Tuesday, March 31, 2020


Frederick George Jackson.

Cortland Evening Standard, Saturday, September 4, 1897.


Tales by Jackson of Franz Josef Land.


Reports Many Changes From Supposed Geographical Situations —Three  Months of Total Darkness. Forty Degrees Below Zero.

   LONDON, Sept. 4.—The British steamer Windward, having on board the Jackson-Harmsworth expedition which has spent three winters near Cape Flora, Franz Josef Land, arrived here from Franz Josef Land with F. G. Jackson and his colleagues. All the members of the expedition are in good health. They report having explored Franz Josef Land thoroughly with the exception of some odd corners.

   Before the Windward sailed the quarters of the expedition at Elmwood were fastened up, but Mr. Jackson left there a quantity of supplies in case the place is visited by Professor Andree or other explorers.

   Talking of his experiences, he said that since the Windward left Franz Josef Land last year with Dr. Hansen, the winter had been less severe and less windy than usual. Mr. Jackson and Mr. Albert Armitage, nautical astronomer of the expedition, started on March 16 with a pony and dog sledges to explore the western part of Franz Josef Land.

   They encountered boisterous weather and at the end of the first month a majority of the dogs and the pony succumbed and the explorers were compelled to abandon all but the most essential part of their equipment. The party followed the coast line, sometimes on a sea of ice and sometimes along glaciated land 1,500 feet high, bordering on Cambridge bay.

   The constant mists which prevailed made the journey very harassing. They shot a bear, the only one seen, and having procured meat and blubber, they returned to Elmwood in the middle of May after meeting a party sent out to look for them, anxiety having been felt for their safety, as they were a fortnight overdue.

   A second expedition, which went eastward during the beginning of June, was less successful, as on the second day out the explorers lost a sledge through the thin sea ice, and had a hazardous return journey.

   The result of these explorations, it is claimed, completely revolutionizes the old ideas of Franz Josef Land, and proves that the much discussed Gillies Land does not lie where Arctic geographers have been in the habit of placing it, therefore it may be considered nonexistant.

   The whole continental mass of land is replaced by a small number of small islands and the lofty mountains by long ridged hummocks and ice packs, while north of these areas has been found an open sea, which is the most open north sea in the whole world.

   Most valuable magnetic, meteorological and geological observations were made and very valuable botanical and zoological collections were brought to England.

   The winter life of the explorers were uneventful. There were about two hours twilight in the middle of the day from October to November, and from thence on it was total darkness until the end of February.

   The cold sometimes reached 40 degrees below zero and jumped up to 20 below freezing point.

   The members of the Jackson-Harmsworth expedition failed to see King Oscar land, and are convinced there is no great land northwest of Franz Josef Land. They add that the existence of Petermann land is doubtful and that in any case it must be small.

   Mr. Jackson announced his intention of heading another Arctic expedition, this time on his own account.

Confirms Klondike's Richness.

   WASHINGTON, Sept. 4.—John G. Brady, governor of Alaska, has sent to Secretary Bliss a personal letter from Juneau in which he says: Steamships are passing daily for Dyea and Skagway loaded to the utmost with passengers and supplies. The news just out of Klondike, by reliable men, is calculated to raise the excitement to a higher pitch. The shipment of dust by the mouth of the Yukon [river] will be all of two and a half tons. Rich finds have been made well up on the sides of the mountains.


Doc Kelley Dies For His Attack on Mrs. Merritt—His Victim Present.

   RALEIGH, N. C., Sept. 4.—Doc Kelley, alias Black, a negro, 23 years old, was hanged at Snow Hill for assaulting Mrs. Merritt, a white woman. The gallows was in the public square of the town, and 5,000 people were spectators. Kelley was accused of several other crimes.

   He said that he would make a full confession on the gallows of all his crimes, but he failed to keep his word, and confessed only the assault.

   He committed this crime in July, while Mrs. Merritt was alone in her house, and would have been lynched except for the plea of some influential citizens for a jury trial. He was tried on Aug. 16 and convicted.

   The people of the county urged that the execution be made public, and the commissioners so ordered. His victim witnessed the execution. She was seated within a few feet of the gallows. The trap was sprung, and in 11 minutes Kelley was pronounced dead from strangulation. Some persons traveled 30 miles to see the execution.


Colored People Are Arranging For a Big Conference on the Subject.

   Bishop Abraham Grant is busy conferring with Afro-Americans regarding the proposed convention to discuss lynch law. Said he recently: "I have been overwhelmed with communications from leading men, both white and black, who have become interested in the proposed convention and who desire to know all about it. A call will be issued for the convention within a very short time, and it will be signed by five or six of the most representative men of the race in each state. The conference will not be composed of colored men and women alone, but we will invite to deliberate with us people of all races who are friendly to the negro.

   "The negro has been so long misrepresented and the sentiments of the leading men of the race relative to lynchings have been so perverted that we will ask that the press of the country shall be fully represented, so that we may go on record in this matter once for all. It is not our purpose to denounce lynchings in Georgia and Mississippi, and to say that the officials of these states are to blame for the perpetration of the great outrages upon American law and American institutions, but we will denounce lynching wherever it occurs, and will hold the officials of New York and Ohio equally culpable with the officials of Mississippi or Georgia who permit such crimes.

   "We have no apology to make for the man who commits rape, but as American citizens and lovers of our country we believe in the sanctity and majesty of the law, and feel that it can be maintained.

   "It is a grave indictment that has been brought against the negroes of the south as a class, and it will be our business to give answer to the indictment, and we will leave the verdict with the American people."—Exchange.


The Heads of the Rival Factions In Syracuse Get Together.

   SYRACUSE, Sept. 4.—After years of strife, it looks here as if James J.

Belden and Francis Hendricks have come to an understanding so far as local Republican politics are concerned, and they will be united on a candidate this fall. This was brought about by the Syracuse Citizens' union, who nominated for mayor last night Donald Dey, a prominent young business man of this city. Mr. Dey is a Republican, but he has never been identified actively with either faction. The Citizens' union consisted of 132 representative business men, and several sessions have been held, but no decision could be reached till yesterday.

   Mr. Belden last night urged the nomination of Mr. Dey and he was acceptable to Mr. Hendricks and his colleagues. The Post declared in his favor this morning, but Mr. Belden's followers in the McKinley league are not at all satisfied. The Standard, which represents the Hendricks men, also declared for Mr. Dey this morning, as will also The Journal this afternoon. The Democrats profess to be confident that they will win out and reelect Mayor James K. McGuire.


Labor Day.

   Labor day was first officially celebrated in New York in 1882. Since then the custom of making the first Monday in September a holiday to be specially observed by wage earners has spread through most of the states in the Union, and many of them have made it a legal holiday. A point for American citizens to note especially is the difference between the observance of Labor day in our republic and in Europe. May day is the recognized Labor day in the countries of Europe. Crowned beads and city authorities there look forward to it with dread. For weeks beforehand the police prepare for the contingency of anarchist plots and bombs that may blow a king's head off or a city hall up. Anarchist growls are heard in subdued murmurs, like the mutterings of a storm afar off, but coming nearer and every hour.

   In the United States the workingman parades with his comrades or goes fishing with his family as he chooses. There are meetings and speeches on the great economic problems now pressing alike on labor and capital for solution. Distinguished statesmen and professional men are glad to meet the intelligent American workingman and talk to him and hear him talk. Nobody is afraid of anybody. Nobody fears a bomb may go off somewhere near him.

   So the day passes in peace and pleasure. So may it always pass in this free and happy republic. There is the sure hope that in due time the equipoise between demand and supply, production and distribution, cost and profit, will be struck. The intelligence, firm will and good temper of the workingman himself will find the point of balance.

Pink line indicates E. & C. N. Y. R. R. between Cortland and Cincinnatus, N. Y.


Big Gang of Italians Coming to Push the Work—More Ties Arrived—More Ties Coming—Switches in Yard Laid—Graveling in Progress.

   Though no further progress is made in track laying on the E. & C. N. Y. R. R., because of the inability of the builders to secure ties, the time has by no means been permitted to go to waste. The yard near the junction has all been laid out, two switches and side tracks have been put down. The main switch which will connect the new road with the D., L. & W. R. R. has been laid and all that remains to complete the connection is the last length of rails and the frogs. These will be put in soon at a time convenient for the D., L. & W. R. R. The enginehouse is nearly completed and the freighthouse is progressing well. The place for the turntable has been located and the matter of putting it in will be attended to very shortly.

   The making of the connection with the D., L. & W. has opened up a fine gravel bed upon the land purchased from Mr. Randall. The cut where the track goes is about four feet deep and an abundance of gravel is being taken out here and put upon the road as far as the track is laid. It all counts toward the completion of road.

   There has been great difficulty in securing ties. They have been promised again and again and as often have the promises been broken. A STANDARD man was informed that heretofore the company had been trying to buy ties through a middle man, a dealer in railroad supplies. Hereafter they will go directly to the producer and they believe the ties will come as promised.

   For a mile of road 2,640 ties are required. A considerable quantity of rails have come, so that there is no lack in that direction. The failure of the ties to appear brought it about that the end of the end of the track is still a little short of the McGrawville corporation line, so that "Judge" Mills has now got his mouth all fixed to begin smoking Attorney Palmer's box of cigars.

   The right of way has not up to this time been graded east of Solon. The

Mellon Construction Co. has arranged with a contractor by the name of Coffin in New York to do the grading from Solon to the mouth of Gee brook. Mr. Coffin is expected to arrive in Cortland on Monday with a gang of 150 Italians and a complete grading outfit to begin that work. A sugarhouse on C. T. Peck's farm in Solon has been engaged for a camp and the Italians will occupy this while working in that vicinity.

New Candidate for County Clerk.

   Mr. H. T. Bushnell, formerly county clerk of this county, this morning announced himself as a candidate for the Republican nomination for that office at the coming county convention. Mr. Bushnell will prove a formidable candidate. A veteran soldier with a splendid record, an experienced and successful public official, accurate and careful to the last degree in everything he does, an expert accountant, a master of penmanship, a man of high character and universally liked, he promises to show a strength which will be surprising.


T. S. Mourin to Open a Butter and Produce Store in the Squires Building.

   W. B. Stone, who for some months past has conducted an ice cream parlor and cigar store in the Squires building at 5 Tompkins-st., will next week move to the store in the other side of the same building lately vacated by A. LeFevre, who had a meat market at 120 Main-st.

   The store which be vacated on Tompkins-st., will be taken by T. S. Mourin who will there open headquarters for butter and farm produce. Mr. Mourin was formerly in business in Cortland, but for some years has been engaged in the practical superintending of butter and produce business away from this place, and is an excellent judge of a first-class article in these lines. His many friends will be glad to welcome him back to Cortland. His success in the past is an excellent guaranty that he will do well in this line in the future. He is known as an honorable man who is square in all his dealings. When he gets fully established in his new location he will have something to say through these columns to the farmers and others which they will doubtless read with interest.

Some Premium Butter.

   Mr. B. R. Knapp, who is the possessor of one of the finest herds of Jersey cows in this vicinity, had an exhibit of butter at the State fair at Syracuse upon which he took first premium, and scored 98 points out of a possible 100. The perfect standard is flavor 45, grain 25, color 15, salting 10, packing 5. All the points in Mr. Knapp's butter were perfect in the opinion of the judges except flavor which fell two points under the perfect score. This is a remarkably fine record, and one of which Mr. Knapp may be justly proud. The official statement of this score signed by the superintendent of the dairy department forms one of Mr. Knapp's most precious documents.

Daniel S. Lamont.

Ready for His Duties In Connection With the Great Northern R. R.

   A special from St. Paul under date of Sept. 3 to the New York Herald says: Daniel S. Lamont, the new vice-president of the Northern Pacific railroad, is in the city and says he is awaiting the arrival of the new president, Mr. Mellen, before he will be prepared to state what his duties will be. With his family, Mr. Lament is for a few days the guest of J. J. Hill, president of the Great Northern railroad. He said he expected to remain here but a short time. President Winters' duties in an official capacity ended at midnight, but he will continue at the headquarters of the road until President Mellen arrives next week.


   —The Republican county convention will be held in Taylor hall Monday at 1 o'clock P. M.

   —There will be free dancing at the park pavilion to-night with music by McDermott's orchestra.

   —Mr. W. A. Pierce has been improving his candy and cigar store at 23 1/2 North Main-st. with new shelving and new paint.

   —The regular monthly business meeting of the Epworth league of the First

M. E. church will be held Monday evening, Sept. 6, in the parlor of the church.

   —A regular meeting of the board of managers of the Hospital association will be held at the hospital on Monday afternoon next, Sept. 6, beginning at 3 o'clock.

   —The STANDARD is indebted to Mr. J. D. F. Woolston for copies of the St. Paul papers containing accounts of the Farmer's National congress, to which he was a delegate.

   —The party given by the St. Vitus club at the park last night was enjoyed by thirty-five couples. McDermott's orchestra furnished the music. The next and last in the series occurs Sept. 10.

   —One of the most attractive exhibits at the Tompkins county fair this week was that of the Gillette Skirt Co. of Cortland. All the ladies were interested in examining the fine qualities of the now celebrated Paris skirt.

   —All those who expect to become students in the Cortland Conservatory of Music for the coming term should not fail to register on Monday. The faculty is a strong one, every member of it an artist in his department.

   —The notices, the general church calendar for the coming week, and the order of service for the day will hereafter be printed by the Presbyterian church and will be distributed in the seats where they may be consulted by the congregation and may be taken home for reference.

   —Yesterday afternoon Miss Winifred Maynard entertained twelve of her young friends at her home, 108 Groton-ave., to a nasturtium tea in honor of her guest, Miss Lida B. Muckle of St. Paul, Minn. The guests were entertained with a few solo selections rendered by little Miss Anna Muckle,

   —Monday, Sept. 6, being Labor day and a legal holiday the postoffice hours will be from 7 to 10 o'clock A. M. and from 5:30 to 7 o'clock P. M. There will be one complete delivery by carriers in the morning and none in the afternoon. The last mail closes at 7 P. M. The money order department will be closed all day.

   —The Sunday services at the Y. M. C. A. will be resumed to-morrow. A very interesting program of service has been prepared and a cordial invitation is extended to all men both young and old. Rev. L. J. Christler of Homer will address the meeting. Good music will be furnished on the piano, violin and cornet. This will be a grand rally day to commence the Sunday religious services of the year.

   —The Binghamton Chronicle of recent date contains a fine half-tone cut and several complimentary notices of Mrs. Grace E. Hubbard of that city, formerly of Cortland, who is gaining an enviable reputation in Binghamton as a successful entertainer at private parties ad on other occasions by her very delightful readings. Other Binghamton papers frequently contain very nice notices of her appearances at private entertainments.


Crisp Local Happenings at the Corset City.

   Mrs. N. B. Carpenter of Elbridge is at Mrs. Lucius Babcock's.

   Mr. and Mrs. William Briggs of Nevada, Ia., are guests at C. B . Chappin's.

Mrs. Briggs was formerly Miss Josephine Welch of Trumansburg, a daughter of John Welch who used to own the farm now owned by W. L. Bean.

   Glenn Oliver is working at Mt. Roderick.

   Vern Porter is visiting friends in Triangle.

   George Sutliff has returned from Binghamton, where he has been working for some time.

   The machinery has been ordered for the new box factory and is expected to arrive next week. The building to be used has not yet been fully decided upon, and it is possible that a new building will be erected. F. A. Purchas, formerly superintendent of the McGraw box factory, has been engaged to take charge of the new factory.

   Mrs. Rozetta Hammond, wife of Sidney Hammond, died at her home in Freetown, N. Y., Friday at 11:30 P. M. Funeral at the Baptist church in Freetown on Monday at 2 P. M.

Monday, March 30, 2020


D. L. & W. R. R. depot at Cortland, N. Y. Trolley waiting to cross.

The Cortland Democrat, Friday, September 3, 1897.

Mrs. J. H. McQuillen of Philadelphia, Instantly Killed.
Many Injured, Some Seriously—Parlor Car went on its Side—Day Coach
Left the Track—Section Gang had Three Ties Loose and Engine Broke a Rail.
   The southbound vestibule through express on the D. L. & W. R. R., which left Cortland at 10:02 yesterday morning in charge of conductor James Doyle, engineer F. G. Townsend and fireman A. H. Wellington was wrecked at the depot in Blodgett Mills. The train does not stop there and was going through at full speed. About one hundred feet north of the depot the section gang were at work on the track. They had three ties loose and as the locomotive went over, its weight broke a rail. The locomotive, express and smoking cars went over the break all right, as did the front truck of the day car following. The rear truck of this car and the parlor car left the track. Before the coupler broke the day coach was dragged two hundred feet, minus the rear truck. Every light of glass in the east side of the car was broken by coming in contact with a telegraph pole or the corner of the depot.
   Soon after the parlor car, "Richfield" left the track it went over to the east on its side. The corner of the milk depot was taken out, a large telegraph pole was broken off and when it struck the passenger depot that was carried several feet off its foundation before the car stopped. How any one in either of the two last cars escaped serious injury and how any one in the parlor car escaped death is to be wondered at. All felt the jolt as the car left the track and nearly all stood up. These are mostly the ones who were injured.
   Mrs. J. H. McQuillen of Philadelphia, her daughter Mrs. H. S. Carter and son Jack, and Mrs. D. N. McQuillen and sons Daniel and Price, formed a party who have been stopping at Glen Haven. They were in the parlor car, returning home. As the mother felt the car leave the track she jumped to her feet and when it went over she was thrown partly through the window and dragged some distance between the car and ground. Death probably was instantaneous for her head and right side were badly mangled. She was
68 years old. Mrs. Carter's leg was injured and her son Jack's face and hands were much bruised. The other two boys of this party were somewhat bruised.
   Many Cortland people were on the train, including a bridal party, Mr. and Mrs. Will. Lombard. The only one badly injured was Proprietor A. D. Wallace of Hotel Brunswick. He was on his feet and was thrown through a parlor car window when it went over, but not until it had lost its motion. His hat partly protected his head but he received a bad scalp wound and his left arm was much bruised, besides a general shaking up. The doctor thinks no bones are broken.
   A partial list of the injured includes Mrs. Rogers, wife of Dr. Rogers of Wilkesbarre. She received a cut about three inches long through the scalp. She and her daughter had been visiting Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Gillette of Cortland.
   Mrs. M. Bellman of Oswego was cut over left eye.
   Harry Connell of Scranton had his 5 year old daughter Louise in his lap. He was uninjured, but the child's head was badly cut and her left arm. They were in the east side of the parlor car. Mrs. Connell, his wife, was badly cut about the head and their daughter Helen has a badly injured right arm.
   Mrs. Downing of Brooklyn was badly injured, probably no bones broken but internally.
   In the parlor car were eighteen passengers. Some escaped uninjured and many had small bruises and cuts. Everyone on the east side of the day coach was injured more or less by the flying glass
   Superintendent A. H. Swartz of this division of the D. L. & W. was on the train. His left hip was bruised.
   It is very fortunate many more were not killed outright and that everybody was not injured.

Pink line shows Erie and Central New York R. R. between Cortland and Cincinnatus, N. Y.
Prevents the E. & C. N. Y. R. R. from Extensive Track Laying Expected To-day.
   Since our last issue the rails of the new railroad have been laid to within a mile of McGrawville and nearly the entire distance is ballasted. All the ties on hand have been used. Several carloads are expected to-day and if they arrive track laying will progress rapidly. The work train now runs nearly to the land of the Welch estate.
   In the meantime the grade has been completed for the Y which is to run across the Randall land and connect with the D. L. & W. The foundation is laid and the frame of the engine house has been raised. The freight depot is also well under way as is the grading for switches. In front of the engine house will be a turn table and water tank. By to-morrow night there will be many hundred feet of switches ready for use. Over a hundred men are at work.

The Cortland Team Lose Games Regularly Now.
   While every game of ball in which the Cortland team has figured lately has been a good contest, Cortland has invariably come out with a smaller score than her opponents. The first Palmyra game last Thursday is a glaring exception. We won it and would have won the second one also had Yerkes been here to go in the box or had Friel kept his temper. It was a good deal to ask when we think of the dirty playing of Connors of Palmyra, but it would have won the game.
   The first game was ours handily, 6 to 3. The second was ours when the seventh inning opened, the score being 4 and 4, but here the visitors obtained a lead and kept it. Final score 8 to 4. Friday we did not play.
   Saturday Auburn was here. As a result of two costly errors, the score was 6 to 1 in Auburn's favor when Cortland went to bat in the last half of the ninth. Then by good clean work we hammered out 4 runs and had not Ashe been replaced by Duggleby in Auburn's box, Cortland would not have stopped run getting till she was a winner. As it was Auburn had us 6 to 5.
   Monday Geneva beat us on our own ground, 9 to 8. Friel was knocked out of the box but didn't know it, hence our defeat. Then an exhibition game was played, which we won 14 to 2. Wednesday Cortland was defeated at Lyons 3 to 2. Yesterday afternoon they were playing at Palmyra and to-day they play at Canandaigua. Tomorrow Canandaigua plays here. One more game after that is all we shall see in Cortland. That is on September 10 with Auburn.
   Last Thursday Canandaigua won from Auburn 6 to 5 and Lyons shut out Geneva 6 to 0. Friday Auburn downed the leaders 7 to 5 and Canandaigua and Geneva split a double bill. Geneva won the first 9 to 5 and Canandaigua won the second 3 to 2. Saturday Palmyra won from Geneva 17 to 9 and Canandaigua beat Lyons 8 to 7.
   Sunday Geneva beat Auburn 5 to 3. Monday Palmyra beat Lyons 11 to 1 and Canandaigua beat Auburn two games, 6 to 5 and 11 to 7. Tuesday Palmyra won from Lyons 11 to 8 and Auburn took two from Geneva 16 to 2 and 7 to 3. Wednesday Auburn easily defeated Palmyra 6 to 2 and Canandaigua won from Geneva 6 to 1.
   The standing of the clubs Wednesday night was as follows:

Carpenter Family Reunion.
   In the year 1800, Abner Carpenter settled on the east side of Dryden Lake,
Tompkins county, where he lived to rear eight children, two of whom are now living, Mrs. Candace Sweetland of Kansas, and Mr. Stephen Carpenter of Harford, who were present at the third annual reunion of the descendants of Abner Carpenter, held Thursday, August 26, at the home of Mrs. Jane Carpenter Joiner in Virgil.
   Tables were spread in the orchard and a sumptuous picnic dinner was served to 148, the number present.
   During the afternoon an excellent literary programme was rendered on a stage on the lawn in front of the house.
   Song—"Betty and the Baby," Clara VanMarter, Judson VanMarter.
   Recitation—"What They Say," Iva Pond.
   Drama—"Out into the Street."
   Song—"The Old Homestead," Clara VanMarter.
   Declamation—"A New Republic," Geo. Pond.
   Recitation—"Little Angels," Hattie Pond.
   Dialogue—"An Old Maid's Idea," Nina H. Pond, Merta S. Joiner.
   Recitation—Eva Pond.
   Recitation—"An Inventors Wife," Nina H. Pond.
   Song—Clara VanMarter.
   Historian's report—Three births, no deaths, one marriage, Mrs. Nancy Carpenter
   Reading letter from Sylvester Carpenter, Neponset, Ill.; speech by S. A. Carpenter, Harvey, Ill.
   The following officers were elected : Wesley Kinney, president; Mrs. Maria
Carpenter VanMarter, secretary and historian; Orrin C. Pond, treasurer.
   Swings, croquet and base ball afforded the amusements of the day. After singing "God be with you 'till we meet again," by request of Sylvester Carpenter of Illinois, they disbanded to meet at Mr. R. D. Joiner's in Virgil, the last Thursday in August, 1898. Those present were S. A. Carpenter, Harvey, Ill., Mr. and Mrs. John Carpenter and daughter Cora of Pennsylvania and representatives from Cortland, Tompkins, Cayuga and Tioga counties.

The Labor Conference.
   The following is the platform adopted by the labor conference at St. Louis, which was held on Monday and Tuesday of this week. The platform as presented reads, in part, as follows:
   "The fear of the more watchful fathers of the Republic has been justified. The judiciary has become supreme. We witness a political phenomenon absolutely new in the history of the world—a republic prostrate at the feet of the judges appointed to administer its laws.
   The exercise of the commonest rights of freemen, the right of assembly, the right of free speech, the right of traveling the public highways, have by legislation under the form of injunction, been made a crime and armed forces disperse as mobs the people daring to exercise their rights.
   The pending strike of coal miners, starved to feebleness by their scant wages and by arduous and dangerous toil, the pending strike for the right to be fed enough to make labor possible, has been prolific of judicial usurpation, showing the willingness of judicial despots to resort to the most shameless defiance of decency as well as of law and humanity in order to enable heartless avarice to drive its hungry serfs back to the mines to faint and die at their drudgery, and there remains to-day not one guaranteed right of American citizens the exercise of which an injunction has not somewhere made a crime by these subversions of constitutional liberty. We have met to counsel together and have come to the following conclusions:
   That, whereas, The present strike of the coal miners has again demonstrated the fact that our so called liberty is not freedom, but is a stupendous sham;
   Whereas, This condition has become permanent for a large and ever increasing number of our population;
   Whereas, Appeals to Congress and to the courts for relief are fruitless, since the legislative, as well as the executive and judicial powers, are under the control of the capitalistic class;
   Whereas, Our capitalistic class, as is again shown in the present strike, is armed, and has not only policemen, marshals, sheriffs and deputies, but a regular army and militia in order to enforce government by injunction; therefore, be it
   Resolved, That we hereby set apart Friday, the 3d day of September, 1897, as a "Good Friday" for the cause of suffering labor in America, and contribute the earnings of that day to the support of our struggling brothers, the miners, and appeal to every union man and every friend of labor throughout the country to do likewise.
   Resolved, If the strike of the miners is not settled by September 20, 1897, and announcement made to that effect by the president of the United Mine Workers, a general convention be held at Chicago on Monday, September 27, 1897, by the representatives of all unions, sections, branches, lodges and kindred organizations of laboring men and friends of their cause for the purpose of considering further measures in the interest of the striking miners and labor in general.
   Resolved, That we consider the proper use of the ballot as the best and safest means for the amelioration of the hardships under which the laboring class suffers.
   Resolved, That the public ownership of railroads and telegraphs is one of the most necessary reforms for our body politic.
   Resolved, That we most emphatically protest against government by injunction, which plays havoc with even such political liberty as workingmen have saved from the steady encroachment of capitalism; and be it finally
   Resolved, That no nation in which the people are totally disarmed can long remain a free nation, and therefore we urge upon all liberty loving citizens to remember and obey article 2 of the Constitution of the United States, which reads as follows:
   "The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

   The Republican county convention has been called to meet in Taylor hall in Cortland on Monday, September 6 at 1 o'clock P. M. At a meeting of the county committee held on Monday of this week, on motion of Attorney N. L. Miller, it was decided to delegate the power of selecting the chairman of the county convention to A. S. Brown, chairman of the county committee. This is an excellent plan, as it saves the county committee the trouble of meeting before the convention and selecting a chairman as they have usually done, and it also avoids the possibility of making a mistake and selecting some one that the Republican voters might want for chairman, instead of the man that the more conservative organization want. It is not safe, you know, to leave a matter of that kind to a committee as a whole, they might get rattled. In fact, we do not see why the "organization" should take the chances of holding a convention at all, why not let Mr. Brown name the whole county ticket!

   The state fireman's convention will be held in Binghamton next year.
   W. D. Tisdale has been chosen secretary of the Cortland Board of Trade.
   Great Adam Forepaugh & Sells Bros.' circus at Cortland next Wednesday.
   Cortland grocery stores and meat markets will close at 8 o'clock except Saturday nights and during the Holidays.
   Street railway "spotters" visited Ithaca recently and caught all but two of the conductors "knocking down'" fares.
   Joiners' Business college opened for the fall term Monday. The attendance this term promises to eclipse all previous years.
   Forepaugh & Sells Brothers' circus will probably exhibit on the fair grounds between Cortland and Homer. They are here next Wednesday.
   A regular meeting of the board of managers of the Hospital Association will be held at the hospital Monday next, Sept. 6, beginning at 3 o'clock P. M.
   Rev. Stanton A. Parker of Omaha, Neb., son of Justice E. C. Parker of McGrawville, was married on Aug. 26 to Miss Belle Rogers, of Salida, Col., at the home of her parents.
   Fred Rounds of Virgil, and Miss Mildred Williams were married at the home the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Williams on River-st. Wednesday afternoon. They left at 6:13 for Binghamton and other places.
   A '96 model Rambler lady's bicycle was stolen from the hallway leading to the Salvation army rooms one evening last week. The owner left the wheel only a short time but upon returning missed it and the police were informed. No trace of it has been found.
   At Syracuse Saturday, Aug. 21, Onondaga county Republicans nominated G. Ross French for sheriff, Dr. C. E. McClary for coroner, Edgar P. Glass for surrogate and George J. Yaeckel for county clerk.
   Gerrit A. Forbes, Supreme Court Justice, is again seriously ill at his home in Canastota. He arrived home from Massachusetts, where he had been spending a several weeks' vacation a week ago Saturday morning, his return being hastened by indisposition. He was compelled to take to his bed at once, being attacked by convulsions. Physicians pronounce his trouble to be Bright's disease and this attack to be far more serious than the one which prostrated him at Oneonta last spring. At last reports he was somewhat improved, and no immediate danger was anticipated.
   Andrew L. Smith, a Lehigh Valley brakeman, residing at Elmira, was caught between the bumpers while making a coupling at McLean Tuesday night. Dr. Boice of McLean was called and the injured man was brought to Cortland in a caboose. Beard & Pecks ambulance was at the depot in response to a telegram and Mr. Smith was immediately taken to the hospital where Drs. Dana and Didama made an examination of his injuries. It was found that no bones were broken but he was badly bruised about the shoulders.  The patient is now reported to be in a comfortable condition.
   The insurance of B. H. Bosworth on his clothing which was burned in the fire at his residence last week Sunday has been amicably adjusted. The full amount of insurance was $400. He made up a list of the loss amounting to $300.20, and it was fully allowed by Davis, Jenkins & Hakes, the agents.
   The Homer-ave. M. E. church base ball team will cross bats this afternoon with a team from the First M. E. church at the fall grounds. When Methodist ardor meets Methodist zeal, the poor leather sphere will be made to feel the force of such slugging as never before helped to roll up a magnificent score.
   The tubes of the chimes in the belfry of Grace church in this village, which have so long been badly out of tune have been returned to the factory at Methuen, Mass., for tuning and the entire set of bells is soon to be rehung and thoroughly overhauled by a representative of the U. S. Tubular Bell Company.
   Mrs. Lettie Buell Woodward, wife of E. E. Woodward, died at her home in Truxton last week, Thursday morning, after an illness of about seven months, at age of 42 years. Her husband, three sons and one daughter survive. The funeral was held at her late home in Truxton, Saturday, at 10 o'clock.
   Mrs. Benjamin Peters, who was taken to Syracuse for medical treatment last week, died Tuesday afternoon. An operation had been found necessary and was performed last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Peters have resided in Cortland for about 15 years. The remains were taken to Rosendale, N. Y., her former home.
   Oswego papers speak very highly of Messrs. Wallace & Gilmore who will manage the Cortland opera house this season. The Wilbur Opera company which received such an ovation in Oswego last week will open the Cortland Opera house week after next with a three night's engagement, Sept. 16, 17 and 18.