Wednesday, April 30, 2014


The Cortland News, Friday, May 25, 1883.
   Nelson & Call have put large plate glass windows in the front of their store.
   Mrs. Langtry will he in Binghamton on the 30th Inst., and will act in “Pygmalion and Galatea."
   Next Wednesday is Decoration Day. Arrangements for the ceremonies have not as yet been perfected.
   The towers on the engine-house are being extended upward in order to give greater facilities tor drying hose.
   Memorial services will be held in the Methodist church in honor of our nation's dead next Sunday evening.
   Last Saturday was too fine a day for farmers to pass any part of it indoors, so the Farmers' Club held no meeting.
   Mr. William Bristol has bought a lot on the new street [Arthur Ave.] running west from North Main street and will build thereon a house for himself.
   Plank sidewalks have recently been laid by Messrs. E. A. Winchell and E. E. Crandall on Madison street, Harlow Ball on Merrick street [Maple Avenue].
   H. L, Bronson, Esq., passed Tuesday at Little York, and returned at night with 18 pounds of fish. He didn't buy them, either; he caught them.
   A number of our citizens attended the funeral of Bishop Peck at Syracuse, Monday, among them being Rev. W. H. Annable, Dr. J. H. Hoose, H. M. Kellogg, Geo. W. Edgcomb, and Rev. B. F. Weatherwax. Mr. Annable was one of the bearers.
   The Trotting at the Fair Grounds last Saturday was greatly enjoyed by the quite satisfactory attendance. The track was in good condition. Only home horses took part in the races. For the first race were entered John Hudson's "Fanny Bell," T. H. Wickwire's “Daisy," and H. A. Greenman's "Blue Bell," the race being decided in the order named. For the second race, D. Bauder's “Tom Murphy," and T. Van Bergen's "Cortland Boy." For the third race, T. Van Bergen's ”Binghamton," John Sager's "Little Wonder," J. Keete's "Belvidere Prince," and Tom White's brown stallion. This race was not completed.
   Clark of the Standard says there is room for only one Republican paper in
Cortland. That looks as though he had been thinking of changing the politics of his paper, but, as THE NEWS occupies the field, had given up the idea.
   The wish expressed by us in last week's NEWS for a two or three days' rain has been fully gratified. Beginning with light showers on Sunday, nearly all of the time since until Wednesday night rain has fallen, and the temperature has not grown sufficiently cool to be uncomfortable. Vegetation is looking splendidly.
   In 1879 a directory of Cortland was issued, but it was full of imperfections, the compiler having been apparently more anxious to make money than a reliable directory. The growth of the village since then has been so rapid that another canvass had become a matter of necessity, and we are glad to announce that Mr. Wm. F. Burdick, a well known resident of this village, has taken the matter in hand, and with the assistance of Messrs. Isaac W. Brown and Henry Roraback, two of the most capable residents and best acquainted with the town, as canvassers, proposes to issue a complete directory of the corporation about the middle of July. Mr. Burdick is a printer, and therefore knows how the work should be done in a mechanical point of view; he has had considerable experience in the publication of directories, and is therefore well fitted to arrange in detail all the elements necessary for a reliable, complete directory, and we trust that each and all of our citizens will assist the gentlemen named by giving all required information. The book will be printed at the Democrat office, which is sufficient guarantee that it will be well done.

The Street Railway Crossing.
   The argument in the case of the application of the Cortland & Homer Horse Railway Company for the appointment of commissioners to determine in regard to the crossing of the Syracuse & Binghamton Railroad Company's tracks was heard by Judge Follett at Norwich on the 18th inst. The parties being unable to agree upon commissioners, the judge issued an order, which, after reciting the facts in the case, reads as follows:
   "It is ordered that Samuel D. Haladay, Esq., of Ithaca, and Samuel F. Miller, of Franklin, and William B. Gilbert, who is a civil engineer of Palmyra, Wayne county, New York, both parties consenting that the court might appoint commissioners residing at any place in the State of New York, be and they are hereby appointed commissioners for the purpose of and with full power to determine the points and manner of crossing the grade or grades of such crossing, and the amount of compensation to be made by the said petitioners to the said Syracuse, Binghamton & New York Railroad Company and the said Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Company, in respect to the crossing mentioned and set forth in the petition in this matter; which said crossing is situated in the county of Cortland, and more particularly described as follows, to wit:
   "The crossing of the said Syracuse, Binghamton and New York Railroad Company's track and railroad, between the village of Cortland and village of Homer, at the point where the said Syracuse, Binghamton and New York Railroad Company's track crosses the highway, known as the Old Plank Road, about three-fourths of a mile south of the village of Homer, and about 1 1/2 miles north of the village of Cortland, near the house of Allen B. Smith, said crossing being nearly in the center of said highway, and said crossing consists of a single track about four feet, eight and one-half inches in width, and wholly within the limits of the said highway.
   "It is further ordered that the first meeting of the said commissioners be held at the Messenger House in the village of Cortland, in the county of Cortland, on Tuesday, the 12th day of June, 1883, at two o clock in the afternoon."
   Either party has the right to appeal to the General Term from the decision of the commissioners.

CHENINGO [near Truxton, N.Y.]
Correspondence of THE NEWS, May 24, 1883.
   Frequent showers and farmers happy.
   Thompson sold 10 cows to L. J. Fitzgerald a few days ago. Consideration,
   The steam-mill refuses to do any custom work.
   Harrison Dennison contemplates purchasing a Cooley creamery, W. A. Locke has already purchased one.
   J. E. Justice bought 16 cows of Lee Brothers, of Cuyler, a short time ago. Price paid $46.75 per head.
   The chilling breeze sweeps from one snow-bank still—the snow being over two feet deep in one place. It is, however, fast disappearing.
   Writing items for newspapers is like catching feathers in a windy day. You have to catch them on the fly; when you've got them perhaps they're not worth the catching, and yet, like those same feathers, they may lighten somebody's weary head by furnishing momentary rest and recreation.
   The potato-bugs have registered their names as stopping at the best fields for the summer. Check them with Paris green. Some are as large as small sized elephants and look like zebras, except the stripes run the wrong way, which makes them look mulch. Does the game law protect them?
   The modest dandelion is peeping from the bright green sod, and the fields invite us to enjoy a ramble in them and the forests that adjoin.

Correspondence of THE NEWS, May 22, 1883.
   Rev. W. Benger, of Orleans county, was in town last week calling upon his many friends.
   Rev. W. Fox and wife are making a week's stay in Woodstock.
   Mr. T. Willis, of Tully Centre, preached in the M. E. Church last Sunday morning and Rev. McBeth in the evening.
   There were quite a number attended the funeral of Dr. Wheelock, at Homer, on Friday last.
   Mr. Selover, of Dresserville, is selling horse-forks to the farmers.
   The village school is closed because the teacher, Miss Shaw, is sick with the mumps.
   Hobert Cummings is repairing both house and barn.
   Mrs. Euretta Briggs is employed in the telegraph office at the depot.
   There will be a concert at the M. E. Church the 10th of June. Come one, come all.
   Henry Harter caught a very large raccoon a few days ago.
   Emma Doud is visiting friends in Cortland this week.
   We are glad that the correspondent of the Tully Times is on the lookout for mistakes.

Correspondence of THE NEWS, May 22, 1883.
   Mr. Ed. Avery has been made happy lately by the arrival of a bouncing boy.
   About 3 o'clock Sunday morning, May 13, Mr. Woodward, who sleeps in a room adjoining his store, hearing a noise in the store, opened the door and fired his revolver at a man whom he saw there. The man fled, leaving on the counter, however, numerous things which he had evidently gathered up to take with him. Nothing has as yet been missed. Mr. W. thinks that he gained entrance on the evening previous while there were many persons in the store and slipped unobserved into the cellar.
   Fires on Saturday and Sunday caused much damage by breaking out from burning brush-heaps and setting fire to the woods, fences, etc. They were stopped by the rain.

Miss Davis’ Recitation.
   Miss Henrietta V. Davis appeared last Friday evening at Taylor Hall before an audience composed of the most cultured citizens of Cortland. All of the pieces given were recitations and included "Brier Rose,""Portia," "Juliet," "Schiller's Battle,” "As You Like It," etc. She is a lady of fine appearance, and has elements which with a little more training and discipline will be sure to make her very popular as a reader or an actress. Miss Davis read at Virgil on the 19th and at McGrawville on the 22d, to the general acceptation of fair audiences of the best citizens. The season for entertainment is past, and it was an unfavorable time for large audiences, but we understand her visit here was a success financially, and we can assure her she has paved the way for a warm reception should she visit us again.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


The Cortland News, Friday, May 18, 1883.
Letter from D. Eugene Smith, Cortland, April 16, 1883.
   It was a peculiar experience to “land in the water" at New Orleans, but such was the reception which we had. The river was within seven inches of the highest water mark; the levees were covered, and we stepped from the steamer on raised planks covered with waterproof. Thence we were driven through dusty streets to the hotel. New Orleans has never recovered from the war. I think the effect of the city disappoints the traveler.
   There is probably no more monotonous journey in the civilized world than that from New Orleans to Cairo, a distance of nearly a thousand miles. Shortly after leaving the former city, the plantations begin to be less attractive, and finally they disappear altogether, and miles of low wooded banks are all that greet the tourist's eye. The only clearings seen are those where a city or town is built upon an occasional bluff. Baton Rouge, a town about as attractive as Homer, with a capitol that is a perfect Irish bull of architecture, is the first city met with. Then come Vicksburg and Memphis, the latter a very attractive town, but in bad repute on account of yellow fever.
   The change from July weather in New Orleans to April in Cincinnati is at the rate of a week per day as we sail northward. Every morning the foliage on the banks is less advanced, until finally the cold April days are reached, and the trees are as bare as in winter.
   The Ohio river is more attractive. As one nears Cincinnati it looks not unlike the Hudson. But coming up just after the floods the banks presented a scene of devastation truly pitiable. Farm houses in ruins; grain strewn along the fields; roofs and fences lodged in tree tops; and corn-stalks hanging from the branches of all the trees along the flats—these all told of the terrors of high water.
   From Cincinnati it is a short journey home. One takes a sleeping car and in twenty-four hours is in Elmira.
   In three weeks, or thereabouts, I have come from the hot, intolerable days of Aspinwall [Colon, Panama State, United States of Columbia—CC editor], to the snow banks of Cortland. A light silk suit was too warm on the Caribbean; summer flannels were necessary on the Gulf; a fall suit came into good service at New Orleans; winter flannels had to be unpacked at Cairo; and a heavy overcoat was a comfort after leaving Cincinnati.
   My journey has been a pleasant one. It has been tedious often, but always unique and filled with pleasant experiences. It has been prolonged through three months, and extended over eight thousand miles. It has taken me into seven different governments, and thirteen of the American States. It will always be a pleasure to review it, although it is a journey which I would scarcely care to repeat.
D. E. S.


The Cortland News, May 18, 1883.
To the Editor, NEWS:
   Can you suggest a use for salt, that shall open an adequate market for the supply, existing and prospective, of that mineral?
   The production of salt at Warsaw, Wyoming county, is a fact that has lost the interest of novelty, but the salt boom at present prevailing along the line of Genesee river has a fresher interest because its promise is not so well ascertained. Passing through that region recently, I saw preparations, in all stages of advancement, for sounding into the earth. At York, salt, at a depth of eleven hundred feet, has been found in mass ninety-seven feet in thickness. At Piffard the drill is at work. At Mount Morris and Fowlersville companies are forming intending to strike down for saline deposits. Mr. James White, of Moscow, estimating from the dip of the rock, finds that salt is not more than six hundred feet below his farm, so he is uneasy. 
   What shall we do, Mr. Editor, to use up the salt that soon will be dumped, at nine cents a hundred, into our bins? I'll tell you, Mr. Editor, what we can do: we can boil all our lumber in brine making it fire-proof; we can sprinkle all our streets making a crust upon them that will keep down the dust; we can give a light-dressing to all our corn-fields; we can work our mortar all winter, so salted that it will defy frost; and what I mean to do is to prepare my bottomland and plant oysters upon it. How much will sufficient salt cost?

   The floor of the postoffice is being covered with Minton tile.
   Work has been commenced on the foundation of the new school-houses.
   Mr. C. F. Thompson last week took possession of his new house on Clayton street.
   Page & Santee secured fine negatives of the interior and flower decorations of the Congregational church on the day it was dedicated.
   Who says business is not going up town? Main street this week affords horse-power evidence that not only business but a whole block of business is moving northward.
   A heavy frost prevailed in this section last Monday morning, and much needed rain fell in the afternoon following. A two or three days' rain followed by warm weather would be welcome.
   To-morrow (Saturday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock, there will be an exhibition of speed by town horses on the Fair Grounds, for the benefit of the track. Fine sport is expected. Admission, 10 cents.
   Wm. J. Mantanye, Esq., has accepted an invitation to deliver the address on Memorial Day at Marathon. This an excellent selection. Mr. Mantanye is not only a superior writer and speaker, but he is a veteran of the old "76th," and can therefore speak from experience.
   H. L. Gleason, Esq., superintendent of the Hitchcock buggy and cutter works, arrived home from his Western trip on Saturday last. He visited Omaha, Fargo, Kansas City, and numerous other places in the far West, and reports the most gratifying success in a business point of view.
   The Standard lately issued a supplement boasting of the immense business it was doing and of the great value of the office. And yet it curses the existence of THE NEWS—although, as Clark says, it receives no support—and allows a $20,000 mortgage on the Standard building to remain undischarged. We have a question or two we would like to have the editor of the Standard answer. Is your boasted prosperity real? If yes, is it the result of legitimate business or of successful stock speculations in 1881 and since?
   W. H. Clark, of the Standard, believes in bringing private matters before the public, and not long ago published the contents of three wills not only without the consent but contrary to the wishes of the parties interested, claiming that he had a right to do this because such documents are public records and required by law to be recorded. We wonder whether he would like to have THE NEWS publish a copy of the mortgage for $20,000 on the Standard building, recorded in the Cortland County Clerk's office, Book 21 of Mortgages, page 563? If we carried out the programme of the Standard it would be proper to publish it, but we hold such records to be of a private and confidential nature and therefore not proper for the columns of a fairly-conducted newspaper.
   Mr. Mahan has completed the arrangements for his June Musical Convention and elsewhere in this paper announces the attractions which he has secured, and to which we call the particular attention of our readers. These conventions lave always been looked forward to with the greatest interest and expectation, and never has any of them failed to more than meet the most eager anticipation. Mr. Mahan does what no other manager ever did do of whom we have recollection—he performs more than he advertised. Aside from the benefit to be derived by the singers from the musical instruction imparted, the matinees are always enjoyable, while the two grand concerts are by the best talent that can be procured. There is only one thing in connection with the convention that is to be regretted — [Taylor] Hall is not large enough. It would have to be more than twice as large to accommodate the convention audiences.
   On Decoration Day the Young People's Association of the M. E. church will have a stand near the soldiers' monument when they will supply all wishing ice-cream and other delicacies of the season. This society have assumed quite a large amount of the indebtedness of the M. E. church, and the profit on the sales will go toward paying it.
   Post Grover G. A. R. held a meeting on Wednesday evening to make arrangements to properly observe Decoration Day. Hon. Frank Hiscock has accepted the invitation to deliver the address at the cemetery. The Homer band has been engaged, but as it cannot come until 3 o'clock, line will not be formed until that hour. Invitation to join in the exercises has been extended to the various companies of the Cortland fire department. The State department of the Grand Army invites clergymen to deliver sermons on the Sunday previous in commemoration of Memorial Day, and where practicable to hold union services in the evening.
   Mr. Theodore Marsh, a painter, residing on Garfield street, has lately had considerable family trouble. His wife seems to have preferred the company of a handsomer man (one Lewis Coon) and not long ago was with him at Whitney's Point for a couple of days. Mr. M. found a letter written by her to her lover making an appointment with him to go to "parts unknown." As he evidently cherishes the warmest affection for the woman, this conduct so affected him that on Sunday he took a dose of verdigris, but it was an overdose and only made him sick. His wife got out warrants for his arrest on the ground of attempting to commit suicide and threatening to take her life, and he was arraigned before Justice Bouton. [She] failing to appear against him, Wednesday morning he was discharged.

Henrietta Vinton Davis.
   Miss Davis, the colored elocutionist of Washington, has arrived in Cortland and is stopping at the home of Judge Smith, who was a warm friend of her father for many years previous to his death in Baltimore in 1870. Miss Davis will favor the people of Cortland with one of her entertainments at Taylor Hall this (Friday) evening, and the people of Virgil at the Methodist church to-morrow (Saturday) evening, and the people of McGrawville at Association Hall under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid Society of the Presbyterian church, on Tuesday evening of next week (the 22d). This lady is engaged in a most laudable undertaking and should be largely patronized. She is a lady of character and ability and no one who hears her will regret the small admission fee or the time spent. Come and see what education will do for the colored race.

The New Congregational Church.

   The seating capacity of the new Congregational church was fully tested on the day of its dedication, May 8, 1883. Every available space was occupied, and as the pews will seat 600, it is safe to say that nearly 1000 persons attended the services. No description of the interior of the edifice will convey an adequate idea of its beauty. The architect, the builder, the workmen, the committee having in charge the erection and ornamentation of the church, have every reason to feel proud of the excellent success which has rewarded their connection therewith. But to our view, the part most commendable is the bowled floor of the auditorium and the semicircular arrangement of the pews. The speaker is visible from all parts of the room, and this should be the case with any and every hall or other room designed for public gatherings.
   On this occasion the front of the pulpit was hidden by a wealth [sic] of the loveliest flowers and plants, and their attractiveness, as well as that of the bright, fresh ornamentation was greatly increased by the light through the gaily colored windows.
   The order of exercises was begun at 2 P. M. and was as follows:
   Voluntary— "Guide me, O Thou Great Jehovah," by the choir. Invocation, by Rev. A. Kinmouth, of Oswego Falls. Reading of Matthew 7, by Rev. J. Franklin, of Lysander. Anthem—"Beautiful are Thy Courts," by the choir. Prayer by Rev. W. A. Robinson, of Homer. Hymn — "I love thy Kingdom, Lord," read by Rev. G. H. Bailey, of Moravia, and sung by the choir and congregation. Sermon by Rev. Wm. M. Taylor. D. D., of New York; text from Jeremiah 23, 28. Address to the people by Rev. Edward Taylor, D. D., of Binghamton. Hymn —"Glorious things of Thee are spoken," read by Rev. Wm. Smith, of Groton, and sung by the choir. Responsive Service of Dedication by Rev. H. T. Sell and the congregation. Prayer by Rev. C. C. Creegan, of Syracuse. Dedicatory Hymn — "Heavenly Father, King of Glory," by the choir and congregation. Benediction by Rev. Wm. M. Taylor.
   The sermon by Dr. Taylor, of the New York Broadway Tabernacle, was a comparison of Christianity with infidelity, and kept the closest attention of his hearers. The address to the people by Dr. Taylor, of Binghamton, was a short history of the church, followed by a statement that it cost nearly $19,000; that $7,000 had been raised, leaving an indebtedness of $12,000 to be provided for; that $7,000 of this was in bonds; and the remaining $5,000 was the floating debt it was desirous to meet at once.
   A committee was appointed to take names and subscriptions, and the Homer Congregational church headed the responses with a donation of $300, followed by $350 from the Home Mission Society and $350 from the Sabbath school of the Cortland Congregational church; $250 from the Syracuse church; and $100 from the Lysander church; The amount swelled to about $6,200 in the afternoon.
   In the evening services were opened by the choir singing a voluntary, followed by J. L. Robertson reading from the Scriptures, prayer by Rev. James W. Putnam, and singing, by the choir and congregation of the hymn, "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name." Short, but pithy and pleasant addresses were made by Rev. Eben Halley, of Binghamton, Rev. W. A. Robinson, of Homer, and Rev. C. C. Creegan, of Syracuse. An appeal by the last named was responded to by contributions amounting to $400. Singing of the hymn, "Blest be the tie that binds," and pronouncing the benediction by the pastor, Rev. H.T. Sell closed the exercises, which were throughout of the most interesting character. 

Memorial Day (formerly Decoration Day):