Tuesday, December 31, 2013


The Cortland News, Friday, July 16, 1886.
Cortland County Cyclists’ Club.

   Several meetings have been held recently at the office of M. S. Bierce by the wheelmen of Cortland county for the purpose of organizing a bicycle club. At an adjourned meeting Monday evening thirteen wheelmen were present, and the interest of cycling in all its phases were thoroughly discussed.
   F. O. Hyatt was elected President, and C. L. Kinney, secretary and treasurer. The other officers will not be elected until another meeting.
   The objects of this club are to protect and promote the interests of wheelmen who belong. As soon as thoroughly organized, club runs will be had by them at least once a week, weather permitting. A pleasing feature of the club is that several ladies have signified their intention of procuring tricycles and enrolling their names as members of the club. There are now sixteen wheelmen who have paid their fee, and at least nine more are expected to hand in their names at the next meeting.
   All wheelmen in the county are entitled to membership on payment of a small fee, and non-riders may also join the club, but not as active members.

Cortland County Cyclists’ Club.

   An adjourned meeting of the Cyclists' Club was held at the office of M. Stanley Bierce, Monday evening July 19, and the following officers elected:
President—Dr. F. 0. Hyatt.
Vice-President—Geo. C. Hubbard.
Secretary and Treasurer—C. L. Kinney.
Captain—C. L. Viele.
Lieutenant—D. J. Brown.
Tour Master—W. D. Cloyes.
Com. of  Membership—M. S. Bierce, C. L. Viele.
Com. of Finance—G. C Hubbard, L. P. [Grey], D. J. Brown . Cortland News, July 23, 1886.


   On last Friday evening, Commandery No. 50 K. T., stationed at Cortland, conferred the Order of the Red Cross upon William Pearson, of Wooster Chapter of Wooster, Mass., and upon Duane Call, of Cortland Chapter No. 194, R. A. M.
   A large number of Sir Knights were in attendance. Em. Sir Kt. Wm. O. Conners,
Assistant Grand Inspector General, and a member of De Molay commandery stationed at Hornellsville, were present and reviewed the Sir Knights assembled. Among the visiting Sir Knights were:
   Geo. W. Chapman, W. E. Hopkins, E. G. Brown, E. G. Orendoaf, C. E. Barnard,
C. C. Shaw, I. Jay Griffifth, of Utica Commandery No. 3, and O. C. Bred and W. C. Fuller of Central City Commandery No. 25.
   At the close of the ceremonies at the Asylum, the Sir Knights to the number of forty repaired to the Cortland House where they partook of a banquet prepared by Sir Kt. Bauder which in excellence and profusion of viands has never .been equated in the village of Cortland. The feasting was prolonged till almost midnight when the guests adjourned to the parlors of the hotel where they wiled away an hour or two in pleasant gossip and social reunion.


   The Prohibition Congressional Convention has been called at Firemen's Hall, in this village, at 2 p. m., Monday, Aug. 9.
   Brown & Maybury are sole agents for Cortland and vicinity for Dr. Lloyd's
Celebrated Family Medicine a sure cure or no pay for all stomach and liver troubles.
   Frank Crandall, the young man who was injured at Cooper Bros.’ foundry, in this place some time ago by having a moulding flask fall on him, died at his home in DeRuyter last week.
   The Cortland correspondent of the Syracuse Standard, says that poker has become quite a popular game of late in this place. If he had said that it had been a popular game for a great many years he would have hit the truth a little closer.
   Sparks from the locomotives on the E. C. & N. road set fire to the meadows on "Randall's flat," during Friday last and several acres burned over. The grass had not been cut at the time and a number of tons of hay was thus destroyed.
   The.Overseer of the poor of the town of Harford, Cortland county, in an action against James Joiner for violation of excise law, on Friday last obtained judgment for $200. It is reported that other suits will be brought if those who are selling [alcohol beverages—CC editor] in direct violation of the law do not desist.—Dryden Herald.
   Ed. Brown was arrested by Sheriff Van Hoesen at two o'clock last Saturday morning for drunkenness, and abusive conduct toward his father and sisters. He was arraigned before Squire Bierce Saturday and sentenced to ninety days in the O. P. [Onondaga Penitentiary—CC editor], this being the third offense.
   A. J. Lyman, Cortland's old, reliable milkman, will after this week abandon his route, as there is so little profit in the business on account of competition. The price of milk has been down to four cents per quart for nearly a year, and but a few weeks ago a new man at the business was endeavoring to establish a route, agreeing to furnish milk at three cents. Mr. Lyman will hereafter take the product of his dairy to Stoppard's creamery.
   On Friday last, the branch of the Salvation Army which had been holding forth in Cortland like the Arab, "folded their tents and silently stole away," not receiving sufficient encouragement, financially, to warrant a longer stay in this unregenerated climate. The majority of the converts made here, do not go with them. Since their advent among us several scandals implicating members have been started, and it is doubtful if they have done any good here.
   Grant street has recently been opened as far east as the river, where a substantial bridge has been built and a street leading due north has been laid out. This street will intersect with one leading from the Townly farm on the East River road to a point on North Main street. There is also considerable talk of extending this north and south street along the base of the hill on the east side of the S. & B. railway track to Homer. It would make a fine street and a beautiful drive, and the prospects of its being put through at an early date seems to be quite favorable.--Democrat.
   Riley Niles, of South Cortland, had a small cambric needle taken from his arm near the shoulder blade one day last week. Mr. Niles has had poor health for a number of years, which probably has been caused by the needle working through the system, but how, where, or when the needle got into his body is the mystery.
   Ticket agent Bushby has been supplied with some thirty different forms of excursion tickets to San Francisco, Cal. and return, on account of the national encampment of the G A. R. to be held in that city, commencing August 3d, 1886. Those who desire to take a trip to the Golden Gate, should consult the agent at once, as he offers a very low rate for the round trip.
   It is worth knowing that an antidote for poison oak, ivy, etc., is to take a handful of quick lime, dissolve in water, let it stand an hour, then paint the poisoned part with it. Three or four applications will never fail to cure the most aggravated cases. Poison from bees, hornets, spider bites, etc., is instantly arrested by the application of equal parts of common salt and bicarbonate of soda, well rubbed in on the places bitten or stung.
   Carrie Goodrich was taken to the Onondaga Penitentiary by Officer Miller, Tuesday, to serve out a sentence of one year for being keeper of a disorderly house. A motion will be made before Justice Kennedy, of that city, for a stay of proceedings pending an appeal to the Court of Appeals.
   The members of Vesta Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, are making great preparations for their excursion to Sylvan Beach on Oneida Lake, Thursday, July 29, over the E. C. & N., Ontario & Western and West Shore railroads without change of cars. No more delightful spot could have been selected by the committee, as the picnic
grounds comprises sixty acres laid out with delightful walks, shaded by stately oaks and maples, and is provided with amusements of all kinds including dancing stand, swings, lawn tennis court, rola pola, boats, yachts, bathing suits, fishing tackle, revolving swings and almost everything heart could wish for. The excursion will leave Cortland at 7:00 a. m.; East Homer, 7:20; Truxton 7:35; Cuyler, 7:52; DeRuyter, 8:05 arriving at Sylvan Beach at 10:20. Returning the train will leave at 6:30 p. m., arriving at Cortland at 10:08. The fare for the round trip from Cortland, East Homer, Truxton and Cuyler will be $1.79. For particulars address Dr. L. T. White or F. A. Bickford, Cortland.
   The Oneidas and Cortlands crossed bats at the fairgrounds Tuesday afternoon in the presence of about 400 people. The visitors were too much, altogether, for the home team, and won after playing eight innings by a score of 22 to 9. Those of our citizens who feel sore because the home club did not win, and who make derogatory remarks about them should take into consideration the fact that the Oneidas are a professional team and are playing ball every day in the week when the weather permits, and comprise men who make ball playing a business, while our home team is made up almost entirely of mechanics and shop hands who only play ball for amusement, and then not more than once or twice a week, and cannot give the necessary time for practice. Our boys play a good game of ball under the circumstances, and with an opposing nine made up of the same kind of material would make an exceedingly good showing. Before finding fault with them, then, it would be no more than fair to take everything into consideration.
   Elmer Sperry, of Chicago, Ill., has been calling on his relatives and many friends in Cortland the past week.


   George O. Daniels, who has been ill for several months, died apparently on Wednesday of last week. The body was put in a coffin. At midnight on Thursday the watchers who surrounded the coffin were startled by a deep groan emanating from it, and all but one, a German named Wabbeking, precipitately rushed from the room. Wabbeking remained, and as the groans continued, he raised the coffin lid and saw that Daniels was alive. Seizing the body, he placed it upright. A few spasmodic gasps, a shudder, and Daniels spoke. The relatives returned to find the man sitting in a chair conversing. Daniels says he was perfectly conscious of everything which passed around him, but he says he was unable to move a muscle. He heard the sobs of his relatives when he was pronounced dead by the doctors, and noticed the preparation for the funeral.—Oneida Dispatch.

Monday, December 30, 2013


The Cortland News, Friday, July 9, 1886.


Firecrackers Probably at the Bottom of It.

   Our citizens were somewhat startled at about 12:50 last Saturday morning by the violent ringing of the fire bell, but as the hoodlums had been ringing the bell previously in conjunction with the church bells which were welcoming in the grand celebration, but few people paid any attention to it, with the exception of turning over in bed and muttering a smothered imprecation on the fool who was up to that kind of business.

   The continued ringing at last, however, roused the firemen and they turned out, to find that the Arnold House [located on Court Street—CC editor] was on fire, between floors and partitions. Over fifteen minutes time was lost by this means, and when the firemen did at last get on the ground it looked as if the hotel was doomed.

   Emerald Hose got the first line of water on the fire from the hydrant, corner of Main and Court streets, while Orris Hose soon afterwards got a stream from the hydrant at the corner of Court and Church streets.

   The steamer attached to the fire well near the Court House and another stream was in operation. Water was poured into the building for nearly three-quarters of an hour and the fire finally drowned out.

   More damage was done to the building and contents by the water than the flames. A careful investigation by daylight showed that the fire had started in a clothes press in the sitting room, had burned through the partition, and followed the studding to the second floor, and from thence had run along under the floor to the west side of the building, and followed the studding to the third floor and mansard roof, where it had spread out in different directions.

   The only wonder is that the building was not entirety destroyed as the fire was in so many places, between partitions and floors, where it was almost impossible for water to reach, and those who were finding fault with the firemen for using so much water should examine the work before croaking.

   As firecrackers had been set off in the waiting and sitting rooms during the evening it is more than likely that a piece of one had been blown under the closet door, and set fire to some papers on the door, and through them communicated to the wood-work.

   The building was owned by Mr. K. C. Arnold, of Truxton, a brother of the proprietor, and was fully insured. The furniture owned by J. R. Arnold was not covered with insurance, he having permitted his policy to lapse only a week before.

   The fire, while it caused a great deal of loss, did not interfere with the dining room and bar business of the day to any great extent, as a great many were fed at breakfast, dinner and supper.


A Big Day and a Big Crowd for Cortland.

   Never before in the history of Cortland was there such a crowd of people as visited here last Saturday. The streets throughout the line of march were literally packed with strangers of all sizes, ages and conditions.

   The different parts of the programme as made out by the committees was carried out to perfection. The business display in the street parade, was something out of the ordinary run, and was well worth seeing, as representing the leading industries of the place. About the only thing advertised to be in the line that did not put in an appearance was the business display from Homer, which for some unaccountable reason, failed to respond.

   The speech by Hon. James E. Morrison from the platform, corner of West Court street, was listened to by an immense concourse of people, notwithstanding the sun and heat. Mr. Morrison is one of the most pleasant speakers that has [sic] ever visited Cortland, and his remarks were well chosen and witty.

   The fusilier parade in the afternoon was the best of the kind we have ever witnessed. Everything that was caricatured was so well done that those it hit could not take offense at the artist.

   Apparently the crowd began to thin out about six o'clock, and many were the predictions that but few people would witness the fire-works in the evening. These prophets, however, were at fault, as long before dark the large field at the head of West Court street was packed full with a mass of people that was variously estimated at from ten to twenty thousand souls —the former number probably nearer than the latter, although it was not under that number. Besides those in the field, the crowd extended down West Court street; the fences and gardens in the vicinity were full, house tops were crowded, and many people witnessed the scene from elevated points all through the town.

   The committee having charge of the fire-works had made a grand selection, and everybody who could see them remarked that they were the finest ever seen in this section. The different committees did their work well, and the whole affair passed off like clockwork.


   The Odd Fellows will give an excursion to Oneida Lake on Thursday, July 29.

   An exchange says that people going on excursions are so happy to get home that they are glad they went.

   Ground was broken on Tuesday for G. F. Beaudry's new building on South Main street. Gardner & Leonard have the contract for digging the cellar and laying the foundation.

   [Last] Tuesday, on the south side of W. W. Kelsey's house on Union street, the thermometer registered 95 deg. in the shade. He used his lawn sprinkler for about 35 minutes thoroughly wetting down the lawn and house, and at the end of that time ran the mercury down so that it registered only 85 deg.

   The iron-work for the Port Watson bridge was all placed in position Wednesday and the work of painting commenced. The timbers for the drive way and foot path will not be put down until to-day and to-morrow, in order to let the paint harden before it is opened for traffic.

   The General Term in session at Utica on Thursday of last week, denied the appeal in the case of Mrs. Roxanna Druse, convicted of butchering her husband, William Druse, in the town of Warren, Herkimer county, some time ago. The court resentenced Mrs. Druse to be hanged at Herkimer jail, August 19, 1886, between the hours of 10 a. m., and 4p. m. The murderess maintained her composure in a stoical manner while in the Court room.

   The fire bell was rung at one o'clock Wednesday morning, fire having been discovered in the shoe shop of Charles Schultz on Orchard street. The flames had gained considerable headway before being discovered, but as plenty of water and buckets were handy, they were extinguished without the aid of the fire department although a line of hose was laid from the hydrant in front of the Riley block by Orris Hose company. Mr. Schultz's loss on stock will amount to about $150 or $200, and he is insured for $350. The loss to the building is slight.

   The drillers at work for the La Fayette Coal prospecting company, on the Ladd farm [near Groton—CC editor], after boring a hole 103 feet deep, have taken up their machine and gone back to Pittston, Pa. At a depth of eighteen inches from the surface a hard, grayish rock was encountered, and the boring was all the way in that, no other kinds of rock being encountered [sic]. It is probable that all hopes of finding coal in this section are blasted, and that no more work will be done. The stock holders will receive a portion of the core of rock as a dividend.

   Plans for the new Hatch Library building, to be erected on the lot recently purchased of Seymour M. Ballard, west of the Arnold House, have been submitted to the Trustees of the fund, and bids are being received.

   At a meeting held last Tuesday the following persons were elected directors of the Cortland & Homer Street Railway company: Chas. H. Garrison, E. A. Fish, S. E. Welch, W. N. Brockway. C. P. Walrad, L. D. Garrison, Franklin Pierce, R. T. Peck, Eben Mudge, R. H. Duell, J. D. Schermerhorn, M. H. McGraw, C. W. Collins.

Sunday, December 29, 2013


Fourth of July Parade by Alfred C. Howland, 1886.
The Cortland News, Friday, July 2, 1886.


The Monster Celebration Here Tomorrow.

   Cortland will to-morrow have more enthusiasm to the square inch than all the rest of the towns in the county put together. While others may imagine that they are having a celebration, their efforts will bear about the same relation to Cortland's that a poor, little squib of a firecracker bears to a 120 pounder. People from the out towns want to bear this fact in mind, and while they are seeing a celebration see a good one.

   Business will begin this evening soon after supper when the small boy and tin horn will form a partnership and march gallantly through the streets until enraged parents yank the small contingent home, and under the soothing influence of a slipper, applied where it will do the most good, put the youngster to bed. After the youngsters have made the evening hideous as long as necessary the big boy will celebrate through the midnight hours with horse-fiddles, church bells, bon fires, and beer until daybreak, when the celebration proper will begin by the firing of 13 guns; at sunrise a national salute will be fired.

   The line for the great parade will form on Clinton Ave., with right resting on Main street. At 10 a. m., the line will start going down Main to Tompkins; Tompkins to Owego, to Union, to South Main, to Port Watson, to Church, to Grant, to Main to Court where a prayer will be offered by Rev. Arthur, of Grace church. J. E. F. [?] will read the Declaration of Independence and an address will be delivered by Hon. John Morrison of New York.

   The line will form in the following order:

   Chief Marshal. B. E. Miller and staff.


   D. F. Dunsmoor, Marshal.

   Ithaca Drum Corps.

   G. A. R. Posts.

   Section Light Artillery.

   Young Ladies Representing the thirty-eight States.


   I. H. Palmer, Marshal.

   Cortland Mechanic's Band.

   Visiting Fire Departments.

   Cortland Fire Department.


   A. Van Bergen, Marshal.

   Llody's Band.

   Granges and other societies.


   Pembroke Pierce, Marshal.

   Homer Cornet Band.

   Homer Business Display.


   Webster Young, Marshal.

   McGrawville Band.

   Cortland Local Business Display.


   Marshal, W. D. Cloyes.

   Hum-Drum Corps.

   Bicycle Club.

   The different divisions will assemble as follows:

   First, second, third and sixth promptly at 9:30 a. m., the fourth and fifth divisions at 9 o'clock sharp, as follows:—First, corner of Clinton avenue and Charles streets; second and third, corner Clinton ave. and North Church; fourth, corner Elm and Church, on Elm; fifth, corner Elm and Church, on Church; sixth, corner Church and Railroad [Central].

   After the services at Court street are finished, held sports consisting of sack races, climbing greased pole, foot racing. &c, etc., will be held.

   The fusiliers will assemble at Hitchcock's large store house on Clinton Ave., and at 2 p. m., the most grotesque mob of the age will be turned loose on the unsuspecting people of the town. Their line of march has not at this writing been decided on, although the address by the boss "fusil" will be delivered at the corner of Court and Main streets. Balloons will be sent up at intervals of 20 minutes throughout the day.

   The grandest feature of the day, however, will be the large display of fireworks at nine o'clock in the evening. These arrived Monday and were carefully unpacked. They will be set off from a raised platform in Wm. R Randall's pasture at the top of Court House hill, the elevation there being sufficient to enable people in all parts of the town to see them. One of the set pieces represents a steam fire engine in full operation, the cost of which alone is $200. Among the other set pieces are “Opening of the Fourth of July," "Star of America," and the grand "Gatling Battery" besides many more and the usual supply of rockets, wheels, Roman candles, &c. making fully two hours time consumed In giving the display.

   Of course there will be many other attractions which we cannot enumerate, but everything is on a big scale and those who stay away or go elsewhere will miss a celebration seldom equaled and never surpassed in Cortland county.

An Elegant House.

   Next week D. G. Corwin, the builder, will commence the erection of a palatial new house for Wm. S. Copeland [railroad director and proprietor of Messenger House--CC editor] at the corner of Fitz avenue and Adams street [most likely current hospital location at West Main and Homer Avenue--CC editor], on the lot which has so long stood vacant, known as the evergreen lot. The house will be of pressed brick with brown stone trimmings and will have frontage on Adams street of sixty-three feet, and on Fitz avenue of ninety feet. As it sets back nine rods from both streets, ample room will be given for magnificent grounds.

   The floor plan of the house is so arranged with folding doors that all the rooms and a spacious hall can all be thrown into one room in case of a large party or reception, and for convenience in all appointments it cannot be equaled in this part of the State.



Saturday, December 28, 2013

Cortland's Emerald Hose House and Glorius Fourth Monster Parade

The Cortland News, Friday, June 25, 1886.
   We are beginning to wonder if our Truxton correspondent is dead or out on a vacation?
   [The village of] Corning, it is said, has a citizen named Lake. His four daughters are named Erie, Keuka, Seneca and Cayuga, respectively.
   W. H. Wood, lost one of his fingers on a buzz planer some time since, and who was insured in Iron Hall, received $100 from that organization on Tuesday.
   Maple and beech per cord, twelve inch, $1.75; sixteen inch, $2.00; hemlock slabs, twelve inch, $1.25; seventeen bushel of kindling wood, $1.00, Turner's wood yard, Cortland. N. Y.
   The Emerald Hose company having accepted an invitation from the citizens committee will take part with their silver hose carriage in the parade on July 3rd, their picnic and field sport having been postponed to some future date.
   The brick work on Emerald Hose company's new building, corner of Railroad [Central] and Church streets, has been completed and workmen are now busy putting on the roof. A large granite slab facing Church street bears the inscription, "Emerald Hose, 1878-1886."
   A full dress party was given by Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Wickwire at their residence, No. 17 Tompkins street, Wednesday evening to about 150 of their friends. Davis' orchestra furnished music for dancing from 8 p. m. to about 2 a. m. A fine supper was served by the host and hostess.
   On Wednesday morning last, the work train, bound south, ran into a hand car near State Bridge. All the occupants of the hand car jumped off except Anton Filler, a track hand, who clung to the car and was quite seriously injured. Dr. Trafford, of Marathon, attended him and found that the scalp was badly torn, exposing the skull, but that the most serious injury was at the heel where the bones are badly crushed.
   This year has brought with it a new garden pest in the shape of a worm which makes its home in the green tops of beets. It does not seem to feed on the leaves but hides away and breeds in the folds, coming out in large numbers. Being of the same color as the leaves the worm is not easily seen. People who are in the habit of eating beet greens should see that their dish is not pleasantly seasoned with these.
   Monday evening a meeting was held at the American hotel for the purpose of organizing a ball nine. The following officers were elected:—Manager, R. C. Duell; president, J. F. Doud; Secretary and Treasurer, W. Kennedy; Captain, Hugh Corcoran. The players are J. J. Collins, catcher, T. F. Mullarkey, pitcher; J. A. Dowd, first base; C. O'Brien, second base; Dan. O'Leary, third base; Hugh Corcoran, short stop; Dennis McCarthy, left field; Ira Dexter, center field; John Breen, right field. Suits of white with brown trimmings have been ordered.
   Edward Barry, the brakeman on the E. C. & N., road, who was injured at Cazenovia two weeks ago, is in a critical condition, suffering from blood poisoning.
   L. J. Fitzgerald has the most attractive fountain in town in front of his residence on Tompkins street.

A Monster Celebration to be Had in Cortland This Year.
   One week from to-morrow, Saturday, July 3, Cortland people will celebrate Independence Day in a manner in keeping with their well known way of doing things. Nothing of a small kind will be put up with. From the work already done by the different committees it is certain that nothing ever before attempted by the people of this vicinity can compare with it, but although nearly completed, is not yet in such a form that a correct report of the "doins" can be given.
   The day will be ushered in appropriately with the firing of guns etc. The monster parade at 10 a. m., will be on a scale far above the average, and in it will be represented the following manufacturing and business interests of Cortland and Homer:  Hitchcock Mfg Co., Crandall Rail Co., Wickwire Bros., Sanford Fork &Tool Co., Cortland Mfg Co., Hayes Chair Co., Cortland Wagon Co., Excelsior Top Co., Fisher Gear Works, Homer Wagon Co., W. N. Brockway and Co., Cortland Oil Cloth Co., Harrison Wells, Jayne & Glann, R. Beard & Son, Burgess & Bingham, D. C. Bliss. S. L. Palmer, Brown & Maybury, I. Edgcomb, Mager & Walrad, F. N. Harrington, M. E. Rice, D. C. Cloyes, Cobb and Perkins, A. Mahan, Robert Bushby, Rockwell Brothers, Collins & Daehler, I. Whiteson, Allen & Davis, Grand Union Tea Co., Sager & Jennings, W. P. Robinson & Co., Fitch's Tea Store, C. F. Thompson, Dickinson & McGraw, Price & Co., R. G. Lewis, G. Bligh, Rooks & Brown, Dowd & McSweeney, Peck & Williams, D. F. Dunsmoor, Nelson Owen, Squires & Co., H. C. Harrington, A, R. Peck, A. M. Schermerhorn, Cortland Fire Department, Post Grover, G. A. R., Blodgett's Mills Grange, Cortland Bicycle Club, under command of W. D. Cloyes, Mechanic's Band, Homer Band, Dr. Lloyd's Band and several other organizations which have signified their intentions of being present, but from whom no direct answer has been received.
   The fusilier parade at 3 p. m. will also be on a large scale, and will caricature everything imaginable of local interest. A grand display of fireworks in the evening will afford a great deal of entertainment. Reduced rates on both railroads have been procured, so that the fare will be within the reach of all. A complete programme will be published next week.