Friday, October 31, 2014


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, May 11, 1888.

Page Two/Editorials.

   Brother Clark, of the Standard who, for several years past has been attempting to oust the old Cortland ring in order to obtain control of the republican party in this county himself, seems to have abandoned the party entirely. Instead of attending the republican county convention held in this village last Monday, he left town last week to attend the Anti-Saloon Convention in New York and failed to show up in person or by proxy at the county convention. Has he abandoned the republican party entirely? Many of his former associates think he has and that hereafter he will be found following in the wake of Gods that are strangers to the g. o. p. [sic]
   What other possible excuse our neighbor could have in abandoning his followers just when he might have realized his fondest political ambition, is a mystery to the rank and file of the party as well as to all interested observers. We had an idea that he was made of sterner material.


The Flood of Immigration and What the Result Will Be.

   The Argus, in an editorial published a few weeks ago, called attention to the immense immigration, and pointed out its effects upon the working classes of this country. It was the first paper in the State to take up the subject, and is pleased to observe that what it has said has not only been widely copied, but many papers have fallen in line in the way of giving editorial expression. Notably among the number is the New York Commercial Advertiser, which in a recent issue said:
   "If any one tires of merely reading the tariff talks at Washington and would like to get some of the facts in the controversy at first hand, he might indulge himself almost any day now in a ramble down to the Battery in order to observe the volume and quality of immigration that issues from the landward doors of Castle Garden. Yesterday, for example, 4,612 immigrants were landed, an almost unprecedented number for a single day, and there is every indication that the movement will keep up its pace throughout the season. The "rapid transit" on the ocean ferry is proving as inadequate as that which we have to rely on for locomotion in this city. All the steamships are crowded to their utmost capacity, and when every devise of packing is exhausted, thousands of intending voyagers have to be left behind to wait their turn.
   "What brings the rush? No one cause alone; and yet we cannot too frequently allude to one of their chief reasons, namely, the fact that our tariff system protects the manufactured product, but does not protect the laborer. We lay a heavy tax on the people in order to enable the manufacturing class to charge double prices for their goods. This is alleged by the protected beneficiaries of the tariff' to result in higher wages for the laborers; and were the law so framed that no outside competition in labor could be possible, the scheme might work in that way. But as there is absolute free trade in foreign pauper labor, the moment wages are advanced in this country, immigration sets in to share the benefit, and by this process the native or naturalized workingman soon finds himself confronted by idle labor that stands ready to take his place unless he will submit to a 'pauper level' of wages.
   "This is not a theory but a condition, to be observed by any sane and fair student of society. The laboring men themselves recognize its existence by the formation of unions by which they design to create an artificial stringency in the labor market. But in spite of all these organizations, their efforts to 'peg' wages fail in the face of this pitiless immigration. In almost every recent instance strikes have ended in complete ruin and loss to the workingmen, simply because of the multitude of unemployed recently landed immigrants who were only too willing to step into the vacant places. And now capital, as if aware of its advantage, seems disposed to take the aggressive. Lock-outs are becoming common, which is a suggestive indication that employers know that there exists a glut of labor which makes them masters of the situation.
   "A protective system is fatally imperfect which forbids the foreign handicraftsman to labor at home and send his product here on terms of equitable competition, but permits him freely to come to these shores, and once here enter as a competitor in the native labor market. Free immigration is free trade of the rankest sort, as far as the laborer is concerned. If high tariff theorists do not believe it let them see where the immigrants distribute themselves on their arrival, and what effect their coming has on the steadiness of the labor market."
   The statements made by the Commercial Advertiser are in keeping with those heretofore advanced by The Argus, which have given thinking men something worthy of careful consideration.


(From the Colorado Springs Republican, April 19, 1888.)

   William R. Hibbard was born in Cortland, N. Y., April 14, 1847, and died at Summit Park, Colorado, April 8, 1888. He had always resided at Cortland until his removal to Colorado in November, 1885, since which time he has been a resident of Summit Park and has been quite extensively engaged in ranching and cattle raising. His health was greatly improved by the change of climate which he sought and he has been most active since coming among us, in every enterprise that would develop the resources and improve the condition of the community in which he lived. A sudden attack of pneumonia was the immediate cause of his decease. He suffered greatly during his illness, but all this was borne with remarkable patience and resignation. In anticipation of the future, and for the comfort of his companion and friends, he said: "Do not feel so bad for me, it is all right."
   Mr. Hibbard made many friends wherever he went, and the neighborhood where he has lately resided feel that they have sustained a great loss in his removal from their midst. He was a devoted husband, an excellent neighbor, and a man who, in his business transactions, was a model of honesty and truthfulness. He leaves a wife, a brother and a sister, and a large circle of acquaintance, to mourn his loss. His remains were interred in Evergreen cemetery at Colorado Springs on the 10th inst., after appropriate services attended by many of the relatives and friends. That the friendship we cherish for him may lead us to imitate his kindly and helpful spirit is the wish of the writer. 
   I. G. S.


   Mrs. Ophelia Stoddard Hicks was born in Pomfret, Connecticut, July 23. 1807. She was married to Jacob Hicks in 1833, and directly afterward removed to Homer, where she resided until God called her April 13th, 1888. She united with the Baptist church in her native place when young in years, and was received by letter into the Baptist church of Homer soon after settling in that place. She was a kind neighbor and sympathizing friend, and could be found at the bedsides of the sick as long as her health would permit. That she was loved by those who knew her, the kind attention shown her in her last illness amply proved.
   For the last nine years of her life she was deprived of her eyesight, which affliction was borne with the greatest patience. In the early part of her sickness she expressed her readiness and willingness to die, but it was not till after thirteen weeks of severest suffering that she passed from her earthly home to that better land.
"There to rest in peace forever,
In that holy, happy place;
There where death no ties can sever,
We shall meet her face to face." 

From Everywhere.

   One hundred and fifty thousand Mackinaw trout been placed in Cayuga lake.
   Brooklyn, with a population of about 775,000, has a city debt of $32,000,000, or over $45 per head.
   The Sentinal says a mare belonging to John S. Smith, of Hector, gave birth on the 17th inst., to twin horse colts, Hambletonians, perfect in form and as lively as a couple of crickets. They are both doing finely.
   Syracuse men have formed an organization with $10,500 capital, and will make a summer resort at Tully Lake. They have purchased 60 acres of O. W. Schell, on the west shore, for $2,700. Several cottages will be erected this summer.
   Since 1838—fifty years—the population of the United States has increased five fold, or, let us say, from 12,000,000 to 60,000,000, and the population of New York city has increased more than five fold, or, let us say, from 290,000 to 1,508,000.
   A feature of the coming June fair at Auburn will be a fox chase on the fourth day. A live fox will be secured and led about the track and grounds and then be brought back in front of the grandstand and placed in a bag. The dogs will be started on the first trail and the one that gets in first will be the winner, but will get no sight of the fox. The entrance fee for each dog is $2. There are four prizes offered, $20, $10, $6, $4.
   The Elmira Advertiser of Wednesday, May 2d, gives quite an extended account of trouble which has sprung up in that city between Charles A. Givens and Josie Skillman (or Givens), both former residents of Freeville. The woman claims to have been secretly married to Mr. G. some time ago, and that he is now seeking to be rid of her, while he insists that she has only been following him around in the pursuit of a blackmailing scheme, and wants her arrested although he acknowledges she has a moral claim (about which he cares nothing), but no legal claim upon him. The Advertiser says the narrative of the woman seemed a good deal more credible than the brazen assertions of the man.

Thursday, October 30, 2014


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, April 27, 1888.

Accident in Preble.

   Last Saturday morning three boys, named Willie Cobb, Leroy Dickinson and Orlie Munson, boarded a coal train at Homer with the intention of stealing a ride to Preble and then returning in the same manner. They seated themselves between the cars and reached Preble safely and then attempted to jump from the train while it was in motion. Cobb fell as he struck the ground and was caught under the cars and instantly killed. His body was horribly mangled and one arm and one foot severed from the trunk. The body was nearly cut into across the chest and portions of the heart and lungs were strewn along the track. Dickinson sustained a slight contusion of the knee, and Munson escaped uninjured. They removed their comrade’s body to the side of the track, and notified Mr. Wright, the agent, giving him the name of the dead boy, and then started for Homer on foot.
   Coroner Bradford was at once notified, and as soon as possible was on the spot. He empanelled a jury and proceeded to hear the evidence and to view the remains. The verdict was accidental death, and the railroad company was fully exonerated from all blame, and its employees from any negligence. The boys were found by officer Shirley at Homer, and brought before the Coroner. They testified that they were in the habit of boarding trains for rides in this manner, and had been for some time past. If some punishment milder than death by accident could he administered to a few of these offenders by the officers of the law, it might possibly have a salutary effect on others, and prevent such accidents happening in the future.

A Good Selection.

   Last week the local board of the State Normal School at Oneonta, unanimously elected Prof. James M. Milne, of this place, to be principal of that school, which will be ready to open a year from next September. In selecting Prof. Milne for this responsible position the Oneonta board has made no mistake, and we predict that the school will, under his management be successful from its opening day to the close of the professor's administration. Prof. Milne is a thorough scholar, an excellent disciplinarian, a good business man and a gentleman. If other qualifications are required, we believe he possesses them. Professionally and socially his departure will be a loss to Cortland, but no one can blame him for accepting such an excellent position, so gracefully tendered, and that without solicitation.

Some Improvements.

   Mr. Bauder, of the Cortland House, has been recently making a number of improvements at that popular stopping place that add greatly to the attractiveness of the house. The reading and bar rooms have been newly papered with an elegant gold pattern and the wood work newly varnished. The ladies' entrance and dining rooms have also received a similar treatment, and are models of beauty and artistic skill. Last Monday, three elegant engravings, surmounted by heavy frames, were hung in the reading room, and have proved a source of great attraction to the guests, while they add greatly to the homelike appearance of the room Mr. Bauder is determined to leave no effort untried that shall add to the large popularity his house now enjoys, and the liberal patronage with which his efforts are meeting shows that they are appreciated by those for whom they are made.


   All the stores and rooms in the Grand Central have been rented.
   D. Bolles is making extensive repairs at his pleasant residence on Railroad street.
   The famous Engle clock is on exhibition at the Garrison block and attracts large numbers of visitors daily.
   The village library was removed, Wednesday, from Mahan’s store into the Franklin Hatch Library building.
   The Cortland Corset Co. are now making between ninety and one hundred dozen corsets daily, but are unable to keep up with orders.
   Will Milton of East Homer was carried over the dam at Crainsville the other day while hunting muskrats. The neighbors had quite a time fishing him out.
   The Cortland Bee-Keepers' Association will hold their spring meeting in Union Hall, Cortland, May 8th, at 10 o'clock A. M. All bee-keepers are requested to attend.
   A new law has been passed in this State and received the Governor's signature, requiring circuses and menageries to pay a license of $250 per day for local purposes. As a result, such exhibitions will only be able to appear in the cities.
   Civil Engineer Place, of Cortland, was in town last week and staked out the half mile trotting course near the depot. A meeting of the stockholders was held Monday evening and steps taken to file the articles of incorporation at once and commence grading as soon as the ground is in condition.—DeRuyter Gleaner. 
   A meeting of the Republican club was held at their rooms in the Grand Central block, last Monday evening, at which resolutions of regret for the death of ex-Senator [Roscoe] Conkling were adopted. Speeches were made by Hon. W. H. Clark, ex-Judge Duell, I. E. Eggleston, George S. Sands, H. A. Dickinson and others.
   Messrs. H. C. Beebe and Fayette Reynolds returned last Monday morning from their trip South. They purchased of the McShane foundry at Baltimore, a new fire bell weighing 3400 lbs. The bell will be shipped in about two weeks. They also state the Union Fire Alarm Co. are now heavily engaged in making the boxes for this town, and that the work of stringing the wires will be begun in a short time.


   Joseph E. Eggleston, of this place, will deliver the memorial address at Homer this year.
   Capt. J. W. Strowbridge spent several days with his son Clarence at Hamilton, this week.
   Glen Tisdale has resigned his position as manager of the Western Union Office in this village.
   Louis L. Waters, Esq., formerly of this place, was admitted to the bar at the General Term held in Utica, last week.
   C. V. Kinney, Esq., formerly of this place, has accepted an engagement as editor of the Russell Springs, (Kan.) Republican. 
   Rev. J. P. Foster, of Geneva, N Y., will deliver the address on Decoration day in this place. Mr. Foster was formerly pastor of Grace church.
   Geo. B. Jones, Dr. H. C. Gazlay, W. H. Clark, Lewis Bouton and Harrison Wells have been chosen delegates to the National Anti-Saloon conference to be held in New York, May 2nd.
   The Moravia Register says that E. W. Hayes, of this county, is making arrangements to open a circulating library in that place. If we mistake not there are parties in this county who are very anxious to see Mr. Hayes.
   Chief Engineer Thompson was in New York last week, calling on the different fire departments in that city. He says the Volunteer Firemen's Association to the number of 150 will visit Cortland during the State convention in August. As many from Brooklyn will be in attendance.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, April 20, 1888.

Farmers' Club.

   CORTLAND, April 14, 1888.—Subject "Cows for the Dairy." As the president announced the subject, he stated that a better class of cows was obtained by raising them, than by depending upon buying.
   Mr. Crandall—In purchasing cows we have to buy those that people wish to get rid of. I have noticed that those farmers who buy their cows are generally short of money, and are apt to get inferior ones. I think that the refrigerators will have a great influence on the beef market here, so that we cannot sell our cows to advantage for beef, and must raise cows especially for milk or butter and not for beef. If we raise our own stock we cannot expect full pay for every item of labor performed, or for every particle of feed furnished for them if we place the same value upon them that ordinary stock is selling for; but if such stock is the progeny of a breed possessed of value already, because of their extra milking qualities, their docility and well developed points that give them an intrinsic value above "scrub stock," then if there is any lack in the money returns, it may be offset by the satisfaction of possessing stock that we are pleased with.
   A. P. Rowley—If we expect to raise the standard value of our dairies we must raise cows from the best breeds. I get better cows to raise my own than I can buy, in all cases selecting from the best milkers.
   M. A. Harmon—Would raise all the stock from extra milkers. There is not difference enough made between prices paid for good cows raised in this locality and those brought in from a distance, as too great changes with cows are not beneficial.
   One present suggested that it was better to make such changes in the dairy early in the winter if possible, as the animals become used to the herd and to the care bestowed during the winter, and enter upon the profitable part of the season with more of an even chance with the rest of the dairy, which opinion was concurred in by members of the club.
   Question—What is average yield of butter per week for month of June in the dairies [of] this county? Some answered seven pounds. Mr. Rowley replied six pounds, while Messrs. Crandall and Bean claimed that taking all the cows that are included in making up all the dairies in our county, that five pounds per week tor the month of June would be a liberal estimate.
   A. D. Blodgett gave a report of obtaining from five Jersey cows, in good pasture but without any grain, in one week in June, 901 pounds of milk, which produced 61 11-18 pounds of butter, being over twelve pounds per cow for the week.
   Mr. Purvis —In raising stock, while one man feeds just enough to allow the animal to grow slowly, another will feed enough more to promote a rapid and constant growth, so that at two years old a heifer will be of value in the dairy. Think Jerseys may be fed and cared for up to two years of age at less cost than breeds with larger frame. Garget is more liable to affect Durhams and Ayreshires than our native breeds, and the cows are more liable to lose the use of a portion of the udder. The trouble arising from milking hard may be readily obviated, and not as risky an operation as cutting deeper on account of stoppages in milk passage. Cows frequently receive injuries to udder from being hooked by other cows, bruised in some way, as when a cow is lying down in stable, the cow standing next may move enough to step upon the one lying alongside. Such injuries inflame the udder and are often mistaken for garget. Have followed the practice of raising my cows with good results, yet have been pleased with cows that I have had occasion to purchase.
   Club adjourned to April 28th to meet in their rooms in Union Hall block at 2 P. M. "The Cultivation of Potatoes" will be taken up by R. Purvis and followed by Dewitt Carpenter and R. C. Shearer, of Homer.
   A general attendance of all interested is desired, to take part in discussing this at present important branch of farming in this section, and specimens of desirable varieties are solicited.
   WM. A. BEAN, Sec'y pro tem.

Regulations of the Board of Health Regarding Diphtheria and Scarlet Fever.

   1. No person who is suffering from diphtheria or scarlet fever shall be permitted to attend any of the schools of Cortland.
   2. No person who is a member of the family or who boards or rooms in the house wherein is a case of diphtheria or scarlet fever, shall be permitted to attend any of the schools, churches, Sunday-schools or other public gatherings.
   3. No person who has been excluded from the schools under either of the above regulations shall be permitted to re-enter the schools except upon the certificate of the health officer.
   4. No person who is living, boarding, rooming or visiting in a house when a case of diphtheria or scarlet fever makes its first appearance in said house, shall be permitted to enter school until one week after the appearance of the disease. At the expiration of said week, upon the certificate of the Health Officer, the person excluded by this regulation may be permitted to re-enter the schools.
   5. No person, who has been suffering from Diphtheria or Scarlet Fever, shall be permitted to enter the schools within five weeks after convalescence begins.
   6. The Health Officer is hereby ordered to placard all houses, where Diphtheria and Scarlet Fever may be reported by attending physician.
   The law governing the Board of Health in regard to infectious diseases, provides that the duty of said Board shall be as follows:
   To guard against the introduction of contagious and infections disease by the exercise of proper and vigilant medical inspection and control of all persons and things arriving in such city, village or town from infected places, or which for any cause are liable to communicate contagion; to require the isolation of all persons and things infected with or exposed the contagious or infective disease, and to provide suitable places for the reception of the same and, if necessary, to furnish medical treatment and care of sick persons, who cannot otherwise be provided for, to prohibit and prevent all intercourse and communication with or use of infected premises, places and things, and to require and, if necessary, to provide the means for the thorough purification and cleansing of the same before general inter course therewith or use thereof shall be allowed.
   J. F. WHEELER, President,
   E. F. JENNINGS, Sec.,
   D. W. BIERCE,


   Eight Wonder–admission, 10 cents.
   The Great Clock—go see the wonderful mechanism.
   The Homer Wagon Co. are distributing a handsome lithograph hanger by way of advertising.
   "Milk Shake," the latest popular drink in the large cities, will be on draught at Beaudry's next week.
   The Grand Central block is receiving its finishing touches of paint at the hands of Crossman & Bloomer.
   Messrs. Nichols & Antisdel have purchased the Mansion House in Homer, and will take possession of the same, May 1st.
   W. H. Morgan has rented the store No. 11, Grand Central block, and will open soon with a full line of trunks, valises, harness, etc.
   The citizens meeting, called for last Monday night at Firemen's Hall to consider the new charter, proved a failure owing to lack of attendance.
   The blouses ordered for the 45th [volunteer company], from Kern and Miller of Syracuse, have been finished and will be distributed among the members on Monday evening next.
   Ed. Harrington, of Homer, went down the river as far as Binghamton recently, on a hunting expedition, and succeeded in capturing 35 muskrats and one duck.
   Messrs. Fayette Reynolds and H. C. Beebe left for Troy, Albany and New York, last Wednesday, to procure a new fire bell and make further arrangements for the Electric Fire Alarm system.
   Dr. F. L. Hoag has removed his office from over the National Bank to the Standard building, where he has secured rooms which will enable him to meet the demands of his large and increasing practice.
   Mr. L. S. Lewis, of Bennington, Vermont, has purchased the Monitor, and will assume the management May 3d. Mr. Lewis is said to have had a wide experience as a newspaper man, and will doubtless be a valuable acquisition to the journalistic ranks of this village.
   Leroy Wheeler, who lives at No 11 Elm street, last Saturday morning ordered his wife out of doors, and when she attempted to remove the household furniture, which she claimed to own, locked the doors and fastened the windows. She secured a writ of replevin, however, and took the goods to a house on Fitz avenue, where she and her son are now living.
   The road to Taylor, near James Andress', has been washed out by the water from the melting snows on the adjoining hills, leaving a chasm some 15 or 16 feet deep and 30 feet wide. The soil is a sort of quicksand, and the water coming in too large a flume to be discharged through the small sluices made to receive it, soon undermined the road with a result that looks disastrous to tax-payers.—Cincinnatus Register. 
   The village Board of Trustees have adopted the present grade of the streets of this village as the established grade. According to a recent decision of the Court of Appeals of this State, where a grade is thus established, no damages can be collected for accidents which occur on the streets, provided said streets conform to the established grade. That is, if one piece of walk is higher than an adjoining piece, but this is in accordance with the established grade, the courts hold that the adoption of said grade is sufficient notice to the public and will take judicial notice of it, and any injury received by reason of the difference in grades, is deemed to be due to the negligence of the person so injured.—Homer Republican. 
   The funeral of Joseph Burns, who died last week at Curtin's boarding house on Owego street, was held from St. Mary's church, Tuesday, Father McLoughlin officiating. 
   Beaudry has just purchased a large and complete outfit for making ice cream, which he will have in operation in a few days. Families supplied on short notice. Mr. Beaudry will also fit up elegant parlors in his store, where ice cream will be served at all hours of the day and evening.

The Celebrated Engle Clock.

will be on exhibition in the Samson block, Cortland, N. Y., commencing Friday, April 20th. It comes to our town for the second time, and comes well recommended by all. No one can afford to miss seeing the greatest clock in the world.

Glen Haven Land Suit.

   In October last, at Auburn, before Judge Rumsey and a jury, was tried the case of James R. and Abram M. Schermerhorn against John H. Mourin and William C. Thomas, an action brought by the plaintiff to recover possession of a strip of land between the highway at Glen Haven and low water mark of the lake, along in front of what is known as the pavilion lot on which the old hotel stood and the "office lot" on a part of which the new hotel building stands. The presiding judge holding on the trial that the controversy involved only a question of law, took the case from the jury and last week rendered his decision to the effect that the plaintiffs were entitled to judgment against the defendants for possession of two-thirds of said strip of land and for the costs of the action.— Homer Republican.

From Everywhere.

   Natural gas has been struck at Canandaigua at a depth of 300 feet.
   Cornelius Vanderbilt has promised to give $50,000 to the New York Museum of Natural History.
   The Governor has signed the bill appropriating $69,000 for completing the Oneonta Normal and Training school.
   President Cleveland is to lay the corner stone of the new library building at Cornell University in June.
   The Drexel cottage, where Gen. Grant died, has been lost to the Grand Army through the negligence of the Legislature.
   A census just taken shows that in New York city 1,016,335 people live in tenement houses. The average is thirty-two persons to a house.
   The poor in Chemung county have increased so rapidly that there is no longer room for them at the Alms house. The supervisors will be called upon to make provision for them.
   The new agricultural experiment station at Cornell University will soon be in operation. An appropriation of $15,000 a year has been granted. The following officers will be chosen. A director, three assistants in experimental agriculture, two in chemistry, one in horticulture, botany, entomology and veterinary science.
   The Cornell University trustees yesterday announced the following appointments: Prof. I. P. Roberts, to be director of the agricultural experiment station; Prof. L. H. Bailey of the Michigan State Agricultural College, to be professor of practical and experimental horticulture; Prof. E. Benjamin Andrews of Brown University, to the chair of political economy and finances.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, April 13, 1888.

Consecration of Grace Church.

Imposing and Impressive Services—An Eloquent and Scholarly Sermon.

   The ceremonies at the consecration of Grace Church yesterday were unusually impressive. The services were conducted by Bishop Huntington, assisted by the Rector and a number of divines from other parishes. The floral decorations were simple but in exquisite taste, and contributed not a little to the beauty of the interior.
   At ten o'clock A. M. a special confirmation service was held, conducted by the Bishop, at which time a number of young ladies and gentlemen were admitted to membership. The words of Dr. Huntington in this service were eloquent and impressive, and must have made a deep impression on the minds of those to whom they were spoken.
   An audience that filled every seat in the church had assembled at the hour appointed for the consecration service. The order of service was as follows:
   1. Procession Psalm.
   2. Reading the Request to Consecrate the Church.
   3. The Bishop's Exhortation and Prayer.
   4. Reading the Sentence of Consecration.
   5. The Thanksgiving.
   6. Morning Prayer.
   The consecration sermon by the Rev. Geo. R. Van De Water, D. D., Rector of St. Andrews church, Harlem, N. Y., was a most eloquent production and was listened to with rapt attention by the large audience present. It was an able exposition of the uses of the church in the Divine economy and an earnest defense of the forms and ceremonies in use in the Episcopal Church. External and internal beauty in both form and color may well be employed and are sometimes more powerful for good than the words of the living orator. Let it utilize all the hues of the rainbow in the tint of the walls and the colors of its windows. Since beauty is to be met with in every natural object, men should not hesitate to employ it whenever and wherever it is found possible in the construction of their houses of worship.
   Tender memories and deep affections cling to the church. In it youth receives its guidance for a noble and useful life; within its walls the vows of lovers are plighted, binding them to sweet companionship, through the rough and uncertain way of life. Here are found the consolations of age, and, when life is ended, it is in the church that the final requiem is sung and the last words spoken. Be true, then, to the church, and loyal to her traditions. Carry her teachings into the matters of every day life, and strive to extend her influence, not only in the town in which it is situated, but into other towns and other lands where its doctrines are as yet unknown.
   At the conclusion of the sermon the communion was partaken of, after which the concluding prayer and Benediction were pronounced by the Bishop.
   With its new, and elegantly appointed church edifice, its strong and harmoniously working congregation, led and directed by the earnest, scholarly young Rector, there seems now to open to Grace Church a career the influence of which shall be as boundless as eternity itself. May she successfully accomplish the work which she has set her hand to do.


The Gaiety Gone.

   The London Gaiety Comedy Co., which was billed for the whole of last week at the Opera House, came to grief in the most ignominious manner. On Monday evening they played to a fair house, and had they acquitted themselves creditably, would probably have made their engagement a profitable one. Tuesday evening the audience reached the number of fifteen, and, when the time came to ring up the curtain Wednesday night, there were eight persons visible from the stage. These were told to go to the box office and get their money, and the announcement made that there would be no more performances until Saturday evening.
   When Saturday came the prospects were not at all assuring, and the performance for that evening was also abandoned. The manager and his wife left for Syracuse on the morning train, to raise the funds necessary to pay their bills, and enable them to go to Owego where they had a three night's engagement. He was to get the money and return on Monday morning, but as he has not since been seen, it is fair to presume that his efforts in this direction were not a conspicuous success.
   The remainder of the company staid at the Cortland House in the meantime, and devised ways and means to reach New York, but were unable to solve the problem until Tuesday, when Mr. Bauder [Cortland House proprietor—CC editor] advanced them enough money on their baggage to return to the city. They gratefully accepted the offer, and are now probably in the Metropolis. They had been organized only about two weeks and this was their first engagement.

Camp Fire Entertainment.

   The Good Templars of this place have secured the talented and eloquent Colonel Sherman D. Richardson for one of his entertainments at Taylor Hall, Friday evening, April 30th. Col. Richardson is a Grand Army man, and his rendition of his original poems, ''Sheridan at Stone River," and ''Hancock at Gettysburg," is said to be most effective. His memorials to Logan and Finch, with the latter of whom he was a valued co-worker, stamp him a poet of no mean order, and have been copied by the press throughout the United States.
   Between the reading of these poems the Colonel will intersperse sketches of an amusing character, and the entertainment, taken as a whole, will doubtless be one of the most satisfactory of the season. The prices have been fixed at the extremely low rates of 15, 25 and 35 cents, which should ensure a full house.

The Firemen's Convention.

   Preparations for the Firemen's Convention in August are being pushed rapidly forward and promise better than was anticipated. Letters are being received daily by Chief Engineer Thompson, and Secretary Smith, from the leading manufacturers of fire apparatus, asking what accommodations have been secured for exhibition, and expressing a desire to place their goods on trial.
   The Volunteer fire departments of New York and Brooklyn will arrive Thursday morning, and remain two days. Chief Thompson has received a letter from their committee, stating that they will visit Cortland this month to secure hotel accommodations, and have asked him to make arrangements for them for music. In accordance with the requests, contracts have been made with the Cortland and Homer bands for them for those days.
   A new feature of the convention, which will be original to Cortland, will be a banquet on Wednesday evening in Taylor Hall, given by the ladies of Cortland to the visiting delegates. This will be under their own management throughout, and they will use every effort to make the delegates at home during their stay in the city. The ladies of this town have a record in affairs of this kind of which they are justly proud, and on this occasion will undoubtedly surpass all previous efforts. Another citizens meeting will be called this month and the preparation systematized and pushed vigorously forward.

Annual Meeting of C. L. A.

   At the yearly meeting of the C. L. A. held April 3rd, the following remarks were made by the President, Mrs. C. W. Collins:
   "In view of this being, in all probability, our last 'annual meeting' we have a few words to offer. We stand 'at the parting of the ways,' and before the Cortland Library Association resolves itself into its individual elements, it may not be unbecoming that we give expression to our satisfaction in the work attempted and achieved in the six years of our organized existence.
   "During that time we have received from membership, rent of books, entertainments and other sources, $1,915.36, have expended $1,839. 63, and have now upon our shelves between fourteen and fifteen hundred volumes.
   "We can but believe that whatever of individual or associated effort this result expresses has been most beneficent to the community. We congratulate ourselves that we have assisted to this extent, in the cultivation of a taste for healthful reading. The influence of good books can scarcely be over-estimated, and a varied supply within reach of all classes, and adapted to all ages, is a means of growth and grace to those who avail themselves of it.
   "We are recommended to 'sow beside all waters' and we are glad that the women of Cortland have been led to care for and direct this helpful enterprise. Devotion to our impersonal aim has brought to us the blessing which always comes to those who spend themselves for others. This common interest for the people has widened our womanly sympathies and deepened our kindly regret for each other, and in this way also, our labor has brought its reward. Some of the difficulties of pioneer work have been ours, but none of the real hardships. To sow the seed, carefully guard the unfolding of the blade, watch the steady growth and development of each succeeding shoot, to guard from adverse and to enlist all favoring influences--this has been one part of the work.
   "And now in regard to those who may succeed us in carrying forward this enterprise for the public welfare, we say, may all prosperity attend them, and may they enjoy the satisfaction which has been ours from the first, of seeing their work prosper under their hands, and may they meet with as cordial appreciation from the public whom they endeavor to serve, as has always been accorded us."

"FIRE INSURANCE WAR IS LIBERATING YOU," Cortland Democrat, April 13, 1888.

   The DEMOCRAT will pay 25 cents each for two well preserved copies of its issue of Jan. 13th, 1888.
   The Senate, Monday, confirmed the nomination of Dwight N. Miller to be postmaster of Homer, N. Y.
   Read what the "Insurance War" advertisement, in this issue, says about lowered rates for fire insurance.
   Dr. A. J. White is repairing his residence on Port Watson street, and is also building an office on the premises which he expects will be ready for occupancy about the middle of May.
   Frank See, who was arrested for indecently assaulting little girls on the street, was given a trial by jury before Justice Squires, last Monday, which resulted in a verdict of guilty, and on Tuesday afternoon he was sentenced to ninety days in the Onondaga Penitentiary.
   The simplest pocket rule is the silver a person usually carries in his pocket. A silver quarter measures 3/4 of an inch; the half dollar 1 inch, and the "dollar of our daddies" 1 and 1/2 inch. On receipt of two of the latter, we shall be pleased to send the DEMOCRAT for one year to any address.
   All boarding house keepers and occupants of private houses, who can and will accommodate visiting firemen with board and lodging during the convention next August, will please report at once to Dorr C. Smith, secretary of the citizens' committee, at his office in Masonic Hall block, so that a circular may be printed for mailing to the various fire companies.
   The old wooden building on Main street, occupied by Smith & Bates' hardware store, is being removed to Orchard street. As soon as it is off the site where it has been so long situated, Mr. Taylor will begin excavating the cellar for the new brick block he proposes to build there during the summer. Smith & Bates will continue business in the old store on Orchard street until the new block is completed.
   At the meeting of the Board of Education, held on Monday evening last, it was decided to repair the old school house on Port Watson street to accommodate children in the first and second grades in that part of the town, until provision could be made for them elsewhere. The first and second grades in the schools throughout the town are badly overcrowded; so much so, in fact, that it has been necessary to refuse a number of applications for sittings on account of lack of room. The crying need of the village at present is a large school house, ample enough to furnish accommodations for our rapidly increasing population.

Neighboring Counties.

   TOMPKINS —A gold watch identified as the property of Paul Layton, who was murdered at Dryden recently, has been found in the mud by an Irish boy named Keenan. The watch was found near where the murdered man's body was discovered. There is as yet no trace of the murderer.... The effort to raise a subscription of five hundred dollars, to be put with an equal amount from the Layton estate, to continue the search for the murderer of Paul Layton, has met with success, and a meeting of interested citizens was held in Dryden, Tuesday afternoon. John H. Kennedy, Theron Johnson, and Charles Keech were chosen as a committee to have charge of carrying on the work. It was the desire of the meeting that the services of a Pinkerton detective be secured at once. 
   It is said to be doubtful if Mason, the victim of Richard Barber, recovers. The wounds on his head are giving serious trouble.
   CHENANGO—"Bloody" Dalton, a well known resident of Norwich, was reported dead from choking, Tuesday morning, and he had a narrow escape as it turned out. While boiling [bolting?] his breakfast at the Adams House, he was choked by a piece of beefsteak, became unconscious, and was given up for dead. While the necessity of sending for the Coroner was being talked of, Mr. Adams pressed his foot upon the stomach of the supposed corpse, when the piece of meat popped from his throat, and "Bloody" still lives.


Terrific Conflict Between Two Stallions and a Jack.

   "Some horses, of course, are almost incurably vicious, and must be conquered by main force. One pleasing brute on my ranch will at times rush at a man open-mouthed like a wolf, and it is a regular trick of the range stallions. In a great many—indeed, in most—localities there are wild horses to be found, which, although invariably of domestic descent, being either themselves runaways from some ranch or Indian [tribe], or else claiming such for their sires and dams, yet are quite as wild as the antelope on whose domain they have intruded. Ranchmen run in these wild horses whenever possible, and they are but little more difficult to break than the so-called 'tame' animals. But the wild stallions are, whenever possible, shot; both because of their propensity for driving off the ranch mares, and because their 'incurable viciousness' makes them always unsafe companions for other horses still more than for men. 
   "A wild stallion fears no beast except the grizzly, and will not always flinch from an encounter with it; yet it is a curious fact that a jack will almost always kill one in a fair fight.
   "The particulars of a fight of this sort were related to me by a cattle man who was engaged in bringing out blooded stock from the East. Among the animals under his charge were two great stallions, one gray and one black, and a fine jackass, not much over half the size of either of the former. The animals were kept in separate pens, but one day both horses got into the same enclosure, next to the jack pen, and began to fight as only enraged stallions can, kicking like boxers with their forefeet, and biting with their teeth. The gray was getting the best of it; but while clinched with his antagonist in one tussle they rolled against the jack pen, breaking it in. No sooner was the jack at liberty than, with ears laid back and mouth wide open, he made straight for the two horses, who had for the moment separated. The gray turned to meet him, rearing on his hind legs and striking at him with his forefeet; but the jack slipped in, and in a minute grasped his antagonist by the throat with his wide open jaws, and then held on like a bull-dog, all four feet planted stiffly in the soil. The stallion made tremendous efforts to shake him off; he would try to whirl round and kick him, but for that the jack was too short; then he would rise up, lifting the jack off the ground, and strike at him with his forefeet; but all that he gained by this was to skin his foe's front legs without making him lose his hold. Twice they fell, and twice the stallion rose, by main strength dragging the jack with him; but all in vain. Meanwhile the black horse attacked both the combatants with perfect impartiality, striking and kicking them with his hoofs, while his teeth, as they slipped off the tough hides met with a snap like that of a bear trap.
   "Undoubtedly the Jack would have killed at least one of the horses had not the men come up, and with no small difficulty separated the maddened brutes."--Theodore Roosevelt in The Century.