Saturday, April 29, 2023



Cortland Evening Standard, Thursday, August 2, 1900.


Veil Surrounding Events In Pekin Has at Last Been Lifted.


Pekin Correspondent of London Times Sends Complete Story of What Has Happened—Decrees, Having imperial Favor, Have Been Issued Applauding the Boxers and Commanding Viceroys to Expel All Missionaries and Capture All Christians and Make Them Renounce Their Faith—No Doubt That Von Ketteler's Death Was Premeditated and That Assassination Was Committed by an Imperial Officer—Imperial Troops Are Assailing the Legations and Chinese Generals Are Lauded For Their Gallantry In Bombarding Defenceless Women and Children—Sir Claude McDonald Confirms This Report.

   LONDON, Aug. 2.—At last Dr. George Ernest Morrison, the famous Pekin correspondent of The Times has been heard from direct. The Times this morning prints the following dispatch from him dated July 21:

   "There has been a cessation of hostilities here (Pekin) since July 18, but for fear of treachery there has been no relaxation of vigilance. The Chinese soldiers continue to strengthen the barricades around the besieged area, and also the batteries on top of the imperial city wall, but in the meantime they have discontinued firing, probably because they are short of ammunition.

   "The main bodies of the imperial soldiers have left Pekin in order to meet the relief forces. Supplies are beginning to come in and the condition of the besieged is improving.

   "The wounded are doing well. Our hospital arrangements are admirable, and 150 cases have passed through the hospitals.

   "The Tsung Li Yamen forwarded to Sir Claude MacDonald a copy of the dispatch telegraphed by the emperor to Queen Victoria attributing all deeds of violence to bandits and requesting her majesty's assistance to extricate the Chinese government from its difficulties. The queen's reply is not stated, but the Chinese minister in Washington telegraphs that the United States government would gladly assist the Chinese authorities.

   "This dispatch to the queen was sent to the Tsung Li Yamen by the grand council on July 3, yet the day before an imperial edict had issued calling on the Boxers to continue to render loyal and patriotic services in exterminating the Christians. The edict also commanded viceroys and governors to expel all missionaries from China and to arrest all Christians and compel them to renounce their faith. Other decrees applauding the Boxers speak approvingly of their burning out and slaying converts. Their leaders are stated in a decree to the princes and ministers.

   "On July 18 another decree made a complete volte face due to the victories of the foreign troops at Tien Tsin. In this decree for the first time, and one month after the occurrence, an allusion was made to the death of Baron Von Ketteler, the German minister, which was attributed to the action of local brigands, although there is no doubt that it was premeditated, and that the assassination was committed by an imperial officer, as the survivor, Herr Cordes, can testify.

   "The force besieging the legations consists of the imperial troops under General Tung Lu and General Tung Fuh Siang, whose gallantry is applauded in imperial decrees although it has consisted in bombarding for one month defenseless women and children cooped up in the legation compound, using shell, shrapnel, round shot and expanding bullets.

   "They posted proclamations assuring us of protection and, the same night, they made a general attack in the hope of surprising us.

   "There is still no news of Pei Tang cathedral. The wounded number 138 including the American Surgeon Lippitt, severely wounded, and Captain Myers who is doing well. Seven Americans have been killed.

   "All the ministers and members of the legations and their families are in good health. The general health of the community is excellent and we are contentedly awaiting relief."

   After enumerating the casualties already reported and giving the total of deaths, including Americans, as 56, Mr. Morrison proceeds as follows:

   "The Chinese undermined the French legation, which is now a ruin, but the French minister, M. Pichon, was not present, having fled for protection to the British legation on the first day of the siege.

   The greatest peril we suffered during the siege was from a determination to destroy the British legation by burning the adjoining Han Lin Yuen (National college), one of the most sacred buildings in China, sacrificing the unique library. The Chinese throughout acted with characteristic treachery."



Rev. Dr. Judson Smith on Their Relation to the Present Outbreak.

   Are not the missionaries the cause of these troubles? In no way. They are in China on a recognized and legitimate errand, specifically protected by treaty stipulations, and it is not even pretended that they have transcended their treaty rights, says the Rev. Dr. Judson Smith, secretary of the American board of missions in Leslie's Weekly. China makes no accusation against them as disturbers of the peace or as treaty breakers. If she dislikes them and their influence, it is open to her to ask for new treaties by which they shall be shut out of her domain. It is rather the dread of everything foreign, the fear lest China be drawn into the currents of western life and away from her past, that stirs the Boxers and fills the mind of the empress and pushes the government and army into open antagonism to the great powers and the ideas they represent.

   Not all the Chinese are in sympathy with this outbreak. The party of reformers that was gathered around the emperor and that had representatives in many of the provinces must wish to see this tumult suppressed, the empress deposed, a government in favor of progress inaugurated and the sympathy of foreign nations rallied to lead China out of her weakness and along the path of progress and reform. The true welfare of the Chinese people lies in the achievement of this reformation, and the just interests of all foreign powers would be best promoted by this result. A new China is slowly rising in the midst of her millions, touched by genuine patriotism, taught by western learning, transformed and inspired by the gospel of Jesus Christ, already honored by the grace of true martyrdom.

   What nobler service can the occident render than to guard this new national development and lead it on to strength and self control and a share in the best life and thought of the world?


Maj. Gen. Thomas L. Rosser, CSA.

Brig. Gen. Thomas L. Rosser, USA.


Gen. Rosser for McKinley.

   A recent special dispatch to the New York Sun from Richmond, Vu., states that Gen. Thomas L. Rosser of Charlottesville, Va., who was a major-general  in the Confederate army and brigadier-general in the war with Spain, has withdrawn from the Democratic party after being affiliated with it for many years and will vote for McKinley. The reasons which General Rosser gives for this change are creditable both to his head and heart. They are reasons which ought to be forcibly felt by every voter who puts country above party, whether his home is in the North or South. They are not only reasons which specially appeal to Southerners, but they would be strong enough to make threatening breaks in the Democratic party all over the South were it not for the race question. Had a different method of meeting this question been taken, if ought to have ceased being an issue long since.

   But so long at Republicanism is wrongly interpreted as meaning "negro supremacy," just so long the bitter race hatred cherished by the Southern whites may be trusted to solidify most of them for the Democratic party, no matter how much Democratic policies may injure the business and prospects of that section of the country. General Rosser is independent in thought, action and circumstances; he isn't suffering from negrophobia to an extent which destroys his powers of reasoning, and he is a brave man and a patriot. It is hardly to be wondered at, therefore, that he should take the step he has. He states his reasons as follows:

   "In the first place, I will state that politics is not my means of livelihood. I have never asked for nor held a political commission and am under no obligations to any political party. I have experienced no change of heart toward Virginia or the South. I am proud of the ugly scars which I now carry, received on the battlefield in attestation of my devotion and sacrifice to their cause, when issues were tried by ball and bayonet, and I love them both now as dearly as I did when I marched, hungered and fought under their flags.

   "No one can deny that the North has prospered under Republicanism, nor is there any denying the fact that the South has not prospered under Democracy. Nature has blessed the South with a soil and climate superior to that of the North. Then, shall we be expected to admit that under like conditions the South is not equal to the North in a fair field of business competition? My experience, which has been extensive, will not allow me to admit it, but on the contrary I deny it. I have taken a great many Southern young men to the Northwest, where conditions were less favorable to them than to the men born in the higher latitudes, and these Southern lads have risen to the highest rank in every field of business they have entered— many of them are now leaders.

   "I regard the Republican party as the only national party now in the field. It is enterprising, aggressive and patriotic; it has on hand and unfinished a great work in clearing off the debris left in the fields by Spain after the war was over, which both Democrats and Republicans put us into. The work is being done satisfactorily, and there should be no change in the chief executive as long as this important work is going on.

   "President McKinley is a wise, experienced and patriotic Christian statesman, and the only complaint urged by his opponents is that his place is wanted by another man. Gov. Roosevelt is the highest type of American manhood. He is able, cultivated and well prepared for the duties which will be assigned him as vice-president of the United States. The best blood of the South fills his veins, as his mother was one of Georgia's fairest daughters and of a family wholly Southern and distinguished in the service of the state in peace and in war.

   "But my friends say that the Democratic party is essentially Southern and all Southern men should support it. Is Mr. Bryan Southern? Is Mr. Stevenson Southern? Is Mr. Bryan a Democrat? If so, what sort of a Democrat? Janus-faced, he is accepting the nomination of the Democrats, but facing and smiling one way at the Populists and the other at the Sliver Republicans.

   "Mr. Bryan and his party of fusion carry no hope for the South. Virginia's vote is not required to elect McKinley and Roosevelt, nor is the vote of the South. The North will easily elect him, but I honestly, sincerely and patriotically pray that the scales may soon fall from the eyes of my southern friends, that they may see their high duty and perform it. Our country, one flag and one destiny."



West Shore Flyer Almost Totally Wrecked at Kingston. N. Y.

   KINGSTON, N. Y., Aug. 2.—While the Rip Van Winkle flyer from New York on the West Shore railroad was entering this city yesterday afternoon one of the trucks of the baggage car jumped the track.

   The locomotive wheels were buried in the rock ballast for two feet and the trucks of the cars badly wrecked. The scene of the accident is on a deep rock-cut and the escape of the passengers from death was a miracle.

   The fireman named Matthews was slightly injured and conductor Quinn sprained an ankle. Trains have been held up since the accident and a large force of wreckers are at work repairing the road bed.



Mr. Edwin M. Preston and Miss Jennie A. Watrous of the Same Class.

   Last evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Watrous, 62 Groton-ave., Cortland, occurred the wedding of Mr. Edwin M. Preston of Oxford, N. Y., and Miss Jennie A. Watrous of this city, both being Normal graduates of the February class of 1900.

   About one hundred fifty invited relatives and friends were present at the ceremony, which was performed by Rev. Adelbert Chapman of the Alexandria-ave. church, New York, Miss Ethel Lowe of Cortland acting as bridesmaid and Mr. Carl W. Gage of Groton as best man. The wedding ceremony was solemnized in a large tent on the lawn which was elaborately decorated for the occasion with draperies, ferns and potted plants. The guests were seated in the tent in order of nearness of relationship, and the effect was very satisfactory. Miss Effie Hallock played the wedding march.

   After the ceremony the guests were served with an elegant wedding supper, and it was directly after this that the school and college spirit, which was present, began to manifest itself in pranks of all descriptions, which were enjoyed by none more than by the happy bride and groom.

   Many substantial and beautiful presents were received by the pair, including silverware, cut glass, linen, furniture, etc. A party of eight Corlonors and Delphics of the Normal school presented a fine rocking chair inlaid with mother of pearl. Mrs. Preston is a member of the Corloner fraternity and Mr. Preston is a charter member of the Delphic fraternity, so this present is particularly pleasing to them. The two fraternity colors, Nile green and pink, and orange and black, were tastefully arranged upon the chair.

   The newly married couple started today for Oxford to spend a few days with Mr. Preston's parents and will then return to Cortland to stay till their respective schools in Pomona and New City begin. These two villages are only 2 miles apart and Mr. and Mrs. Preston will make their home at the latter place where Mrs. Preston is engaged for the next year. Mr. Preston is principal of the Pomona school.




Work to Begin at Once, Completed by Middle of October—Repairs of Railroad-st. Pavement—Engineer Allen's Estimate—Formal Letter of the City Attorney.

   The meeting of the board of public works was called to order promptly at 8 o'clock last night by President S. S. Knox, with all members present. The object of the meeting was to open sealed bids for the paving of Groton-ave. which had been advertised for this time. But two bids were received, one from the Warren-Scharf Paving Co. and the other from the Standard Asphalt Co. of New York. The bids were examined and the contract was let to the first named company, its bid being $405.50 less than the competitor's bid, and about $200 less than was the bid of the Warner Quinlan Co. of the first call for bids. The tabulated estimates of materials and the rates of each company with the amounts are given as follows:


   This table includes stone curbing and is known as Proposition One. Proposition Two was identical with it with the exception of Portland cement being used in place of stone for curbing, and each company's bid on this proposition was the same as for Proposition One with the exception of the curbing, for which the Warren-Scharf Co. bid $.82 and the Standard Co. $.90 per foot. The first proposition, or stone curbing, was accepted.

   The terms of the contract specify that the company shall begin work on or before the 10th day of August, 1900, and progress to its completion on or before Oct. 15, 1900. The material to be used is known as Trinidad Lake asphalt, obtained from Pitch lake, Island of Trinidad. The company has as surety the United States Fidelity & Guaranty Co. of New York and Syracuse.

   The vote of the board, giving the contract to the Warren-Scharf company, was unanimous. In fact, in the past eight years this same board has been in operation and it has never had a divided vote.

   While the footings of the two bids were being made, Hon. O. U. Kellogg, city attorney, came before the board and presented a notice which he had prepared to be served on the Jamestown Construction Co., builders of the Railroad-st. pavement, also the report of Engineer Allen on the condition of the pavement. Upon Mr. Kellogg's recommendation, this notice was approved by the board. The same matter will be brought before the common council. The notice is:

   Jamestown Construction Company:

   GENTLEMEN—You will take notice that in the opinion of the city of Cortland and its common council and in the opinion of the board of public works of the city of Cortland, the repairs specified in the report of Henry C. Allen, engineer of the city of Cortland, (a copy of which is hereto annexed) to the pavement, curbing and sluiceways heretofore constructed by you on Railroad-st. in this city, are necessary, and you are hereby required to make such repairs and to begin making such repairs within five (5) days after the service of this notice and to complete the same promptly; and in case you do not make and complete said repairs within a reasonable time after the service of this notice upon you, the city of Cortland, its common council and the board of public works thereof, will cause such repairs to be made under their supervision, and you will be required to pay the costs thereof, upon demand, in accordance with your contract with the village of Cortland, dated July 28, 1896.

   You will also take notice that by virtue of the provisions of chapter 160 of the laws of 1900, the city of Cortland has succeeded to all the rights and contracts of the village of Cortland and is authorized and empowered to enforce all contracts of the village of Cortland.

   You will also take notice that the report of the engineer contains an estimate of the cost of making such repairs; and that if you desire any more definite or specific information as to the places or portions of said pavement to which repairs are deemed necessary, we will be pleased to furnish it to you at any time.

   Mr. Allen's report is as follows:

   Cortland, N. Y„ July 28, 1900.

   To the City of Cortland:

   To the Common Council:

   To the Board of Public Works of the City of Cortland:

   GENTLEMEN—I have to-day made an examination of the brick pavement on Railroad-st., in this city. I have located each spot which according to the terms of the guarantee, the contractors should be called upon to repair, take the dimensions, and noted the character of the defect. I enclose herewith a table showing the location, dimensions and defects of the several places requiring repairs. Following is my estimate of the cost of making repairs:


   Excavating and disposing of material 110 y. @ 50c., $55.00

   New brick pavement (no concrete) 100 sq. yds. @ $l.15, $1,150.00

   New headers set (for sluiceway) 80 ft. @ 80c, $64.00

   Old headers reset 25 ft. @ 20c., $5.00

   (subtotal), $1,274.00

   Contingencies and supervision, 126.00

   Total, $1,400.00

   The table made out by Mr. Allen shows that there are fifty-eight places in the street that need repairs. The board of public works will press the matter and, if the company does not begin soon to make repairs, the city will take charge of the work. The street certainly needs the repairs badly and this action by the board will meet with general approval.


Cortland City Band 1898.


A Highly Appreciated Program—Another Concert in Sight.

   The Cortland City band attracted a large crowd at its open air concert last night at the corner of Main and Court-sts., and the excellent music it furnished was thoroughly appreciated. The program given was:

   March—Ameer, Herbert

   Medley—The Hummer, Mackel

   Cornet Solo—Hyperion, N. Adams

   Swedish Wedding March, Sodermann

   Intermezzo—La Rose, Ascher

   Selection—Singing Girl, V. Herbert

   March—Countersign, Althouse

   The band is preparing to give another concert in about a week.


An Explanation.

   The STANDARD of Tuesday stated that the funeral of Patrick Driscoll would be held on Thursday morning when it was in fact appointed for Wednesday morning. Undertaker McEvoy gave the day and hour and gave it correctly, saying it would be held "to-morrow morning." The reporter to whom he was speaking seems to have skipped a day in his calendar, for he wrote it down "Thursday," thinking, as he says, that it was then Wednesday. The reporter will hereafter check off the days of the week as they pass to be sure that he knows where he is at. We are very much mortified at the error and offer the explanation to relieve the undertaker from any unjust blame. We shall endeavor not to repeat the occurrence in the future.


Important Notice.

   The ladies of the local W. C. T. U. are to furnish meals at the Cortland county fair and within the next two weeks solicitors will canvass the city. An opportunity will thus be afforded everyone to donate such supplies as they may feel willing to give, all of which will be most gratefully appreciated by the organization.



Special Edition Prepared for the Corset City Meeting With Favor.

   When Grip's Historical Souvenir of Cortland was prepared it also contained a number of pages devoted to McGraw. While many residents of that place were glad to possess the complete souvenir a larger number would like to have a separate book relating to their own locality which could be obtained at a popular price. To meet that demand Mr. B. T. Burlingham, the postmaster of McGraw, made arrangements with Mr. Welch, the publisher of Grip's Souvenir, to secure the rights and privileges for the use of the McGraw section for a separate publication and has prepared a separate edition known as McGraw Illustrated. This also contains the directory of McGraw. It is handsomely gotten up, attractively bound and makes a very neat and pleasing publication. It is sold for 10 cents a copy and there is a large call for the books, so that there is every reason to believe that the edition will be quickly exhausted.


A Handsome Monument.

   One of the handsomest monuments that has been erected in the Cortland cemetery in a long time is that just completed by S. M. Benjamin for the J. S. Barber estate. It stands in a sightly location upon the first ascent in the east part of the cemetery. It is of granite with a Carrara marble figure on top. The whole monument stands 16 feet high and weighs 18,000 pounds. The panels are raised and beautifully polished and all the lines are very graceful.


Runaway on Fitz-ave.

   A lively runaway occurred on Fitz-ave. and Hamlin-st. about 8 o'clock last evening. Floyd Rogers of 27 Fitz-ave. [West Main Street] had left his horse hitched in front of the house. The animal slipped its halter and ran at a rapid pace up Fitz-ave. and turned down Hamlin-st. at Anson Shaw's place, 65 Hamlin-st., the horse turned into the driveway and ran around the house and into the garden where it was caught by Mr. Shaw. A broken shaft was the extent of the damage.



   —Cortland Commandery, No. 50, K. T., will meet Friday evening at 8 o'clock for drill.

   —The Elmira team will play her first two games in Cortland under the new management to-morrow and Saturday.

   —The twenty-fifth reunion and picnic of the Hammond family will be held at Henry Hammond's in McGrawville Friday, Aug. 24.

   —D. B. Ritter of Jeffersonville, Pa,, yesterday shipped a fine carload of cows to his home all picked up among the farmers in the vicinity.

   —The annual Griswold reunion will be held at the home of Charles Griswold, 4 ½ miles west of Cortland on the McLean road on Thursday, Aug. 10.

   —New display advertisements to-day are: M. A. Hudson, crockery, page 7; F. D. Smith, Red Cross Range given away, page 6.

   —Arrangements are being made for the extension of the Elmira and Watkins electric road to Ithaca, coming by way of Trumansburg and Mecklenburg. It is expected that the road will be in operation inside of two years.

   —The Presbyterian church and Sunday-school to the number of about three hundred picnicked at the park yesterday afternoon. Supper was served at 6 o'clock. The time proved an accommodation to many of the business men who were thus able to join their families, and the place was convenient and accessible. The air was a little cool for the most of comfort before the time came to return home, but all had a fine time.

   —Word has been received of the death this morning in Syracuse of Willis, the only son of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Stoppard, formerly of Cortland. The young man had been ill for only a short time with typhoid fever and brain fever. He was about 20 years old. The burial will be at Tully, which was Mrs. Stoppard's old home. Mr. and Mrs. Stoppard had previously lost one son. They have one daughter left, a little girl about 7 years old.

Friday, April 28, 2023


Major General A. R. Chaffee.

Cortland Evening Standard, Wednesday, August 1, 1900.


Would She Join With Allies In Suppressing Boxers?


Washington Feeling Akin to Certainty That Ministers Are Still Alive and Can Hold Out Until Relief Arrives—McKinley Will Return to Capital.

   WASHINGTON, Aug. 1.—Doubt has given way to a feeling akin to certainty that the legationers at Pekin and the gallant marines who managed to reach the Chinese capital just in the nick of time were not only alive on July 22, but in all probability are still alive and likely to remain so until they are released from their [state] of siege.

   The officials here feel certain that the attack by the Chinese on the legations will not be renewed. They are convinced that the counsels of the  viceroys in the great southern and central provinces and the advice of Li Hung Chang have had affect, and that whoever is in power in Pekin, whether emperor, empress, Ching, Tuan or Tung, now have been made to see the necessity for the preservation of the legations.

   The officials here, while anxious that the movement on Pekin begin at once, do not attach credence to the rumor mentioned by General Chaffee that the forward march was to have begun yesterday. There are two reasons for their incredulity.

   In the first place Chaffee's force, his splendid cavalry and his battery of artillery, are exactly what are needed to strengthen a weak spot in the international column. In the second place (and information on this point comes through European channels) some of the foreign commanders are still of opinion that they cannot begin the campaign before the last week in August. The United States government never has acceded to this view and is relaxing no effort to bring about a change of plans on this point. But our representations have been met by the almost unanswerable argument that the decision of this important question should be left to the military commanders on the spot who must bear the responsibility for the outcome of the expedition.

Startling Proposition.

   A rather startling proposition was advanced yesterday which, if adopted might put at once to the test the Chinese profession that the Boxers and not the Chinese government are responsible for what has happened in Pekin. This was to the effect that the Chinese government should be informed that the international force was prepared to take that government at its word and to join forces with it in crushing out the insurrection. The kernel of just such a proposition is to be found in the last condition laid down by the president in his reply to the appeal of the emperor, Kwang Su, and there may be a development in that direction speedily.

   Secretary Root says that nothing has been received from China either officially or unofficially that necessitates any change in the instructions given Major General Chaffee. If there is an advance on Pekin, it is presumed that such of the United States forces as are now ready will participate in the movement. If dispatches are received at Tien Tsin from Minister Conger or others in the legations at Pekin, which change the existing conditions, Major General Chaffee will act in accordance with such information.

   The secretary says General Chaffee has full power and has been entrusted with the command of the United States forces because of the confidence the government has in his ability to meet any situation that may arise.

   It is evident from the dispatches received from General Chaffee that only a portion of his force can be utilized if any immediate advance is made. It is not believed that all of the equipments of the last expedition sent from Manila have been landed, and it is of course apparent that the horses and most of the equipment of the Sixth cavalry are still at sea. The Ninth infantry and the two battalions of the Fourteenth infantry, together with the marines, are the only troops of the United States actually available on Chinese soil at this time.


William McKinley.


Will Hold Reception to Visitors and Then Go to Washington.

   CANTON, O., Aug. 1.—President McKinley, accompanied by Secretary Cortelyou, will leave Canton at 1:30 this afternoon via the Pennsylvania road, reaching Washington Thursday early, where he expects to remain two days.

   The president's determination to go to Washington is not a sudden one nor, it is said, is it prompted by any special business of state withheld from the public. He expected when he entered upon his vacation to make occasional trips to the capital to confer with cabinet members and to attend to matters of business which could not be conveniently forwarded to him here, and the present trip has been contemplated for several days.

   United States Ambassador to Russia, Tower, arrived yesterday. After a short talk the president and Ambassador Tower were joined by Senator Fairbanks and the three went for a drive about the city.

   A social call of Ohio state officials, Republican candidates and committeemen, will be made today.

   The affair is to be entirely informal. Governor Nash will head the party, which is expected to number about 100 people, including the wives of a number of the officials and committeemen.



Superintendent and His Brother Hugh Retire For "Personal Reasons."

   ELMIRA, N. Y., Aug. 1.—Zebulon R. Brockway is out of the Elmira reformatory, where he has served for 30 years as general superintendent. His resignation was tendered to the board of managers yesterday. The resignation is to take effect in December next and was accepted, and at the request of Mr. Brockway he was granted a leave of absence for the next five months.

   Dr. Frank W. Robertson, late of Bellevue hospital, New York, and for some months past the senior resident physician of the reformatory, has been appointed acting general superintendent, which means as previously indicated in these dispatches that he will be Brockway's successor when his term as "acting superintendent" ceases. Brockway's resignation follows.

   "To the Board of Managers:

   "For personal reasons, including that of my advancing age, I hereby tender my resignation of the office of general superintendent of the Elmira reformatory, to take effect in the month of December next. Z. R. BROCKWAY."

   Transfer Officer Hugh Brockway, brother of the superintendent, also tendered his resignation, which was couched in language similar to that of his brother. It has not yet been accepted, but will be soon. He had stated that he should make a fight to retain his position and had retained counsel to carry the matter to the courts in case of his removal. It is understood that his resignation was upon advice of his brother. His resignation will take effect Oct. 1 and he will be given leave of absence with full pay until that time.

   Previous to Hugh Brockway's tendering his resignation, County Judge Charles R. Pratt had granted an injunction restraining the board from removing him.

   Dr. Robertson, the new superintendent, is 32 years old, and was born in Owego, N. Y. He refuses at this time to discuss his plans for conducting the reformatory, further than to say that he will defer to the wishes of the board of managers with regard to the matter of corporal punishment, which means that there will be none.



William J. Bryan.


Tri-Partite Promises.

   A combination of the declarations of the Kansas City platform and the personal statements of Mr. Bryan, concerning questions of national importance, produces a horoscope for the country that its voters would be slow to endorse at the polls in November.

   Porto Rico would either be erected into a territory or turned adrift to shift for itself, with a pronounced leaning toward the policy of abandonment. The Republicans are charged with enslaving and impoverishing the island notwithstanding the fact that this year's volume of business there, both in imports and exports, is about 100 per cent larger than it was last year.

   Cuba would be abandoned at once. All officials, both civil and military, would be withdrawn, and the Cubans would be told to work out their own future. Furthermore, this country would have to trust to the honor and ability of a government not yet created for repayment of the money loaned and spent for the benefit of that island.

   The mutually jealous tribes of the Philippine archipelago would be given a stable native government without the employment of force. How this is to be done is a detail too simple to be explained. The foreign population would look to the Filipinos for protection. The United States, without any rights on land, would use the navy to protect the natives from European aggression and would take their part in European quarrels. It is worthwhile to notice also that when the Democracy is talking about the Filipinos, it insists that they should be treated as the Cubans are, and when speaking of Cuba it arraigns the conduct of the administration in Cuba as being burdensome, wrong and imperialistic.

   It is demanded that the United States take some formal action toward stopping the war in South Africa. How this is to be done is another unimportant detail which the country is asked to leave to the wisdom of the man whom Mr. Bryan may select for secretary of state.

   An army of 65,000 or 70,000 men we are told is entirely too large for a little nation of 75,000,000. Less than one soldier for every 1,000 of inhabitants is a threat and menace to the perpetuity of free institutions, and we are told that an era of militarism is threatened. The Democratic candidate would protect the country from internal disorder and external aggression with Bryan Soldiers' clubs.

   The country is told with words of prophetic solemnity that unless Bryan is elected in November there will be no more Forth of July, so it can be seen that the matter is getting serious.

   Then there is to be a good deal of wiping out all along the line. Trusts and business combinations are to be wiped out; the Dingley tariff is to be wiped out; the gold standard is to be wiped out; national banks are to be wiped out; injunction by the courts is to wiped out; and the party of Lincoln is to be wiped out.

   No encouragement is to be given to foreign trade. But the cheap products of Europe and Asia, made by cheap labor, are to come into our markets under a tariff for revenue only, not protection, and they will destroy our home industries and make American labor as idle as it was under the Democratic administration of President Cleveland.

   These are some of the serious changes promised by the tri-partite candidate for the presidency.




Dashes Through Main-st. With no Driver, Street Full of People—Ray Hollenbeck Climbs on Board, Climbs Out on Tongue Between the Horses and Finally Stops Them—No Damage Done.

   There was an alarm of fire at about 8 o'clock this morning, details of which are given elsewhere. Considering the fact that it was extinguished with a pail full of water or two before the arrival of the fire department, it had connected with it an unusually large degree of excitement. The upset of the Hitchcock Hose company's cart is reported in another column and was bad enough in its way, but the climax of interest, danger and excitement was reached in the wild runaway of the city team attached to the hook and ladder truck through Main-st., which was crowded with teams, bicycles and people, and the daring act of Ray Hollenbeck, which resulted in stopping the team without damage or injury to any one, save A. G. Bosworth, the tiller [steering] man, who was somewhat bruised in jumping off.

   When the alarm was sounded the big black team was hurried to the engine house. The truck had already been run out and was headed toward Railroad-st., down which the hose companies had just gone. The horses knew full well what it all meant and were wild with excitement and eagerness to get away to the fire. While the men were hurriedly hitching them on D. F. Waters, the driver, held the off horse by the head. Some one else had the near horse. The tugs were all hooked on, but for some reason the pole straps had not been snapped into place. Authorities differ as to whether both the pole straps were loose. They certainly looked so to be as the team sped down Main-st. a moment later, though one man thinks he fastened the near pole strap. The off pole strap was not claimed to be fastened. The men who stopped the team finally say that neither one was fastened.

   Just as the tugs were fastened, the horses made a plunge to get away. The man at the head of the near horse lost his hold on the bits and the team swung around in a circle, Mr. Waters being the pivot. He was clinging desperately to his horse. The tongue which is self supporting was pushed along by the horses as the forward wheels turned easily on the smooth asphalt. The team headed straight toward Daehler's clothing store and Mr. Waters finally had to loosen his hold to prevent being thrown into the tall sign post that stands in front of the store.

   The moment they were free the horses turned instantly south along Main-st. The street was full of vehicles, bicycles and people, all coming north, as the fire was in the other direction. Gathering speed with every leap the team plunged straight for the midst of the crowd, which scattered in every direction. Teams hurried toward the curb, some got up on the sidewalks. Every man had jumped from the foot boards of the truck when it was evident that the team was loose. A. G. Bosworth, the steersman, sat alone on the top of the truck. When he saw the situation he loosened the strap which holds the steering wheel, set the wheels straight ahead when the truck had gotten straightened in the street and with the key locked them in that position. Then be quickly let himself down over the ladders to the rack behind which holds ropes and tools and hung on there.

   At one time it looked as though the off horse was going to crowd the near one into a turn to the left down Port Watson-st., but the near one crowded back and the course was straight ahead. By the time they passed the Messenger House the speed was terrific. Further down Main-st. were two two-horse drays. They crowded to the east side of the street to give the hook and ladder team the center of the street. Suddenly the drivers noticed that it was a runaway and that it was also taking the east side. Whips descending hurriedly and with power and the first dray dashed into Peck Brother's alley way by the Farmer's Exchange. The second one took the sidewalk fifteen rods below.

   By the time the runaways had gotten in front of Mrs. B. B. Jones' place the wheels were close to the curb. In front of M. F. Cleary's a telephone pole stands within a foot of the curb. Mr. Bosworth saw it and feared the truck would strike it, so from his position on the rear foot board he jumped out to the left, hoping to strike on the soft ground back of the curb. He struck all right. He took two steps after he landed and then keeled over three times. His left thumb was badly bruised and bleeding, his left knee was lame and he was sore under his ribs on the left side, but he was thankful to be alive and in one piece.

   Opposite the end of Argyle Place stood Ray Hollenbeck, second son of W. J. Hollenbeck, a young man about 20 years of age. He saw the horses coming and as they passed he suddenly started along with them and leaped upon the footboard on the left side of the truck. He climbed up over the truck to the drivers' seat expecting to find the reins there. The rein on the off horse was there, but the near one had fallen down and been cut off by a horse's shoe six inches back of the place where the double reins come together. Down he dropped over the whifltetrees and astride of the pole, and began working himself out toward the front, steadying himself by the running horses on either side. Just before he reached the Lehigh Valley tracks he got hold of the reins. A freight train had been switching there and was across the track when the team passed the Messenger House, but it had backed up, and the flagman seeing the runaway signaled the engineer not to come up again. Quickly young Hollenbeck braced his feet against the pole straps and was about to haul in on the reins when he saw that the pole straps were unfastened and that to pull the horses in quickly would be to send the truck upon [its] heels and frighten them. South hill was just ahead, and he says he knew if he could guide them he could atop them in time as they would never pull the truck up that bill at their present rate of speed. But when the truck struck the dirt road at the end of the pavement and the beginnings of the grade, the speed was materially slackened.

   Meanwhile E. J. Warfield, N. P. Meager and an army of builders engaged in putting up the new Wickwire mill had stepped out into the street to see where the fire was and discovered the team coming toward them at breakneck speed. They thought the fire was down that way but as the team crossed the railroad track they noticed that there was no one on the truck. Then they saw the man on the tongue and discovered that it was a runaway. Instantly they separated and a man on each side seized the bit of a horse as they went by. "Stop them slow, stop them slow," called the man on the tongue, and they did stop them slow, letting the truck stop of its own weight on the grade. Just opposite the new mill the team stopped. Neither horse was frightened in the least. They put their heads down and took a long breath. They merely supposed that they had been running to a fire and had got there. It was a most marvelous run, and Ray Hollenbeck showed a pluck and nerve in going out on that tongue that was almost recklessness. Still he was cool and collected and apparently everything came out just as he expected to have it.

   The sight of that team madly racing at full speed into the midst of the crowd on Main-st., and with a man on top of the truck was one to make everybody shudder, and there is indeed cause for thankfulness that no serious accident happened.

   The big crowd followed the truck instead of going to the fire and the street was full of riders and of teams who had come on expecting to find a wreck. Had the pavement not been as smooth as a floor that truck would never have steered as straight as it did. The team was not harmed in the slightest and will be ready for business next time, but it would be wise to see to it the next time they are hitched to a truck that enough men have them by the bits to control them till they are ready to start.




Subdued When Alarm Was Sent in—Started from Match Used by Small Boy—Hitchcock Hose Cart Turned Over in Rounding a Corner.

   This morning at about 8 o'clock a fire alarm was rung in from box 313 at the corner of Clinton-ave. and Hubbard-st., the occasion being a fire in a clothespress at Mr. Chas. L. Hicks' residence, 26 Hubbard-st. The fire was under control when the alarm was given, but a passerby, seeing a large amount of smoke issuing from an upper window, thought the whole house must be on fire, and rung in the alarm.

   The fire started in the clothesroom from a lighted match which Mr. Hicks' little boy was using to find some articles of clothing. As soon as the fire started, the little fellow ran down stairs and made it known. Mrs. Hicks and her sister tried at first to smother the flames, but found this impossible, so water was carried and thrown on with the desired effect. In trying to smother the flames, Mrs. Hicks burned her left hand quite badly. Their loss was slight.

   When the alarm sounded, the Hitchcock Hose company started for the scene of excitement full tilt, with Alley Wright driving and David Godfrey with him on the driver's seat. Charles Chorley was stationed at the rear of the cart. When the corner of Elm and Pendleton-sts. was reached, a lively gait had been struck, and, in trying to turn this corner, the cart, horse, men, hose and all went rolling over and over each other. Wright was badly bruised and was taken into Mr. George Chatterton's, where he was well taken care of. No bones were broken, and he is now able to be about. The other men were fortunate in getting out without any bruises. The horse was unhurt, but the cart was badly mutilated. One of the hind wheels was broken to pieces, the thills were wrenched and broken, the seat rail was bent, one of the fire extinguishers was destroyed and the lanterns flew in all directions. The dilapidated cart was taken at once to a repair shop to be overhauled. The damages to it are about $25. There was no water thrown on the building nor were there any hose connections made.



J. C. Jones Buys out His Partner in Owego-st. Store.

   J. C. Jones, senior partner of the firm of Jones & Tyler, proprietors of the well-known Owego-St. grocery and meat market, has purchased the interest of his partner in the concern and will hereafter conduct the business alone. He will continue to carry the same large variety of first-class groceries and meats as in the past, with all fresh vegetables and fruits in their season. All accounts due the firm may be settled for with Mr. Jones at the store.



Pretty Wedding Amid the Sweet Peas Tuesday Evening.

   There was a very quiet and very pretty wedding at 9 o'clock last night at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Sarah E. Curry, 70 North Main-st. when Mr. Layton S. Hawkins of Breesport was joined in marriage with Miss Caroline Monell Curry. Only a few of the most intimate relatives and friends of bride and groom were present. The rooms were prettily adorned with a profusion of sweet peas tastefully arranged. The bride looked very charming indeed attired all in white. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Robert Clements, pastor of the Presbyterian church. Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins left on the 11:33 train for a short wedding trip, after which they will return to Breesport and spend the month of August at Mr. Hawkins' home.

   The bride has been for several years one of the most efficient, accomplished and esteemed members of the Normal faculty. The groom has been a student of high rank at the Normal, a prominent athlete and a highly respected and popular young man. He expects to enter Amherst college in the fall, while Mrs. Hawkins will continue in her old place in the Normal. They will receive the best wishes of a host of friends.


Rev. Stone, top left photo.



Plunged into the Surf at Marblehead—Women Seized Him and He Was Drawn Under—Shook One Off and Saved the Other, Then Swam Back for First One.

   A dispatch from Boston under date of July 30 to the New York Sun contains the following concerning Rev. John Timothy Stone, formerly pastor of the Presbyterian church of Cortland:

   The Rev. J. T. Stone, pastor of Brown Memorial church, Baltimore, proved himself brave and a good swimmer yesterday afternoon by plunging into the water at Clifton Beach, Marblehead, and saving the lives of two women who were in bathing. The news that Mrs. Edwin Hannigan was at the Salem hospital in a dangerous condition to-day led to the disclosure of Mr. Stone's daring and successful effort to prevent the drowning of the woman and Miss Julia Hamilton, her sister. Mrs. Hannigan and Miss Hamilton went into the water for a dip shortly after noon, and as the water is unusually cold along the rocky coast both women were taken ill suddenly, lost their heads and began to struggle violently. Mr. Stone, seeing that they were in great danger, leaped into the surf to aid them. He was seized by the women and drawn under himself, but, shaking off one of them he carried the other ashore and returned at once for the sister, rescuing her also. Both were unconscious for several hours. Mrs. Hannigan was removed to Salem hospital, and she is not yet out of danger.

   The Boston Globe of July 30 says: Rev. John Timothy Stone, pastor of the Brown Memorial Presbyterian church of Baltimore, who is stopping at Beach Bluff, was instrumental in saving the lives of Miss Julia Hanniford [sic] and her sister while both were bathing at Clifton beach yesterday afternoon.

   Mr. Stone, with Mr. Henry F. Benton of Cortland, N. Y.; Mrs. C. D. Pettett, nurse for Mrs. Stone, who is an invalid; Mrs. C. M, Marks of Brooklyn, N. Y., and several other guests at a local hotel, were sitting on a jut of rocks on the beach, when Mr. Stone's attention was attracted to the young women by their shouts. He asked if they needed assistance, and received a reply, as he thought, in the negative.

   A moment later Mr. Stone saw that they were in danger, and throwing off his coat went boldly to their assistance. On reaching them he took hold of the one nearest the shore. She grasped him and nearly threw him off his feet. He succeeded, however, in breaking her hold, and noticing that her companion was unconscious and sinking went to her aid.

   He succeeded with great difficulty in getting her ashore. He was nearly exhausted, but pluckily returned, and after a great deal of hard work rescued the second woman.

   Both were unconscious and life was apparently extinct. But Mrs. Pettett, whose training proved invaluable in the emergency, went to work and with the assistance of Mr. Benton and Drs. Johnson and Craigen succeeded in reviving the young women after an hour's hard effort.

   The residents accord great praise to Mr. Stone for his heroism, and to Mr. Benton and other members of the party for their timely aid.

   After regaining consciousness the young women were taken to the home of C. M. Wilder, where Miss Julia is employed.

   A personal letter has to-day come from Mr. Benton to members of his family here in Cortland in which he gives further particulars of the rescue. It was a hard struggle to get loose from the young woman who seized Mr. Stone about the neck and was drawing him under and to get her ashore, and once there were fears lest he could not free himself, to say nothing of saving the ladies.


William R. George.


Extracts from a Recent Letter to Christian Intelligencer.

   The Christian Intelligencer publishes the following concerning the George Junior Republic at Freeville:

   What impressed us most was the freedom from restraint, without lawlessness or disorder. The children from 5 years to 18 years were happy and interesting, could go anywhere over the farm without restraint. We were given in charge of a boy and girl to show us around, and we were introduced to all the "citizens" as we met them. Father had a list of the children from Syracuse, eighteen in all, and checked them off as be met them. They were an interesting lot. We took dinner and supper with them, and were surprised to see the politeness and consideration they had for one another. They had a ball game with a Cortland ball team and had as merry and happy a time as any school team could have.

   The whole time we were there we did not hear a profane word, a quarrel, or witness an unpleasant incident of any kind, it seems remarkable, when you consider there are nearly 150 children from all over the United States, all of whom have committed all sorts of offenses, from murder and arson to horse-stealing, yet in a few years, under the influence of the Republic, have become good citizens of the Republic, and are ready and willing to help the new incorrigible as soon as he is willing to be helped.

   We were shown the worst boy the authorities of the state of Massachusetts could find, whom they sent to the Republic as a test case, and were told in state authorities were very well satisfied with the result. He was playing on the ball team and had just as much liberty as any. Boys and girls, white and colored, were around together freely, sat together at the tables, could romp and play without restraint. The boys showed more politeness and consideration for the girls than one often sees.

   A little girl had charge of one of the buildings to keep clean and in order.

   We saw the "prison gang" going lockstep from their work, in the ditch, to their cells for dinner, in charge of a boy policeman; not a word of jeer or taunt was heard. They were required to work all day at digging ditches, and not allowed to speak to each other. For good behavior they are paroled, but are compelled to wear a striped suit until their sentence has expired. We saw several paroled prisoners with the others.

   The girls have separate prisons, with girl caretakers and a girl judge to try such cases as should not come before the Republic. The girl prisoners work in the laundry for punishment.

   The Republic motto is "Nothing without labor," and if they don't work they starve, or are committed for vagrancy, and have to work for the Republic without pay until such time as they are willing to work for themselves.

   Gerritt Smith Miller, a grandson of Gerritt Smith, is very much interested in the Republic, and spends a great deal of his time there, and was very kind to us yesterday; he told us a great deal about its workings, all of which was intensely interesting.



   —New display advertisements to-day are—M. A. Hudson, Lamps, page 5; J. W. Cudworth, Optical talks, page 7.

   —Hon. Edwin C. Stewart of Ithaca was yesterday renominated by the Republicans of the Fortieth senatorial district for state senator.

   —At the next meeting of the Cortland Medical association the subject for discussion will be "Hysteria" opened by a paper by Dr. Neary. This meeting will be held on Friday, Aug. 24, at Dr. Ver Nooy's office.

   —The Cortland City band will give an open air concert to-night beginning at 8 o'clock, at the corner of Main and Court-sts. This will serve as an introduction to the I. O. O. F. excursion to Renwick beach [Stewart Park], Ithaca, to-morrow.

   —The Presbyterian Sunday-school picnic is being held at the park this afternoon. Three carloads started at 2:30 o'clock for a ride to McGraw and return to the park and two carloads went directly to the park at that time. The park cars on regular trips since have been well patronized. Supper is to be served at 6 o'clock.