Cortland Evening Standard, Thursday, September 27, 1900.
Mob at Victor, Col., Tried to Injure Him.
Crowd Followed to Train, Throwing Sticks and Stones, But Were Kept Back by a Company of Rough Riders Who Surrounded the Governor.
CRIPPLE CREEK, Col., Sept. 27.—Governor Roosevelt had a most exciting experience yesterday at Victor, a few miles from Cripple Creek, among the mines where a demonstrative crowd had assembled. The governor had a narrow escape from serious personal violence. The incident was the only one of the kind that has occurred during the progress of the trip and it is said that the trouble was occasioned by a small body of roughs who had been organized and paid for the purpose of breaking up the meeting. The men engaged were few in number but very violent in their attack.
Governor Roosevelt spoke at Armory hall which was filled. He had hardly begun speaking when he was interrupted by noisy demonstrations.
Governor Roosevelt succeeded in finishing his remarks, though there was an evident intention among those present that he should not do so. When the governor left the hall with his party to go toward the train he was surrounded by a company of rough riders, commanded by Sherman Bell, one of his own soldiers in the Spanish war. He was also accompanied by General Curtis Guild, Jr., of Boston; John Proctor Clarke of New York; General Irving Hale of Colorado; United States Senator Wolcott; Frank C. Goudy, candidate for governor of Colorado; Percy S. Ryder, candidate for lieutenant governor; A. M. Stevenson, Lieutenant Tice and several others.
Governor Roosevelt and his party were on foot. A crowd of boys and men began throwing stones and shouting for Bryan. The rough riders, mounted and unmounted, closed in around the governor to protect him from assault by the mob. One made a personal attack upon Governor Roosevelt and succeeded in striking him a blow in the breast with a stick. The assailant was immediately knocked down by Daniel M. Sullivan, postmaster at Cripple Creek.
A rush was then made by the mob to drag the mounted men in Khaki uniforms from their horses. The men on foot also in Khaki closed around the governor making a wedge which pushed through the crowd and they finally succeeded in gaining the train which was surrounded by the mob.
By this time there were probably 1,000 or 1,500 excited people in the vicinity and fisticuffs were exchanged on all sides. Many of the mob were armed with sticks and clubs, some with rotten potatoes, stale eggs and lemons. The entire party regained the train, however, without serious injury, and it pulled out of the place with the rough riders on the rear platform.
Governor Roosevelt, while regretting the occurrence, was not disturbed by the incident and was ready to proceed with his speeches in Cripple Creek.
Great Enthusiasm Greets Him in the Western States.
Governor Roosevelt has been making campaign speeches on his old stamping ground in the west. He has been for a week swinging around the circle in the Dakotas, Montana and Idaho. Wherever he has been he has aroused the wildest kind of enthusiasm. The people out there knew him when he owned a ranch and hunted buffalo, and they like him. No such demonstration has been seen in any part of the country as on his trip through the wild western towns.
The Hon. Richard Franklin Pettigrew who hails from South Dakota, and is the rankest opponent of President McKinley and the warmest ally of Aguinaldo in this country, is somewhat disturbed over the enthusiasm which is shown in his bailiwick for Governor Roosevelt. Republican managers at the national headquarters feel pretty confident that both the Dakotas will give their electoral votes for McKinley, Roosevelt and sound money, and if a legislature in South Dakota in sympathy with McKinley is chosen Mr. Pettigrew will be at liberty to give his attention to his Sioux Falls railroad exclusively after March 4 next. This would be tough for Aguinaldo, but would be a great relief to the American people.
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Li Hung Chang. |
Catholic Churches Destroyed and Cemetery Desecrated.
Said That Orders Here Been Issued For the Erection of a New Imperial Palace at Si Nau Fu—Honors For Anti-Foreign Officials.
LONDON. Sept. 27.—The China question is again in the phase of discussion of the stability of the European concert and the likelihood of Germany finding it convenient to modify her aggressive attitude. According to the Yokohama correspondent of The Daily Mail, Japan assents to Germany's proposal, but at the same time strongly urges that there should be no prolonged delay in the negotiations. The same authority says that Japan would decline to follow Germany in pursuing the imperial court into the interior of China.
From Shanghai comes the announcement that an imperial edict confers posthumous honors on the anti-foreign high commissioner Li Ping Heng who committed suicide after the evacuation of Tung Chow, and Duke Chung Yi, the late emperor's father-in-law, who killed himself after the emperor and empress regent left Pekin.
Chinese papers assert that orders have been issued for the erection of a new imperial palace at Si Nan Fu. They also report that Li Hung Chang has started for Pekin, escorted by Russian and Japanese troops, and that Lu Chuan Lin has been appointed viceroy of Canton. Sheng's Yamen confirms the rumor that Li Hung Chang has received secret orders to attempt to recapture Pekin.
Describing the disorders in the vicinity of Canton, the Hong Kong correspondent of The Times wiring yesterday says: "The American church in the suburbs of Canton has been destroyed; and the Catholic church at To Kam Hang and the foreign cemetery there have been desecrated."
Some Collieries Working and Some Going Very Light.
HAZELTON, Pa., Sept. 27.—Interest in the mine workers strike in the Lehigh Valley to-day centered around the mines of G. H. Markle & Co., at Jeddo, Oakdale and Highland. It was predicted yesterday that the firm would lose many men to-day because of the refusal of the employers to grant the advance in wages asked for by the workers. It was difficult to learn the exact number of men who returned to work this morning after yesterday's holiday. The strikers, however, said the firm's collieries were practically "dead" as far as mining coal was concerned. No. 5 Jeddo colliery was reported to be completely idle while the number of men at work in the other Markle slopes was said to be small. When W. H. Smith, general superintendent of the Markle mines, was asked to-day by a reporter for The Associated Press how many miners were at work he replied: "All I will say is that we started up this morning."
Of the twelve collieries located on the north side seven were reported by the operators to be mining coal. Several of these were doing hardly anything, while the others were getting out more or less of their normal daily production. Not one, however, was working full. On the south side where there are nine collieries the tie-up remained almost complete. Only one colliery in that locality, the Beaver Meadow operation of Coxe Bros. & company, was working.
The Wrong Man in the Case—Following Another Clue.
The authorities are still hot on the trail of the parties guilty of passing the forged checks upon different business men of this county. Earl W. Smith, the young man arrested for the forgery, has confessed that the writing upon all the checks, including both the signatures and all the endorsements, is his work. It was substantially an assured fact before he confessed it, as handwriting experts had declared that it was all the work of one hand.
B. L. Cooper of Cincinnatus, N. Y., was then arrested, as stated yesterday, upon the strength of an affidavit made by Smith, on the charge of being the one who passed the checks. Cooper has been thoroughly examined by the officers, and his case is still held open. Charles S. Pomeroy of the Homer National bank swears positively that Cooper is not the man who presented the check at his bank. In the meantime Smith swears that the affidavit which he made charging Cooper with complicity is false and he now wants to make another affidavit charging another party with passing the check. In the light of the experience with his first affidavit the authorities decline to accept the second statement without qualification or to permit him to make an affidavit.
But in the meantime they have searched out some very strong corroborative evidence. All the ink on the different checks has been of precisely the same peculiar shade. A sample of the ink of the suspect has been secured and it tallies exactly.
Sheriff Brainard, District Attorney Duffey and Mr. Pomeroy went to Cincinnatus on the 2:45 train this afternoon to look for the man in question. If Mr. Pomeroy should decide that he is the man who presented the check at his bank, and if he makes other admissions that are perhaps anticipated, he will probably be arrested at once.
Claude Tuthill, Ollie Edwards and Earl Richardson in Police Court.
Three young lads, Claude Tuthill, Ollie Edwards and Earl Richardson, aged respectively 14, 11, and 12 years, were arrested yesterday morning by Chief of Police Parker on a warrant sworn out by Miss Mary A. Woodbury, one of the teachers in the Pomeroy-st. school, charging them with breaking into the school building Sunday afternoon and taking therefrom pencils, knives and other articles belonging to the pupils and to the school. The boys were brought before City Judge Davis and their examination was set down for 9 o'clock this morning.
Entrance to the building was affected through a basement window and the boys were having a gay time in the school rooms Sunday afternoon while their parents supposed they were attending Sunday-school at the East Side mission. This morning the Tuthill lad was given a suspended sentence during good behavior, this being his first offense. The other two lads had been before the magistrate before and were not let off so easily, but were given ten days each in the county jail.
A Third More People Than Last Year—Display in Tents and Exhibit of All Kinds Greater—Every One Has a Fine Time.
The dates for the annual Summerhill fair are coming to be a matter that must be taken into consideration in attempting to do any business in the northwest part of this county or in the nearby sections of adjoining counties, for everyone goes to it. Farm houses for ten miles around are deserted and scarcely any one is seen at work in the fields during the three days of this fair. But when one gets within a mile of the fair grounds on the extreme summit of that high hill he begins to get an idea of where the people are. For by that time he sees carriages and vehicles of every description in every farmyard, and horses hitched to fences and trees. The number constantly increases till the grounds are reached and then there is a perfect jam.
The popularity is the more remarkable for the fact of the small beginnings of this exhibition. Some years ago there was a little fair up on the hill, but it was not kept up. A few years ago it was begun again, and every one in the vicinity joined forces in making it go, and this is the secret of its success. At first the fair was held but a single day, then for two days and now three days are hardly enough to accomplish all that is desired. There are no fair grounds, except a large farm that is secured each year for the purpose. There is no tight fence about the grounds and those not restrained by honor are at liberty to slip in over the fences from the back side in spite of the best efforts of the police force and it must be confessed that many did not this year have that proper sense of honor which would lead than to walk up to the gate and pay their admission fee, for a young lady selling tickets in the treasurer's office yesterday expressed the belief that 40,000,000 people went in over the fences; that every time she looked out along the line of the fence she saw a crowd of people climbing over. There are no buildings on the grounds to protect the exhibits, but a wonderful array of tents springs up each year and these are crowded to their utmost capacity.
But in spite of all these facts the fair increases in popularity, in attendance and in the number and character of its exhibits each year, and if it continues to gain in the future in the same ratio as during the past three years it will not be long before the Cortland fair, the Dryden fair and even the State fair will be events of very little consequence in comparison with it. The great secret of its success is the unanimity of effort and the hard and systematic work put forth. The officers of the association have worked early and late and have left no stone unturned to make each fair the best one Summerhill ever had and the best one in the vicinity. Nothing succeeds like success and when a fair begins to boom it continues to grow greater and greater. The Cortland fair is a good example of that truth.
The present officers may surely have the satisfaction of knowing that they have been instrumental in conducting the greatest exhibition Summerhill ever had. The treasurer's receipts show something like 7,000 people on the grounds yesterday who paid admission, to say nothing of the 40,000,000 [sic] who slid in over the fences or by some back way. The people were so thick that it was almost impossible to move. The crowd would surge, and everybody had to go with the crowd. To move a team in that throng was almost impossible. The great majority of people had abandoned teams and were on their feet. The great 20-acre field had a row of teams on three sides of it hitched just as thick as they could stand. Hitching rails had been built through the center of the open space back of the exhibit, and those were all filled. An enterprising farmer across the street opened a ten acre field, having set up hitching rails there and charged ten cents for the privilege of hitching there. Every post was full. Every yard in the vicinity was full.
And it was a good natured crowd. Every one wanted to see his friends. Though the exhibit was large, it could all be taken in within a short time and the rest of the day was devoted to visiting, to watching the special attractions in the way of athletic and acrobatic work by the professionals, and to keeping an eye on the crowd in general. Every one was there. It seemed as though half of Cortland could be met in a short time. Familiar faces were everywhere. The couple who were married on the grounds last year was observed. They were still holding hands as they wandered about, each, doubtless, fearful lest the other should stray away or get lost. But they were not the only ones in sight who must have had such an apprehension and had determined to guard against the danger. Behind the corner of tents, under the shadow of fences, in sequestered nooks, were couples bent on having a quiet tete-a-tete, secure in their isolation from all the world because of the great crowd of strangers.
And it was hot on the grounds. It was hot everywhere, but it was particularly hot in that jam of people. The thermometer would surely have registered 95 in the shade if there had been a thermometer there and a good place to put it. The shirtwaist man as well as the shirtwaist girl was much in evidence. Every one was mopping the perspiration from foreheads with handkerchiefs that had long since ceased to be dry. But every one had a fine time and every one will be just as ready to go next year and induce some friend to go who missed it this year.
The exhibition of live stock was the most extensive of any year in the history of the fair. There were many fine teams and single horses. Sheep were numerous and of high character [Baa!]. The department of swine was well represented. The cattle were far in excess of last year. These were largely shown under a huge tent. The two principal exhibitors were I. J. Foster of East Homer with his splendid herd of twenty-two thoroughbred Holsteins and N. E. Smith of Harford Mills. Mr. Smith had seven thoroughbred Jerseys, thirteen thoroughbred Guernseys, and seven thoroughbred English Red Polled cattle. His Jersey herd was headed by a very choice 2-year-old bull, a grandson of Jersey Beau who was imported by John D. Rockefeller. These two men swept off about all the prizes in their respective lines, and their herds were the centers of attraction for all lovers of fine stock. There were other smaller exhibitors who also had animals worthy of credit.
The poultry tent was crowded to its utmost capacity. The sun beat down hot on the cover and the temperature was pretty nearly up to the boiling pitch. W. J. Greenman of Cortland was the sole judge and the perspiration rolled in streams from his brow, but he parted with all the clothing that he could with propriety, rolled up his sleeves and sailed in and gave the best of satisfaction to all the exhibitors because of his unquestioned ability as a judge and his knowledge of the fine points of poultry and his eminent fairness and good judgment in all close decisions. Among the Cortland exhibitors were Dr. E. M. Santee, G. V. Clark, Fred Lampman, I. F. Rice, J. M. Bailey, A. H. Watkins and A. W. Graham.
Peck Brothers had a whole tent to themselves and exhibited samples from their extensive line of carriages and vehicles of all kinds, harnesses, blankets, robes and the whole of a carriage outfit.
The large tent had a line of booths clear around it. Cortland exhibitors were numerous, and their displays, each in its own particular line were of such a character as to attract attention and to please. Among the Cortland houses represented were Mrs. J. T. Davern & Co., Mrs. T. Everts and Mrs. A. H. Watkins in the line of fine millinery and trimmed and untrimmed hats. These displays were quite in keeping with what might be expected from these well known establishments and showed the excellent quality of the goods themselves and the fine taste with which they are prepared for the patrons. Miss Angie Eadie showed mackintoshes and rain suits, both those made up and ready for sale from the stock on hand and also the choice samples for manufacture to order. She also had on exhibition a sample of the Domestic machine for which she is agent. Glann & Clark showed Gold Seal rubber goods, Brooks Brothers' and Queen Quality ladies' shoes. They also exhibited a pair of wooden shoes which had been worn by a Dutch woman in Michigan and which are quite the thing among people of that class and nationality. These attracted much attention. G. H. Ames of Cortland and Bennett & Starr of Homer were also in evidence with fine lines of shoes for men, women and children, and all attractively displayed. The Champion Milk Cooler Co. showed samples of the famous coolers and of different kinds of dairymen's utensils in which their line in stock is always so excellent and so complete. The Model Clothing company showed samples of men's and boys' suits and overcoats from their large and well assorted stock. The Reeve kitchen cabinet, for which the manufacturers have taken over forty orders in the last four weeks, held the attention of all the ladies, who were quick to recognize its utility and its many good qualities. McElheny & Bates representing the Chase Organ Co. has a fine display of musical instruments.
The display of fruit and vegetables was large and appetizing. This is a good apple country and some of the specimens were remarkably fine. The exhibition of domestic and fancy work and art work was varied and could not fail to attract attention.
Candy manufacturers, popcorn and peanut venders did a brisk business. Across the street from the main exhibition was a tent where from morning till night there was a crowd dancing.
The Beard & Peck baby show occurred yesterday afternoon. There were twenty-two babies entered and exhibited. The judges were Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wilson and Mrs. D. T. Wheeler of Dryden. The first prize, a white enamel iron crib with brass trimmings and woven wire spring, was awarded to the child of Mrs. and Mrs. Clifford Ranney of Groton. The second prize, a combination wheel high chair, went to the child of Mr. and Mrs. Merton Congdon of Summerhill. The third prize, a child's rocker, went to the child of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Casey of Moravia.
Nearly every livery stable in Cortland was depleted yesterday, all teams having been ordered in advance. To-day is the last day of the fair and the crowd is no doubt as great as it was yesterday.
Cincinnatus Clergyman Seeks a Fair Bride in Elmira.
The Elmira Advertiser of Sept. 26 says:
Yesterday with its mellow September sunshine, was a beautiful wedding day. The Hedding M. E. church was the scene of a simple but very impressive marriage service at high noon, when Frederica Malette, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Smith Malette, became the bride of Rev. William Jacques, Ph. D., of Cincinnatus, N. Y.
During a program of wedding music played by Mrs. George McCann, the newly appointed organist, the guests were seated by the ushers, Alfred Gregory, Rev. Eli Pittman, Dayton J. Bolster of Cincinnatus, Dr. E. H. Noble and Edwin F. Becker.
The decorations of the church were arranged by the ladles of the choir and consisted of immense palms and ferns banked in front of the pulpit with two boners of clematis twined with white ribbon overarching the ends of the aisles. As the family friends were seated the choir sang a beautiful marriage hymn and during the last verse the bride entered the church with her father, preceded by the ushers. Her gown was of white, with lace jacket, and her bouquet was of white roses and maiden hair fern. She was met near the first arch by the groom and they advanced to the chancel, where Bishop C. C. McCabe and the Rev. G. E. Campbell were awaiting them. The wedding services was the full Methodist Episcopal one with the use of the ring. After the final prayer Mrs. John B. Wentworth sang with much sweetness, of tone, "Oh, Love Divine and Tender," and then the choir chanted the Lord's prayer.
After the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served at the family home on Boardman-st., with the relatives and a few near friends as guests. The bridal table was decorated with pink carnations and each name card bore a four leaf clover fastened with pink ribbon. The bride received many handsome remembrances from friends, numbering more than one hundred fifty, among them being a very fine set of French china from the choir of Hedding church, where she was organist for seven years.
Rev. and Mrs. Jacques left during the afternoon for a trip through Central New York, and later they will go to Cincinnatus, where Mr. Jacques is pastor of the Methodist church.
Mrs. Jacques will be greatly missed in Elmira, especially in church and musical circles, where her talents and energy have secured for her a very high position.
Among the guests from out of town at the breakfast were Mr. and Mrs. William T. Cramer, Miss Flossie Cramer, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Malette of Rochester.
Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Alger Occupy the Entire Forenoon.
The Bolles will case was resumed at the surrogate's office this morning at 10 o'clock. Mrs. John Wilson, a tenant of Mrs. Bolles, was examined and swore that the day after Mrs. Bolles' funeral Mr. Ingersoll came to her house and told her to pay the house rent to him. This she did and Mr. Ingersoll gave her his receipt.
Mrs. Grant Alger, who formerly worked for Mrs. Bolles for a period of four years, testified as to her impressions of the lady's mental condition. She had corresponded with Mrs. Bolles from Oneonta where she lived after leaving Mrs. Bolles, and some of this correspondence was read during the cross-examination. Court convenes at 1:30 this afternoon with Mrs. Alger still in the witness chair.
—The Loyal Circle of King's Daughters will meet with Mrs. Ida E. Dunsmoor, 13 Arthur-ave., to-morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock.
—It would be a cause for legitimate wonder to know if there are any Democrats or Prohibitionists between Cortland and Summerhill, for almost every house displays in its windows a picture of McKinley and Roosevelt.
—The chorus choir of the First M. E. church met last night with Mrs. Frankie Brown, East Main-st., and began the rehearsal of Gaul's "The Holy City," which will be sung at the next monthly service of song at the church on Oct. 21.
—New display advertisements to-day are—Palmer & Co., Premium list for city fair, page 8; Tyler & Smith, Clothing, page 4; F. D. Smith, Red Cross stoves, page 6; C. F. Thompson, Peaches, etc., page 5.
—A portion of the Syracuse fire department was called out yesterday to extinguish the flames in a large load of hay to the rear end of which some one had touched a match while it was being driven through one of the principal streets.
—An inquiry was made of The STANDARD last night as to the date of the death of David Hannum, the original of the character of David Harum, in Westcott's famous novel. Several persons thought they knew about the time, but no one could state the exact time. It may be of interest to state that Mr. Hannum died at his home in Homer on Jan. 1, 1892.