Friday, January 31, 2014


The Cortland News, Friday, December 24, 1886.

   Saturday night seemed to be a good time for the [police] officers. They had warmed themselves up by raiding a saloon, and not having had enough concluded to "make a break" on the low den known as the "sand bank house," and kept by Mrs. W. A. Carpenter.
   Accordingly officers Van Hoesen, Edwards and Miller started for that place and succeeded in capturing Mrs. Carpenter and Ida Wilcox, inmates of the house, and Arnold Horton and “Ed" Landers, visitors. On Sunday night Mattie Carpenter was also arrested for being a prostitute. It will be remembered that this house was cleaned out about six months ago and the inmates sent to the [Onondaga] penitentiary.
   They were taken before Justice Bouton on Monday and the case was adjourned until this morning at 10 o'clock.
   Landers and Horton paid a fine of $11 and were released.
   Owing to the lateness of the hour we cannot give any information in regard to the others.

They Make Things Lively In a Saloon—Free Fight—Street Blockaded—Nearly a Riot—The Police Take a Hand.

   Last Saturday evening between 6 and 7 o'clock, a free fight took place in the saloon on the corner of Main and Railroad [Central Ave.] streets, of which Frank White is proprietor. It seems that there had been some trouble between White and Fred Graham over which blows were exchanged, at which John Graham also took an active part. This was the beginning of several other fights, and a general knock-down was indulged in, which caused several men (?) to carry black eyes.
   About 7 o'clock a large crowd gathered in front of the saloon, and it was almost impossible for people to pass, therefore Sheriff Van Hoesen went in and ordered the saloon closed. Mr. White did so, and hitching up his horse proceeded to take a ride. When near the Congregational church Fred Graham stepped up and pulled him out of his cutter and struck him on the head. This enraged White, and he immediately secured a shot gun and started for his saloon, which he again opened.
   The Sheriff again appeared and arrested White and Charles Townley. They were given a hearing before Justice Bouton Sunday and were fined $14.50 each, which they paid and were released.
   At 11:50 o'clock Saturday night John and Fred Graham were arrested for public intoxication, to which Fred pleaded guilty and John pleaded not guilty. Their examination was held Monday evening before Justice Bierce, who fined them $11 each, which they paid and were released.
   Perhaps this may be a good lesson which they will not soon forget. There was some talk of the authorities closing the saloon but we are not informed as to that. It would at least do no harm as there are more drunken brawls in that one place than any other in town. It seemed at one time as if there would be a riot and some one suggested having the President of the village call out the fire department and attach to a hydrant and clean the place out.
   The officers should he given great credit for doing as they did, but still there are some grumblers who think they did wrong. It would probably suit such people to let men run the streets in a drunken condition and fight whenever they felt like it. We hope the officers will repeat the dose should the occasion require, and that seems to be the feeling of the majority of people with any common sense.


   We have never been able to make a dollar in the printing office, if we only work ten hours for a day’s work and yet, plenty of men claim ten hours is enough for a day’s work. A man comes to this office at 5 o'clock in the morning, builds a fire, sweeps and at 7 o'clock the workmen are ready for their cases and, many a night the presses are run till 2 and 3 o'clock in the morning, and this work has thus been driven in this way nearly half the winters for ten years; and yet a poor man came to us last week for work, agreeing to labor evenings, which he did not do, and yet when the other men had been up all night, and he was asked, if he would not build a fire at the office between 5 and 6 o'clock, his answer was that he had served a four years' apprenticeship at that business. We know one thing for certain, and that is at the present prices for printing a man who is not willing to labor in and out of season and work hard cannot make a dollar. Plenty of poor men in this country who claim they want work, but they only want a good boarding place, and some one to build fires for them, and pay a good price for their society.— Whitney's Point Reporter.
   We at one time worked for the man who wrote the above article and he has always been growling on this one subject ever since we knew him. Give us a rest. If you can't make anything at the printing business go to husking corn or work on the road.

M. F. Cleary, past president, Cortland Fire Department, Emerald Hose [Grip's photo].


   Wickwire Bros. have had an elegant sign put up on their wire mill on South Main street.
   A very fine cut of Joseph P. Cleary, Chief of Police of Rochester, was published in last Sunday's Syracuse Times. He is a brother of Mr. F. Cleary, of this place.
   The Board of Trustees held a meeting last week at which they organized themselves into a Board of Water Commissioners, and elected Frank Cobb as President, W. H. Newton as secretary, and A. M. Schermerhorn, treasurer.
   The annual election of the Cortland Fire Department occurs next Thursday evening. F. W. Kingsbury, of the Hooks is mentioned as a candidate for Chief, and Oscar Raymond, of Water Witch, as first assistant.
   Odd Fellows Hall, which has been adorned by new paper and paint, was opened Tuesday evening to about 100 of the order and their friends. Mrs. Cassie Ward Mee delivered a very interesting address which was listened to with evident satisfaction. It was intended that there should be music and speaking, but as some of the members were detained it had to be omitted. They now have one of the finest lodge rooms outside of New York City.
   George White and "Joe" Dodd were struck by a passenger train last Friday night on the D. L. & W. railroad while in the act of crossing the track near Blodgett's Mills. The horse was killed. The men were taken aboard the train and carried to Marathon, where it was found that they were quite badly bruised and it may prove that their injuries are fatal. Later we learn that they are both improving.
   Another arrest was made by the Sheriff on Tuesday evening. "Matt" Graham, who lives near the sand bank had too large a load of tanglefoot, and was running his team through the streets, endangering the lives of people. He was given a night's lodging at the hotel Van Hoesen [county jail].
   Last Friday John P. Whiting, alias Joshua P. Whiting, was arrested on a warrant issued by Justice Bouton for abandonment and non-support of his wife, Adeline Whiting. It seems that he was divorced from Adeline, his first wife, and was living with a woman by the name of White when he was arrested, but a few years after the divorce they agreed to live together again as man and wife without having another marriage. They have one son about twenty-one years old.
   A warrant was issued last Friday on complaint of Oscar Cole for the arrest of A. Mosher, whom he charged with stealing a gold ring, $22 in money, a gold pin and a pair of boots. Mosher was found at the house kept by Mrs. Carpenter, which was raided this week, where he claimed he was boarding. The girls had possession of everything. Cole was arrested for intoxication. He received back the pin which the Carpenter girl claimed had been given to her. On examination Mosher was discharged as there was not sufficient evidence to hold him. Cole claims that he had been drugged.
   Dan Gridley seems to be in hard luck. About twelve days ago he and his wife had a nice little social party at the Gridley mansion [sic]; Daniel was pugilistic, but his wife stacks up something like 200 pounds. In the first round she knocked Daniel out of time and then had him arrested. Daniel was fined $11 or ten days, and served his time, being released last Wednesday. But his wife didn't propose to have him untied for any length of time, and so poor Daniel was again arrested on a charge of assault and is now at the Hotel de Van Hoesen willing and waiting for some one to bail him.


   R. D. Topping, one of the carpenters working on the Beaudry block, received injuries last Saturday, at 1 o'clock, which caused his death at about 5 p. m. of the same day. It seems that he was standing on a nail keg in the second story, and in some manner it tipped over, precipitating him through a door to the ground floor. He struck on his feet on a stone hatchway. He was immediately taken to his home and Dr. Henry was called, who did all in his power, but it was of no avail.  As there were no bruises on him, or any bones broken, it is supposed that he was injured internally. The funeral was held Tuesday from his residence on Groton avenue. He leaves a a wife and two children, one a young man of about 20, and a little girl 13 years old, to mourn his loss.

Thursday, January 30, 2014



The Cortland News, Friday, December 17, 1886.


   The meeting of the citizens that was called for Monday evening was held at the Pioneer Rink, with W. D. Tisdale presiding. Quite a number were present, and the following communication was received from the water works company, which was laid on the table:
   Notwithstanding the assurance by Mr. Moffett, when before your committee a few evenings since, that the Cortland Water Works company would fix and determine a price at which they would sell their water works plant, we submit at the present time, and under existing circumstances it appears to be impolitic and not best for the interest of the company to name a price at which they would sell for the following reasons:—First, the body from which the request emanates as you are well aware, has no legal authority to buy the works, therefore the negotiations would necessarily be between parties who have no power to complete the same. Second, there seems to be such a difference of opinion between the estimates put upon the value of the works by the engineers, who were called here, and what we think them to be worth, that we deem it useless that whenever a price is named we should have an opportunity to explain before the Board of Trustees wherein the difference between our estimates of the value of the works and that of the engineers aforesaid consists. Third, the price we should name includes the value of the extensive franchise to maintain works in the village of Cortland duly vested in the Cortland Water Works Company and for which the said company allowed a large sum. Fourth, should the question of the acquirements of the works by the village of Cortland ever necessarily come to an arbitration the low sum that would be named by us might prove to be embarrassing and would necessarily influence the judgment of the arbitrators which would not be just to the village and ourselves.
Respectfully submitted,
B. F. TAYLOR, President.
   Reports were made by Nelson Tubbs, George B. Jones, W. H. Clark, J. S. Barber, and Theodore Stevenson as to the cost and capacity of the present system and the cost of new ones.
   A motion was then made that the Trustees form themselves into a Board of Water Commissioners at once, which we learn they are doing and the meeting adjourned without day.
   At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of Cortland village held at Firemen's Hall on Tuesday evening Dec. 14th, the following proposition from the Water Works Company was presented to the Board by the officers of the Water Company.
To wit:
To the Board of Trustees of Cortland,
   GENTLEMEN:—The Cortland Water Works Company desire to respectfully call your attention to the fact that they have furnished fire protection to the village of Cortland through forty-nine (49) fire hydrants continuously from the first day of January 1886 to the first day of October 1886, and that during that time they have received no compensation from said village for said fire protection, and they claim pay for the same at the rate of $50 each per annum for each of said fire hydrants to said date; also they respectfully call your attention to the fact, that from and after the 3d of December, 1886 they have furnished, and will continue to furnish fire protection to the village of Cortland from forty-nine (49) fire hydrants, and they expect and will claim that the village of Cortland shall pay them for such fire protection at a fair and reasonable price.
   With a view to settling the question of how much the village of Cortland will pay the Cortland Water Works Company for such fire protection, the Cortland Water Works Company hereby makes the following proposition. The Company will furnish water from forty-nine fire hydrants supplied by the present system of water works at the rate of $2,360 per annum payable semi-annually at the convenience of the said village of Cortland; or the Company will extend the present system of works putting in about five miles more of service pipe, as shown upon a map submitted, and will suitably locate upon said extensions seventy-one (71) new hydrants and will enlarge and maintain the system of water works in first-class condition for fire protection, and domestic service, of the village of Cortland, for an annual rental of four thousand dollars ($4,000) per annum, payable semi-annually at the convenience of the village of Cortland. We will enter into a contract for the term of either five or ten years, with the privilege on the part of the Village of Cortland to renew the same for another term of five or ten years.
   The Cortland Water Works Company also desires to respectfully call your attention to the fact, that in the franchise granted to Messrs. Samuel Keator, E. Keator, Dorr C. Smith, J. E. Eggleston, Chas. H. Parker, J. R. Schermerhorn, J. M. Milne, W. H. Shankland, Jr., J. S. Bull, O. U. Kellogg, C. S. Strowbridge, C. S. Bull, B. F. Taylor, and A. M. Schermerhorn on the first day of April A. D., 1882, and which said franchise was thereafter duly vested in the Cortland Water Works Company, it was provided—"Also that the village of Cortland, as a corporation shall be furnished with water by the aforesaid persons &c., at a certain rate to be fixed upon by one member of the Board of Trustees of said village to be designated by said Board; and by one member of the persons &c., or Water Association, to be designated by said Water Company or Association, when said Company or Association is formed. And if the said two persons cannot agree upon said rate, then these two men shall choose and designate a third man, who shall be a Civil Engineer, and then the three persons so designated shall fix and determine said rate." And that the said Company are willing in case said Village of Cortland and said Company, cannot agree upon the hydrant rental that shall be paid for such fire protection, arbitrate such question as provided in said franchise.
   The Cortland Water Works Company also desires to respectfully call your attention to the fact, that they have constructed and are maintaining in your Village a first-class system of water works. That no cause of complaint, either as to the quality of the water or as to the insufficiency of the fire protection has ever been presented to them, or in any way come to their notice or attention. That they will extend said works in such manner as to most fully and completely afford the best fire protection to the whole of the Village of Cortland, and will enlarge the works and maintain them in a first class manner, and will provide against any possible source of pollution of their water supply. That should any just cause for grievance arise between the Village of Cortland, or any of its citizens, and the Cortland Water Works Company, they stand ready, and hereby offer to meet and adjust any such difference in a spirit of fairness and equity. That they will furnish water to private consumers at as low a rate as it can possibly he afforded, and at the same time maintain the works in proper efficiency, and agree that they will charge no more to private customers than the average rates charged in other towns of like [situation], and supplied in the above manner, all of which is respectfully, submitted.
By B. F. TAYLOR, President.


   Wickwire Brothers are now running two gangs of men, the night and day force.
   People who wish to know when it is good skating at the Trout Ponds can tell by watching for a gilded ball in front of W. P. Robinson’s book store.
   Why don't some enterprising person start a toboggan slide in Cortland? Places that are not as large as this have one and it seems to pay. Let some one get up a club.
   The answer in the case of Lewis S. Hayes against S. Ham Strowbridge [libel suit] was served against the plaintiffs attorney last Friday. It contains over fifty folios and is of such length that we are unable to publish it this week.
   While in Freeville one day last week we were informed that the Freeville Express had collapsed after a short life of six months. They did not say whether the editor had starved to death or not but we had our own thoughts.
   The annual pew renting of the Baptist church will take place on Monday next, Dec. 20th, commencing at 2 o’clock a. m., and continue through the evening. All persons interested are cordially invited to be present.