Sunday, March 30, 2014

A Wife's Unfaithfulness

The Cortland Democrat, Friday, December 1, 1882.
A Wife’s Unfaithfulness.
An Aged Man Left in his Old Age by His Unfeeling Wife.
(from the Homer Republican, Nov. 23.)
   The story of a wife's perfidy and an aged man left almost destitute has just been brought to light in this village. The story told by the husband, Michael Hevner, who is about sixty one years of age, is substantially as follows: For a number of years his wife and himself had lived in the town of Athens, Penn., seemingly happy, and seldom anything ever arose which caused unhappiness between them. As a result of their union a child was born to them, upon which they lavished their affections.
   A constant visitor at the house was one James D. Bedlack, who had an estimable wife and two children who were well known and beloved by all their acquaintances. Everything passed along smoothly until about three weeks ago, when the husband returned to his home one day and found that the wife of his bosom and the partner of his joys and sorrows had flown, and with her this James D. Bedlack.
   A search was immediately begun, which resulted in tracing the guilty pair to Harford. Here the husband went, and finding his refractory wife, begged and beseeched of her to return to his bed and board and let the past be forgotten. Upon a long meditation she finally consented, and the now joyous husband and his young wife returned to their former home and again began life under the most favorable circumstances. How long this lasted the sequel will show.
   Upon the 9th of this month the husband again returned to his home to find the hearth cold and the bird again flown. Wild with despair he applied to the authorities for a balm to his now broken heart, and papers were granted for the return of his wife and for desertion by Bedlack of his wife and children.
   Thinking she had again come this way to meet Bedlack, search was begun, but no trace was found until last Saturday night, when by a little stratagem on the part of Officer Shirley, their whereabouts were discovered. The papers were immediately put in his hands, and in company with the husband he left for Break Hill, in the town of Scott. Upon their arrival at the residence of the delinquent couple, Officer Shirley entered and served the papers upon Bedlack, and in the meantime Hevner sought out his unfaithful wife in an adjoining room and besought her to again return to his roof. But to all his entreaties she turned a deaf ear, abusing him in every way imaginable, and declaring by all that was good and great, that she never would again live with him.
   No amount of persuasion could induce her to change her mind, and the bereaved husband was obliged to leave her with no hope of future happiness and no one to smooth the pathway of his declining years.

What the DEMOCRAT would Like to Know.
   Who had the largest turkey for Thanksgiving?
   If Cortland’s poor were remembered yesterday?
   How many days it will be before they are entirely forgotten?
   If there is any law to prevent youngsters from coasting in the streets?
   If there is any reason why five hundred of the subscribers to the DEMOCRAT who are in arrears should not call at this office at once and settle?

   Fine fat turkeys are plentiful in the markets this week.
   Milford Pierce has been appointed postmaster at North Pitcher, Chenango county.
   Some of the business men of Homer contemplate starting a window-shade manufactory in that village to the spring.
   The streets of Cortland have been full of teams the past week. Everybody seems to be enjoying the excellent sleighing.
   The N Y. Sun still shines for all and maintains its reputation as a bold and fearless journal. Read its prospectus in another column.
   Messrs. Newkirk & Hulbert, of the Brick Hardware store, will occupy the north store in the Standard building as soon as it is ready for them.
   In another column will be found the prospectus of Harpers Magazine for 1833. The Magazine is too well known to require comment from any source.
   The new criminal code [Sabbath observation—CC editor] goes into effect today. If the law is executed to the letter, many people will have to make a radical change in their mode of living.
   A report of the public meeting of the Homer Philologian Society, held last Tuesday evening, reaches us too late for insertion this week. It will be published in our next issue.
   The Local Board have caused the Normal School building to be insured in the sum of $50,000. The personal property in the building has also been insured in the sum of $10,000. We understand that until the recent fire the property was not insured. Maybury & Maycumber wrote the policies.
   At a meeting of the Homer Wagon Co., held on Friday last, the following officers and directors were chosen: President, G. W. Phillips; Vice-President, Manley Hobart; Secretary and Treasurer, A. W. Hobart; Directors, G. W. Phillips, Manley Hobart, Coleman Hitchcock and W. Hibbard.
   It seems that the law requiring the registration of marriages and deaths is but little regarded in some places. It is a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not exceeding $250, or one year in the county jail, or by both such fine and imprisonment, to violate or disobey the requirements of the law.
   The town clock stopped on Sunday last, at ten minutes before eleven.
   On Friday evening quite a large number gathered at the M. E. church and partook of the oyster supper which had been prepared. The occasion was a very pleasant one for all who attended. The net proceeds were nearly $30.
   A new flag-stone walk has just been layed [sic] in front of the Academy. This has been long needed and will be much appreciated by the many individuals who daily travel in that direction.
   The foot-ball association were very active during the greater portion of last week. The game is very exciting and calls forth many spectators to witness the lively exertions of the opposing sides. The recent snow fall will put a stop to the game for the present.
   Every one who has a horse and cutter was out Sunday and Monday to take the first sleigh ride of the season. The streets were more lively and active than they have been since election. The sleighing is reported to be good north of here and towards Scott also.
   The basement of the store occupied by Geo. W. Loomis was relieved of some of its boxes, barrels and trumpery on Monday, and underwent a thorough change in its general appearance.
   The new photograph block is progressing nicely. The building was partially raised the latter part of the week and completed the first of the week It bids fair to be a fine addition to our village.
   The Wollen mill closed up on Saturday last and does not expect to re-open until about the first of March, next. During the meantime the proprietor proposes to put in additional machinery sufficient to require double the number of employes, already employed, on re-opening. This is a growing enterprise.
   Mr. Ossian and Omar Andrews, both of whom have been engaged in the cheese-making business during the past season are soon to open a new grocery store in the north part of the store now occupied by Geo. W. Loomis.
   Messrs. Metzger & Peacock have recently placed an elegant sign near the outward entrance to their billiard parlors and shaving and hair-dressing rooms. Jake is continually adding to the attraction of his place of business.
   Quite a lively time is expected at the Philologian Society next .week at the regular election of officers. Already two complete tickets have been nominated and both factions are using every effort to insure success. A thorough canvass is being prosecuted by each side and a spirited discussion and warm time is anticipated.
   We noticed a man and several boys on our streets last Monday attempting to run down a turkey which had escaped from the sleigh while they were being unloaded. It created great sport for the lookers-on but was very trying to the pursuers, as the turkey seemed to be like the flea, "When you put your hand on him he isn't there." They succeeded finally in their attempt and we presume the turkey will act an important part in some Thanksgiving service.

Madison County.
   An Earlville correspondent writes the Utica Herald: "The towns of Plymouth, Otselic and DeRuyter are going to bring suit against the N. Y. O. & W. R. R. to recover money paid on bonds issued to build the branch from Norwich to DeRuyter. These towns were bonded for about $100,000 each, and after the road was run for seven years the iron and ties were torn up and the road abandoned. They either want a railroad or their money.”

Saturday, March 29, 2014


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, November 17, 1882.
Here and There.
   We print for pay.
   Sneak thieves are operating about Freeville.
   The first snow of the season came last Monday.
   The S. & B. [railroad] pay car passed over the road last Tuesday.
   Last week, F. N. Harrington, of this place, sold his fine bay gelding for $550.
   Arthur Hoyer, of Taylor, was severely bitten by a colt, a few days since.
   M. W. Conger gives a New Year's party at his hotel in Marathon, on the evening of January 1st, 1883.
   The Democrats and Independents of Marathon celebrated the people's victory last Thursday night by a grand torchlight procession.
   A. G. Smith, Esq., President of Marathon village, was slightly injured, a few days since, by falling through a trap door in his store.
   John Kane, who resides on the Taylor farm, between this village and McLean, threshed one hundred and forty five bushels of wheat, raised upon four acres of ground. Can any of our farmers beat that?
   The Utica Herald, one of the ablest Republican papers in the State, has this to say of the [election] result in this county: "Cortland county expressed its opinion clearly of the forged telegram by which Mantanye became Smith's proxy, and of little county boss rule. It overthrew the whole gang."
   Mr. John S. Park, who resides about two miles south of this village, built a handsome farm house the past season, and moved in last week. Last Friday night his friends and neighbors, to the number of over one hundred, made a raid on his premises and gave him and his family a genuine house warming.
What the DEMOCRAT would Like to Know?
   Just how much of the filthy, Dickey Duell Jr. had left when election was over.
   If Mr. E. C. Carley, chairman of the Board of Supervisors, lacked the ability to make out the list of committees.
   If the Independents of Marathon won't be pleased to know that Judge Smith made out the list of committees of the Board of Supervisors instead of chairman Carley.
   If E. Clark Carley will be his own successor in the Board of Supervisors.
   Why a Democratic Supervisor should pledge himself in advance of the meeting of the Board, to vote for a Republican Clerk.
   If the fragments of the busted Cortland ring are to be gathered up by anybody.
   If those Democrats who voted for the Republican candidate for Sheriff are pleased over the result.
   If there is a member of the Board of Supervisors with back-bone enough to favor paying a reasonable compensation for publishing the session laws.
   If it doesn't tickle the “little twinkling star" just about to death to have the privilege of running the Board of Supervisors.
   If "Twinkle & Co." don't think it would have been better if Cortland had held no caucus whatsoever.
   If Robert Bushby's delegates received 906 honest votes at the Cortland caucus, what was the reason that he received only 478 in the same districts on election day.
   If the ring methods of controlling caucuses are to be kept up.

Still Another Burglary.
   Last Monday Mr. Reuben Davis and family who reside about four miles west of
Cortland on the McLean road attended the funeral of Mr. James McNish, a near neighbor. They were gone but a short time but when they returned they found that the house had been broken into. On examination it was found that Mrs. Davis' gold watch and a heavy plain ring were gone. We understand that parties residing in Tompkins county are suspected as they were seen to stop at the house, during Mr. Davis’ absence. The crime has not been proven upon any one as yet, and it is somewhat doubtful if the burglars are ever brought to Justice. This thing is getting to be quite unbearable and it behooves citizens of this town to see to it, that their houses are provided with every protection necessary to prevent thieves from carrying off their goods.

Official Canvass.
   Following is a summary of the vote in Cortland county at the recent election, according to the official canvass made by the Board of Supervisors on Tuesday last. There were a few scattering votes which are not given, as they have no bearing on the general result. Willson Greene was elected chairman of the board of canvassers:
Whole number of votes cast 6,433
Folger ……2,996
Cleveland  3,011
Cleveland's majority. . 15
Whole number of votes cast 6,405
Carpenter  2,957
Hill . . . …..3,022
Hill's majority 65
Whole number of votes cast 6,245
Andrews… 3,287
Ruger …….2,704
Andrews' majority 583
Whole number of votes cast . . . 6,368
Carroll   3,221
Slocum  2,844
Carroll's majority  377
Whole number of votes cast…6,289
Hiscook's majority  73
Whole number of votes cast. 6,513
Gage ……2,034
Nelson ….2,894
Nelson's majority 860
Whole number of votes cast  6,493
Borthwick’s majority 61
Whole number of votes cast 6,444
Bourne…... 4,258
Bushby... …2,155
Bourne's majority  2,103
Whole number of votes cast 6,386
Palmer's majority 1,605
Whole number of votes cast 6194
Murray's majority 2,303
Whole number of votes cast  6194.
Whole number of votes cast 12,881[?]
Bradford… 1,541
Whole number of votes cast  2,889
For………. 584
Majority against  1721
Whole number of votes cast  622
For 209
Against 413
Majority against 204

Rough on Rats 
[Arsenic ad in Cortland Democrat. We couldn't resist ad-lib--CC editor]
   Clears out rats, mice, roaches, [Republican rings,] flies, ants, bed-bugs, skunks, chipmunks, gophers. 15 cents. Druggists.