Friday, March 13, 2020


Joe Bakewell.

CORONAVIRUS: A Few Observations.

First, by its nature, it is a political issue. No politician can afford to be insensitive to the damage taking place.

Second, in Journalism 101, our media personnel learn that ‘if it bleeds, it leads’. Sensationalizing the news is second nature to them.

Third, many of the deaths are associated with some pre-existing health problem.

For me, as a red blooded American, I believe that taking precautions is essential, but the way ‘facts’ are being slung around disturbs me. What is the death rate? 4%? 1%?

What seems to be missing from the data is the number of people who have had the disease and recovered without being tested or treated. How long will it take before some evidence of this number begins to emerge, and from where? Think of organizations that have no stake in the numbers: companies with large numbers of employees; schools; churches; banks; Wall Street.

When the reality begins to sink in, some early birds will make a few bucks.

Joe Bakewell.

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