.
   A telegram which was recently received by a local merchant from Mr. D. E. Shepard states that he will not be able to return to Homer and open his new dry goods store until the first of May. He is still very ill at his home in Lowville.
   The funeral of Miss Helen Clapp took place from her late home on James-st., this afternoon at 1 o'clock, Rev. D. D. Forward, pastor of the Baptist church, officiating. Owing to her many years of retirement and invalid life, the funeral was private, only the relatives and immediate friends of the family being present.
   The gifts to the Home for the month of March were: Mrs. Nathan Randall, $27; Mrs. John Maxon, $1; a friend, chair; Mrs. J. Babcock, dried peaches; Calvary church, calla lilies; Eugene Burroughs, horseradish; Mrs. J. M. Schermerhorn, cut flowers; Carrol Potter, apples; Mrs. Harriet Green, oranges and candy.
   The monthly meeting of the board of managers of the Home for Aged Women of Cortland county will be held at the home of the president, Mrs. E. S. Newton, April 10 at 2:30 o'clock.
   The regular meeting of the I. O. O. F. will take place at the lodge home in the First National bank building this evening at the usual time.
   This evening at Keator opera house the singers of Homer under the direction of Mr. R. J. McElheny will give a concert. They will be assisted by Adams' full orchestra and Mrs. C. C. Van Hoesen as accompanist. Mr. Frank Goddard of Tully and Mr. A. L. Ball of this place will render cornet and flute solos. A male quartet from Cortland will be present and give several selections. The program contains a number by a ladies' quartet composed of local talent, also a chorus of 100 voices. This is an opportunity for the public to listen to some excellent music and will no doubt be well patronized. The prices are 35 cents, 25 cents and 10 cents.
   Soon after the tannery burned last October the debris was cleared away and preparations were made for a new building to be raised in the spring. The building will be similar to the old one, but will be put to a different use as the owner, Mr. E. J. Bockes, will hereafter engage in the produce business.
   Several workmen are engaged in clearing away the old iron from among the ruins of the recent fire on Fulton and Grove-sts. Carpenters and builders are at work on the Hazard house which will receive a new front, the old one having been entirely burned off. The Rusey house is receiving a new coat of paint. When these repairs are completed the neighborhood will have regained a little of its former appearance.
   A dispatch was recently received by Dr. F. H. Green announcing the death of his cousin, Mr. William Parsons, who resided in Rochester, N, Y. The latter will be remembered by many in Homer and Cortland for the prominent part he took in a benefit which was given several years ago for the Orris hose company and in the many juvenile entertainments he produced while he was the guest of his uncle, the late Dr. Caleb Green. Mr. Parsons was a physician and at the time of his death was connected with one of the Rochester hospitals. He was 47 years old.
   Deputy Collector Hiscock of Syracuse was in town yesterday looking after Chinese registration. He called on the local celestial who was afterward conducted to Mr. Rogers' studio where 'John' had his picture taken.

   —Dennis Sullivan of Homer was brought before Justice Bull this morning charged with public intoxication. Justice Bull gave him $3 or three days.
   —Lincoln lodge, I. O. G. T., will hold a social at the home of Mr. W. F. Kelley, 105 Tompkins-st. on Wednesday evening, April 4. All are welcome.
   —Grover Relief corps No. 96, will celebrate its seventh anniversary with a supper and appropriate exercises on Friday night, April 6. The public is cordially invited.
   —There were 216 deaths from pneumonia in New York City last week. Therefore, keep in mind the old maxim: "Stick to your flannels until they stick to you."—Norwich Sun.
   —Mr. A. M. Jewitt has sent samples of the Gamma Sigma fraternity pins to the Geneseo chapter at the Genesee Normal school. He has already furnished these pins to several of the other chapters.
   —The well-known seed firm of W. Atlee Burpee & Co., Philadelphia, have just introduced a novelty with which they are favoring some of their friends. It is a celluloid paper cutter and envelope opener and represents a partly opened pod of Lima beans of the original size.
   —Mr. F. M. Johnston of the grocery firm of Johnston & Harris has sold his interest to Mr. Asa Davis of Homer. Possession was given last night. The firm will do business under the title of Harris & Davis. Mr. Johnston has been in the grocery business for thirteen years. He will spend a few weeks in collecting accounts due the late firm and then expects to go in to other business here in Cortland.

Dey Brothers' block, Syracuse, N. Y.
Dey Brothers of Syracuse Aid the Woman's Employment Society.
   The great dry goods firm of Dey Brothers of Syracuse are soon to go into their magnificent new store. Some time before that time comes they will hold a charity ball in that building for the benefit of the Woman's Employment society, The arrangements for this are more extensive and elaborate than any ever before held in that city. The chief officers of the affair are:
   President—W. W. Cox.
   Vice-President—W. Snowdon Smith.
   Secretary—Fernando A. Carter.
   Treasurer—Frank A. Bonta.
   Ladies' and gentlemen's tickets will be $3, and a single lady's ticket will be $1. The notice of the time and further particulars will be given later.

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