Monday, August 31, 2015


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, October 17, 1890.

Death of William Miller.
   After an illness confining him to the house and his bed for nearly four months Mr. William Miller breathed his last, surrounded by his children and grandchildren at the pleasant family home No. 11 Lincoln Avenue, at 3 o'clock Friday afternoon. The funeral services were held from the house at 1 P. M. Monday, conducted by the Rev. W. Bours Clarke, burial being made at East Homer.
   William Miller, son of George and Jane Miller, was born at Low Cote Hill, Carlisle City, Cumberland, Eng., December 24, 1808. In the year 1837 he came to this country, spending the greater part of his time at work for residents of this county, returning to his native land the latter part of '38. He united in marriage with Miss Ann Armstrong at the parish church of Bolston, Cumberland, January 24, 1839.
   Shortly after his marriage he returned to America and located in the town of Truxton, where for 24 years he was successfully engaged in farming, and held the office of Assessor for several terms. Twelve children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Miller, three of whom died in early years. The wife and mother dying in 1862. The following year he purchased the desirable home of Moses Yale near the toll-gate north of this village, now the property of Dewitt Rose, where he resided for a period of twenty years, subsequently removing to this village where he resided until his death.  
   March 20, 1866, he was married to Mrs. Mary Ann Story, who still survive him.
   Of a family of three sisters, Mary, Jane, Margaret, and six brothers, Thomas, John, Richard, George, William and Isaac, the latter alone is now living; his home being at Homer.
   During his life Mr. Miller won the friendship and esteem of his neighbors by his square and honorable dealing. While unassuming in manner he was of sterling make up and was a fast friend to those who were deserving of his confidence and respect.

Sudden Death.
   Mr. David W. Carver, of Little York, was transacting business about the village of Homer Tuesday afternoon in usual good health. Upon reaching home he partook of a hearty supper. Soon afterward he was taken with violent vomiting and convulsions, which continued until about three o'clock Wednesday morning when he died. Mr. Carver, for several years past, has conducted the business of market gardening. He was about 51 years of age.

Death of James Suggett.
   Mr. James Suggest died at his residence, corner of Maple and Homer avenues, at 3 o'clock, Thursday morning. The funeral will be attended from the family residence at 2 o'clock P. M., Saturday.

Y. M. C. A. Notes.
   The service Sunday afternoon was well attended and showed deep interest in the earnest address of Mr. W. H. Clark. $150 was subscribed to the proposed new building by the young men. The total amount of subscription on account of members' fund is $1500. The interest manifested among the young men is certainly very encouraging and shows the estimate of value of the association to our young men.
   Any young man who wishes to help forward this enterprise is urged to step in and look at the sketches and encourage the movement by leaving his subscription. Two years time is given for payment.
   The gymnasium will probably open Wednesday evening, Oct. 22. The new director, Sherman J. Helmer, has arrived and is getting ready for business. His ability as a gymnasium instructor is unquestioned and therefore a successful year is expected in the physical department. Mr. Helmer is a very pleasant and unassuming gentleman and is sure to please all of our young men and friends of the association who form his acquaintance. Join the association and place yourself under his instruction.
   The district convention will be held at Oneonta beginning Friday Oct. 17, and closing Sunday evening. An interesting programme has been arranged. The delegates from this association are W. A. Kling, C. L. Bushnell and Edward Allen.
   Next Sunday afternoon at four o'clock, Dr. C. W. Parker will speak. All young men are invited.

   Circuit Court and Court of Oyer and Terminer opens next Monday.
   The Truxtons defeated the Actives on the fair grounds last Saturday. Score, 10 to 4.
   Beginning Wednesday evening, the drug stores of Cortland will close at 8 P. M., excepting Saturdays.
   Edwin Miller, of Homer, was badly gored by his cow while leading her a few days since, but is recovering.
   Mr. Nathan L. Pierce's elegant new residence, 70 Elm street, is receiving the finishing touches upon the interior.
   The front of Ray & Noonan's Exchange hotel, South Main street, has been much improved by a liberal coating of paint.
   Miss Sarah Orne Jewett's next story has been bought by The Ladies Home Journal, and it will shortly begin in that magazine.
   The Normals played a game with the McLean club, last Saturday, on the latter's grounds, and were defeated by a score of 14 to 12.
   On Saturday last Dr. C. W. Parker performed a very skillful operation upon the right eye of John Corcoran, in the removal of a large pterygium.
   Mr. W. S. Freer will give a social party at his hall in Higginsville, on Friday evening, Oct. 24th. Music by Happy Bill Daniels' orchestra. Bill, 1.25.
   There was a large audience in the Opera House, last Saturday evening, to hear Col. Geo. W. Bain, the temperance orator. Ex-Judge A. P. Smith presided.
   "Free Trade and Protection Applied to Religion" will be the topic of an illustrated discourse by the Rev. Ure Mitchell at the Universalist church, Sunday evening.
   It will be well to see that outside doors, hatchways and windows are secured at night, as the season for tramps and slick prowlers is at hand. Deposit your surplus cash in one of the several banks.
   The reception at Mrs. Nathan Randall's, in Homer, on Wednesday evening of last week, was a perfect success. Guests report that they had a most enjoyable time. Net receipts for Calvary church about $30.
   The pay of Inspectors and Clerks of Election under the new law is not changed. They receive $2 per day for each day's service when they sit as a Board of Registry as well as for their services on election day.
    The regular semi-monthly mothers' meeting (west) will be held at the residence of Mrs. J. E. Wheeler, 47 Park street, on Thursday, Oct. 23d, at 1 P. M. Subject for consideration, "Care of the Sick." All ladies are cordially invited.
   This evening Mr. J. H. May will give another of his popular select parties, with music by Happy Bill Daniels' orchestra. Mr. May's strict adherence to the rule that no gentleman will be admitted without a lady, has resulted most satisfactorily throughout the season.
   A remarkable family live in Cortland county, wherein the great-great-grandmother is only sixty-nine years old. The representative of the first generation is the child of Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Hyer, of Dog Hollow, town of Truxton, who is six months old, its mother is seventeen years old; the grandmother, Mrs. Dwight Hopkins, of Chenango, is thirty-two years of age; its great grandmother, Mrs. Thaxter Lockwood, at forty-nine years, looks but a trifle older than her daughter; while the great-great-grandmother, Mrs. Grainger, is a remarkably well preserved lady of sixty-nine years. The families all reside within a few miles of each other.DeRuyter Gleaner.
   There will be a turkey rattle at Hotel Burns, North Main street, Saturday evening of this week.
   Read the announcement of the Cortland County Agricultural Society in another column of this issue.
   Mr. Thomas Allport has the foundation nearly completed for a large residence on Miller street, a short distance off North Main.
   Eight members of the Binghamton Wheel Club made the run from that city to Cortland, last Sunday afternoon, in time to take supper at the Messenger House. They returned on the 10 P. M. train.
   Did you ever give thought to the fact that Noah advertised the flood; that he lived through it; that those who laughed at him got drowned, and that ever since then the advertiser has been getting along prosperously, while non-advertisers have been getting left?
   Frank Livingston has removed his gunsmith shop to Cortland, and expects to leave for that place to reside in the spring. Our Cortland friends will find Mr. Livingston an efficient mechanic and a good citizen. It is with regret that we learn of his departure.—Marathon Independent.
   Rev. D. D. Campbell, the new pastor of the first M. E. church, will not arrive in Cortland in time to preach next Sunday. Rev. C. E. Hamilton, pastor of the Homer Avenue church, will therefore preach in the first church in the morning, and probably in the Homer Avenue church in the evening.
   A progressive euchre party was given at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Beard, Charles street, at which twenty-five couples were assembled Wednesday evening. Elegant refreshments were served at the close of the game, and all present speak most favorably of the entertainment, but will not disclose the names of the victors.

List of premiums at the County Fair. Best scan we can do--CC contributor.

Sunday, August 30, 2015


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, October 17, 1890.

What a Voter Must Do When He Goes to the Polls to Vote at the Next Election—The New Method Fully Explained.
   Q. What is the first thing a voter must do in order to vote?
   A. He must pass through the guard rail, step up to the ballot clerks' table and announce his name to the election officers.
   Q. What shall the voter do next?
   A. He must wait to see if he is entitled to vote; if so, he will receive from the ballot clerks one of each kind of ballots which have been furnished for use according to law. The voter should see that the stubs of all ballots delivered to him have on them the initials of both ballot clerks, or the initials of a ballot clerk and an inspector.
   Q. Having received his ballots, what shall a voter then do?
   A. He must go alone into one of the voting booths and prepare his ballot.
   Q. What will be found in the booth?
   A. Materials, such as ink, mucilage, etc., which may assist in preparing his ballot.
   Q. How long must a voter remain in the booth?
   A. Not less than three and no longer than ten minutes.
   Q. Suppose the voter in the booth should write or paste upon his ballot the name of any person lawfully a candidate for whom he desires to vote, will such ballot be counted?
   A. It will.
   Q. Can the voter take into the booth with him any other ballot besides the official one?
   A. He can.
   Q. What name is given this ballot?
   A. It is known as the paster ballot.
   Y. Describe it.
   A. The paster ballot must be white paper, printed in type uniform with the official ballot and in plain black ink.
   Q. What may the paster ballot contain?
   A. It way contain the names of all the offices to be filled and the candidates for whom the holder desires to vote.
   Q. How shall this paster be used?
   A. It must be pasted on one of the official ballots below the stub, and in such a manner that when the official ballot is folded no part of the paster is visible.
   Q. Suppose the voter should fail to completely cover the name of a candidate on the official ballot, which name will be counted, that name or the paster for the same office?
   A. The writing or paster on an official ballot must be considered as the choice of a voter, and will be so counted.
   Q. Need a man know how to read and write in order to become a voter?
   A. While it is exceedingly desirable, the paster ballot will overcome all difficulties in this respect.
   Q. Must the voter fold all the ballots given him by the ballot clerks?
   A. He must.
   Q. How must they be folded?
   A. They must be folded in the middle, lengthwise, and then crosswise, in such a manner that the contents of the ballot shall at no time be exposed.
   Q. As the voter leaves the booth how many kinds of tickets will he have?
   A. Three kinds; the ballot he desires to vote and the two ballots he does not desire to vote.
   Q. Which one does he hand the inspector first?
   A. The one he desires to vote.
   Q. What then follows?
   A. After his vote shall have been deposited in the box, he must then deliver to the inspectors the ballots he does not  desire to vote.
   Q. Can a person take with him into the booth an unofficial ballot?
   A. He can.
   Q. Suppose a voter spoils a ballot, can he receive another set?
   A. He can receive as many as four sets and no more.
   Q. Can a voter take any one into the booth with him?
   A. Only upon oath that he is physically disabled.
   Q. After the voter has voted what must he do?
   A. He must retire through the opening in the guard rails and not enter the enclosed space again unless permitted by the inspectors.
   Q. If the voter desires further information to whom can he apply on election day?
   A. He can apply to the ballot clerks or read the cards of instruction at the polling places.
   N. B. Preserve this or commit it to memory.

   If you are not registered you cannot vote. This refers to every voter. Attend to it Saturday, October 18. A board of registration will sit at each polling place on that day. Do not delay or listen to the enemy's soft tone "that will be all right" or "promise to fix it for you," but go in person, see to it yourself—it costs nothing to register and the board should be at the polling place from 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. The law requires that a certified copy of the list shall be conspicuously posted at the polling place from the first day of registry until election day, so that any one can see whether he is registered or not. A penalty of five years in the State prison is the penalty meted to any person making false registry of himself or any one else. The above applies to all localities, excepting cities, for which there is special provision in this State.

   A vote for Peck for Member of Assembly is a vote for Tom Platt for U. S. Senator. Platt caused the defeat of New York city in her efforts to secure the World's Fair, which, had New York secured it, would have been of incalculable benefit to every farmer, merchant and laboring man in the state. Who wants Platt for U. S. Senator?

   In the short biography of Hon. Rufus T. Peck, furnished by himself and published in the Albany Evening Journal Almanac for 1889, it is stated that he "was born in Solon, Cortland county, December 24th, 1836." Now Fort Sumpter was fired on in April, 1861, and this was when the war commenced. At the time the war began he was in his twenty-fifth year, and as he was between the age of 18 and 45 years he could have enlisted if he had wanted to, and if he had remained in Solon instead of going to Canada he would have been liable to draft.
   What did this eminently patriotic gentleman mean a few weeks since, when he stated in his speech to the Veteran Soldiers' and Sailors reunion that "his only regret was that he was not one of them, and that he would have been had he been old enough?" There were many younger men than Peck in the audience who served all through the war.

   Shall we hear any more of the "home market" humbug, now that Secretary
Blaine has explained it all away! He admits that we can have no adequate home market for the product of our farms, and that our manufacturers have also overrun the consumptive capacity of the country. Our trade needs expansion, and it can't expand if it is walled in. This is the doctrine the Record has been preaching for years. There is no difference between Mr. Blaine's free trade and the Records free trade except in the name. He calls his free trade "reciprocity.''—Philadelphia Record.

   Mr. Peck is traveling about the county telling Republicans that they must vote for him because a United States Senator is to be elected this winter and that his defeat would endanger the election of a Republican Senator. What complete nonsense. The State Senate stands 19 Republicans to 13 Democrats. Last winter there were 71 Republicans in the Assembly and 57 Democrats. Both houses unite in the election of a United States Senator and it requires a majority of the members of both houses to elect. Last winter the Republicans had 20 majority on joint ballot and as the Senate holds over, the Democrats would have to elect 11 more members than they did last year, which is an utter impossibility. The leaders of the Republican party recognize this fact, for the reason that in all their arrangements for candidates they do not take into consideration the fact that it is possible for the Democrats to carry the Assembly.

   EDITOR DEMOCRAT:—If Rufus T. Peck wrote the article in last week's Standard, eulogizing himself, he has to some extent relieved the Standard's editor from the imputation of having voluntarily tried to deceive his readers by the publication of an alleged record, teeming from beginning to end with misinformation and false pretenses. If Mr. Peck is not its author, he cannot too quickly repudiate the article in question, and the statements therein made. Whoever wrote the article presumes altogether too much upon the ignorance of those who may read it.
   A man who shrank from the duties and responsibilities of American citizenship, and sought an asylum on a foreign shore and the protection of the British flag, when his native land was in imminent danger of dismemberment, may well be expected to pervert the facts and discolor the truth, where his own record is in question. The first claim put forth in the Standard is that he introduced a bill to prevent frauds on "hotel and boarding house keepers," and thereby lessened taxation. The bill was in the interest of Justices of the Peace and as a result has swelled their bills and largely increased taxation instead of lessening it. If any Justice of the Peace has represented that the bill in question has reduced taxation, it must be the gentleman who now acts as secretary of the Republican County Committee. If he has any remarks to submit upon that question, he can illustrate them very forcibly by printing at the same time his Omnibus bill for services as Justice of the Peace since the passage of that law, and compare it with his bills before the passage of the law.
   The Board of Supervisors of Cortland county in 1889, asked their member to secure the passage of a law exempting Cortland county from the operation of the Mase dog law. Other counties took the same or equivalent action. The result was that nearly all of the country members voted to repeal the bill, and even Mase did not vote against its repeal when the final vote was taken.
   But for Mr. Peck's officiousness in the matter, the bill would probably have passed the assembly without a dissenting vote. As it was he made himself the butt of raillery to such an extent that it endangered the repeal of the bill. Peck made all the opposition there was to the repeal of the Mase dog law, and now has the impudence to claim credit for it. The legislature is composed of 128 members and 32 senators. Mr. Peck did not constitute a majority, and was not a quorum in either house. Nevertheless he claims the entire credit for the passage of the repeal bill in the Assembly, in the Senate, and its approval by the Governor. For egotism, vanity and false pretenses, "the Queen's own" takes the cake.
   Previous to the last session, a convocation of School Commissioners formulated the District Quota bill, and did all they could to secure its passage. It was sent to Mr. Peck and when the third reading was reached instead of being passed it got 57 votes when 65 votes were required to pass it. In order that the bill should not perish through Peck's inefficiency, men who had tact and experience took hold of the bill and easily secured its passage. If special credit is due to any one for the passage of this bill it is to the School Commissioners who originated it, and the men who finally secured its passage.
   The Standard article claims that Peck is the especial friend of the farmer and the laboring man. In Albany he announces his calling to be that of a private banker and lawyer. When and where has he demonstrated his love for the farmer and the laboring man? Laboring men have certain views in relation to Mr. Peck, and these views are decidedly adverse to him. A man that claims he can be elected because he has got the most money, mistakes the integrity of the voters of Cortland county.
   Space will not permit the examination of all the claims in detail. We have already seen that the repeal of the dog law originated with the Board of Supervisors in this and other counties. The District Quota bill originated with the School Commissioners.
   The course Peck took on the mortgage bill deserves the contempt of all thinking men. He did all he could to procure its defeat as did other monopolists, but when the final vote came and it was apparent that the bill was doomed to defeat, he voted for it. He wanted the bill defeated and if his vote had been necessary to secure its defeat, every one who knows Peck, knows he would have voted against the bill. But in working against the bill and then voting for it, he showed himself to be a cheap demagogue.

Saturday, August 29, 2015


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, October 10, 1890.


   While Peck is about the country telling farmers what great things he has done for them in the Assembly, would it not be well enough for him to explain to them why he went to Canada when the war broke out and remained there until after peace was declared!

   Farmers who are in favor of more protection for the manufacturers and higher prices for the necessaries of life will vote for Peck, who is in favor of piling on the tariff. Those who believe in tariff reform will vote against him. You pay your money and take your choice.

   The present Republican Congress has created over 1,200 new offices, at an annual cost for salaries of $1,200,000, besides electing a dozen Republican Congressmen, who could not be elected at home and Mr. Belden says he is proud to be "a Representative in a Congress which has accomplished so much for the welfare and prosperity of the country."

   The Republican Congressional Campaign Committee, headed by Hon. J. J. Belden, is said to have agreed to distribute pap on this basis: It will duplicate the funds that any candidate will raise at home, provided that sum reaches $5,000 and does not exceed $15,000. Thus, if a candidate will agree to put in $10,000 from his own pocket, the Committee will give him $10,000 more with which to buy votes. The new ballot law will in large degree frustrate the plans of the vote-buyers in this State, but in other States, where there is still free swing of swag, money is likely to tell unless the Democrats display unusual vigilance.—Syracuse Courier.

   The McKinley bill has become a law and went into effect last Monday. It has already caused a rise in the price of the necessaries of life without raising the price of labor or the price of farm products. The words "and the farmer and the laborer pays the freight," should have been added to the McKinley bill before its passage. The sentence would have described the intention of the framers of the bill as well as its actual results. In order to be able to "fry the fat" out of the manufacturers, Republican Congressmen were obliged to give them an opportunity to make greater profits and that is just what they have done.

   Mr. John DeWitt Warner, the well known New York lawyer, tersely sums up the effect of the McKinley bill, now a law, by entitling it: ''An act to reduce the wages of all wage-earners in the United States, and to reduce the demand for labor, and for other similar purposes." That's just the size of it.

   At the annual meeting of the Cortland County Veteran's Association held 
at the Floral Trout Park in this place a few weeks since, Hon. R. T. Peck, who was doing a little missionary work for himself, was called upon for a speech and as that was what he was there for, he of course responded. In his speech, he assured the boys that "the one great regret of his life was that he was not one of them, but that he would have been had he been old enough."
   Now let us see about it. Mr. Peck is to our certain knowledge several years older than the editor of the DEMOCRAT, and the latter was old enough to be drafted into the United States service in July 1863. We beg leave to suggest that if Mr. Peck had not been "viewing the battle from far off Canada, he would have found that he was old enough to enlist or take his chances in the draft. It takes a much smarter man than Peck to play the demagogue for any great length of time successfully.


   Editor Democrat.—The Republican candidate for Member of Assembly is just now overburdened with solicitude for the farmers. He is entirely content that the farmers should pay a high tariff on binding twine, but is sorrowful over the fact that the people of this state owning a great waterway, keeps it in repair. The Erie canal was built many years ago, and in the opinion of leading men of both parties has been of incalculable value in affording cheap transportation for all kinds of merchandise, and employment for a large number of men. It is in direct competition with the railroads and compels them to carry goods much cheaper than they would if such competition could be avoided.
   When a candidate for member of Assembly has a free pass over railroads for himself, and his pockets full of passes to give his friends, he may well be expected to overlook the exactions of these great corporations when they trample upon the rights of the people of this state. That Mr. Peck has such a pass for himself and that he has distributed such passes to his friends, he dare not deny. In one town where Mr. Peck was recently endeavoring to obtain the delegates, five out of the six delegates named on his ticket had been given free passes to and from Albany.
   The railroads in form give free passes, but every sensible man understands that they expect to get full value for them whenever their interests are involved. In other words, they are buying instead of giving.
   The names of those who have received the passes are numerous, and quite a number can readily be named and their P. O. address given.
   If passes were as freely given by the canal authorities, and such passes were as convenient for use, Mr. Peck's expressions and opinions would doubtless be modified.
   Mr. Peck, why not frankly say that the railroads are waging war against the state's great waterway, and while you are accorded their passes you will at all times stand by them?
   The canals will close long before the next legislature convenes, and will again open in the spring in time for the slowest packet to reach Albany before the people of Cortland county will again elect you Member.
   Mr. Peck knows that the talk about having the National government take charge of the canals, because they furnish an outlet for the products of the great west, is the simplest nonsense and could only emanate from a shameless demagogue.
   It takes two to make a bargain. When has the National government suggested that they wished to buy? If they wished to make the purchase, where is their constitutional authority to do so?
   Mr. Peck claims credit for the school bill, and no doubt he did all he could to secure its passage. It emanated from a body of school commissioners, and primarily the credit belongs to them. Under Mr. Peck's management the bill secured fifty-seven votes, when sixty-five votes were required, and so far as Mr. Peck was concerned the bill died on his hands. Later, abler and more experienced men interested themselves in, spoke in favor of and secured its passage, and now Mr. Peck has the sublime hardihood and effrontery to claim the honor.
   Mr. Peck would have the taxpayers understand that the additional $25 to each school district was a free gift from the state. That he knows is not true, but he vainly hopes it may deceive others.
   The state does not give away money. Whatever money the state distributes is raised in the state through some system of taxation. If any person is in doubt on this subject, the tax gatherer will sooner or later dispel it.
   Thus far in the canvass Mr. Peck has omitted to speak of his record from April 1861 to April 1865, but it is understood he reserves his war record for the last two weeks of the canvass.
   By the way, where was Mr. Peck during the four years above mentioned?


Nellie Bly
Nellie Bly as a Story Writer.
   Nellie Bly is in clover. For the next three years she will write under contract for Norman L. Munro, publisher of The Family Story Paper at a salary of about $12,000 per annum. Miss Bly's extraordinary tour around the world, coupled with her original and popular career as an all-around writer for the press, presages for her a bright and profitable future. Mr. N. L. Munro has again showed his skill as an editor of high merit in selecting a writer so thoroughly equipped to please the readers of The Family Story Paper. There has been a substantial increase in the circulation of The Family Story Paper since Miss Bly's work began.—The Newsman, Sept., 1890.