Tuesday, July 4, 2017


U. S. G. S. map of Erie & Central N. Y. R. R. tracks between Cortland and Cincinnatus.
The Cortland Democrat, Friday, June 8, 1894.

A Last Call in the Interest of the Erie & Central N. Y. Railroad.
   If the citizens of this town will look to their own interests, they will seize the present opportunity to secure the benefits which must enure to all in the completion of the Erie & Central N Y. Railroad from this village to Gee brook in the town of Cincinnatus. We have the roadbed and the right of way, neither of which is worth a picayune unless the road is put in operation. It will open up a very large and valuable tract of country that will find its outlet in Cortland. The citizens of several eastern towns who now go elsewhere to trade almost exclusively, would come here to purchase their goods. Many thousands of dollars that find their way into the pockets of tradesmen in other towns would come here. The town would feel the impetus and real estate would advance in price.
   The larger the town the better the market, and farmers within five or ten miles of Cortland would be benefited by its growth and prosperity, and they can well afford to assist the enterprise. Every man who has $100 to invest should sign a contract agreeing to take one of the bonds of the road when completed and in running order. You are not asked to give away anything. Competent judges say the road cannot help but pay, and if this is so the bonds will be worth par at least. It is simply an investment with scarcely a possible risk of loss.
   There are many residents of this town who have money lying idle. They should have enough enterprise about them to take one or more of these bonds without waiting to be called upon by the committee. Only about 17,000 of the $25,000  remains to be subscribed. The matter must be closed up at once or it goes by the board. Don't wait for your neighbor to do what you ought to do yourself. Be public spirited and notify the committee that you are ready to assist in this important enterprise. Remember, if the road is not completed and in running order this season you are not obliged to pay a penny. If it is completed you could well afford to lose the money on account of the increased benefits the road will bring to the town.
   We believe the road will pay and pay well. The DEMOCRAT has taken some of the bonds. It does not ask others to do what it is afraid to do for itself. Come, do not delay longer.

Mob of 5,000 Workmen Cause a Pile of Trouble—General Strike Situation.
   M'KEESPORT, Pa., June 5.—The expected trouble at the National Tube works has occurred. To-night a mob of 5,000 strikers broke down the entrance to the mill yard and drove the workmen employed in the various departments out of the plant. As the men were driven out of the works, they were surrounded by another mob of strikers on the outside and beaten with clubs and chased through the central part of the city. Several welders crossed the Monongahela river. They were pursued by the strikers down the river. One of the men was caught and severely stabbed by his pursuers. His condition is critical.
   The strikers intended to intercept the men when they came out of the works at 6 o'clock to-night and try and induce them to join their ranks. The officials of the company anticipated a move of this kind and had a dining room erected in the works where the men at work could get their meals without leaving the place. A foreigner came out of the shops shortly after 6 o'clock. He was halted by the strikers. The man drew a knife and in an instant at least twenty strikers jumped on him and would have killed him but for the interference of the police officers. At 7:30 the mob broke into the mill.
   Charles Manlin and Joe Koberky, two of the men beaten by the mob, are maimed for life and internally injured. Councilman Watson was mistaken for one of the non-union men and badly beaten by the strikers. The mob stopped a street car and took off a man who also received a severe drubbing. No one was killed, but many of the non-union workers had narrow escapes at the hands of the angry mob.  It is reported that deputies are coming early to-morrow from Pittsburg and the strikers have pickets out to intercept them. At a late hour to-night all is quiet.

A Fortunate Delay.
   On the 25th of May we published on account of an operation which was to have been performed on Edward, the fourteen year-old son of Mr. Wm. T. Dunlap of Reading, Pa., formerly of Cortland. From letter just received, we learn that the operation was not performed on May 16, but was delayed until May 29, when the lad was put under the influence of ether at 10 o'clock A. M. and the operation was finished at 2 P. M. The surgeons opened the leg on each side from the knee to the ankle, cutting clear to the bone. The diseased bone was cut away with mallet and chisel, and to their surprise they found that a new and healthy bone was growing in the centre of the leg. The bones were thoroughly scraped clean and the openings closed and properly dressed and owing to his youth and good health it is expected that the bone will grow again. It was supposed that the entire bone was diseased and would have to come out, and in that the case surgeons intended to pack the cavity with prepared ox bone as related in our former article, which they believed in time would take place of the original formation.
   Fortunately for the boy, nature seems to be doing its own work most satisfactorily and the lad is getting on nicely.

   On Wednesday afternoon Mr. Frank J. Peck, Cashier of The National Bank of Cortland, was united in marriage to Miss Annie C. Keator, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Keator at the home of the bride on South Main-st. Rev. J. L. Robertson performed the ceremony. The near relatives of the contracting parties only were present. The rooms were handsomely decorated with flowers and an elegant wedding dinner was served after the ceremony.
   Mr. and Mrs. Peck left on the 4:23 train for an extended wedding tour. As the party neared the station, Orlando Brother's harp orchestra of Syracuse, played the wedding march. The senseless custom of showering the bride with rice was omitted. On their return about July 1, they will occupy the house on Church St., now occupied by Mr. F. B. Nourse.

   A second time within the space of a little over four months has the pleasant home of Messrs. Waterbury& Talmage been visited by the messenger whose coming ever brings sorrow.
   Eighteen weeks ago the venerable mother, Mrs. Eliza Husted, bade good bye to earthly friends and scenes and with unfaltering feet crossed the dark river, and on Friday last Emma, the beloved wife of John Waterbury, peacefully closed her eyes and went to be forever with that mother she had so missed and mourned, and other loved ones who had passed on before. Few whose lives have been so essentially a home life would be so widely missed. For many years an invalid, almost a "shut-in," she still kept in touch with the outside world as few invalids do. Of quick perceptions and superior intellect, her mind was stored with useful information, making her a most entertaining and instructive conversationalist. Speaking seldom of her own weakness and suffering she always had a fund of sympathy for the sorrows and afflictions of others, and many who have gone into her presence oppressed with grief or trouble, have left it comforted by her kindly words and the pressure of her frail, white hand. Such beautiful, useful hands! Looking so fragile, but accomplishing so many loving deeds for others. Ever busy in the service of loved ones, or ready to respond to any call for aid towards charitable objects.
   The funeral services, which were held at the family residence on Sunday afternoon, were, in accordance with an oft-expressed wish of the deceased, conducted by Rev. O. Torrey, for many years an intimate friend of the family. A large number of sympathizing friends were present and the floral tributes were numerous and beautiful. By a touching coincidence she was laid to rest beside her mother on the anniversary of that mother's birthday.
   To the heart-broken invalid husband, and the other members of the family circle who have so long enjoyed her love and companionship and so tender and faithfully ministered to her weakness, we can only extend our heartfelt sympathy, knowing how futile is all earthly consolation and trusting that the hand of Faith may point to them beyond the clouds of sorrow, the bright and glorious future when they "shall meet in the morning." COM., Marathon, June 6, 1894.

Did any one ever see a republican reform that wasn't associated with a very large-sized humbug?
Coxey's army is a thing of the past and the last vestige of it has disappeared from the precincts of Washington. Other small bands of these vagabonds are still on the march with Washington as their objective point.
Gov. Flower has removed Sheriff Beck of Buffalo from office and appointed Mr. Isaac N. Taggert of the same city to the vacancy. The appointment seems to give good satisfaction to the business men of Buffalo.
The strike of the coal miners came in a very bad time. The business depression which the country is laboring under is about as much as the people have the patience to stand, and the sympathy which would under ordinary circumstances be extended to the needy miners, is not forthcoming to that degree that might be expected, because all the people are made to suffer by the strike to a considerable extent.
The republican papers are worrying terribly, because they are unable to learn who will have Croker's place as leader of Tammany Hall. While they have selected Mayor Gilroy as a probable candidate for the place, they admit that John McQuade, Henry D. Purroy and J. J. Martin are either of them liable to be chosen. It is possible that neither of these will be selected as the field has several good ones left. Fortunately, Tammany is not compelled to take the candidate selected by the republicans. They will undoubtedly select a competent leader without the aid of republicans.
Sham economy is a staple product of the republican party. The last legislature voted $250,000 to pay the expenses of the Constitutional convention now in session in Albany. It is claimed that the sum appropriated will only be sufficient to pay for the printing and that the Comptroller will be obliged to borrow money from the Albany banks to pay the other expenses of the convention which will be large. This money will have to be raised next year in order to settle with the banks. In order to make the tax rate low this year, they put off until next year the payment of bills that belong to this year, and for the payment of which sufficient funds should have been provided. There is no economy in borrowing money when there is no need of it. The tax rate next year bids fair to be enormous.

   Milk is now 1 1/2 cents a quart delivered at the depot.
   Patsey Galvin and Rosell Knapp were in Cuyler last week looking for new milk cows to buy.
   Quite a number of the Preble grangers attended the meeting of the County Council held at Cortland Tuesday of this week.
   Everyone is pleased at our increased mail service except the mail carrier, who gets about 5 1/2 cents a trip for carrying the mail. Hardly enough to buy horse feed for the nag.
   To-day, Tuesday, is the 20th day of our rain storm. Fully half of the farmers have potatoes to plant and few have planted their corn and those who have most of it has rotted. Farmers have been unable to do scarcely any work for the past 20 days. The ground is full of water and running over.
   Some one is using a lot of horse feed. Last Friday night about one o'clock parties stopped at Mrs. John Haviland's and stole about $10. 00 worth of feed, oats and meal. Most of it belonged to Mrs. Haviland, some to Morris Spore and some to Mr. Vosburg, who works Mrs. Haviland's farm. The parties went from there east to Mr. Allen's place and took a barrel of oats, barrel and all. They were tracked over the hill about 3 o'clock. The parties are known and will be properly dealt with in the near future. Mrs. Haviland is an invalid and they have to be up with her all times of night and the parties were very bold to stop at such a place to steal from a widow woman. The thief may sometimes escape the hand of justice for a long time, but sooner or later they are caught and sent to learn a trade— the sooner the better.

Telegraph key and sounding kit.
   June races will commence on the fair grounds June 26.
   A division of the Salvation Army opened up in Zimmer's hall, Homer, last night.
   The attendance at Mahan's music festival was very large notwithstanding the fact that it rained every day.
   Messrs. E. B. Richardson and F. W. Melvin are entered in the tandem wheel race at Syracuse to-morrow.
   The keys and sounders for the through wire from New York to Oswego were put in at the D., L. & W. station last Monday.
   Manager Bickford is thoroughly overhauling the fire alarm system. Steel wire is being put up in place of the insulated wire.
   Walter L. Main's great circus, menagerie and Hippodrome will exhibit in this place Tuesday June 26th, both afternoon and evening.
   Kellogg & Curtis are busy with a special sale which commenced yesterday at their store. Read their advertisement in another column.
   The plant of the Cortland Plating company has been removed from the building at the rear of the DEMOCRAT office to the rooms formerly occupied by the Perfection Scale Co., in the Cortland Foundry building on Port Watson-st.
   Messrs. Burrows & Webster have donated a handsome Ariel Titania ladies bicycle to the Hitchcock Hose Co., which will be awarded to some lady in a contest at their fair to be held in the armory June 18-23. The wheel is a dandy and may be seen in Clark & Nourse's show window.
   It was a year ago last Monday night that the 11:30 train on the D., L. & W. was wrecked near the railroad bridge in this village.
   Railroad-st. business men and those of the South end are selecting "nines" to cross bats on the fair grounds in the near future.
   Three lads were dumped into the river near Kingman's bathing house while boat-riding last Sunday afternoon. The water was about ten feet deep, but the boys managed to get ashore.
   The sensational drama entitled "Master and Man," will be presented in the opera house this evening. It is said to be a capital performance and those who attend will undoubtedly be pleased with it.
   To make hair grow apply headlight oil or kerosene to the roots of the hair twice each week, rubbing it well with the tips of the fingers. This will often produce a growth of hair when all other means fail.
   Ryan Green of Preble, was arrested in this place Tuesday evening on a warrant sworn out by James Becker of Syracuse, charged with selling mortgaged property. An officer from Syracuse took him to that city Wednesday morning.
   On Friday last Fred Shapley shot a bald Eagle on the farm of Miles Shapley, south of this village. The bird was in the act of carrying off a lamb, and a well directed shot laid it low. He brought it to this village, and exhibited it. It measured six feet and three-quarters from the tip of one wing to the other tip.—Marathon Independent.
   On Wednesday evening of last week Edward R. Johnson of No. 16 Prospect-st. was taken suddenly ill with pain in the bowels. He experienced no relief and on Thursday evening Dr. Reese was called who pronounced it a case of stoppage of the bowels. Sunday afternoon a council of physicians was held and it was decided that an operation must be performed at once. He was removed to the hospital where Dr. Higgins, assisted by Drs. Reese and White performed the operation. The patient died Wednesday morning.
   The board of managers of the Cortland Hospital Association will hold a special meeting at the residence of Mrs. Hugh Duffey on Port Watson-st., Saturday June 9th at 3 o'clock P. M. All members of the board are requested to be present.

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