Monday, July 24, 2017


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, September 7, 1894.

A Syracuse Man Shoots his Cousin—The Outcome of an Old Feud.
   SYRACUSE, Aug. 31.—Van Renselaer Hotaling, this evening, shot and killed his cousin, Albert Hotaling, at Hufftail Hollow about four miles from Jamesville, Onondaga county.
   The murder is the outcome of a family feud of long standing. For a year past the two men have been going about armed hunting for each other. The murdered man is a tough citizen and has been arrested several times on various charges. For some time he has been harrassing his cousin in innumerable ways. He has torn down his fences, entered his house and destroyed his furniture and made himself obnoxious in numerous ways.
   Recently Van Renselaer Hotaling decided that if Albert ever crossed his land again he would kill him. This evening the opportunity was offered. When Albert saw his cousin approaching him he seized a hoe and gave him a vicious blow on the head. Van Renselaer then put up his rifle and shot his cousin in the groin. The wounded man then dealt his cousin another rap with the toe of his shoe and fell dead.
   Sheriff Hoxie went out this evening and arrested the murderer. Hotaling's aged mother, who was in a berry patch near by, saw him killed. Both men are cousins of Assemblyman Hotaling and Deputy Sheriff Hotaling of this county.

Gen. Nathaniel P. Banks.
Death of General Banks.
   General Nathaniel P. Banks died at his home in Waltham, Mass., last Saturday morning. He was born in that town on July 30th, 1816, and as soon as he was old enough was put at work in a cotton factory by his father who was superintendent of the mills. He gave his leisure time to study and soon became known as an excellent speaker.
   In 1849 he was admitted to the bar and soon after was elected to a seat in the state legislature. In 1854 he was in Congress and was elected speaker of that body after a memorable contest lasting two months. He made a very capable officer and was re-elected to Congress. In 1857 he resigned to become Governor of his state to which office he was elected three times.
   In 1860 he accepted the office of President of the Illinois Central railway which he resigned the next year to accept a Major-Generalship in the army. After being relieved from his position in 1864 he was elected to Congress from his old district and he continued to represent the district with the exception of two terms until 1888 when he was chosen for the last time. He leaves two sons and two daughters.

Traction Engines.
   The attention of those who are using traction engines is called to the following law: Section 155 of the [New York] state highway law says the owner of a carriage, vehicle or engine, propelled by steam, his servant or agent, shall not allow, permit or use the same to pass over, through or upon any public highway or street except upon railroad tracks, unless such owners or their agents or servants shall send before the same a person of mature age, at least one eighth of a mile in advance, who shall notify and warn persons travelling or using such highway or street, with horses or other domestic animals, of the approach of such carriage, vehicle or engine; and at night such person shall carry a red light except in incorporated cities and villages.

E., C. & N. R. R.
   Will place on sale September 11, 12, 13 and 14, round trip excursion tickets to Ithaca "account Tompkins county Fair" at $1.25, including one admission to the Fair, good for return passage to and including September 15.

   The well-known and deservedly popular actress Miss Blanche Chapman supported by a strong company will present the above named comedy in the Cortland Opera House tomorrow evening. The company and the comedy are both commended by the press. The Pittsburg Dispatch says:
   The situations in "Gloriana" are very funny, and the parts are in the hands of a capable company of comedians. Miss Blanche Chapman, as "Gloriana," made an unqualified success, and was charming in appearance and dress. Eugene Sweetland [is] a young gentleman of the foreign [service] about to wed Miss Chadwick, the daughter of a retired tanner, and to escape "Gloriana," who holds some love letters of his, changes places with his valet, which leads to some amusing complications. [He] has a great deal to do in the piece and plays the part with skill. Walter J. Brooks as a Russian diplomat, Geo. Halton as Spinks, and Theresa Alston as Kitty, a maid, all do good work, while W. B. Murray, as a fat and retired tanner, was inimitable. A very funny pair of Russians made their appearance in the last act and contributed to the general hilarity.

Judge A. P. Smith.
   U. S. Senator John P. Jones of Nevada, announces that he has left the republican party and that henceforth he may be found with the populists.
   The "village boys" have dubbed the Republican County Convention held in this place last week, "The Granger's Picnic." It was quite a picnic for the boys in the smaller towns.
   Mr. Burlingame is undoubtedly a good man, but there are a good many people who are anxious to know when he tried his first case in a court of record. The Standard will undoubtedly give us the date in its next issue.
   Levi P. Morton has written a letter defining his position. He says he will accept the republican nomination for Governor. No one supposed that he ever had the slightest notion of declining the nomination if it was tendered him.
   If candidate Holmes could have borrowed Judge Smith's speech on the occasion of his nomination for Member of Assembly, he might have substituted it for his own, to his great advantage and benefit. We have no doubt but that it would have been a good one.
   That Judge Smith was assisted in his canvass by the opposition of the Standard must be very plain to the dullest mind. He came very near breaking the combination made by the outside towns against Cortland and Homer, and tied the combination candidate on the second ballot and was defeated by only one vote on the third [ballot.] One more vote the combination would have gone to pieces and the entire ticket could have been made up of different material. It was a little remarkable that Judge Smith was the only candidate outside of the combination that ever stood a ghost of a show of a nomination. If the Standard had given one more blast on its bugle the Judge would undoubtedly have been the nominee.

   The Democrats of the House for reasons admirably stated by Chairman Wilson and Speaker Crisp, accepted the Senate Tariff bill, with all its imperfections and its shame, rather than to get none.
   Like the "held-up" passengers in a helpless stage-coach, they yielded to the political highwaymen of the Senate without pretending to make a virtue of its necessity.
   As a vindication of Democratic principles against the betraya1 of the four Trust agents and speculating Senators who forced the surrender, the House with surprising promptness and unanimity passed a bill making all sugar free, and also separate bills untaxing coal, iron and barbed wire.
   The action was at once a challenge to the Senate and a promise to the country. It mitigates the surrender. It proves again that the popular branch of Congress remembers the pledges of the party and respects the demand of the people.
   There is this further compensation for the humiliating result. It will relieve the country, for some fears at least, of the fear of another general tariff upheaval.—World.

   Cole & Lockwood's circus exhibits in Groton to-morrow.
   Mr. Dewitt Howard of this place has been appointed a substitute letter carrier and is learning the routes.
   Mr. John F. Wilson, who has been seriously ill with typhoid fever for two weeks last, is reported somewhat better.
   Earl D. Squires, youngest son of Mr. Jerome Squires, died in the Buffalo hospital last Saturday of typhoid fever. He was 22 years old.
   The E., C. & N. R. R. on Sunday, Sept. 9, will run one of their popular excursions to Sylvan Beach. Round trip tickets, 75 cents. Train leaves Cortland at 7:20 o'clock.  
   Last Tuesday morning the bank of a sewer ditch on Park-st. caved in and buried two Italians who were working in same up to their waists. The other workmen dug them out and they were placed in a wagon and taken to camp. Fortunately they were standing up and were not seriously injured.
   Cole & Lockwood's circus exhibits in Marathon next Wednesday and in McGrawville on Thursday.
   As we go to press the Patriarch's Militant are having a grand parade through the principal streets of Cortland. The Cortland Fire department and three fine brass bands are in the parade.
   The weather for the C. A. A. field day last Saturday was fine and the entertainment was a good one. B. C. Hollister, a youngster of this place, won the sixteen mile road race in 51 minutes.
   News reached this village Wednesday afternoon that Prof. A. A. Freeman and all the crew of the arctic steamer, Miranda, which was lost near Cape Breton Island, were safe. Prof. Freeman was formerly a resident of Blodgetts Mills, and is now a professor in Philips Academy, Andover, Mass.
   Saturday evening Johnson and Kinney left their threshing machine and engine at the McGraw barn on Bennett street and Monday morning when they came to the place they found that some miscreant had been at the engine doing considerable damage in the way of cutting belts in pieces, knocking off oil cups, etc. Not long since McGraw's men left their reaper and binder over night on the farm known as the James Green place and the machine underwent a similar escapade. These are very aggravating offenses to say the least, and should the perpetrators of such acts be identified we understand they would be quite severely dealt with.—McGrawville Sentinel.

   Miss Edith Gray is attending school at Cortland.
   Mr. C. L. Judd is spending a few days at Cooperstown.
   Mr. Cornelieus Judd has been having his tenement house repaired.
   Miss Ellie Ulshoeffer of Syracuse is spending a few weeks at John Uilshoeffers
   Mr. Harry Wilcox and family of Virgil visited at Edwin Gray's one day last week.
   Mr. Grant Munson has been engaged to teach the Otisco Center school the coming term.
   Mr. and Mrs. M. Williams and children of Freetown visited at Horace Perkin's recently.
   Mr. Frank Smith left Monday for Troy, N. Y. where he is engaged in business at present.
   The people living near the four corners have been considerably disturbed by the tramps of late.
   Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coats and Mrs. Libbie Shepard of Groton City spent Monday in this place.
   Rev. Mr. Frey of Kent, Conn., and Mr. Thomas Lanning of Otisco called at J. L. Munson's Tuesday evening on their way to attend the R. M. conference at Ketchumville.
   Died—At his residence near this place Friday, August 31, 1894, Mr. James Oaks, aged about 60 years. The deceased has been a life-long resident of this neighborhood and was highly respected by all who knew him. He had been a great sufferer for many months. He leaves a wife and two daughters, two brothers and two sisters.
   Mrs. Caroline Barber has returned to Bessemer.
   BORN.—Sept. 3d, 1894 to Mr. and Mrs. George Fox, a son.
   George Burden is upon a visiting tour in Madison County.
   Lucian Barber and mother have been visiting friends near Cayuga lake.
   Adelbert Chrysler is drawing tomatoes from Syracuse and selling them about town.
   A large quantity of plums are being shipped from this town and the country north of here.
   Miss Mabel Whitcomb is seriously ill and delirious. Dr.'s Potter of Homer and Tripp of Scott have been called.
   We learn that John B. Brown of this town has struck a vein of mineral water in Fabius while drilling a well.
   MARRIED.—In Scott on Tuesday, Sept. 4th, 1894 by Rev. B. F. Rogers, William H. Brown and Miss Ann Frisbie all of Scott.
   There was a shooting affray at the dance held at the Central Hotel last Friday night, or rather Saturday morning. Two shots were fired by a drunken man or boy from the town of Homer. Luckily no one was hit, but came near it. The pistol was taken away from him and he was kicked and beaten severely. We understand no arrest has been made. We hear that it is planned to have a cooler [jail] built in town and then it is thought another licensed liquor place can be safely opened.
   We attended the Republican County Convention till bad air and tobacco smoke drove us out. Mr. Miller who nominated Hon. A. P. Smith for the Assembly has a splendid voice for speaking but we thought he overdid it—said too much. Mr. Holmes did not say much after being nominated when called out, but still less would have been better. We regretted that we could not have been in when Hon. S. A. Childs nominated our own townsman Cutler. The result of the Convention shows that Scott delegates were not in it. Not one of the candidates for when they voted obtaining the nomination, and as they some times say of the Prohibitionists, "they threw away their votes at every ballot." The result also shows that one combination can down another, if it happens to be a little stronger as in this case. Many prophesied that Judge Smith would have a "walkover "and it was probably supposed that a combination with him in it, would be successful, but they have another hint that nothing is certain but death and taxes. All the candidates seem to be from the southern part of the county except the Coroners and they were doubtless located this way to sit on the remains of the defeated candidates. Under ordinary circumstances it would seem rather strange that for District Attorney two such men as Geo. S. Sands and Wm. Crombie should be left in the cold and a man way off in Willet get the nomination, but yet this man in Willet may be quite a gamey fellow as his name would indicate.
   Owing to increased orders the Corset Factory is running 12 hours a day.
   Seymour Jones of Cortland was in town Monday looking after the interests of the DEMOCRAT.
   Dr. M. R. Smith has commenced extensive repairs on his house on Gothic-st. Chancey Pudney of Ill. is superintending the work.
   Miss Claribel Warren started Monday afternoon for Parish N. Y. to assume her labors on Tuesday as assistant Preceptress of the Parish Academy.
   The Republicans in this vicinity are very jubilant over the result of the County Convention in which our townsman E. O. Palmer was nominated for County Clerk and Dr. M. R. Smith for Coroner.
   Bert Shuler, who has been confined to his rooms for the past five months with rheumatism and a complication of diseases, was removed to Syracuse Saturday where he will enter the Sanitarium of Dr. Butterfield for treatment. Mrs. Nellie Bingham accompanied him.
   The funeral of Mrs. Williard Reed occurred at the Calvary church last Monday. Interment was made in the Sand Hill cemetery at Dresserville.
   A reception and pound party was held at the Salvation Army Hall in the Zimmer Block, Tuesday evening. The party was given for the leader of the army here, Mr. Gransberry.
   Mrs. Catherine Herrick died at her home in this village Saturday, Sept. 1, aged 69 years. The funeral was held from her late home Tuesday afternoon. Interment was made at Glenwood cemetery. The deceased was the wife of Hiram Herrick of this village, who survives her.
   Our express agent, Mr. Hannum, has sold four hundred baskets of peaches since he began the business about a week ago.
   In a game of ball Friday afternoon on the Academy grounds the Prep. nine of this place defeated the Academic nine also of this place by a score of 21 to 9.
   Mr. Frank Newton started on a ride north Tuesday afternoon. He came back on the 6:20 train his wheel in a dilapidated condition, his face skinned and with a black eye. He rides a Hummer.

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