Thursday, March 22, 2018


Charles Rufus Skinner.

Cortland Standard Semi-Weekly Edition, Tuesday, May 28, 1895.

Encouraging Words From the Head of the Educational Department.
Training for Citizenship.
   Taylor hall was well filled Thursday evening with teachers and a large number of others interested in education to listen to the address by Hon. Charles R. Skinner, superintendent of public instruction. Members of the local board of the Normal school, members of the Normal faculty, Hon. J. E. Eggleston, Dr. Jas. M. Milne of Oneonta, Conductors Downing and Sanford, and Commissioners N. L. Miller and H. I. Van Hoesen occupied seats on the platform. Judge J. E. Eggleston introduced Superintendent Skinner who, for an hour and a half, held the closest attention of the audience.
   After a word of congratulation to the teachers, and urging them to get the greatest possible good from the institute, reminding them that they had met in an educational atmosphere and exhorting them to go back to their schools to teach better than they had ever taught before, the superintendent spoke in part as follows:
   You are here because the law says you must be here. Are you here for no higher reason? The great educational hope of the state and nation is in the teacher, in the loyal, true, progressive teacher. It is this loyal, true, progressive teacher who will stand at the head of the profession. There is no place in our educational system for a poor school, no place in a school for poor teachers.
   Beyond all example, beyond all books and all philosophy comes the desire to know. “I want to know” has been the cry throughout the centuries. This idea has given to the world our best statesmen, our best philosophers, our best teachers.
   This state is doing more than any other to encourage professional teaching. Our legislature is always liberal in the matter of the great appropriations for our common schools. The fault I find with the legislature is that it does not keep pace with the rapid advancement we are making along educational lines. What the state is doing for education is shown by our system of Normal schools. The department has placed at the head of these schools some of the grandest men the world has ever known, and has associated with them faculties of which any state may well be proud. One of the saddest things about our system is that we have not learned to pay teachers what their work is worth.
   Next to the Normal schools comes the teachers training classes as a means of affording professional training. The requirements for entering these classes are to be raised, and persons will not be allowed to join merely for the sake of obtaining tuition free but will be required to pledge themselves to make teaching a profession. Another means of obtaining help along professional lines are the teachers’ institutes, maintained at a large cost to the state. The institute is a school. It does not depend for its success so much upon the conductors and assistants as upon the spirit of the teachers who are in attendance. I believe it would be a good law that no person be allowed to teach before he is at least 18 years of age. It is not in the province of a person only 16 years of age to properly discipline and govern a school.
   It is the province of the teacher to establish a bond of sympathy between herself and pupils, to know her pupils through and through, to know the homes from which they come, their likes and dislikes. So far as schools are being taught with a heart in the work the schools of to-day are better than ever before. Better employ qualified teachers at good salaries rather than poor teachers because they are cheap. If we should spend as much money upon our schools as is annually paid for liquor and tobacco we might have brown stone schoolhouses and “brown stone” teachers too. The schools of the country are the nurseries of citizenship and the conscience of the nation.
   The schoolhouse should be the best and brightest building in the community. If we want children to love the beautiful we must surround them with beautiful things. Why can we not have such a condition of things that teachers and children will be as anxious to go to school in the morning as to get out of school at night? Teach more common sense; teach for citizenship. It is a grander thing to be an American citizen to-day than to have been a Roman citizen two thousand years ago. Know your children and teach them the things which are good for them. The courses in some of our schools remind me of the bills of fare at some of our hotels. We want fewer dishes, better done.
   I want to plead with you to go back to your homes and schools and arouse public interest in educational matters. Bring yourselves into a closer relationship with the department, Get better acquainted with your pupils. Value education for what it can give of happiness, and find out what education really means. It means good citizenship.
   At the close of Dr. Skinner’s address Conductor Downing stepped to the front of the platform and introduced Dr. Milne. The doctor was taken somewhat by surprise, but managed to get even with the conductor by one of his characteristic stories. The doctor then spoke to the teachers giving them some valuable hints and suggestions in the few minutes at his disposal.

Teachers’ Institute Closed.
   After the commissioners had finished their work with the teachers of their respective districts, the teachers all assembled again in Normal hall. They were called to order by Conductor Downing, who introduced Dr. H. R. Sanford, his assistant. The doctor expressed his gratification at the punctual attendance and close attention of the members of the institute. He had attended but few institutes in his long service as conductor that equalled this in the intelligence and interest of its members. He wished to express his personal thanks to the local board for having kindly granted the use of the Normal building, to Dr. Cheney and the members of the Normal faculty for the courtesy and attention shown to all members of the institute. He said it was something unusual for the teachers of a Normal school to take the interest and to be willing to contribute so largely to the success of the institute. It was a remarkable fact that one or more members of the faculty had been in every exercise that he had conducted, and he had heard other representatives of the state department present say the same. He paid high compliments also to Commissioners Miller and Van Hoesen.
   Conductor Sanford then called for Dr. Cheney to speak to the teachers on behalf of the school and the local board. He took occasion to say that the benefit had not been all on one side. That the faculty of the Normal school did not feel that they knew so much that they could not learn more. They had all been profited by the sessions of the institute, and together with the students had enjoyed the week exceedingly. After wishing the teachers a safe journey home, he invited them all to come again.
   Conductor Downing in a few words in which he complimented the teachers upon their interest and attention and the students of the Normal school on their gentlemanly and ladylike conduct and their interested attendance upon the sessions, gave  a few closing words of advice to the teachers and bade them all goodby, as he is at the close of the year to bring to a close his work as a conductor and attend simply to his duties as supervisor of institutes and training classes.
   It is gratifying to know that the representatives of the state department were very highly pleased not only with the courtesies shown them by the Normal school authorities and the people of Cortland, but expressed themselves as being most favorably impressed with the neatness, attractiveness and convenience as well as the appointments of the Normal school building,

Institute Notes.
   The sessions at the teachers’ institute Thursday were among the most interesting thus far during the week. Miss Rice, instructor in drawing, made her first appearance before the teachers and all speak in the highest terms of her work. Two periods, one in the forenoon, and one in the afternoon were occupied by Miss Ada F. Thayer of Syracuse upon Physical Culture. Miss Thayer has charge of the work in physical culture in the Syracuse city schools  and gave the teachers some valuable information upon this branch of school work. Miss Thayer has a charming personality and her manner of presenting her work cannot fail to produce good results.
   An outline of Dr. Skinner’s address at Taylor hall in the evening will be found in another column.
   After rollcall [sic] Friday morning Conductor Sanford brought to the attention of the teachers a bill which was passed by the last legislature and which is now awaiting the approval of the governor in order to become a law. The bill is entitled, “An act in relation to the teaching of physiology and hygiene and the effects of alcoholic stimulants and narcotics upon the human system.” Conductor Sanford stated that the bill had passed the legislature without even having been read by the members. That the bill as passed was a direct blow at the correct principles of teaching and was evidently framed in the interests of some special line of text books. Teachers are carrying out the provisions of the existing law on the subject and the new bill is entirely uncalled for.
   The following resolutions were read by Commissioner Miller and unanimously adopted by the teachers:
   WHEREAS, A bill is now before the governor of this state, entitled “An act in relation to the teaching of physiology and hygiene and the effect of alcoholic stimulants and narcotics in the public schools of the state,” and
   WHEREAS, Said bill is inconsistent with and violates every teaching, and is impracticable and unnecessary, and imposes a useless burden on schools and school officers, and,
   WHEREAS, The bill shows upon its face that its authors know absolutely nothing about the subject, in relation to which they assume to secure legislation, said bill being amendatory of the section of the consolidated school law relating to “Arbor day,” instead of the one relating to the teaching of physiology and hygiene, now therefore
   Resolved, That we, the teachers of Cortland county, express our disapproval of said bill and respectfully but earnestly protest against said bill being allowed to become a law, and
   Resolved, That this resolution be sent to the superintendent of public instruction to be used as his judgment may direct.
   Just as the teachers were leaving the hall for the different morning sessions Conductor Downing stepped to the platform and signalled them to resume their seats as Superintendent Skinner was coming toward the hall. As he came in the door the genial conductor invited him to the platform to see the handsomest institute he had seen—within the past forty eight hours at least.
   As the superintendent stepped to the platform he was greeted with the Chautauqua salute. He said to the teachers:
   In your efforts resolve to be better teachers to-day than you were yesterday. Resolve to make yourself indispensable. Be a good teacher or be no teacher at all.
   The regular work of the institute was then resumed. The afternoon session assembled at 1:30. After the opening exercises the time was occupied by Commissioners Miller and Van Hoesen upon matters of special importance to teachers of their respective districts. The closing exercises of the institute were held in Normal hall at 3 o’clock.

Thursday, May 23.
   Severe battle fought in Cuba in which the rebels are defeated and their president, Jose Marti, reported killed—Powder explosion in a West Virginia coal mine kills four men and injures others—Explosion of nitro-glycerine near Porte Pinole, Cal., causes the death of four white men and nine Chinamen—Bicyclist Johnson declared a professional by the League of American Wheelmen pacing board and his manager, Tom Eck, suspended for alleged extortion—The peace convention of the Order of Elks at Buffalo succeeds only partially in restoring harmony in the order—Representative Cogswell of Massachusetts dies in Washington after a long illness—Military surgeons assemble in annual session at Buffalo—Weather bureau’s crop report shows widespread damage by frost—Lieutenant governor and six officers murdered and mutilated at Kuchen, Persia, while collecting taxes—N. L. Jennings, a bookkeeper, disappears from Middletown, N. Y.; rumors allege a shortage in his accounts, while others have it that he is roaming the woods insane—Mrs. Sarah Stephan, keeper of a candy shop at Kingston, N. Y., finds herself the heir to a fortune of $28,000,000—All clerks and other employes [sic] engaged under the income tax law dismissed—Henry Richards and wife run down and killed while driving across a railroad near Dale, N. Y.—Marquis of Queensberry and his son, Lord Douglass, engage in a street fight in London, the latter receiving a black eye and both being arrested—Whisky trust reorganization committee takes action which will end the receivership in the near future—Two children cremated in their burning home at Nanticoke, Pa.—French liner La Gascogne reaches New York disabled, five days overdue—French government grants the request of the United States and grants ex-Consul Waller a civil trial, which it is thought annuls his sentence imposed by a military tribunal—Schneider & Co. of Paris files a bill of complaint against the Carnegie company charging them with infringement in using the “nickel steel” process of making armor plate—Merchants’ National bank of Seattle, Wash., goes to the wall—Strike of garment workers of gigantic proportions impending in New York—Second trial of Oscar Wilde commences in London—Spanish steamer Gravina goes down causing the death of 168 persons.

   —All the planets will be evening stars at the opening of June.
   —Orris Hose Co. have decided not to hold the annual picnic on July fourth at the trout park this year.
   —A special meeting of the Y. M. C. A. finance committee will be held to-night at 8 o’clock in the association rooms.
   —The regular meeting of the Readingroom committee will be held on Wednesday afternoon at 8 o’clock at the East Side readingroom.
   —Three hundred young women in Danbury, Ct., have hit upon something in the line of practical temperance by signing a pledge not to marry any but total abstainers.
   —A bushel of corn makes four gallons of whiskey which retails for $27.60. The farmer gets 40 cents, the government gets $4.40, the distiller gets $5.80, the retailer gets $17, and the consumer gets full.—Ex.
   —The Norwich correspondent of the Syracuse Herald reports an interview with Secretary of War Daniel S. Lamont in which the secretary expressed himself as greatly in favor of a Cleveland third term movement.
   The employees of the Cortland Desk Co. have presented to the hospital a very handsome and convenient desk, which makes a valuable addition to the furniture of the receptionroom, and for which the managers are very grateful.
   —After September 1 a girl under 18 cannot be lawfully married in this state without the consent of her parents. Clergymen who perform the ceremony are liable to fine and imprisonment, and the girl’s declaration of her age, if she is under the statutory limit, cannot be put in evidence in bar of punishment.
   —A report was in circulation upon the streets Thursday evening that a murder had been committed in the town of Scott. Upon investigation it was found that the only foundation for the rumor was a fistic encounter between two young men which resulted in one of them getting a black eye. No arrests were made.
   —It is breeding time at the skunk farm. Some of the animals have litters of five or six, others eight or nine. They are very “cunning” and in the absence of the mother it is interesting to visit the nest and pet the little, soft-haired youngsters.—Ithaca Journal. That is all right for whoever likes that kind of pets, but excuse us.
   —Mr. G. W. Davenport brought to Standard office Monday afternoon the largest thing in the egg line we have seen in many a day. It was in the shape of three large eggs laid by one of his White Minorca hens. The three weigh thirteen ounces. Mr. Davenport informs us that the hen lays one of these large sized eggs every other day.
   —The E., C. & N. railroad will run a special train to Ithaca on the evenings of Mahan’s concerts, June 6 and 7. The train will leave Cortland for Ithaca at 11 P. M., stopping at McLean, Freeville, Etna, thus giving the people of Ithaca and along the line opportunity to attend the concerts and return home the same evening.
   —Can any one beat this snake story that is now on the rounds: Samuel Jarvis of Patchogue, Long Island, while riding his wheel recently, ran over the tail of a large blacksnake. The creature was angered enough to strike at the machine. The pneumatic tire exploded with a loud crack, and in exploding killed the snake.

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