Friday, January 4, 2013

Organization of Cortland County

"An Act to divide the county of Onondaga, passed April 8, 1808.

   1. Be it enacted by the people of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, That all that part of the county of Onondaga, to wit: Beginning at the south corner of the town of Cincinnatus, and thence running north along the east line of the towns of Cincinnatus, Solon and Fabius, to the north-east corner of lot No. 60, in said town of Fabius, thence running west along the north line of that tier of lots through the towns of Fabius and Tully, to the north-west corner of lot No. 51 in said town of Tully; thence south along the east line of the county of Cayuga, to the south-east corner of the towns of Virgil and Cincinnatus to the place beginning, shall be called and known by the name of Cortland.
   2. And be it further enacted, That the Courts in and for the said county, shall be held at the school-house on lot No. 45, in the town of Homer.
   3. And be it further enacted, That all that part of the town of Fabius, situated in the county of Cortland, shall be called Truxton; and all that part of the town of Tully, in said county of Cortland, shall be called Preble.

   Additional sections provide that Cortland shall have one member of Assembly, and that it shall form part of the Western Senatorial District, and part of the Thirteenth Congressional District."

Excerpt, page 102, Cortland County and the Border Wars of New York by H. C. Goodwin (1859)

Tompkins County Library
Cortland County and the Border Wars of New York

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